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Chenzhou , an ancient city covered with dense forest. Since Qin Dynasty, Chen( Chinese character”郴”) in the Chinese dictionary had been created for the city, meaning “a city in the forest.”Being green throughout the year it is an excellent tourism city of China, and one of the best ecological cities of the south.It is a “land of nonferrous metals” well-known in the world, and a “city of mineral crystals” of China.古城郴州,一个被茂密森林覆盖的城市。自秦代开始,字典里“郴”这个字就是专为这座城市而造的,意为“林中之城”。这里绿意盎然,四季常青,是中国优秀旅游城市和南方生态最好的城市之一。这里,是享誉世界的“有色金属之乡”和中国“矿物晶体之都。”

In 2015, a world class grand meeting will be held in this miracle city full of the essence of nature. The rippled Chenzhou International Convention Center, like mountain and water, with an indoor exhibition area of 60000 sqm, is a large and multi-functional exhibition site with the large scale, fullest equipped function and highest professional level in Hunan Province. There are 2500 international standard exhibition booths in this Mineral & Gem Expo, which attracts more than 2000 exhibitions from over 70 countries.Thus, its scale ranks the third in the world and the first in Asia. “This is an expo held at the pithead.” Chenzhou, will live up to the choice of the world! 2015年,一个世界性的盛会将在这座凝聚着天地精华的神奇之城召开。如山水般波澜起伏造型的郴州国际会展中心,室内展览面积达60000平方米,湖南省市州中规模最大,功能最齐全,专业水平最高的大型现代化多功能展览场所。本次矿博会设2500个国际标准展位,吸引逾70个国家的2000余名展商参展。是世界前三,亚洲最大的矿物化石宝石展。“这是一个开在矿进口的博览会”郴州,价格无愧于世界的选择。

Chenzhou, located at the foot of the north of the FiveRidges at the cross border of Hunan and Guangdong, is a Huaxia geologic structure unit.In the endless geologic age, Chenzhou totally experienced four important tectonic deformation periods and four corresponding magmatic activities. Its unique geological basis, not only creates cent “area accumulated with a huge amount o f metals”, but forms beautiful mineral crystals in all forms. 郴州,地处湘粤文化交接的五岭北麓,隶属华夏地质构造单元。在漫长的地质年代里,郴州共经历了四次重要的构造变形期。独有的地址基础,不仅塑造出宏伟瑰丽的“巨量金属堆积区,也形成了姿态万千美丽无比的矿物晶体。

According to incomplete statistics, more than 200 kinds of minerals have been found within the territory of Chenzhou, among which, reserves of tungsten, bismuth, molybdenum and

amorphous graphite rank first nationwide, those of tin and zine rank the third and fourth respectively, and that of fluorite accounts for more than half of the whole nation. 据不完全统计,郴州境内已发现矿物200多种,其中钨,铋,钼微晶石墨注量居全国第一;锡,锌储量分别居全国第三第四位,萤石储量占全国的一半以上。

The maganifent mineral crystal is the pride of Chenzhou, 80% of the mineral crystals in China are produced in Chenzhou, and 150 kinds of valuable minerals known in the world can be found in Chenzhou. The mineral crystal in Chenzhou receives worship of international collectors because of its multiple variety, large quantity, bright colour, perfect crystal, diversified combination and peculiar shape.Scheelite, blende, swallow tail twi n, bournonite… that have been treated as treasure by collectors are not hard to be found in Chenzhou.In overseas famous expo, the price of these mineral crystals reached tens of thousands of dollars and even higher many year ago. The large vug with green fluorite and calcite is the most valuable treasure of the Geological Museum of China. 美轮美奂的矿物晶体是郴州的骄傲,中国80%的晶体产自郴州,世界上已知的150种有用矿物在郴州都能找到。郴州的矿物晶体因品种多,数量大,色彩鲜艳,晶体完美,组合多样,造型奇特二备受国际收藏家推崇。白钨,闪锌矿,燕尾双晶,车轮矿,这些令藏家们听名字就眼睛发亮的珍宝,在郴州都不难见到。在国外知名的博览会上,这些晶体的价格,多年前已轻易达到数万美元升值更高。绿萤石,方解石相互嵌生的大型晶簇,为中国地质博物馆镇馆之宝。

The hsianghualite which is the national treasure of the field of geoscience and well-known in the world is harder to be obtained even with a lot of money.According to rough statistic, the quantity of mineral crystal exploited in Chenzhou is 230,000sqm and the prospective quantity is 6 million sqm including 1.32million that can be exploited.Mt.Yaogangxian,Shizhu Park,Mt.Haianghualite and Leiping, etc. have become internally known mineral crystal production areas.As tin ore belt at Mt.Qitian is found in large scale, more beautiful mineral crystals will be found underground in Chenzhou. 在地址学界独享“国宝”级地位,蜚声全球的香花石更是千金难求。据粗略统计,郴州矿物晶体已采资源量23万方,保有远景资源量600万方,可采132万方。瑶岗仙,柿竹园,香花岭,雷坪等矿区,已成为国际知名的矿物晶体产区。随着骑田岭大规模锡矿带的发现,郴州将有更多奇艳亮丽的矿物晶体从大地深处走来。

Chenzhou,a mineral city can be said to be a place that knows mineral crystals the best in China.。There are more than 80,000 people engaging in mineral crystal production and distribution, and
