

托福备考托福阅读34套TPO样题+解析+译文19--2 The Roman Army's Impact on Britain

托福备考托福阅读34套TPO样题+解析+译文19--2 The Roman Army's Impact on Britain

托福考试 复习托福阅读TPO19(试题+答案+译文)第2篇:The Roman Army's Impact on Britain托福阅读原文【1】In the late nineteenth century, ecology began to grow into an independent science from its roots in natural history and plant geography. The emphasis of this new "community ecology" was on the composition and structure of communities consisting of different species. In the early twentieth century, the American ecologist Frederic Clements pointed out that a succession of plant communities would develop after a disturbance such as a volcanic eruption, heavy flood, or forest fire. An abandoned field, for instance, will be invaded successively by herbaceous plants (plants with little or no woody tissue), shrubs, and trees, eventually becoming a forest. Light-loving species are always among the first invaders, while shade-tolerant species appear later in the succession. 【2】Clements and other early ecologists saw almost lawlike regularity in the order of succession, but that has not been substantiated. A general trend can be recognized, but the details are usually unpredictable. Succession is influenced by many factors: the nature of the soil, exposure to sun and wind, regularity of precipitation, chance colonizations, and many other random processes.【3】The final stage of a succession, called the climax by Clements andearly ecologists, is likewise not predictable or of uniform composition. There is usually a good deal of turnover in species composition, even in a mature community. The nature of the climax is influenced by the same factors that influenced succession. Nevertheless, mature natural environments are usually in equilibrium. They change relatively little through time unless the environment itself changes.【4】For Clements, the climax was a "superorganism," an organic entity. Even some authors who accepted the climax concept rejected Clements' characterization of it as a superorganism, and it is indeed a misleading metaphor. An ant colony may be legitimately called a superorganism because its communication system is so highly organized that the colony always works as a whole and appropriately according to the circumstances. But there is no evidence for such an interacting communicative network in a climax plant formation. Many authors prefer the term "association" to the term "community" in order to stress the looseness of the interaction.【5】Even less fortunate was the extension of this type of thinking to include animals as well as plants. This resulted in the "biome," a combination of coexisting flora and fauna. Though it is true that many animals are strictly associated with certain plants, it is misleading to speak of a "spruce-moose biome," for example, because there is no internal cohesion to their association as in an organism. The spruce community isnot substantially affected by either the presence or absence of moose. Indeed, there are vast areas of spruce forest without moose. The opposition to the Clementsian concept of plant ecology was initiated by Herbert Gleason, soon joined by various other ecologists. Their major point was that the distribution of a given species was controlled by the habitat requirements of that species and that therefore the vegetation types were a simple consequence of the ecologies of individual plant species.【6】With "climax," "biome," "superorganism," and various other technical terms for the association of animals and plants at a given locality being criticized, the term "ecosystem" was more and more widely adopted for the whole system of associated organisms together with the physical factors of their environment. Eventually, the energy-transforming role of such a system was emphasized. Ecosystems thus involve the circulation, transformation, and accumulation of energy and matter through the medium of living things and their activities. The ecologist is concerned primarily with the quantities of matter and energy that pass through a given ecosystem, and with the rates at which they do so.【7】Although the ecosystem concept was very popular in the 1950s and 1960s, it is no longer the dominant paradigm. Gleason's arguments against climax and biome are largely valid against ecosystems as well. Furthermore, the number of interactions is so great that they are difficultto analyze, even with the help of large computers. Finally, younger ecologists have found ecological problems involving behavior and life-history adaptations more attractive than measuring physical constants. Nevertheless, one still speaks of the ecosystem when referring to a local association of animals and plants, usually without paying much attention to the energy aspects.托福阅读试题1.According to paragraph 2, which of the following is a criticism of Clements’view of succession?A.The principles of succession are more lawlike than Clements thought they are.B.More evidence is needed to establish Clements’ predictions about succession.C.The details of succession are affected by random processes.D.Many of the factors that determine which plants will grow in an environment, such as the nature of the soil and the exposure to sun, do not change at all.2.The word “substantiated” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning toA.confirmed.B.noticed.C.defined.D.publicized.3.Th e word “trend” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning toA.probability.B.picture.wlike regularity.D.tendency.4.The word “likewise” in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning toA.sometimes.B.similarly.C.apparently.D.consequently.5.The word “legitimately” in the passage (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning tomonly.B.broadly.C.properly.D.officially.6.According to paragraph 4, why do many authors prefer the term“association” to “community” when describing a climax plan t formation?A.Because the term “association” does not suggest the presence of a tight network involving interactive communication.B.Because the term “association” indicates that the grouping is not necessarily beneficial to all members.C.Because the ter m “community” indicates continuing dynamic development that a climax formation does not have.D.Because the term “community” suggests an organization that has been designed for a specific purpose.7.In paragraph 5, the author challenges the idea of a “biome” by noting thatA.there are usually no very strong connections among the plants and animals living in a place.B.plants and animals respond in the same way to the same circumstances.C.particular combinations of flora and fauna do not generally come about purely by chance.D.some animals are dependent on specific kinds of plants for food.8.Why does the author make the statement, “Indeed, there are vast areas of spruce forest without moose”in para graph 5 ?A.To highlight a fact whose significance the ecologist Herbert Gleason had missed.B.To propose the idea that a spruce forest is by itself a superorganism.C.To emphasize that moose are not limited to a single kind of environment.D.To criticize the idea of a spruce-moose biome.9.The word “initiated”in paragraph 5 in the passage is closest in meaning toA.approved.B.identified.C.started.D.foreseen.10.According to paragraph 5, Gleason’s opposition to the Clementsian views of plant ecology was based on the claim that plant species grow in places whereA.they can enter into mutually beneficial relationships with other species.B.conditions suit them, regardless of whether particular other species are present.C.habitats are available for a wide variety of plant and animal species.D.their requirements are met, and those of most other species are not.11.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage (paragraph 6)? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A.Unlike the terms “climax”, “biome,” and “superorganism,” which refer to the particular association of plants and animals at a given location, the term “ecosystem” refers specificall y to the physical factors within an environment.B.The terms “climax,” “biome,” “superorganism,” and “ecosystem” all refer to the system of plants and animals in an associated environment, but some are more controversial than others.C.When the older terms of ecology became too technical, they were replaced by the more popular and more widely used term “ecosystem.”D.The term “ecosystem” gradually replaced discredited terms for the combination of a physical environment and the plants and animals living together in it.12.According to paragraph 6, what did ecologists mainly study when the ecosystem concept was the dominant paradigm?A.The physical factors present in different environments.B.The typical activities of animals and the effect of those activities on plants.C.The rates at which ecosystems changed from one kind to another.D.The flow of energy and matter through ecosystems.13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit ? They may be more interested in researching, for example, theadaptations that some aquatic animals undergo to survive in dry desert environments.Paragraph 7: Although the ecosystem concept was very popular in the 1950s and 1960s, it is no longer the dominant paradigm. ■【A】Gleason's arguments against climax and biome are largely valid against ecosystems as well. ■【B】Furthermore, the number of interactions is so great that they are difficult to analyze, even with the help of large computers. Finally, younger ecologists have found ecological problems involving behavior and life-history adaptations more attractive than measuring physical constants. ■【C】Nevertheless, one still speaks of the ecosystem when referring to a local association of animals and plants, usually without paying much attention to the energy aspects. ■【D】14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provied below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The study of the combination of plant species that inhabit a particular locality became a scientific discipline toward the end of the nineteenth century.A.Areas that are recovering from serious disturbances like volcaniceruptions and heavy floods provide special opportunities to observe the development of plant communities.B.Whether a given species will be found in a given ecosystem strongly depends on what other species it would interact with in that ecosystem.puter-aided studies of entire system of associated organisms together with their environment provide a solid basis for current studies of specific ecological problems.D.According to the earliest theories of ecology, the development of plant communities proceeds in lawlike fashion and results in stable climax communities.E.The idea of associations of plants and animals that function as “superorganisms” was later rejected by biologists who saw no strong evidence in support of that idea.F.The once popular idea of communities as integrated ecosystems has been largely rejected by modern ecologists, who are more interested in problems involving behavior and adaptations.托福阅读答案1.本段较短,可以快速扫完,也可以用人名和succession做关键词定位至最后一句,说很多因素都可以影响succession,所以正确答案是C。



