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绪论 ---------
广义上可以定义为大气中关于云的科学,可以包 括从云的分类、形成、演变、云中辐射传输、云 中光电现象直到雨水化学特性这样的范围。云、 雾和降水物理学(简称云物理学)是以大气热力 学和大气动力学为基础,研究大气中水分在各阶 段所经历的物理过程,具体而言就是研究云、雾 和降水的形成、发展和消散过程,是大气科学中 最为重要的分支学科之一。它是雷达气象学、人 工影响天气、强风暴等物理气象学内容的核心。
宏观云物理学主要是大气动力学问题,微观云 物理学则更多的是水汽的相变热力学和气溶胶 力学问题,所需的知识为热力学原理、扩散理 论和物理化学等。
二、 学科地位
大气物理学:大气热力学、大气动力学、云降水物 理学、大气辐射学、大气声光电学、高层大气物理 学等
The man whom we must credit with developing the basis for our cloud classification system was Luke Howard (1772-1864), an English manufacturing chemist and pharmacist. Like many who observed and studied the workings of the atmosphere at that time, Howard was an amateur meteorologist. Despite that fact he produced several landmark works including On the Modification of Clouds, The Climate of London, and Seven Lectures on Meteorology, the first textbook on weather.
Naming The Clouds
Prior to the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, most weather observers believed that clouds were too transient, too changeable, too short-lived, to be classified or even analyzed. With few exceptions, no cloud types were even named; they were just described by their colour and form as each individual saw them: dark, white, grey, black, mare's tails, mackerel skies, wooly fleece, towers and castles,
按研究对象尺度的大小,云物理学可分为宏观云物 理学和微观云物理学二部分。
前者研究水平尺度10m~100km以至1000km,垂 直厚度10m~101km范围内云的形成、发展和消亡 的动力学过程;
后者研究云体的组成元素——云粒子(包括云滴和 冰晶)和降水粒子(雨、雪、冰雹等)所经历的形 成及其增长过程。其尺度仅为0.1 μm ~ 100 cm。
研究云降水物理必须具有大气物理学中其它分支 的知识
研究云降水物理必须重视云雾的地理背景、环流 背景、天气背景,应具备天气学、气候学知识
是人工影响云雾降水的理论基础,后者是前者主要 目的和具体应用之一,也是更深入研究的方法之一。
三、 方法体系
感性认识: 观测和探测
理性认识 : 理化实验 理化模拟 数值模拟
Lamarck(1744-1829), 云的形成并非是随机的,对 云进行了简单的分类(1802);但未受到重视。
Lamarck's scientific theories were largely ignored or attacked during his lifetime; Lamarck never won the acceptance and esteem of his colleagues Buffon and Cuvier, and he died in poverty and obscurity. Today, the name of Lamarck is associated merely with a discredited theory of heredity, the "inheritance of acquired traits." However, Charles Darwin, Lyell, Haeckel, and other early evolutionists acknowledged him as a great zoologist and as a forerunner of evolution. Charles Darwin wrote in 1861: Lamarck was the first man whose conclusions on the subject excited much attention. This justly celebrated naturalist first published his views in 1801. . . he first did the eminent service of arousing attention to the probability of all changes in the organic, as well as in the inorganic world, being the result of law, and not of miraculous interposition.
Howard(1772-1864), 云分类(1803), 但与Lamarck 分类不同;被普遍接受, 成为现在云分类的基础。
Luke Howard: The Man Who Named The Clouds An English manufacturing chemist, pharmacist, and amateur meteorologist. www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/history/howard.htm Godfather of Clouds A biography of the man who developed tBaidu Nhomakorabeae nomenclature of clouds. www.cloudman.com/luke/luke_howard.htm