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Unit Twelve Section A

1.充满着不可预知性full of/filled with the unexpected

2.在以前,到..的时候(接句子) by the time+句子

3.在冲淋浴be in the shower /be taking a shower

4.把背包忘在家里leave the backpack at home

5.离开..去.. leave ... for ...

6.睡过头oversleep/ sleep late

7.(闹铃、警报器等)突发巨响go off

8.冲出…rush out of ..

9.让某人搭车give sb. a ride/lift

10.上课迟到5分钟five minutes late for class

11.某人即将做某事(眼下、最近的将来) sb be about to do sth

12.刚要做…就... be about to do when+一般过去时

13.某事就要发生sth be about to happen

14...以东两个街区two blocks east from…

15.与…成一排in line with

16.站成一排排队等候stand/ wait in line

17.进行:发生;继续go on

18.盯着看... stare at

19.满怀疑惑的in disbelief

20.从正在燃烧的楼上升起rise above the burning building

21.活者还是死了be alive or dead

22.从床上跳起来jump out of bed

23.在飞机场at the airport

24.真倒霉What bad luck!

25.暗自思量think to oneself

26.听说hear about/ of...

27.收数学作业collect the math homework

28.在(某一时间点)以前,到..结束前by the end of ...

29.其它的所有人everyone else

30.其它的什么人的someone else's

Unit Twelve Section B

1.在愚人节on April Fool's Day

2.愚节中受愚弄者April fools

3.被...愚弄be fooled by

4.穿好衣服,穿上衣服get dressed

5.熬夜stay up

6.赶到,出现,露面,如期到达show up

7.整夜all night

8.取消/终止化装舞会cancel the costume party

9.(必然、有计划地)发生;进行;举行take place

10.相互开各种玩笑play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other

11.尽可能多的.. as many/ much as possible / one can (could)

12.卖光sell out

13.和....结婚marry sb. / get married to sb

14.回复... reply to

15.与其...倒不如,而不是rather than

16.登录/着陆地球land on the earth

17.恐惧席卷整个国家fear spread across the whole country

18.警官police officers

19.最不可信的the least believable

20.逃离(某地) run away from

21....的介绍an introduction to .. .

22.(使)转身,(使)转向turn around

23.西行head west

24.供应某人某物:给某人端上某物serve sb sth/serve sth to sb.

25.从事.,致力于... work on ...

26.上交.. hand in ..

27.做出一个出人意料的发现make an unexpected discovery