【关键字】托福0308托福试题阅读(55minutes)Question 1-11If food is allowed to stand for some time, it putrefies .When the putrefied materialis examined microscopically ,it is found to be teeming with bacteria. Where do thesebacteria come from , since they are not seen in fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenthcentury, many people believed that such microorganisms originated by spontaneous(5 )generation ,a hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonlivingmatter.The most powerful opponent of the theory of spontaneous generation was the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur showed that structurespresent in air closely resemble the microorganisms seen in putrefying materials .He did(10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. Afterthe guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it hadtrapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteurfound that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from0.01 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembledthe reproductive(15)structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells .As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen liters of ordinary air ,and they couldnot be distinguished from the organisms found in much larger numbers in putrefying materials .Pasteur concluded that the organisms found in putrefying materials originatedfrom the organized bodies present in the air .He postulated that these bodies are constantly(20)being deposited on all objects.Pasteur showed that if a nutrient solution was sealed in a glass flask and heated toboiling to destroy all the living organisms contaminating it, it never putrefied .The proponents of spontaneous generation declared that fresh air was necessary forspontaneous generation and that the air inside the sealed flask was affected in some way(25)by heating so that it would no longer support spontaneousgeneration. Pasteur constructed a swan-necked flask in which putrefying materials could he heated to boiling, but aircould reenter. The bends in the neck prevented microorganisms from getting in the flask.. Material sterilized in such a flask did not putrefy.1,What does the passage mainly discuss?(a)Pasteur’s influence on the develop ment of the microscope.(b)The origin of the theory of spontaneous generation .(c)The effects of pasteurization on food.(d)Pasteur’s argument against the theory of spontaneous generation . 2,The phrase “teeming with ”in line 2 is closest in meaning to(a)full of(b)developing into(c)resistant to(d)hurt by3,Which of the following questions did the theory of spontaneous generation attempt to answer?(a)What is the origin of the living organisms are seen on some food?(b)How many types of organisms can be found on food?(c)What is the most effective way to prepare living organisms for microscopic examination?(d)How long can food stand before it putrefies?4,The word “resemble” in line 9 is closest in meaning to(a)benefit from(b)appear similar to(c)join together with(d)grow from5,The purpose of the “guncotton” mentioned in paragraph 2 was to(a)trap particles for analysis(b)slow the process of putrefaction(c)increase the airflow to the microscopic slide(d)aid the mixing of alcohol and ether6,The author mention “1.0mm”in line 14 in describing the(a)thickness of a layer of organisms that was deposited on an object(b)diameter of the fibers that were in the guncotton filters(c)thickness of the microscope slides that were used(d)size of the particles that that were collected7.The word “postulated”in line 19 is closest in meaning to(a)analyzed(b)doubted(c)persuaded(d)suggested8.The objects that Pasteut removed from the air in his experiment were remarkable because they were(a)primarily single-celled organisms(b)no different from objects found in putrefying materials(c)fairly rare(d)able to live in a mixture of alcohol and ether9.The word “it” in line 22 refers to(a)a nutrient solution(b)a glass flask(c)boiling(d)spontaneous generation10.According to paragraph 3,proponents of spontaneous generation believed that which of the following was important for the process to succeed ?(a)A sealed container(b)Fresh air(c)Heat(d)The presence of nutrients11.It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that Pasteur employed a swam-necked flask to(a)store sterilized liquids for use in future experiments(b)prevent heat from building up in a solution(c)disprove a criticism of his conclusions(d)estimate the number of organisms in a liter of airQuestions 12-20In the early decades of the United States ,the agrarian movement promoted the farmeras society’s hero. In the minds of agrarian thinkers and writers ,the farmer was a person on whose well-being the health of the new country depended .The period between theRevolution, which ended in 1783,and the Civil War ,which ended in 1865 ,was the age of(5 )the farmer in the United States .Agrarian philosophers ,represented most eloquently byThomas Jefferson, celebrated farmers extravagantly for their supposed centrality in a goodsociety, their political virtue ,and their Superior morality .And virtually all policy makers, whether they subscribed to the tenets of the philosophy held by Jefferson or not, recognized agriculture as the key component of the American economy .Consequently ,government at(10)all levels worked to encourage farmers as a social group and agriculture as economicenterprise.Both the national and state governments developed transportation infrastructure,building canals, roads, bridges, and railroads ,deepening harbors ,and removing obstructions from navigable streams .The national government imported plant and animal varieties and(15) launched exploring expeditions into prospective farmlands in the West .In addition ,government trade policies facilitated the exporting of agricultural products.For their part ,farmers seemed to meet the social expectations agrarian philosophershad for them ,as their broader horizons and greater self-respect, both products of the Revolution ,were reflected to some degree in their behavior .Farmers seemed to become(20)more scientific ,joining agricultural societies and reading the farm newspapers that sprangup throughout the country .They began using improved implements, tried new crops andpure animal breeds , and became more receptive to modern theories of soil improvement .They also responded to inducements by national and state governments .Farmersstreamed to the West ,filling frontier lands with stunning rapidity .But farmers responded(25)less to the expectations of agrarians and governmentinducements than to growing market opportunities .European demand for food from the United States seemed insatiable . War, industrialization , and urbanization all kept demand high in Europe . United States citiesand industries grew as well; even industries not directly related to farming thrived becauseof the market, money ,and labor that agriculture provided .12.What does the passage mainly discuss?(a)The agrarian philosophy of Thomas Jefferson(b)The role of the national government in the development of agriculture(c)Improvements in farming techniques(d)The impact of the increased importance of the farmer13.The word “depended” in line 3 is closest in meaning to(a)improved(b)relied(c)demanded(d)explained14.The author mentions Thomas Jefferson in paragraph 1 as an example of(a)a leader during the Revolution(b)an inventor of new farming techniques(c)a philosopher who believed farmers were essential to the creation of a good society(d)a farmer who guided the agrarian movement toward an emphasis on economic development15.The phrase “subscribed to” in line 8 is closest in meaning to(a)contributed to(b)agreed with(c)thought about(d)expanded on16.Which of the following statements is supported by the information in paragraph 1?(a)All government policy makers accepted Jefferson’s views of agriculture and farmers.(b)Agricultural production declined between 1783 and 1861.(c)The majority of farmers worked for the government.(d)Agriculture was a vital part of the nation’s economy.17.According to the passage , the national and state governments did all of the following EXCEPT(a)build roads(b)import new plant varieties(c)give farmers money for their crops(d)develop policies that helped farmers export their products18.All of the following are mentioned as examples of farmers’ meeting the expectations of agrarian philosophers EXCEPT(a)obtaining information from farm newspapers(b)accumulating personal wealth(c)planting new crops(d)becoming more scientific19.The word “stunning” in line 24 is closest in meaning to(a)predictable(b)impressive(c)famous(d)gradual20.Which of the following statements is best supported by paragraph 4?(a)Agricultural development contributed to development in other parts of the economy.(b)European agricultural products were of a higher quality than those produced in the United States.(c)The growing settlement of the West led to a decrease in agricultural production.(d)Farmers were influenced more by government policies than by market opportunities.Question 21-29The wide variety of climates in North America has helped spawn a complex pattern ofsoil regions. In general, the realm’s soils also reflect the broad environmental partitioninginto “humid America” and “arid America.” Where annual precipitation exceeds 20 inches(50 centimeters),soils in humid areas tend to be acidic in chemical content, Since crops(5 ) do best in soils that are neither acidic(higher in acid content) noralkaline(higher in salt content).fertilization is necessary to achieve the desired level of neutrality between thetwo. Arid America’s soils are typically a lkaline and must be fertilized back towardneutrality by adding acidic compounds. Although many of these dryland soils, particularlyin the Great Plains, are quite fertile, European settlers learned over a century ago that(10)water is the main missing ingredient in achieving their agricultural potential. In the1970’s, certain irrigation methods were perfected and finally provided a real opportunityto expand more intensive farming west from the Central Lowland into the drier portionsof the Great Plains. Glaciation also enhanced the rich legacy of fertile soils in the centralUnited States,both from the deposition of mineral-rich glacial debris left by meltwater(15)and from thick layers of fine wind-blown glacial material, called loess, in and around themiddle Mississippi Valley.Natural vegetation patterns could be displayed on a map of North America, but theenormous human modification of the North American environment in modern times hasall but reduced this regionalization scheme to the level of the hypothetical. Nonetheless,(20)the humid America-arid America dichotomy is still a valid generalization: the naturalvegetation of areas receiving more than 20 inches of water yearly is forest, whereas thedrier climates give rise to a grassland cover. The forests of North America tent to makea broad transition by latitude. In the Canadian North, needle-leaf forests dominate, butthese coniferous trees become mixed with broadleaf deciduous trees as one crosses the(25)border into the Northeast United States. As one proceedstoward the Southeast, broadleaf vegetation becomes dominant.Arid America mostly consists of short-grass prairies orstepper. The only areas of true desert are in the Southwest.21 What aspect of North America does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The wide variety of climates(B) S oil types and vegetation patterns(C) I mproved irrigation methods and the expansion of agriculture(D) The change in precipitation patterns22 The word “spawn ” in line 1 is closest in meaning to(A) distinguish(B) e liminate(C) p rotect(D) create23 The word “partitioning” in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) division(B) m odification(C) o pening(D) circulating24 According to the passage, acidic soils tent to be associated with(A) a high salt content(B) a n increase in farming(C) l arge amounts of rain(D) glacial meltwater25 The word “enhanced” in line 13 is closest in meaning to(A) implied(B) i ncreased(C) i ndicated(D) informed26 How did glacial meltdown affect the soil in North America?(A) It redistributed the soil types(B) I t added salt to the soil(C) I t made the soil more neutral in content(D) It added minerals to the soil27 The phrase “this regionalization scheme” in line 19 refer s to the(A) movements of glacial deposits(B) p atterns of natural vegetation(C) h uman modification of the North American environment(D) distinction between humid America and arid America28 The word “transition” in line 23 is closest in meaning to(A) elevation(B) c hange(C) a dvantage(D) condition29 The passage supports which of the following statements?(A) Arid America is not necessarily characterized by the presenceof deserts(B) M ost of Canada and the northeastern United States consists ofshort-grass prairies wherever natural vegetation has not been modified by humans(C) T he accumulation of loess is primarily the result of irrigation(D) Glaciation removed the fertile layer of soil from much of theMississippi ValleyQuestions 30-40Most sources of illumination generate light over an appreciable period, and indeed ifan object is lit for a very brief time(less that 1/25 second), the human eye will not reactin time to see the object. A photographic emulsion---that is, a light-sensitive coating on photographic film, paper, or glass---will, however, record much shorter bursts of light. A(5 ) photographic flash can therefore be used to capture high-speed movement on film as wellas to correct deficiencies of the normal surrounding lighting.Photoflash is now generated electronically, but the earliest form, first used in 1864, was a paper bag containingmagnesium wire and some oxygen-rich substance, such as potassium chlorate. When thebag was ignited, the metal burned with an intense flash. A contemporary observer reported(10) that “this quite unsafe device seems to have done nothing worse that engulf the room indense smoke and lead to pictures of dubious quality and odd poses.”The evolution of the photoflash was slow, flashbulbs, containing fine wire made of ametal, such as magnesium or aluminum, capable of being ignited in an atmosphere of pure oxygen at low pressure, were introduced only in the 1920’s. In the earliest type, the metal (15) was separated from the oxygen by a thin glass bulb. The flashwas fired by piercing thebulb and allowing the oxygen to come into contact with the metal, which ignitedspontaneously. Later bulbs were fired by an electric battery, which heated the wire bypassing a small current through it. Other combinations, such as the pairing of oxygendifluoride with zirconium, have also been used. In each case enough energy is given out to(20) heat the oxidizable metal momentarily to a white-hot emissionof visible light. The smoke particles are so small that they cool rapidly; but since they are white, they contribute to the brilliance by reflecting the light from their still-glowing neighbors. A slightly bigger formof the metal will burn for a longer time.30 What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The history of the photoflash(B) T heories about how the eye reacts to light(C) T he technology of modern photography(D) The dangers of using the early photoflash31 According to the passage,1/25 second is the minimum amount of time required for the(A) recording of an image on film(B) g eneration of artificial light(C) c reation of a photographic emulsion(D) human eye to react to light32 According to the passage, an advantage of using a photoflash is that it(A) can produce repeated bursts of light(B) i ntensities colors in photographs(C) i s short enough not to bother human eyes(D) supplements existing lighting33 The word “ignited” in line 9 is closest in meaning to(A) set on fire(B) c ut into(C) o pened(D) shaken34 Which of the following phrases is defined in paragraph 1?(A)”appreciable period”(line 1)(B)”photographic emulsion”(line 3)(C)”high-speed movement”(line 5)(D)”odd poses”(line 11)35 The word “evolution” in line 12 is closest in meaning to(A) publicity(B) a doption(C) d evelopment(D) manufacture36 The function of the glass in the first flashbulbs was to(A) produce the spark that initiated the flash(B) m agnify the light produced by the flash(C) p rotect the photographer from the heat of the flash(D) keep the metal and oxygen apart before the flash37 The word “it” in line 18 refers to(A) oxygen(B) b attery(C) w ire(D) current38 The word “momentarily” in line 20 is closest in meaning to(A) effortlessly(B) b riefly(C) e lectronically(D) gradually39 According to the passage, the white color of the smoke particles generated by a flashbulb contributes to(A) rapid cooling(B) b right illumination(C) e lectrical conductivity(D) intense heat40 According to the passage, a flashbulb can be made to burn longer by using(A) thicker wire(B) m ore oxygen(C) t hinner glass(D) continuous electricityQuestions 41-50The stylistic innovation in paining known as Impressionism began in the 1870’s. The Impressionists wanted to depict what they saw in nature, but they were inspired to portrayfragmentary moments by the increasingly fast pace of modern life. They concentrated onthe play of light over objects, people, and nature, breaking up seemingly solid surfaces,(5 ) stressing vivid contrast between colors in sunlight and shade, and depiction reflected lightin all of its possibilities. Unlike earlier artists, they did not want to observe the world from indoors. They abandoned the studio, painting in the open air and recording spontaneous Impressions of their subjects instead of making outside sketches and then moving indoorsto complete the work form memory.(10) Some of the Impressionists’ painting methods were affected by technologicaladvances. For example, the shift from the studio to the open air was made possible inpart by the advent of cheap rail travel, which permitted easy and quick access to thecountryside or seashore, as well as by newly developed chemical dyes and oils that ledto collapsible paint tubes, which enabled artists to finish their paintings on the spot.(15)Impressionism acquired its name not from supporters but from angry art lovers whofelt threatened by the new painting. The term “Impressionism” was born in 1874,whena group of artists who had been working together organized an exhibition of theirpaintings in order to draw public attention to their work. Reaction from the public andpress was immediate, and derisive. Among the 165 paintings exhibited was one called(20)Impression: Sunrise, by Claude Monet(1840-1926),Viewedthrough hostile eyes,Monet’s painting of a rising sun over a misty, watery scene seemed messy, slapdash,and an affront to good taste. Borrowing Monet’s title, art critics extended the term “Impressionism” to the entire exhibit. In response, Monet and his 29 fellow artists inthe exhibit adopted the same name as a badge of their unity, despite individual differences.(25)From then until 1886 Impressionism had all the zeal of a “church”, as the painter R enoirput it. Monet was faithful to the Impressionist creed until his death, although many of theothers moved on to new styles.41 What aspect of painting in the nineteenth century does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The impact of some artists’ resi stance to the fast pace of life(B) T he differences between two major styles of art(C) A technological advance in the materials used by artists(D) A group of artists with a new technique and approach to art42 The word “depict” in line 2 is closest in me aning to(A) reorganize(B) d eform(C) r epresent(D) justify43 According to the passage, which of the following was one of the distinguishing characteristics of Impressionist painting?(A) The emphasis on people rather than nature scenes(B) T he way the subjects were presented from multiple angles(C) T he focus on small solid objects(D) The depiction of the effects of light and color44 Which of the following is a significant way in which Impressionists were different from the artists that preceded them?(A) They began by making sketches of their subjects(B) T hey painted their subjects out-of-doors(C) T hey preferred to paint from memory(D) They used subjects drawn from modern life45 The word “advent” in line 12 is closest in meaning to(A) achievement(B) a cceptance(C) a rrival(D) advantage46 The exhibition of paintings organized in 1874 resulted in all of the following EXCEPT(A) attracting attention from the public(B) a negative reaction from the press(C) a n immediate demand for the paintings exhibited(D) creating a name for a new style of painting47 The word “affront” in line 22 is closest in meaning to(A) insult(B) e ncouragement(C) r eturn(D) credit48 The rejection of the Impressionist exhibition by critics was caused by which of the following?(A) The small number of paintings on display(B) L ack of interest in exhibitions by young artists(C) T he similarity between all the paintings exhibited(D) Anger about seemingly poorly painted art49 The author mentions Renoir in line 25 to give an example of an artist who(A) became as famous as Monet(B) w as consistently praised by art critics(C) d escribed the enthusiasm of the Impressionists for their work(D) was in favor of a traditional style of painting50 The word “others” in line 27 refers to(A) art critics(B) f ellow artists(C) i ndividual differences(D) new styles0308答案ABADB CCCBA BDDCC DCDBA DACCB DBCAC DACBA BABDC BCAAD CDABACACCB CDBCB DACCC ABCDA CDCDC BDCDC BCDDC DBACBDAABA DDBAB CDBCB DCBBA BDACB DDBAA DDABC DCBBA DCDBC CADCB此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。



