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2.They like orange. They don't like orange. 3.We walk to school every day. We don't walk to school every day.
4. His brother plays football after school. His brother doesn’t play football.
主语 + 情态动词 + not + 动词原形 + 其他
can not = can't could not = couldn't must not = mustn't would not = wouldn't will not = won't should not = shouldn't may not = may not
5. It looks like a hat. 、 It doesn’t look like a hat.
6. She has a cat at home. She doesn’t have a cat at home.
提示: 1、如果句中出现some在改否定句时 一定要将其变为any。 2、如果句中出现and在改否定句时 一定要将其变为or。 3、如果句中出现too在改否定句时 一定要将其变为either。
主语 + be + not + 其他
is not =isn't are not=aren't
1.Kitty isn't (not) an English girl. 2.We aren't (not) students. 3.I am not (not) from Taizhou. 4.She isn't (not) tall. 5.Lucy and Lily aren't (not)good friends. 6.Those chairs aren't (not) broken. 7.The bag isn't(not) mine.
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主语 + 助动词(do/does)+not +行为动词原形 + 其他
do not = don't
does not= does't
什么时候用助动词do,does呢? 当行为动词是第三人称单数形式时,用助动词does。 当行为动词是原形时,用助动词do。
1、These boys like playing football. These boys do not liቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe playing football.
She can't (can not) speak English.
You mustn't (must not) open the door. They shouldn't (should not) be right. I won't (will not) go to Japan.
2、The girl reads English every morning. The girl does not read English every morning.
一找 找行为动词 二变 变助动词(do、does)+行为动词原形 三加 在助动词后面加not
1.I like red. I don't like red.