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Using black glutinous rice wine as research object, the determination method of anthocyanin in black glutinous rice wine was studied. The results showed that the correlation coefficient of the standard curve determined by pH differential method, single pH method and subtraction method were 0.997 7, 0.998 5 and 0.999 4, respectively, and the linear relationship was all good, which could be used to determine the total anthocyanins content in black glutinous rice wine. The equilibrium temperature, time and measurement wavelength of three kinds of methods for the determination of anthocyanin in black glutinous rice wine was 30 益, 40 min, and 511 nm, respectively. The optimum pH for the single pH method and the subtraction method was 0.8, and the optimum pH for the pH differential method was 0.8 and 4.5. Three kinds of methods could directly determine the total anthocyanins content in black glutinous rice wine, and the precision was good. Among them, the pH differential method had the highest precision, and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was 0.83%. The RSD of standard recovery rate test of the pH differential method was 0.38%, which indicated that the optimized method was reliable, accurate, and was suitable for the determination of total anthocyanins in black glutinous rice wine.
目前,对于花色苷测定方法的研究较多,其中以pH示 差法、单一pH法和差减法的应用较为普遍,但精密度差异 较大。翦祎等[3]比较了以上3种方法测定干红葡萄酒花色 苷结果的差异性,发现3种方法的测定结果无显著差异。唐 琳等[4]对单一pH法和pH示差法测定玫瑰花花色苷的方法 进行了研究,发现单一pH法受溶剂影响较大,测定时必须 在同一溶剂中进行;pH示差法的准确性较高,但测定时要 保证样品吸光度值在0.2以上。霍琳琳等[5]比较了直接分光 光度法和pH示差法,发现两种方法无显著差异。花色苷测
圆园19 Vol.38 晕燥援8
·132· 杂藻则蚤葬造 晕燥援330
悦澡蚤灶葬 月则藻憎蚤灶早
Research Report
梁 振1袁张 元1袁朱明坚1袁白卫东1袁2*袁周子烨1袁苏家杰1
渊 1.仲恺农业工程学院 轻工食品学院袁广东 广州 510225曰2.广州市广式传统食品加工与安全控制重点实验室袁广东 广州 510225冤
black glutinous rice wine; anthocyanin; determination method
黑糯米酒在我国有着悠久的酿造和饮用历史,其富含 矿物质元素、-氨基丁酸和黄酮类化合物等,具有预防老 年痴呆等功效[1]。此外,黑糯米酒中的花色苷类物质增强 了黑糯米酒的抗氧化能力,同时也使得黑糯米酒的颜色与 众不同[2]。
定方法的选定是花色苷后续研究的基础,以黑糯米酒花色 苷为研究对象,通过对以上3种测定方法进行综合比较,得 到黑糯米酒花色苷测定最佳方法和最优条件,给后续黑糯 米花色苷测定提供一些有益的参考。
引文格式:梁振,张元,朱明坚,等. 黑糯米酒中总花色苷测定方法的研究[J]. 中国酿造,2019,38(8):132-136.
LIANG Zhen1, ZHANG Yuan1, ZHU Mingjian1, BAI Weidong1,2*, Байду номын сангаасHOU Ziye1, SU Jiajie1
摘 要:以黑糯米酒为研究对象,对黑糯米酒花色苷的测定方法进行了研究。结果表明,pH示差法、单一pH法和差减法所测标准曲线
的相关系数 2分别为0.997 7、0.998 5、0.999 4,线性关系均较好,均可用于测定黑糯米酒中总花色苷含量。3种方法测定黑糯米酒花色
苷的平衡温度为30 益,平衡时间为40 min,测定波长为511 nm。单一pH法和差减法的最适pH值为0.8,pH示差法最适pH值为0.8和4.5。