Questions 10-19The most thoroughly studied cases of deception strategies employed by ground-nesting birds involve plovers, small birds that typically nest on beaches or in open fields, theirnests merely scrapes in the sand or earth. Plovers also have an effective repertoire of tricks Line for distracting potential nest predators from their exposed and defenseless eggs or chicks.(5) The ever-watchful plover can detect a possible threat at a considerable distance. When she does, the nesting bird moves inconspicuously off the nest to a spot well away fromeggs or chicks. At this point she may use one of several ploys. One technique involvesfirst moving quietly toward an approaching animal and then setting off noisily throughthe grass or brush in a low, crouching run away from the nest, while emitting rodent like (10) squeaks. The effect mimics a scurrying mouse or vole, and the behavior rivets the attention of the type of predators that would also be interested in eggs and chicks.Another deception begins with quiet movement to an exposed and visible location wellaway from the nest. Once there, the bird pretends to incubate a brood. When the predator approaches, the parent flees, leaving the false nest to be searched. The direction in which (15) the plover "escapes" is such that if the predator chooses to follow, it will be led still further away from the true nest.The plover's most famous stratagem is the broken-wing display, actually a continuumof injury-mimicking behaviors spanning the range from slight disability to near-complete helplessness. One or both wings are held in an abnormal position, suggesting injury. The (20) bird appears to be attempting escape along an irregular route that indicates panic. In the most extreme version of the display, the bird flaps one wing in an apparent attempt totake to the air, flops over helplessly, struggles back to its feet, runs away a short distance,seemingly attempts once more to take off, flops over again as the "useless" wing fails to provide any lift, and so on. Few predators fail to pursue such obviously vulnerable prey.Needless to say, each short run between "flight attempts" is directed away from the nest.10. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The nest-building techniques of plovers(B) How predators search for plovers(C) The strategies used by plovers to deceive predators(D) Why plovers are vulnerable to predators11. The word "merely" in fine 3 is closest in meaning to(A) often(B) only(C) usually(D) at first12. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage about plovers?(A) Their eggs and chicks are difficult to find.(B) They are generally defenseless when away From their nests.(C) They are slow to react in dangerous situations.(D) Their nests are on the surface of the ground.13. The word "emitting" in line 9 is closest in meaning to(A) bringing(B) attracting(C) producing(D) minimizing14. In the deception technique described in paragraph 2. the plover tries to(A) stay close to her nest(B) attract the predator's attention(C) warn other plovers of danger(D) frighten the approaching predator15. The word "spanning" in line 18 is closest in meaning to(A) covering(B) selecting(C) developing(D) explaining16. According to paragraph 4, which of the following aspects of the plover's behavior gives the appearance that it is frightened?(A) Abnormal body position(B) Irregular escape route(C) Unnatural wing movement(D) Unusual amount of time away from the nest17. The word "pursue" in line 24 is closest in meaning to(A) catch(B) notice(C) defend(D) chase18. According to the passage, a female plover utilizes all of the following deception techniques EXCEPT(A) appearing to be injured(B) sounding like another animal(C) pretending to search for prey(D) pretending to sit on her eggs19. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?(A) A description of the sequence of steps involved in plovers nest building(B) A generalization about plover behavior followed by specific examples(C) A comparison and contrast of the nesting behavior of plovers and other ground nesting birds(D) A cause-and-efleet analysis of the relationship between a prey and a predator。












接着解释了几个原因,第一个是化敌为友,这样减少了很多敌人【出题:为什么要招募德国那边的人呢?=化敌为友】,第二是因为sheer military need,我理解为这样能保持军队的恰当规模。




内讧的直接结果就是外敌趁乱入侵啊,又没有有效的防御,就只能把更多的野蛮部落招募了,于是又送出更多头衔【此处应有关于外地入侵的题】第二篇:Honey bee文章总体讲了蜜蜂..第一段讲了蜜蜂是母系社会,在蜜蜂里,雄峰是非常少的,因为他们除了跟蜂后交配,没有其他的function。



托福TOEFL考试阅读模拟题(含答案)托福阅读文本:The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry, using thereeds,grasses, barks, and roots they found around them to fashion articles of all sorts and sizes — not only trays, containers, and cooking pots, but hats, boats, fish traps, baby carriers, and ceremonial objects.Of all these experts, none excelled the Pomo — a group who lived on or near the coast during the 1800's, and whose descendants continue to live in parts of the same region to this day. They made baskets three feet in diameter and others no bigger than a thimble. The Pomo people were masters of decoration. Some of their baskets were completely covered with shell pendants; others with feathers that made the baskets' surfaces as soft as the breasts of birds. Moreover, the Pomo people made use of more weaving techniques than did their neighbors. Most groups made all their basketwork by twining — the twisting of a flexible horizontal material, called a weft, around stiffer vertical strands of material, the warp. Others depended primarily on coiling — a process in which a continuous coil of stiff material is held in the desired shape with tight wrapping of flexible strands. Only the Pomo people used both processes with equal ease and frequency. In addition, they made use of four distinct variations on the basic twining process, often employing more than one of them in a single article.Although a wide variety of materials was available, the Pomo people used only a few. The warp was always made of willow, and the most commonly used weft was sedge root, a woody fiber that could easily be separated into strands no thicker than a thread. For color, the Pomo people used the bark of redbud for their twined work and dyed bullrush root for black in coiled work. Though other materials were sometimes used, these four were the staples in their finest basketry.If the basketry materials used by the Pomo people were limited, the designs were amazingly varied. Every Pomo basketmaker knew how to produce from fifteen to twenty distinct patterns that could be combined in a number of different ways.托福阅读题目:1. What best distinguished Pomo basketsfrom baskets of other groups?(A) The range of sizes, shapes, and designs(B) The unusual geometric(C) The absence of decoration(D) The rare materials used2. The word "fashion" in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) maintain(B) organize(C) trade(D) create3. The Pomo people used each of the following materials to decorate baskets EXCEPT(A) shells(B) feathers(C) leaves(D) bark4. What is the author's main point in the second paragraph?(A) The neighbors of the Pomo people tried to improve on the Pomo basket weaving techniques.(B) The Pomo people were the most skilled basket weavers in their region.(C) The Pomo people learned their basket weaving techniques from other Native Americans.(D) The Pomo baskets have been handed down for generations.5. The word "others " in line 9 refers to(A) masters(B) baskets(C) pendants(D) surfaces6.According to the passage , a weft is a(A) tool for separating sedge root(B) process used for coloring baskets(C) pliable maternal woven around the warp(D) pattern used to decorate baskets7.According to the passage , what did the Pomo people use as the warp in their baskets?(A) bullrush(B) willow(C) sedge(D) redbud8. The word "article" in line 17 is close in meaning to(A) decoration(B) shape(C) design(D) object9. According to the passage . The relationship between redbud and twining is most similar to the relationship between(A) bullrush and coiling(B) weft and warp(C) willow and feathers(D) sedge and weaving10. The word "staples" in line 23 is closest in meaning to(A) combinations(B) limitations(C) accessories(D) basic elements11. The word "distinct" in lime 26 is closest in meaning to(A) systematic(B) beautiful(C) different(D) compatible12. Which of the following statements about Pomo baskets can be best inferred from the passage ?(A) Baskets produced by other Native Americans were less varied in design than those of the Pomo people.(B) Baskets produced by Pomo weavers were primarily for ceremonial purposes.(C) There were a very limited number of basketmaking materials available to the Pomo people.(D) The basketmaking production of the Pomo people has increased over the years.托福阅读模拟题答案:BDCBB CBDAD CA。



