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Listen to the following passage and then decide whether the statements below are true or false.After hearing a short passage,blacken the letter“A”on the Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET if you think the statement is true,or the letter “B”if you think it is false.There are10statements in this part of the test,1point for each statement.You will hear the passage only once.At the end of the recording, you will have2minutes to finish this part.


1.Success has something to do with leadership.

2.The ability to lead is not necessary to everyone.

3.A leader must possess a leadership position.

4.Teammates and classmates should not be considered as leaders.

5.Getting other people to do willingly what we want them to do is the true meaning of leadership.

6.Sometimes we may force people to do things,and that is also a kind of leadership.

7.The most important element of leadership is communication.

8.An ideal leader should be a good listener.

9.A good leader should be ready to accept others’ideas.

10.Ideal leaders are those who are most capable of communicating.


1.A解析根据原文“success and the ability to control our own fate are linked to our

ability to lead”,这句话的意思是:成功和掌握我们自身命运的能力与我们领导的能力是有联系的。由此可以推断出成功与领导能力是有关系的。题干中用同义词has something to do with代替了原文的词组are linked to,所以题干的表述是正确的。

2.B解析文中说“Leadership,in fact,is something that concerns everyone”,意思

是:实际上,领导能力与每一个人都相关。本题的关键是理解concern的词义,concern 意为“与……有关,涉及”。由此可知,题干的表述“领导能力未必与每一个人都有关”


3.B解析录音中提到“A leader does not necessarily occupy a formal leadership



or playmates can all be leaders if they so desire”,意思是:父母、配偶、队友、同事、朋友、同学或者玩伴们都可以是领导,如果他们渴望这么做的话。由此可知,题干的表述“队友和同学不应该被当做领导”不符和原文的意思,因此是错误的。5.A解析录音中提到“In fact,most of us spend a great deal of time trying to get

other people to do willingly what we want them to do,and that,in the purest sense of the term,is what leadership is all about”,意思是:实际上,我们中的大多数人花费大量的时间去使他人愿意做我们想要他们做的事,这一点用最纯粹的术语来讲就是领导能力。本题的关键是理解that的指代关系,这里that指代其前面的内容,即使他人心甘情愿做我们希望他们做的事。另外,题干中用同义短语the true meaning代替了原文中的the purest sense,所以题干的表述是正确的。

6.B解析录音中提到“we can force people to do things for a short period of time,

but that is not leadership”,意思是:我们虽然可以在短时间内强迫别人做事,但那不是领导能力。本题需要注意连词的使用,原文使用but表示前后内容的对立关系,


7.A解析录音中提到“So,what is the essence of leadership?Basically,what is

required of a true leader?It is communication”,由此可知沟通是领导才能的本质,是真正的领导所必需的能力。题干中用同义短语the most important element 代替了原文中的the essence(本质),由此可知,题干的说法“领导能力最重要的要素是沟通”符合原文意思,所以是正确的。

8.A解析录音中提到“We may also expect that our ideal leader listens…”,意思是:


9.A解析录音中提到“We may also expect that our ideal leader…is receptive to new

ideas”,意思是:我们期望理想完美的领导能够很容易接受新思想。题干中用同义短语be ready to accept代替了原文中is receptive to(善于接受……),由此可知,题干的表述是正确的。

10.A解析录音中提到“…an ideal and recognized leader invariably emerges as the

most competent communicator”,意思是:理想的、公认的领导一定是最擅长沟通的人。题干中capable与原文中competent的意思相同,所以题干的说法是正确的。


For most of us,success and the ability to control our own fate are linked to our ability to lead.Leadership,in fact,is something that concerns everyone.A leader
