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1、Many a time,the Chinese government urged that American government stop selling advanced

weapons to Taiwan,but it__________ listen,__________Sino-US relations.

A. won’t;damaging

B. wouldn’t;damaging

C. shouldn’t; to damage

D. wouldn’t:to damage

2、it have been the failure to pick up directions from the ground control that caused the air crash?

A. Must

B. Could

C. Would

D. Should

3、— Look! It’s raining again.

— Why _____ it rain on Sundays? We are always staying inside! What a nuisance!

A.need B.must C.does D.should

4、 ---Why ______ you stay in the countryside, where it is not convenient to go shopping?

---- But I’ve found it rather valuable for my health.

A .can B. must C. may D. shall

5、一What does the sign over there read?

一“No person ________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area.”


B. may

C. shall


6、—Have you checked the engine?

—Yes, I did twice; there be anything wrong with the car.

A. won’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. shouldn’t

7、The doctor recomm ended that you swim after eating a large meal.





8、His failure in the exam suggested that he _______ the teacher's instructions.

A. can't have followed

B. needn't have followed

C. mustn't have followed

D. shouldn't have followed

9、The missing children haven’t been found yet. Something terrible ________ to them.

A. may happen

B. should have happened

C. must happen

D. might have happened

10、I don't know how he _______that I'm lazy , _______he's been in bed all day.

A. dare to say , that

B. dares say , while

C. dare say , as

D. dares to say, when

11、— You didn’t wait for Elizabeth last night, did you?

— Yes, but we ______. She didn’t come at all.

A. don’t have to

B.needn’t have

C. need to

D. should have

12、I’m glad that you have managed to come, but you _____ have brought wine.We’ve got plenty.

A wouldn’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.couldn’t

13、The school rules state that no child ____________ be allowed out of the school during the day,

unless accompanied by an adult.

A. could

B. shall

C. might

D. should

14、The famous writer often says that he ________ so much without the support and

encouragement from his wife.

A. shouldn’t achieve

B. shouldn’t have achieved

C. couldn’t achieve

D. couldn’t have achieved

15、—Did you lock the door?—No, I ____, but I forgot.

A. should

B. must have

C. must

D. should have

16、 ----Who’s the man giving the speech?