托福阅读TPO19(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:TheRomanArmy'sImpactonBritain托福TPO是托福备考小伙伴们最重要的参考资料,并且这个是在备考时候一定要认真多多练习,托福TPO是非常重要的希望大家一定要重视起来,小编为广大的托福考生整理了托福阅读TPO19(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:The Roman Army's Impact on Britain,下面就来跟小编一起来看下面精彩内容吧!托福阅读原文【1】In the wake of the Roman Empire's conquest of Britain in the first century A.D., a large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these troops had a considerable impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications, and participation in the local economy. Assessing the impact of the army on the civilian population starts from the realization that the soldiers were always unevenly distributed across the country. Areas rapidly incorporated into the empire were not long affected by the military. Where the army remained stationed, its presence was much more influential. The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers' animals. The imposition of military rule also robbed local leaders of opportunities to participate in local government, so social development was stunted and the seeds of disaffection sown. This then meant that the military had to remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.【2】 Economic exchange was clearly very important as the Roman army brought with it very substantial spending power. Locally a fort had two kinds of impact. Its large population needed food and other supplies. Some of these were certainlybrought from long distances, but demands were inevitably placed on the local area. Although goods could be requisitioned, they were usually paid for, and this probably stimulated changes in the local economy. When not campaigning, soldiers needed to be occupied; otherwise they represented a potentially dangerous source of friction and disloyalty. Hence a writing tablet dated 25 April tells of 343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead. Such activities had a major effect on the local area, in particular with the construction of infrastructure such as roads, which improved access to remote areas.【3】 Each soldier received his pay, but in regions without a developed economy there was initially little on which it could be spent. The pool of excess cash rapidly stimulated a thriving economy outside fort gates. Some of the demand for the services and goods was no doubt fulfilled by people drawn from far afield, but some local people certainly became entwined in this new economy. There was informal marriage with soldiers, who until AD 197 were not legally entitled to wed, and whole new communities grew up near the forts. These settlements acted like small towns, becoming centers for the artisan and trading populations.【4】The army also provided a mean of personal advancement for auxiliary soldiers recruited from the native peoples, as a man obtained hereditary Roman citizenship on retirement after service in an auxiliary regiment. Such units recruited on an ad hoc (as needed) basis from the area in which they were stationed, and there was evidently large-scale recruitment within Britain. The total numbers were at least 12,500 men up to the reign of the emperor Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), witha peak around A.D. 80. Although a small proportion of the total population, this perhaps had a massive local impact when a large proportion of the young men were removed from an area. Newly raised regiments were normally transferred to another province from whence it was unlikely that individual recruits would ever return. Most units raised in Britain went elsewhere on the European continent, although one is recorded in Morocco. The reverse process brought young men to Britain, where many continued to live after their 20 to 25 years of service, and this added to the cosmopolitan Roman character of the frontier population. By the later Roman period, frontier garrisons (groups of soldiers) were only rarely transferred, service in units became effectively hereditary, and forts were no longer populated or maintained at full strength.【5】 This process of settling in as a community over several generations, combined with local recruitment, presumably accounts for the apparent stability of the British northern frontier in the later Roman period. It also explains why some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain, at the beginning of the fifth century A.D. The circumstances that had allowed natives to become Romanized also led the self-sustaining military community of the frontier area to become effectively British.托福阅读试题1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 1? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A.Many Roman soldiers remained in Britain after conquering it, and their presence had a strong influence.B.The new Roman province of Britain seemed to awaken in the first century A.D. as the local economy improved.C.Camps, fortifications, and economic change contributed to the Roman conquest of Britain.D.With the conquest of Britain by Roman troops, the Roman Empire gained considerable economic strength.2. According to paragraph 1, the Roman army had the most influence on those areas of Britain that wereA.conquered first.B.near population centers.ed as military bases.D.rapidly incorporated into the empire.3. According to paragraph 1, what effect did military occupation have on the local population?A.It encouraged more even distribution of the population and the settlement of previously undeveloped territory.B.It created discontent and made continuing military occupation necessary.C.It required local labor to construct forts and feed and exercise the soldiers’ animals.D.It provided local leaders with opportunities to participate in governance.4. The word “suppress” in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning toA.respond to.B.warn against.C.avoid the impact of.D.stop by force.5. The word “friction” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning toA.rebellion.B.conflict.C.neglect.D.crime.6. The author mentions “343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead”in paragraph 2 in order toA.describe the kinds of tasks soldiers were required to perform as punishment for disloyalty or misdeeds.B.illustrate some of the duties assigned to soldiers to keep them busy and well-behaved when not involved in military campaigns.C.provide evidence that Roman soldiers had a negative effect on the local area by performing jobs that had been performed by native workers.D.argue that the soldiers would have been better employed in the construction of infrastructure such as roads.7. The phrase “entitled to” in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning toA.given the right to.B.able to afford to.C.encouraged to.D.required to.8. According to paragraph 3, how did the soldiers meet their needs for goods and services?A.Their needs were met by the army, and all of their economic transactions took place within the fort.B.Most of their needs were met by traveling tradespeople who visit the forts.C.During their days off, soldiers traveled to distant towns tomake purchases.D.They bought what they needed from the artisans and traders in nearby towns.9. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true of Britain’s auxiliary regiments of the Roman army?A.Membership in these regiments reached its highest point during the region of the emperor Hadrian.B.Most of the units recruited in Britain were sent to Morocco and other stations outside Europe.C.Soldiers served in the regiments for many years and after retirement generally stayed where they had been stationed.D.Most of the regiments stationed on the frontier were new units transferred from a neighboring province.10. According to paragraph 4, all of the following changes could be seen in the frontier garrisons by the later Roman period EXCEPT:A.Membership in the units passed from father to son.B.Fewer soldiers were stationed at the forts.C.Soldiers usually were not transferred to different locations.D.Frontier units became more effective and proficient.11. Why does the author mention that “some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain”in paragraph 5 ?A.To emphasize the degree to which the stability of the British northern frontier depended on firm military control.B.To suggest that the Romans continued to occupy Britain even after they had formally given up the right to do so.C.To support the claim that forts continued to serve an import economic function even after they ceased to be of any military use.D.To describe one of the things that resulted from frontier garrisons’ becoming part of the local community over a long period.12. The word “circumstances” in the passage (paragraph 5) is closest in meaning toA.experiences.munities.C.conditions.ws.13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? One solution was to keep them busy as sources of labor.Paragraph 2: Economic exchange was clearly very important as the Roman army brought with it very substantial spending power. Locally a fort had two kinds of impact. Its large population needed food and other supplies. ■【A】Some of these were certainly brought from long distances, but demands were inevitably pla ced on the local area. ■【B】 Although goods could be requisitioned, they were usually paid for, and this probably stimulated changes in the local economy. ■【C】When not campaigning, soldiers needed to be occupied; otherwise they represented a potentially dangerous source of friction and disloyalty. ■【D】 Hence a writing tablet dated 25 April tells of 343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead. Such activities had a major effect on the local area, in particular with the construction of infrastructure such as roads, which improved access to remote areas.14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summaryof the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentence do not belong to the summary because they express ideas that are no presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Th e Roman army’s occupation of Britain influenced and changed the local population.A.Although the presence of the army in certain areas caused resentment among the local population, it provided important services such as building infrastructure.B.By recruiting unemployed young men for its auxiliary units, the army made it possible for them to stay in their home towns and provide financial support for their families.rge quantities of cash from soldiers’ pay stimulated development, but also drove up prices, making it hard for local residents to afford goods and services.D.Though the army appropriated land and some goods, it also paid for many supplies, stimulating local economic growth.E.The forts contributed to the quality of local crafts by bringing in artisans from distant places who brought with them new skills and techniques.F.Roman soldiers started families with local inhabitants, and over the generations, the military community became a stable part of British society.托福阅读答案1.原文in的部分是非主要成分,结构是军队呆在blabla,并且有影响,所以答案是A。



tpo50阅读-2The Achievement of Brazilian Independence原文 (1)译文 (2)题目 (3)答案 (8)背景知识 (9)原文The Achievement of Brazilian Independence①In contrast to the political anarchy , economic dislocation, and military destruction in Spanish America, Brazil's drive toward independence from Portugal proceeded as a relatively bloodless transition between 1808 and 1822. The idea of Brazilian independence first arose in the late eighteenth century as a Brazilian reaction to the Portuguese policy of tightening political and economic control over the colony in the interests of the mother country. The first significant conspiracy against Portuguese rule was organized from 1788-1799 in the province of Minas Gerais, where rigid governmental control over the production and prices of gold and diamonds, as well as heavy taxes, caused much discontent. But this conspiracy never went beyond the stage of discussion and was easily discovered and crushed. Other conspiracies in the late eighteenth century as well as a brief revolt in 1817 reflected the influence of republican ideas over sections of the elite and even the lower strata of urban society. All proved abortive or were soon crushed. Were it not for an accident of European history, the independence of Brazil might have been long delayed.②The French invasion of Portugal in 1807 followed by the flight of the Portuguese court (sovereign and government officers) to Rio de Janeiro brought large benefits to Brazil. Indeed, the transfer of the court in effect signified achievement of Brazilian independence. The Portuguese prince and future King Joao VI opened Brazil's ports to the trade of friendly nations, permitted the rise of local industries, and founded the Bank of Brazil. In 1815 he elevated Brazil to the legal status of a kingdom coequal with Portugal. ln one sense, however, Brazil's new status signified the substitution of one dependence for another. Freed from Portuguese control, Brazil came under the economic dominance of England, which obtained major tariff concessions and other privileges by the Strangford Treaty of 1810 between Portugal and Great Britain. The treaty provided for the importation of British manufactures into Brazil and the export of Brazilian agricultural produce to Great Britain. One result was an influx of cheap machine-made goods that swamped the handicrafts industry of the country.③Brazilian elites took satisfaction in Brazil's new role and the growth of educational, cultural, and economic opportunities for their class. But the feeling was mixed with resentment toward the thousands of Portuguese courtiers (officials) and hangers-on who came with the court and who competed with Brazilians for jobs and favors. Thus, the change in the status of Brazil sharpened the conflict between Portuguese elites born in Brazil and elites born in Portugal and loyal to the Portuguese crown.④The event that precipitated the break with the mother country was the revolution of 1820 in Portugal. The Portuguese revolutionaries framed a liberal constitution for the kingdom, but they were conservative or reactionary in relation to Brazil. They demanded the immediate return of King Joao to Lisbon, an end to the system of dual monarchy that he had devised, and the restoration of the Portuguese commercial monopoly. Timid and vacillating, King Joao did not know which way to turn. Under the pressure of his courtiers, who hungered to return to Portugal and their lost estates, he finally approved the new constitution and sailed for Portugal. He left behind him, however, his son and heir, Pedro, and in a private letter advised him that in the event the Brazilians should demand independence, he should assume leadership of the movement and set the crown of Brazil on his head.⑤Soon it became clear that the Portuguese parliament intended to set the clock back by abrogating all the liberties and concessions won by Brazil since 1808. One of its decrees insisted on the immediate return of Pedro from Brazil. The pace of events moved more rapidly in 1822. On January 9, urged on by Brazilian advisers who perceived a golden opportunity to make an orderly transition to independence without the intervention of the masses, Pedro refused an order from the parliament to return to Portugal, saying famously, "l remain." On September 7, regarded by all Brazilians as Independence Day, he issued the even more celebrated proclamation, "Independence or death!" In December 1822, having overcome slight resistance by Portuguese troops, Dom Pedro was formally proclaimed constitutional Emperor of Brazil.译文巴西独立的成功①与西班牙美洲地区政治上的无政府状态,经济混乱和军事破坏形成鲜明对比的是,巴西脱离葡萄牙的独立运动是在1808年至1822年之间相对不血腥的过渡中进行的。



