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岐伯对曰:“诸四异之邦文在初创 ,医道未立。故遣其聪慧之士远涉 千山,前来中土,潜习华文,精修 医术。
Qibo answered: “At that time medicine and written language in these countries and areas were not established yet. These countries sent students and scholars to China to study Chinese language and medicine through Chinese media.

及谙熟之,并携医经药典还国, 以华文传于其地。故今之日文多 杂以华字。朝韩越国,旧亦书华 文行儒学。”
After returning their countries, they practiced and taught Chinese medicine through the media of Chinese characters. That is why today Chinese characters still can be found in Japanese written language.”

黄帝曰:“卿言极是。雷公何 在?” 雷公拜曰:“臣谨听圣训。”

Huangdi said: “Good suggestion! Where’s Leigong?” Leigong kowtowed and answered: “I am ready to follow Your Majesty’s edict.”

黄帝曰:“今差汝速往 下界,遍访华夏古国, 悉求精通医术、熟谙西 语之贤士。
Huangdi said: “I’ll send you to the world of man to look for qualified translators who have a good command of both Chinese medicine and Western languages.
中医英语翻译 原则与方法

1.仿造化 所谓仿造,指的是在翻译原语的无 等值词汇时用译语中的直接对应词 代换无等值词汇的组成部分,即词 素或词。

例如:liver blood(肝血)、blood deficiency(血虚)、activating blood to resolve stasis(活血化瘀) 等等。英语中有liver, blood, deficiency这些单词,但却没有liver blood, blood deficiency 这样的概念 。仿造翻译就是借用英语中已有的相关 单词来表达中医特有的概念。亦即通过 对英语已有单词的重新排列组合向英语 语言输入中医特有的概念和表达法。

岐伯对曰:“华夏之国,今恰政通人 和,重教兴学。此等贤才,当可访寻 。陛下即可遣一天官到下界走访一番 ,若遇此等贤才,即诏命其精研译道 ,传译华夏医药于泰西诸国。”
Qibo answered: “China now is stable and peaceful. The government pays much attention to education. Qualified translators can certainly be found in this country with such a great ancient civilization. Your Majesty may send an official from the Heaven to the world of man to look for such qualified translators.”

岐伯曰:“古人云:名物不同,传 实不易。欲使泰西之人晓谕华夏医 术,须经翻译之径。然泰西之语与 华夏之文契合者少,遂使翻译辞不 达义,谬误广布。”
Qibo answered: “It is true that the Western languages are totally different from the Chinese language. That is why there are many errors in the current translation of Chinese medicine into the Western languages.”

朕所虑者,乃泰西之国。其国 与华夏远涉重洋,言语迥异。 华夏之医,如何传之于彼?”
What I am always worrying about is the countries in the West. The Western countries are quite different from China in language and customs. What shall we do to disseminate Chinese medicine to these countries?”

自《黄帝内经》问世,华夏医道于汉 唐之际东传高丽、扶桑,南播交趾诸 岛,北及朔方之域,西入吐蕃高原, 于各族各部之繁荣昌盛,善莫大焉。 ” Since the publication of Huangdi Neijing, Chinese medicine was spread to Korea, Japan, Viet Nam and northern areas of China. It has made great contributions to the prosperity and development of these countries.”

诏命其精研译道,传译华医于泰 西,以使万国咸宁,天下安康。 雷公稽首再拜曰:“谨遵圣意。 ”

When you have found such erudite scholars, ask them to carefully study the methods of translation and translate Chinese medicine into Western languages.” Leigong kowtowed again and said: “I will act in compliance with Your Majesty’s instructions.”
2. 定义化

辨证论治:diagnosis and treatment based on the overall analysis of symptoms and signs “辨证论治”目前已基本简洁为 treatment based on syndrome difቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱerentiation 或syndrome differentiation and treatment

岐伯曰:“陛下所立之医道 乃兴国生民之大法。故当传 于四方,惠及愚智贤不肖。
Qibo said: “The medicine that Your Majesty have established is indispensable to the life of the people. So it should be disseminated to all the whole world and serve for peoples from different countries.
中医英语翻译 理论与实践
《礼记·王制》 “
中国,夷、蛮、戎、狄 ……五方之民,言语不通, 嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲 ,东方曰寄,南方曰象,西 方曰狄鞮,北方曰译。”

译事三难信 达 雅。 求其信已大难矣。 顾信矣不达。虽译 犹不译也。

黄帝曰:“惜时与卿等谈医论药 ,旨在救天下万民于忧患,非为 吾华夏一族所计。朕观日月交辉 ,忧人世多艰。愿昔时所厘之医 道广播四海,咸宁万国。”
Huangdi said: “I have established this system of medicine for people all over the world, not just for the Chinese nation. I hope that it can be disseminated and practiced over the world.”
黄帝曰:“四异之邦与吾华夏 言语不通,嗜欲不同。华夏医 道,何以传之于彼?” Huangdi said: “The languages spoken in these countries and areas are different from the Chinese language. How was the Chinese medicine disseminated to these places?”

岐伯对曰:“必得精于华夏医术、谙 于泰西言语之士潜心较之、辨之,方 可厘定传译之序,通达医道之旨,消 讹除误,交通东西。” 黄帝问曰:“此等贤士,何处可得? ”
Qibo answered: “It can only be done by those who have a good command of both Western languages and Chinese medicine. ” Huangdi asked: “Where can we find such erudite scholars to undertake such a difficult task?”
黄帝升坐紫微宫,岐伯、雷公各侍 左右。
Huangdi was sitting in the palace in the Heaven. Qibo and Leigong, his senior ministers, were standing on either
side in attendance.

黄帝曰:“吐蕃、西域及朔方 之大部今属中国之地;高丽、 扶桑、交趾皆为儒学昌盛之邦 。华夏医道传之其地当无山隔 水断之忧。
Huangdi said: “Korea, Japan and Viet Nam are all the countries within the circle of Confucian civilization. The dissemination of Chinese medicine in these countries is certainly not very difficult.

黄帝曰:“医者,性命攸关之术。 岂可恣意妄为?差之毫厘,谬之千 里。反左为右,生即为杀。然泰西 之语与吾华夏之文泾渭两色,如之 奈何?”
Huangdi said: “Medicine is closely related to the life of the people. One small mistake may lead to a great disaster. But the Western languages are so different from the Chinese language. How to translate Chinese medicine into Western languages then?”
仆初嫌其辞不雅。维祗难曰:“佛言 依其义不用饰,取其法不以严。其传经者 ,当令易晓,勿失厥义,是则为善。”座 中咸曰:“老氏称‘美言不信,信言不美 。’仲尼亦云:‘书不尽言,言不尽意。 ’明圣人意深邃无极。今传胡义,实宜径 达。”是以自偈受译人口,因循本旨,不 加文饰。
Bringing peace to all the countries in the world