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3 Super Simple Ways to Reduce Food Waste


If you had an extra $370 in your pocket, how would you spend it? Would you donate it to charity? Finally buy that fancy new blender? The possibilities are endless, but back to that money. What if I told you that's how much the average American loses a year on food waste? I don't know about you, but that's a lotta dough I'd rather be spending on a vacation.


1. Quit buying bulk.

1. 不要再买大批量食物了。

We love a good deal as much as the next person, but when it comes to food shopping, don't overload your cart with random stuff you don't need. Remember, that five dollar bag of avocados is only a steal if you use them all up before they go bad. If you must buy ingredients in bulk, make sure it's something you're 100% going to use up or something that can last a long time.


2. Store your food properly.

2. 合理储存食物

Rotten or spoiled food is the ultimate bummer. The easiest way to avoid food waste is storing your produce in ways that preserves freshness. Here's a handy guide to choosing storage containers. If you have extra fruits and veggies, freeze or preserve them so you can savor their deliciousness for weeks and months to come. Always store bananas, apples, and tomatoes by themselves. (These fruits emit natural gases that can spoil any produce around them.) Foods that languish, like broccoli, cauliflower and celery stalks, should be eaten first. Got a lotta berries? Wait to wash them until right before you eat them to prevent mold. And virtually any fruit and vegetable can be frozen and added to smoothies.


3. Cook smarter.

3. 更理智的做饭

Does your recipe only call for half an onion? First of all, that recipe needs to get its act together. Secondly, save the other half for soups, stews, and scrambles. That gorgeous bunch of carrots from the farmers' market? Save the tops and make a pesto. Here are even more delicious ideas. When you've exhausted your culinary muscles, your last ditch effort should be composting.



1.as much as 差不多;尽…那样多