第9套The Western Roman Empire in the Fifth CenturyShortly after the death of emperor Theodosius in395A.D.,the Roman Empire was permanently divided into Eastern and Western empires.By the fifth century A.D.,the power of the Western Roman Empire had declined considerably,though the Eastern Roman Empire centered in Byzantium continued to flourish.Various problems contributed to this undermining of the West.1.The word unfavorable in the passage is closest in meaning toA.negativeB.uncontrollableC.unexpectedD.long lastingThe accessions of Arcadius and Honorius,sons of Theodosius,as emperors in the East and West,respectively,illustrate the unfortunate pattern of child heirs that had unfavorable effects for both empires.When Arcadius died in408,he was succeeded by his seven-year-old son,Theodosius II.Reigning until423,Honorius was succeeded by his nephew Valentinian III,who was only five.Because of their young ages,【Theodosius'sons and grandsons could not rule without older advisors and supervising regents upon whom they naturally became dependent and from whom they were unable to break away after reaching maturity.】As powerful individuals vied for influence and dominance at court,the general welfare was often sacrificed to private rivalries and ambitions.Moreover,it was the women of the dynasty who were the more capable and interesting characters.Holding the keys to succession through birth and inheritance,they became active players in the political arena.2.According to paragraph2,which of the following was one result of the pattern of rule by child emperorsA.The common people lost respect for the position of emperor.B.Regents and advisors attempted to put an end to traditional rivalries for dominance within the court.C.Women within the dynasty gained increased influence and power.D.Traditional rules of succession by inheritance were changed.3.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage.Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.【Theodosius'sons and grandsons could not rule without older advisors and supervising regents upon whom they naturally became dependent and from whom they were unable to break away after reaching maturity.】A.As young rulers,the sons and grandsons of Theodosius necessarily depended onolder advisors,and as adults,they were unable to rule independently of these advisors.B.The sons and grandsons of Theodosius were too young when they came to power to rule without the assistance of older advisors.C.On reaching maturity,the sons and grandsons of Theodosius attempted to break away from the older officials who had advised them since childhood.D.Because the sons and grandsons of Theodosius were young when they became rulers,older advisors were able to prevent them from breaking away.Compared with the East,however,the West faced a greater number of external threats along more permeable frontiers.Whereas the East could pursue war and diplomacy more effectively with their enemies on the long eastern frontier,the West was exposed to the more volatile tribal Germanic peoples on a frontier that stretched along the Rhine and Danube rivers for1,000miles.The East,however,only had to guard the last500miles of the Danube.In addition,the East had many more human and material resources with which to pursue its military and diplomatic objectives.The East also had a more deeply rooted unity in the Greek culture of the numerous Greek and Near Eastern cities that Rome had inherited from earlier Grecian tin culture had not achieved comparable penetration of the less urbanized West outside of Italy.The penetration of Germanic culture from the north had been so extensive along the permeable Rhine-Danube frontier that it was often difficult to distinguish between barbarians(speakers of German and other languages unrelated to Latin)and Romans in those regions by the fifth century anyway.4.In describing the frontiers of the Western Empire as more permeable the author means that these frontiersA.had more places where crossings could occurB.were more distant from the centerC.were more likely to be changedD.were more poorly equipped5.The word pursue in the passage is closest in meaning toA.expandB.engage inC.controlD.avoid6.The word comparable in the passage is closest in meaning toA.similarB.desirableC.necessaryD.noticeable7.Which of the following is NOT identified in paragraph3as a factor contributing to the greater stability and success of the Eastern empireA shorter border subject to invasion by Germanic tribesB.Greater cultural unity among the inhabitantsC.More resources available for achieving political goalsD.Lower population densities outside of urban areas8.In paragraph3,why does the author discuss the Germanic cultureA.To compare the less urbanized West outside of Italy to the more urbanized EastB.To explain why Roman military and political objectives necessarily changed in the fifth centuryC.To emphasize that the Romans had more of a cultural disadvantage in the West than in the EastD.To explain why there were as many speakers of German as there were Romans on the western frontierOne of the most outstanding features at the beginning of this period was the prominence of Germanic generals in the high command of the Roman Imperial army. The trend became significant,and several practical reasons can explain it.The foremost probably was the sheer need for military manpower that made it attractive to recruit bands of Germanic peoples for the armies,which,in turn,gave chieftains and warlords the opportunity to gain Imperial favor and advance in rank.Second,one way to turn Germanic chieftains from potential enemies into loyal supporters was to offer them a good position in the Roman military.Third,although Theodosius had risen to power as a military leader,he was also a cultured aristocrat and preferred to emphasize the civilian role of the emperor and to rely for protection on Germanic generals whose loyalties were primarily to him,their patron.9.Which of the following is NOT identified in paragraph4as a reason the practice arose of making Germanic chieftains generals in the Roman high commandA.It helped reduce the number of possible enemies against the empire.B.It helped make it possible to maintain an imperial military force of sufficient size.C.It was cheaper than recruiting and training Roman generals.D.It gave Theodosius confidence that his generals would remain loyal while he focused on other matters.10.According to paragraph4,by becoming generals in the Roman army,Germanic chieftains were given a chance toA.obtain benefits from the emperorB.influence Roman civilian lifeC.help shape military policyD.attract Germanic recruits into the Roman armyUnfortunately,the high positions achieved by Germanic officers often aroused the jealousy and hostility of high-ranking Roman military and civilian officials.Such positions also gave their Germanic holders a chance to act on both personal and tribalanimosities in the arena of Imperial politics.Internal Roman rivalries and power struggles aggravated the situation.Rival factional leaders often granted Imperial titles and conceded territory to one Germanic leader or another in return for help against fellow Romans.While the Romans were thus distracted by internal conflict,other tribes seized the opportunity to cross into Roman territory unopposed.When the Romans could not dislodge them,peace was bought with further titles and territorial concessions as allies.In the midst of it all,alliances and coalitions between Roman emperors or powerful commanders and various tribes or tribal kings were made, unmade,and remade so often that it is nearly impossible to follow their course. Accordingly,all of these situations proved dangerous to the peace and safety of the West.11.Which of the following is identified in paragraph5as a negative consequence of making Germanic chieftains high-ranking officers in the Roman armyA.Romans no longer sought achievement through the military.B.Germanic generals sometimes used their military power to advance their own and their tribes'interests.C.Germanic soldiers focused on achieving imperial titles rather than military success.D.Greater divisions developed between the Western Empire and the Eastern Empire, which lacked military leadership.12.According to paragraph5,what is one way that internal conflict in Rome endangered the peace and safety of the WestA.The conflict made it more difficult to make peace through the process of granting imperial titles and territorial concessions.B.The conflict made it easier for invaders to cross the frontier and enter Roman territory.C.The conflict discouraged Roman leaders from creating alliances and coalitions with Germanic tribes.D.The conflict made it nearly impossible to track the activities of enemy tribes outside Roman territory.13.Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Once within Roman borders,they proved difficult to remove.Where would the sentence best fit Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.Unfortunately,the high positions achieved by Germanic officers often aroused the jealousy and hostility of high-ranking Roman military and civilian officials.Such positions also gave their Germanic holders a chance to act on both personal and tribal animosities in the arena of Imperial politics.Internal Roman rivalries and power struggles aggravated the situation.Rival factional leaders often granted Imperial titles and conceded territory to one Germanic leader or another in return for help againstfellow Romans.While the Romans were thus distracted by internal conflict,other tribes seized the opportunity to cross into Roman territory unopposed.【A】When the Romans could not dislodge them,peace was bought with further titles and territorial concessions as allies.【B】In the midst of it all,alliances and coalitions between Roman emperors or powerful commanders and various tribes or tribal kings were made,unmade,and remade so often that it is nearly impossible to follow their course.【C】Accordingly,all of these situations proved dangerous to the peace and safety of the West.【D】14..Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong.To review the passage,click on View Text.Answer ChoicesA.The division of the Roman Empire into two parts was particularly damaging for the Western Empire because it relied on the Eastern Empire for economic support.B.The heirs of Theodosius came to the throne as young children,allowing them to be dominated by advisors who competed for influence at the expense of the empire's welfare.C.Western emperors after Theodosius were unable to emphasize their civilian role because of their need to rely on the protection of Germanic generals loyal to them.pared to the Eastern Empire,the Western Empire had many disadvantages, including more foreign enemies and fewer material and human resources.E.Resentment against Germanic chieftains achieving high rank in the Roman military and factionalism among Roman leaders were among the causes of the period's considerable instability.F.As the resources needed to secure Rome's borders increased,serious conflicts developed among Roman leaders over how best to protect Roman territory against invading tribes.Features of Tropical MammalsThere are several important features of tropical mammals and their habitats that differentiate them from temperate-zone mammals.First,tropical mammals face different environmental stresses than do temperate-zone mammals,and they respond to stresses in different ways.Many temperate-zone mammals,of course,must endure extreme variation within a year;from cold winters with snow and low food supplies to hot summers with dry weather and abundant food.Many mammals respond with hibernation,staying more or less dormant for several months until conditions improve.【Tropical mammals,except in the high-altitude mountains,do not encounter such extreme annual changes,but they do face dry seasons,up to five months long,that sometimes severely reduce food supplies.】For some surprising reasons,they cannot alleviate this stress by hibernating,waiting for the rainy season to arrive with its increased food supplies.When a mammal in Canada or Alaska hibernates,many of its predators leave the area.This is not the case in the tropics.A mammal sleeping away the dry season in a burrow would be easy prey to snakes and other predators.Moreover,a big danger to sleeping mammals would be army ants.These voracious insects are very common in the tropics and would quickly eat a sleeping mouse or squirrel.Also,external parasites,such as ticks and mites,which are inactive in extreme cold,would continue to be very active on sleeping tropical mammals, sucking blood and doing considerable st,the great energy reserves needed to be able to sleep for an extended period through warm weather may be more than any mammal can physically accumulate.Therefore,tropical mammals need to stay active throughout the year.One way they counter the dry season's reduction in their normal foods is to switch food types seasonally.For instance,some rodents that eat mostly insects during the rainy season switch to seeds during the dry season;some bats that feed on insects switch to dry-season fruits.1.The word extreme in the passage is closest in meaning toA.greatB.repeatedC.unusualD.constant2.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.【Tropical mammals,except in the high-altitude mountains,do not encounter such extreme annual changes,but they do face dry seasons,up to five months long,that sometimes severely reduce food supplies.】A.Most tropical mammals do not experience extreme temperature changes but can suffer severe food losses from long dry seasons.B.Tropical mammals in high-altitude mountains encounter more severe food shortages than other tropical mammals.C.Dry seasons up to five months long cause as much damage to food resources of tropical mammals as extreme annual changes.D.Dry seasons do not severely reduce the food supplies of tropical mammals every year but they do occur sometimes.3.According to paragraph1,mammals in the tropics encounter extreme temperature variations in which of the following situationsA.During hot summersB.During the dry seasonC.In high-altitude mountainsD.During the rainy season4.According to paragraph1,a tropical mammal hibernating throughout the dry season would encounter all of the following difficulties EXCEPT:A.It would be easy prey for predators such as snakes.B.It would not be able to maintain a steady body temperature.C.It might be attacked by army ants.D.It could not accumulate sufficient energy reserves.The abundance of tropical fruit brings up another interesting difference between temperate and tropical mammals:a surprising number of tropical mammals eat a lot of fruit,even among the carnivore group,which,as its name implies,should be eating meat.All the carnivores in Brazil,save pumas,jaguars,and otters,are known to eat fruit on occasion.Upon reflection,however,it makes sense that these mammals consume fruit.Fruit is very abundant in the tropics,available throughout much of the year,and,at least when it is ripe,easily digested by mammalian digestive systems.A consequence of such frugivory(fruit eating)is that many mammals have become, together with frugivorous birds,major dispersal agents of fruit seeds,which they spit out or which travel unharmed through their digestive tracts to be deposited in feces far from the mother tree.Some biologists believe that,even though the carnivores plainly are specialized for hunting down,killing,and eating animal prey,it is likely that fruit has always been a part of their diet.5.The phrase Upon reflection in the passage is closest in meaning toA.For this reasonB.After considerationC.Most importantlyD.In general6.Paragraph2indicates which of the following about fruit trees in the tropicsA.They have been the plants most studied by biologists in the tropics.B.They don't need to grow much before they begin to produce fruit that tropical animals can eat.C.They can spread to areas far from the mother tree,in part because of the eating habits of some carnivores.D.They have become the main source of food for pumas,jaguars,and otters.Finally,there are some differences in the kinds of animals inhabiting tropical and temperate regions.For instance,in tropical regions there are few social rodents like beavers and prairie dogs and very few rabbit species.On the other hand,some groups occur solely in the tropics and do extremely well there.There are about75to 100species of New World monkeys(depending on which primate specialist you consult),all of which occur in tropical areas.Arboreal(tree-living)mammals such as monkeys and sloths are plentiful in tropical forests,probably because there is a rich, resource-filled,dense canopy to occupy and feed in.The closed canopy blocks light to the ground,which allows only an undergrowth that is sparse and poor in resources, and consequently permits few opportunities for mammals to live and feed there.Bats thrive in the tropics,being very successful both in terms of number of species and in their abundances.Nine families of bats occur in Brazil,including more than140 species;only four families and40species occur in the entire United States,an areasimilar in size to Brazil.While most North American bats feed on insects,the diets of Brazilian bats are more varied and include fruit,nectar,and fish.7.The word consult in the passage is closest in meaning toA.believeB.admireC.findD.ask8.Why does the author provide the information that The closed canopy blocks light to the groundA.To illustrate why rodents living in tropical forests live in social groupsB.To illustrate why tropical forests have so many species of batsC.To explain why there are few mammals that live on the groundD.To explain why some species of monkeys do very well in the tropics9.It can be inferred from paragraph3that the animals most likely to inhabit tropical regions are animals thatA.live in treesB.outnumber social rodentsC.do not require a variety of food resourcesD.prefer the dark10.Select the TWO answer choices that indicate ways in which Brazilian and North American bats discussed in paragraph3differ.To obtain credit,you must select TWO answers.A.Their dietsB.Their ability to co-exist with abrboreal mammalsC.The size of their habitatsD.The number of species in each location11.What can be inferred from paragraph3about the greater variety of bats in Brazil compared to bats in North AmericaA.North America is too cold for many varieties of bats.B.The more varied diets of Brazilian bats allow more diversity in the bat population.C.An insect diet is less nutritious than a diet of fruit,nectar,and fish.D.Brazilian bats are arboreal and North American bats are not.12.Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.A possible explanation for this difference is related to what they eat.Where would the sentence best fit.Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.Finally,there are some differences in the kinds of animals inhabiting tropical and temperate regions.For instance,in tropical regions there are few social rodents like beavers and prairie dogs and very few rabbit species.On the other hand,some groups occur solely in the tropics and do extremely well there.There are about75to 100species of New World monkeys(depending on which primate specialist you consult),all of which occur in tropical areas.Arboreal(tree-living)mammals such as monkeys and sloths are plentiful in tropical forests,probably because there is a rich, resource-filled,dense canopy to occupy and feed in.The closed canopy blocks light to the ground,which allows only an undergrowth that is sparse and poor in resources, and consequently permits few opportunities for mammals to live and feed there.【A】Bats thrive in the tropics,being very successful both in terms of number of species and in their abundances.【B】Nine families of bats occur in Brazil,including more than 140species;only four families and40species occur in the entire United States,an area similar in size to Brazil.【C】While most North American bats feed on insects,the diets of Brazilian bats are more varied and include fruit,nectar,and fish.【D】13.Directions:Select from the seven phrases below the phrases that correctly characterize tropical mammals and the phrases that correctly characterize temperate-zone mammals.Drag each phrase you select into the appropriate column of the table.Two of the phrases will NOT be used.This question is worth3points. Answer ChoicesA.Endure extreme temperature fluctuationsB.May reproduce several times a yearC.Endure a long dry seasonD.Have thick fur coatsE.Some amass large energy reservesF.Some have predators that are not present all yearG.Remain active all yeartropical mammals temperate-zone mammalsHoneybee SocietyHoneybee colonies are essentially societies of females.In a hive of perhaps20,000 bees,only a few hundred will be male bees,called drones.【A】They are around only in the spring or summerlong enough to rise to treetop level in a comet-like swarm, chasing after one of the queen bees that have assembled from various hives at a mating site.【B】Of the many drones assembled,only10to15will actually mate with a queen during one of her mating flights.【C】Each drone that is successful dies in the process,however,and a similar fate awaits drones that aren't successful;once matingis done,they will be expelled from their hives or killed.【D】1..The phrase expelled from in the passage is closest in meaning toA.forced fromB.carried fromC.left byD.guided from2..It can be inferred from paragraph1that drones are around only in spring or summer becauseA.they are born in these seasonsB.mating flights occur in these seasonsC.they are expelled from the hive in these seasonsD.they are unable to survive in colder seasons3..According to paragraph1,all of the following are true about honeybee drones EXCEPT:A.They are a small percentage of the bees in a hive.B.They die in the process if they mate with a queen bee.C.They are accepted back in the hive if they fail to mate.D.They swarm at mating sites to chase after a queen bee.The week of mating flights prepares the queen for a lifetime of prodigious egg laying; she will produce up to2,000fertile eggs a day for years.Nearly all of the offspring that hatch from these eggs are female;they are the hive's worker bees;and they are well named,for it is they who will maintain the hive,forage for food,store the food away,care for newly laid eggs,and more.It is they who will do everything for the colony,in other words,except lay eggs and mate with the queen.4..Which of the following can be inferred from the discussion of bee society in paragraphs1and2A.Male bees have no function other than to mate with the queen.B.Male bees have higher status than female bees in the hive.C.Female bees produce numerous offspring.D.Female bees play a relatively unimportant role in the hive.Over their brief adult lives of perhaps six weeks,every worker bee takes on,in a predictable order,nearly all the worker tasks that the hive has to offer.For the first three days of her life,a worker is primarily a cleaner of the cells that the bee larvae (immature,wormlike bees)are stored in.As the days pass,she becomes primarily a larvae feeder,then a hive construction worker,then an entrance guard and food storer, and finally a forager,going out to secure nectar,pollen,and water for the colony. Within this structure,however,a worker's life is one of surprising flexibility.After becoming a construction worker,for example,she still engages in some cell cleaning;and throughout her life,she spends a good deal of time resting and patrolling the hive.5..According to paragraph3,the main task for the most mature worker bees isA.storing nectar and pollenB.cleaning bee larvae cellsC.guarding the entrance to the hiveD.obtaining food and water for the hiveImportantly,there is no chain of command in a colonyno group of workers communicating the message more food needed now or cell cleaning needed over here. How,then,does all this work get organized among tens of thousands of bees Bees are prompted to act either because of environmental conditions(the temperature of the hive,for example)or because of signals or cues they receive from other bees.The signals are explicit acts of communication,as with the famous waggle dance that bees perform to inform their fellow workers of the location of food sites.6..The word prompted in the passage is closest in meaning toA.ableB.requiredC.programmedD.stimulated7..The word explicit in the passage is closest in meaning toA.unusually creativeB.clearly expressedC.ordinaryD.necessary8..Why does the author mention the famous waggle dance that bees perform in the passageA.To give an example of a signal shared between worker beesB.To indicate how worker bees are able to find good food sitesC.To show how environmental conditions affect bee behaviorD.To illustrate how the presence of food stimulates bee activityQuite often,however,bees are reacting to cues they get from other bees that simply imply a given condition.Take,as an example,a cue that researcher Thomas Seeley confirmed that has to do with unloading time at the hive.In a well-fed hive,forager bees gather food only from flower patches that have lots of nectar.When a hive is near starvation,however,the foragers aren't so choosy;then low-yield flower patches will do.So,how does a forager know whether to be choosy or not How is she informed of the nutritional status of the colony,in other words Her informational source is the length of time it takes her to unload her food.Providing the cues are the food-storer bees,which receive the food the foragers bring back and then process itinto honey and pack it away in the hive.It takes a returning forager a relatively long time to make contact with a food-storer bee in a well-fed hive,but a relatively short time in a starving hive.Why Because in a well-fed hive,the food storers have plenty to keep them busythere is plenty of food to store away.If,however,a forager can make contact with a food storer within15seconds of entering the hive,the forager knows the colony is low on food and will start paying visits to low-yield sites.This is but one example of how life in the colony is self-organizing;each bee's behavior is shaped by the behavior of other bees.9..The word imply in the passage is closest in meaning toA.introduceB.suggestC.stateD.reveal10..According to paragraph5,which of the following describes forager bee activity when a hive has not been receiving sufficient foodA.The foragers spend time looking for high-yield flower patches.B.The foragers return to the hive only infrequently.C.The foragers bring nectar from low-yield as well as high-yield flower patches.D.The foragers travel long distances looking for nectar.11..According to paragraph5,how does a returning forager bee know that the hive is well fedA.The food-storer bees signal the foragers to remain in the hive.B.The food-storer bees are producing honey,not storing food.C.The food-storer bees ignore forager bees that are bringing low-quality food.D.The food-storer bees are busy and not readily available to unload food.12..In which of the following ways does paragraph5relate to paragraph4A.Paragraph5continues the discussion of the location of food sites begun in paragraph4.B.Paragraph5elaborates on the topic introduced in paragraph4about types of communication between bees.C.Paragraph5discusses the research that made the waggle dance in paragraph4 famous.D.Paragraph5explains in further detail the foraging activities of worker bees mentioned in paragraph4.13..Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Lacking the body parts to collect nectar and pollen,they have no function in the community once the opportunity to mate has passed.Where would the sentence best fit Click on a square to add the sentence to the。




