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1. Realize it’s inevitable. 明白这是不可避免的。Let’s face it, not everyone is going to think you are as indispensable and wonderful as your mom does. The expression, “Get used to rejection”may be trite and overused, but it certainly is true. 勇敢面对,并非所有人都像母亲那样认为你是完美不可或缺的。俗语“习惯被拒绝”可能过于陈腐,但确实如此。

2. See rejection as an opportunity to learn. 视拒绝为学习的机会。Don’t let yourself move on until you can verbalize to yourself at least 3 lessons from the experience of rejection. Even if you were rejected unfairly, there is always something positive you can take away from the experience. 不要轻易忽视被拒,至少从中总结出3条经验教训。即使受到不公正的拒绝,其中总有积极方面的经验可循。

3. If you deserved to be rejected, then own it. 如果被拒是应得的,就勇敢承担下来。Sometimes, believe it or not, we all deserve to be turned down for something. Take responsibility for any foolish decisions you made, or behavior in which you engaged. Then, do yourself a favor: don’t repeat the error. 相信与否,有时每个人在某种情况下都应当被拒绝。为做出不成熟的决定或行为承担责任,然后再自我救赎,不再犯此类错误。

4. Be compassionate toward others who face rejection. 对被拒的人抱有同情心。Once your heart’s been broken by that rejection email, you can empathize with others who are going through the same thing. Be there for them. And someday you may have to write that rejection email. When you do, remember how it feels to be on the receiving end. 曾经被邮件拒绝伤透了心,在别人有同样经历的时候保持同情,站在他们的角度立场上。总有一天你要通过邮件拒绝别人,非做不可的时候,记住顾及到收信人的感受。

5. Take the high road. 选择较高的姿态。Avoid the temptation to blast the person or organization that just turned you down, especially on social media. You can never take that tweet or Facebook status down. It’s there forever. If you must speak to the experience of rejection publicly, then let your words reflect grace and dignity. 避免因被拒而经常迁怒别人,特别是社交媒体。你不可能永远远离Twitter或Facebook等社交媒体,它们无时不在。如果必须要公开被拒的经历,尽量选择优雅而体面的字眼。

6. Don’t give up. 决不放弃If you give up on that book idea, business venture, job pursuit, grad school idea, or whatever, then your experience of being rejected was a waste. Never let a devastating, cry-your-eyes-out, come-from-nowhere experience of being rejected go to waste. “Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.”如果你因为被拒就放弃了创意、创业、求职、升学等等,不管放弃什么,都浪费了这些被拒的经验。不要白白浪费掉一次让你遭受了打击、付出了泪水、不明所以的被拒经历。“振作起来,收拾行装,重新开始。”