店铺为大家带来老托福阅读真题及答案55一文,更多精彩尽请关注店铺!老托福阅读真题及答案55In 1903 the members of the governing board of the University of Washington, in Seattle, engaged a firm of landscape architects, specialists in the design of outdoor environment —Olmsted Brothers of Brookline, Massachusetts — to advise them on an appropriate layout for the university grounds. The plan impressed the university officials, and in time many of its recommendations were implemented. City officials in Seattle, the largest city in the northwestern United States, were also impressed, for they employed the same organization to study Seattle's public park needs. John Olmsted did the investigation and subsequent report on Seattle's parks. He and his brothers believed that parks should be adapted to the local topography, utilize the area's trees and shrubs, and be available to the entire community. They especially emphasized the need for natural, serene settings where hurried urban dwellers could periodically escape from the city. The essence of the Olmsted park plan was to develop a continuous driveway, twenty miles long, that would tie together a whole series of parks, playgrounds, and parkways. There would be local parks and squares, too, but all of this was meant to supplement the major driveway, which was to remain the unifying factor for the entire system.In November of 1903 the city council of Seattle adopted the Olmsted Report, and it automatically became the master plan for the city's park system. Prior to this report, Seattle's park development was very limited and funding meager. All thischanged after the report. Between 1907 and 1913, city voters approved special funding measures amounting to $4,000,000. With such unparalleled sums at their disposal, with the Olmsted guidelines to follow, and with the added incentive of wanting to have the city at its best for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition of 1909, the Parks Board bought aggressively. By 1913 Seattle had 25 parks amounting to 1,400 acres, as well as 400 acres in playgrounds, pathways, boulevards, and triangles. More lands would be added in the future, but for all practical purposes it was the great land surge of 1907-1913 that established Seattle's park system.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The planned development of Seattle's public park system(B) The organization of the Seattle city government(C) The history of the Olmsted Brothers architectural firm(D) The design and building of the University of Washington campus2. The word engaged in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) trained(B) hired(C) described(D) evaluated3. The word subsequent in line 8 is closest in meaning to(A) complicated(B) alternate(C) later(D) detailed4. Which of the following statements about parks does NOT reflect the views of the OlmstedBrothers firm?(A) They should be planted with trees that grow locally.(B) They should provide a quiet, restful environment.(C) They should be protected by limiting the number of visitors from the community.(D) They should be designed to conform to the topography of the area.5. Why does the author mention local parks and squares in lines 14 when talking about theOlmsted plan?(A) To emphasize the difficulties facing adoption of the plan(B) To illustrate the comprehensive nature of the plan(C) To demonstrate an omission in the plan(D) To describe Seattle's landscape prior to implementation of the plan6. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about how citizens of Seattle receivedthe Olmsted Report?(A) They were hostile to the report's conclusions.(B) They ignored the Olmsted's findings.(C) They supported the Olmsted's plans.(D) They favored the city council's seeking advice from another firm.7. According to the passage , when was the Olmsted Report officially accepted as the master planfor the Seattle public park system?(A) 1903(B) 1907(C) 1909(D) 19138. The word sums in line 20 is closest in meaning to(A) problems(B) amounts(C) services(D) debts9. According to the passage , which of the following was most directly influenced by theAlaska-Yukon- Pacific Exposition?(A) The University of Washington(B) Brookline, Massachusetts(C) The mayor of Seattle(D) The Seattle Parks BoardPASSAGE 55 ABCCB CABD托福阅读的高分思维1.词汇从某种意义上来讲,词汇量的大小是TOEFL阅读理解高分的基础和关键。



托福考场试题及答案1. 阅读部分A. 阅读文章《The Origin of Species》,回答以下问题:1.1 作者在文中提到了哪些物种起源的理论?1.2 作者认为哪种理论最有可能?1.3 文章中提到了哪些支持作者理论的证据?B. 阅读文章《The Industrial Revolution》,回答以下问题:2.1 工业革命开始的时间和地点是什么?2.2 工业革命对经济和社会产生了哪些影响?2.3 文章中提到了哪些工业革命的标志性发明?2. 听力部分A. 听录音《A Day in the Life of a Beekeeper》,回答以下问题:3.1 养蜂人一天的工作流程是怎样的?3.2 养蜂人如何收集蜂蜜?3.3 录音中提到了哪些蜜蜂的种类?B. 听录音《The History of the Internet》,回答以下问题:4.1 互联网的发展历程是怎样的?4.2 互联网对现代生活产生了哪些影响?4.3 录音中提到了哪些重要的互联网发展里程碑?3. 口语部分A. 描述你最喜欢的一本书,并解释为什么喜欢它。

5.1 书名是什么?5.2 作者是谁?5.3 为什么这本书对你有特别的意义?B. 描述一次你帮助他人的经历。

6.1 你帮助了谁?6.2 你是如何帮助他们的?6.3 这次经历对你有什么影响?4. 写作部分A. 写一篇关于环境保护的短文。

7.1 描述当前环境面临的主要问题。

7.2 提出你认为有效的解决方案。

7.3 讨论个人在环境保护中的作用。

B. 写一篇关于科技发展对教育的影响的文章。

8.1 描述科技发展如何改变了教育方式。

8.2 分析这种变化对教育质量的影响。

8.3 讨论未来教育可能的发展方向。

答案:1. A.1.1 作者提到了自然选择、遗传变异和物种隔离等理论。

1.2 作者认为自然选择是最有可能的物种起源理论。

1.3 文章中提到了化石记录、生物地理分布和比较解剖学等证据。

B.2.1 工业革命始于18世纪的英国。



托福阅读真题集锦(一)PASSAGE 1By the mid-nineteenth century, the term "icebox" had entered theAmerican language, but ice was still only beginning to affect the dietof ordinary citizens in the United States. The ice trade grew with thegrowth of cities. Ice was used in hotels, taverns, and hospitals, and by some f orward-looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. After the Civil War (1861-1865),as ice was used to refrigerate freightcars, it also came i nto household use. Even before 1880, half the ice sold in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-third of that sold inBoston and Chicago, went to families for their own use. This had becomepossible because a new household convenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modern refrigerator, had been invented.Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose.In the early nineteenth century, the knowledge of the physics of heat,which was essential to a science of refrigeration, was rudimentary. The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the icefrom melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the icethat performed the cooling. Nevertheless, early efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept the ice from doing its job. Not until near the end of the nineteenth century did inventors achieve the delicate balance of insulation and circulation needed for an efficient icebox.But as early as 1803, an ingenious Maryland farmer, Thomas M oore, had been on the right track. He owned a farm about twenty miles outside thecity of Washington, for which the village of Georgetownwas the marketcenter. When he used an icebox of his own design to transport his butterto market, he found that customers would pass up the rapidly melting stuff in the tubs of his competitors to pay a premium price for his butter, still fresh and hard in neat, one-pound bricks.One advantage of his icebox,Moore explained, was that farmers would no longer have to travel to market at night in order to keep their produce cool.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The influence of ice on the diet(B) The development of refrigeration(C) The transportation of goods to market(D) Sources of ice in the nineteenth century2. According to the passage , when did the word "icebox" become part ofthe language of theUnited States?(A) in 1803(B) sometime before 1850(C) during the civil war(D) near the end of the nineteenth century3. The phrase "forward-looking" in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) progressive(B) popular(C) thrifty(D) well-established4. The author mentions fish in line 4 because(A) many fish dealers also sold ice(B) fish was shipped in refrigerated freight cars(C) fish dealers were among the early commercial users of ice(D) fish was not part of the ordinary person's diet before the inventionof the icebox5. The word "it" in line 5 refers to(A) fresh meat(B) the Civil War(C) ice(D) a refrigerator6. According to the passage , which of the following was an obstacle tothe development of theicebox?(A) Competition among the owners of refrigerated freight cars(B) The lack of a network for the distribution of ice(C) The use of insufficient insulation(D) Inadequate understanding of physics7. The word "rudimentary" in line 12 is closest in meaning to(A) growing(B) undeveloped(C) necessary(D) uninteresting8. According to the information in the second paragraph, an ideal icebox would(A) completely prevent ice from melting(B) stop air from circulating(C) allow ice to melt slowly(D) use blankets to conserve ice9. The author describes Thomas Moore as having been "on the right track" (lines 18-19) toindicate that(A) the road to the market passed close to Moore's farm(B) Moore was an honest merchant(C) Moore was a prosperous farmer(D) Moore's design was fairly successful10. According to the passage , Moore's icebox allowed him to(A) charge more for his butter(B) travel to market at night(C) manufacture butter more quickly(D) produce ice all year round11. The "produce" mentioned in line 25 could include(A) iceboxes(B) butter(C) ice(D) marketsPASSAGE 2The geology of the Earth's surface is dominated by the particularproperties of water. Present on Earth in solid, liquid, and gaseous states, water is exceptionally reactive. It dissolves, transports, andprecipitates many c hemical compounds a nd is constantly modifying the face of the Earth. Evaporated from the oceans, water vapor forms clouds, some of which are transported by windover the continents. Condensation from the clouds provides the essential agent of continental erosion: rain. Precipitated onto the ground, thewater trickles down to form brooks, streams, andrivers, constituting what are called the hydrographic network. Thisimmense p olarized network channels the water toward a single receptacle: an ocean. Gravity dominates this entire step in thecycle because water tends to minimize its potential energy by running from high altitudes toward the reference point, that is, sea level.The rate at which a molecule of water passes though the cycle is notrandom but is a measure of the relative size of the various reservoirs.If we define residence time as the average time for awater molecule topass through one of the three reservoirs — atmosphere, continent, and ocean —we s ee that the times are very different. A water molecule stays, on average, eleven days in the atmosphere, one hundred years on a continent and forty thousand years in the ocean. This last figure shows theimportance of the ocean as the principal reservoir of the hydrosphere but also the rapidity of water transport on the continents.A vast chemical separation process takes places during the flow ofwater over the continents. Soluble ions such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and some m agnesium a re dissolved and transported. Insoluble ions such as aluminum, iron, and silicon stay where they are and form thethin, fertile skin of soil on which vegetation can grow. Sometimes soils are destroyed and transported mechanically during flooding. The erosion of thecontinents thus results from two closely linked and interdependentprocesses, chemical erosion and mechanical erosion. Their respectiveinteractions and efficiency depend on different factors.1. The word "modifying" in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) changing(B) traveling(C) describing(D) destroying2. The word "which" in line 5 refers to(A) clouds(B) oceans(C) continents(D) compounds3. According to the passage , clouds are primarily formed by water(A) precipitating onto the ground(B) changing from a solid to a liquid state(C) evaporating from the oceans(D) being carried by wind4. The passage suggests that the purpose of the "hydrographic network" (line 8) is to(A) determine the size of molecules of water(B) prevent soil erosion caused by flooding(C) move water from the Earth's surface to the oceans(D) regulate the rate of water flow from streams and rivers5. What determines the rate at which a molecule of water moves through the cycle, as discussed inthe third paragraph?(A) The potential energy contained in water(B) The effects of atmospheric pressure on chemical compounds(C) The amounts of rainfall that fall on the continents(D) The relative size of the water storage areas6. The word "rapidity" in line 19 is closest in meaning to(A) significance(B) method(C) swiftness(D) reliability7. The word "they" in line 24 refers to (A) insoluble ions(B) soluble ions(C) soils(D) continents8. All of the following are example of soluble ions EXCEPT(A) magnesium(B) iron(C) potassium(D) calcium9. The word "efficiency" in line 27 is closest in meaning to(A) relationship(B) growth(C) influence(D) effectiveness答案:PASSAGE 1 BBACC DBCDA BPASSAGE 2 AACCD CABD。



TOEFL阅读理解历年考题分类:1. 树叶为何变颜⾊2. 瑞典诺贝尔⽂学评委会3. 民众抗命 Civil Disobedience4. 陨⽯坑 Craters5. 英法战争6. 车票打孔与计算机雏形7. 地⾐ LICHEN8. 路易斯安娜洲购买后的⽪⽑买卖9. 同步通讯卫星10. 聊天对于南⽅⼥作家的社会影响11. 睡眠12. ⼈物(⼥)Amelia 和Muriel的男性化成长13. 塑料14. 芝加哥15. ⼈物(男)雕塑家Frederic Remington16. 动物⾝上为何不⽣出轮⼦17. 树的⽣存⽅式18. 摩天⼤楼—美国的特征19. 加洲北⽔南调⼯程20. 蜜蜂意识测试21. Navajo⼈的起源22. 为美国护⼠教育的抗争23. ⼈物(⼥)建筑师Julia Morgan24. 沼泽中的动物25. 供求与市场价格26. 增重的可能因素27. 单间教室的好处28. ⼩麦与⼈类⽂明29. 铁路电报的发展30. 美国殖民期间的建筑风格与材料31. 卫星的内外结构和动⼒32. 玩耍的起源和意义33. 1800’s 毯⼦的风格34. Anasazi印第安⼈35. ⼤⽓中的⽔36. ⼀战对美国的影响37. 蜂的社会结构38. 第五⼤街291号画廊和画家(⼥)Georgia O’Keeffe的抽象风格39. 美洲鳄鱼交配后40. ⼈物(⼥)摄影家Barbara Kasten 的技法41. 国家冰河公园周围的⼟地保护42. 乳化过程 EMUSIFY43. 美国独⽴史44. ⼈物(⼥)作家Carson Mccullers45. 作物⽔喷洒计46. 价格体系的解释47. ⼲酪阻碍⽛齿损坏48. 偏见49. 星的亮度50. 回声51. 华盛顿DC的建⽴52. 莺科鸣禽对树上⾷物的划分53. 婴⼉的⼤脑成熟和感情发育54. ⼈物(⼥)作家Ellen Glasgow笔下的南⽅复兴55. ⽜仔的服装和⽤具56. ⾷物57. 社会功能良性运转中的⼀个时间量度58. 地球板块59. 神迹剧Oratorio60. 购买Louisiana61. 听⼒测试法62. 动物: 濑鱼Wrasse63. 纽约作为商业中⼼的兴起64. 民谣的形式65. 铝66. 植树节Arbor Day67. ⽜胃68. 作家Sinclair Lewis的作品main Street69. 植物的根70. 科学家对⾃然现象解释的不同⽅法(病理学Pathological,⽣理学Physiology)71. Joh Astor和旅馆72. Arizona 洲的城市灯光⼲扰天⽂观测73. 第⼀夫⼈(Eleanor Roosevelt)74. 综合剧团的发展75. 蜜蜂适应社会化76. ⽓候决定动物植物分布77. 北美⽊雕⼯具78. 动物:旋⽊雀Treecreeper79. 洛克菲勒中⼼80. ⼈物 Marx 兄弟的职业81. 镁的制取和⽤途82. ⼈物(男)画家Max Weber83. 美国法院体系84. ⼈物(⼥)作家Constance Fenimore85. ⼤脑与神经系统的起源86. 蜜蜂87. ⼈物:马丁.路德.⾦88. 对流89. 密西西⽐部落⽂化90. 语⾔对数学的影响91. 单字排铸92. 蒸汽船对美国贸易的贡献93. 动物:Koala94. 弗罗伊得的“否”理论95. 有脊椎和⽆脊椎动物的Allelomimetic ⾏为96. 西进过程中⼥性发明医疗物质97. 美国现代艺术88/598. 动物:北极熊 88/599. 树⽪结构受形成层的影响 88/5100. 喇叭 88/5101. 美国硬币上的总统像87/8102. 都市化经济发展依赖于现代化的农业87/8103. 美洲野⽜ 87/8104. ⼤峡⾕的形成 87/8105. ⼈物(⼥)雕塑家Marisol Escobar的独特艺术风格87/8106. 杰弗逊总统⼊住华盛顿Dc107. ⼟壤的类型108. ⼈物(⼥)诗⼈Gwendolyn Brooks的艺术成就109. 灵长类动物的社会⾏为110. Miami海滩装饰建筑111. ⽊匠对新英格兰建筑风格的影响112. 动物:猿113. 现⾦交易历史114. ⼈物(⼥)艾⽶丽.狄⾦森115. 波动消除噪⾳116. ⿊⼈Harlem117. ⼈物(⼥)诗⼈Mariana Moore (样题1)118. 美国空间协会的报道119. ⾸例⼼脏⼿术120. 全球环境问题有待⾼层关注121. 候鸟迁徙之迷(样题2)122. 通讯卫星前景123. 地⾐124. ⼈物(⼥)新闻摄影Margaret Bourke 125. 冰河期126. ⼈物:马丁.路德.⾦的童年127. 竞⾛128. 美国Mba⽣员变化129. 雷达130. ⼈物:⼩说家Langston Huges ⽣平作品131. 电视88/10132. Sioux语⾔命名88/10133. 动物;鲸 88/10134. 未知的将来 88/10135. 1784法案 88/10136. 两类睡眠 86/10137. 美国监狱体系138. 不同类型的Speech89/1:1. ⼈物:⼩说家Robert Herrick 的童年2. 树懒的习性3. 教育:Montessori ⼉童教学法4. ⼼理;多数观点对于个体判断的影响5. 物理:⽥野⽯头因冰冻的竖直向上运动6. ⼤草原印第安⼈的乐器 89/57. 美国⾰命的缓进性8. 太阳发光热9. 美国蝗⾍灾害10. ⼈⼯花11. ⼈物(⼥)歌唱家Ella Fitzgerald 89/812. 透镜的早期应⽤13. 卫星城的概念14. 废煤矿的开发15. 西部铁路建设16. 博物馆的扩建 89/1017. ⽯油精炼18. 动物:河狸Beaver19. 热量单位:卡20. ⼈物(⼥)芭蕾舞演员Agnes De Mille21. 炼铁成钢90/122. 动物:马的进化23. 宇宙是简单的现象24. 娱乐车辆对⼟壤的问题25. ⼈物(⼥)闹剧作家Merry Otis Warren26. 养牡蛎 90/527. 引起争论的公⽤⼟地政策28. 荷尔蒙29. ⼈物(⼥)Gertrude Stein对现代⽂学的贡献30. 林肯再选受益于Nast的漫画31. 空间垃圾问题 90/832. 浮游⽣物33. 70年代旧建筑复⽤34. 尼安德塔⼈的特征(考古)35. 电视发明的第⼀步36. 加拿⼤⼩麦委员会的起源90/1037. 美国⾰命中印第安⼈丧失⼟地38. 摩天⼤楼与环境39. 彗星40. ⼈物:农业化学家G。



2023年4月26日托福阅读真题一、Passage 1早期地球温度过高,没有液态水,然后太阳风剥离了氢和氧等轻元素,冰体撞击带来液态水。









二、Passage 2欧洲人口在几百年前出现了大幅度的增长,因为城镇人口在当时不多,因此当人口出现快速增长时,整个社会都有好处。








三、Passage 3介绍了一些宋朝经济发展的原因。











浙江省绍兴市绍兴市树人中学张祖平选译Notes:1.cadet []军官学校学生 2.fort []要塞、堡垒3.headquarters []指挥部;司令部4.legislation []立法;法律 5.harbor []海港;避难所6.nominate []推荐;提名;任命7.embassy []大使馆文化长廊课外空间West Point is a college for future army officers.It has more than four thousand students.The students are called cadets 1.The school is located about 80kilometers north of New York City.West Point is the oldest continuously occupied military post in the United States.General George Washington built a fort 2there during the Revolutionary War.The aim was to protect the Hudson River from the British soldiers.He moved his headquarters 3to West Point in 1779in the middle of the war.In 1802,President Thomas Jefferson signed legislation 4to establish the military academy at West Point.The education centered on civil engineering.West Point graduates designed many roads,bridges,harbors 5and railways for the young nation.Not all the young men and women at West Point are American.This year,are from other countries.Up to sixty cadets can be international students.International students are nominated 6by their governments.They must satisfy physical and educational requirements.They must also do well on the Test of English as a Foreign Language.After graduation,they return home to serve in their nation ’s armed forces.Other services besides the Army also accept foreign students at their academies.Major Joe Sowers,a West Point public affairs officer,says information about the military academy is available through American embassies 7.西点军校是一所培养未来军官的大学,有4000多名学生。

托福阅读词汇-TPO19 The Roman Army’s on Britain-智课教育旗下智课教育

托福阅读词汇-TPO19 The Roman Army’s on Britain-智课教育旗下智课教育

智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福阅读词汇-TPO19 The Roman Army’s onBritain-智课教育旗下智课教育本文是智课教育小编为大家整理的托福阅读TPO19 The Roman Army’s onBritain中的所有有价值学习的词汇,希望可以帮助到大家。




所以智课教育小编为了减轻大家在积累过程中的前期工作,为大家整理出TPO19 The Roman Army’s on Britain中的所有有价值学习的词汇,分享给大家,希望大家可以学习一下,从一点一滴开始学习词汇。

核心词汇 音标 词性 释义 近义词 例句 Impact [ˈɪmpækt] n.碰撞,冲击,撞击 affect They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country... conquest[ˈkɒŋkwest] n. 征服,击败;战利品 surrender After the Norman Conquest the forest became a royal hunting preserve troop [tru:p] n. 军队;一群;[军]骑兵连 group The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries... fortification [ˌfɔ:tɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] n.筑垒,设防;防御工事 blockade The government has started building fortifications along its eastern border. imposition[ˌɪmpəˈzɪʃn] n. 强加;被迫接受;过分的要求;税收[ˌɪmpəˈzɪʃn] ...the imposition of a ban on cycling in the city centre requisition [ˌrekwɪˈzɪʃn] n.征用,(财产或材料的正式)征用令;申请书 petition Authorities requisitioned hotel rooms to lodge more than 3,000 stranded Christmas vacationers. fort [fɔ:t] n. 堡垒,要塞 fortification A fort is a strong building or a place with a wall or fence around it where soldiers can stay and be safe from the enemy rebellion[rɪˈbeljən] n. 造反,叛乱;反抗 revolution The British soon putdown the rebellion disloyalty [dɪs'lɔɪəltɪ] n. 不忠实;不信;不义defection Charges had already been made against certain officials suspected of disloyalty. proportion [prəˈpɔ:ʃn] n.比,比率;[数学]比例(法);面积 ratio A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die friction [ˈfrɪkʃn] n.摩擦;冲突,不和 conflict Sara sensed that there had been friction between her children cosmopolitan [ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən] n.世界主义者 cosmopolite frontier [ˈfrʌntɪə(r)] n.边疆,边境;边界,边缘 border ...a far-flung outpost on the frontier. reign [reɪn] n. 君主的统治 regulation The commanders accused him of carrying out a reign of terror. considerable[kənˈsɪdərəbl] adj. 相当大(或多)的 significant To be without Pearce would be a considerable blow... influential [ˌɪnfluˈenʃl] adj. 有影响的;有权势的 weighty He had been influential in shaping economic policy substantial [səbˈstænʃl] adj.充实的;实质的,真正的 affluent That is a very substantial improvement in the present situation thriving [θraɪvɪŋ] adj.兴旺的,旺盛的,繁荣的 booming ...the river's thriving population of kingfishers ncorporate [ˈkɔ:pərət] adj. 法人的,团体的,社团的collective ...top US corporate executives stunt [stʌnt] v.阻碍…发育(生长);抑制 The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit... suppress [səˈpres] v. 镇压,压制;止住 repress Lawyers said today's ruling would lead to higher prices and would suppress innovation of new products campaign[kæmˈpeɪn] v. 参加[发起]运动,参加竞选 We are campaigning for law reform... infrastructure [ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)] n.基础设施;基础建设 The infrastructure, from hotels to transport, is old and decrepit fulfill [fʊl'fɪl] v. 履行(诺言等);执行(命令等)live up to Is she a sleeper Russian spy, one who has spent a lifetime in the United States waiting to fulfill her mission? entwin [ɪnˈtwaɪn] v. 缠绕,盘绕 intertwine The book entwines the personal and the political to chart the history of four generationsof the family entitle [ɪnˈtaɪtl] v. 使有资格;给…定名;给与…权利Chomsky's review is entitled 'Psychology and Ideology'. auxiliary [ɔːg'zɪlɪərɪ; ɒg-] adj. 辅助的;副的;附加的 additional Socrates demands for common ownership of property at least among the auxiliary class recruit [rɪˈkru:t] v. 招聘,征募 enroll In recruiting students to Computer Systems Engineering, the University looks for evidence of all-round ability unevenly [ʌn'i:vnlɪ] adv.不规则地;不稳定地 unequally My cuticles were split and ragged, and my nails unevenly bitten initially [ɪˈnɪʃəli] adv. 开始;最初at the start Forecasters say the gales may not be as bad as they initially predicted...以上就是智课教育托福小编带来的从托福阅读TPO19 The Roman Army’s onBritain中积累的阅读词汇。

托福阅读题目the raccoons's success

托福阅读题目the raccoons's success

the raccoons's successThe success of raccoons refers to their ability to adapt and thrive in various environments, including urban areas. Raccoons are highly adaptable creatures known for their intelligence and resourcefulness. They have been able to successfully exploit human-made habitats, such as cities and suburbs, to find food and shelter.One of the key factors contributing to the raccoons’ success is their omnivorous diet. Raccoons are opportunistic feeders and can consume a wide range of food, including fruits, vegetables, insects, small animals, and even human leftovers. This versatility allows them to find food sources in both natural and human-altered environments.Furthermore, raccoons have a high level of adaptability and problem-solving skills. They are capable of manipulating objects and using their paws to open containers or access food sources. Their ability to learn and adapt to new challenges has contributed to their success in urban areas, where they have learned to navigate human structures and avoid potential dangers.Raccoons also have a relatively high reproductive rate, with females typically giving birth to litters of 3 to 6 kits. This reproductive strategy ensures the population’s resilience and provides a steady supply of new individuals that can occupy and exploit available habitats.However, the success of raccoons in urban areas can also createconflicts with humans. Raccoons may raid garbage bins, damage property, or transmit diseases. Therefore, it is important for humans to implement proper waste management strategies and take necessary precautions to coexist with these adaptable creatures.Overall, the success of raccoons can be attributed to their adaptability, intelligence, and omnivorous diet. Their ability to thrive in both natural and human-altered environments showcases their remarkable survival skills and resourcefulness.。



托福考试真题和答案一、阅读部分1. 阅读文章:The Origin of Theater问题:What is the main purpose of the passage?答案:The main purpose of the passage is to discuss the possible origins of theater.2. 阅读文章:The Impact of the Industrial Revolution问题:According to the passage, what was one of the major consequences of the Industrial Revolution?答案:One of the major consequences of the Industrial Revolution was the shift from an agrarian society to an industrial one.3. 阅读文章:The Evolution of Flight问题:What evidence supports the idea that birds evolved from dinosaurs?答案:The evidence that supports the idea that birds evolved from dinosaurs includes the discovery of fossils with features common to both birds and dinosaurs.二、听力部分1. 听力对话:Library Research Assistance问题:Why does the student go to the library?答案:The student goes to the library to seek assistance with research for a paper.2. 听力讲座:Astronomy - The Search for Exoplanets问题:What is the main topic of the lecture?答案:The main topic of the lecture is the search for exoplanets and the methods used to detect them.3. 听力对话:Biology Lab Equipment问题:What is the problem the student is facing?答案:The student is facing a problem with the availability of equipment in the biology lab for their experiment.三、口语部分1. 口语任务:Describe a tradition in your culture.问题:What is a tradition in your culture that you find particularly interesting?答案:In my culture, an interesting tradition is the celebration of the Lunar New Year, which involves family gatherings, feasting, and the exchange of red envelopes.2. 口语任务:Choose between two options.问题:Which would you prefer: to live in a city or in the countryside? Explain why.答案:I would prefer to live in the countryside because of the peaceful environment and the opportunity to be closer to nature.3. 口语任务:Explain a concept and give an example.问题:Can you explain what sustainable development is and give an example of how it is implemented?答案:Sustainable development refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. An example of sustainable development is the use of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, which reduce dependence on fossil fuels and decrease carbon emissions.四、写作部分1. 独立写作任务:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All university students should be required to take basic science courses.问题:What is your opinion on the statement, and why?答案:I agree with the statement that all university students should be required to take basic science courses because it provides a well-rounded education and fosters critical thinking skills that are applicable in various fields.2. 综合写作任务:Reading - The Disappearance of Bees问题:Summarize the main points from the reading about the disappearance of bees and the arguments made in the lecture.答案:The reading discusses the potential causes of bee disappearance, including habitat loss and pesticide use. The lecture, however, argues that these factors are not the main reasons and suggests that disease and climate change play a more significant role.请注意,以上提供的仅供参考,实际考试内容和题目可能会有所不同。

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