语言学 概念功能

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• Material process are those in which something is done. • Expressed by
▫ An action verb (e.g. Beat, break, kick) ▫ An actor (logical subject) ▫ The goal of the action (logical direct object)
• The ideational function mainly consists of “transitivity” and “voice”.
▫ Transitivity is simply the grammar of the clause in its ideational aspect.
• There are six different types of processes represented in language:
always grumbling
Existential process 存在过程
• Existential processes represent that something exists or happens. • In every existential process, there is an Existent. • E.g. There is • a new office building. Existent
▫ Senser ▫ phenomena
• Perception (感知)
▫ John saw Sensor process the murderer phenomena
Reaction (反应)
My sister likes the skirt Sensor process phenomena
Ideational function 概念功能
(different modes of meaning construed by the grammar)
Ideational function 概念功能
Metafunctions---Interpersonal function 人际功能 textual function 语篇功能
• E.g
▫ The lion caught ▫ Actor Process the tourist Goal
Mental process 心理过程
• Mental processes are Байду номын сангаасrocesses expressing such mental phenomena as “perception”(e.g. see, look), “reaction”(e.g. like, please), and cognition(e.g. know, believe). • Involves two participants:
Verbal process 言语过程
• Verbal process are those of exchange information. Commonly used verbs are :
▫ Say, tell, talk, praise, boast, describe, etc.
• The main participants are Sayer, Receiver, and Verbiage • E.g. My watch says that is ten o’clock. • Sayer Verbiage

She Sayer
me to get up earlier Receiver Verbiage
Behavioral process 行为过程
• Behavioral processes refer to physiological and psychological behavior such as breathing, coughing, smiling, laughing, crying, staring, and dreaming, etc. • Generally only one participant, Behaver, often a human. • Distinguished from Material process:
Cognition (认知)
I know Sensor process that she was absent phenomena
Relational process 关系过程
• Relational process can be classified into two types: Attributive and Identifying. • Attributive is about what attributes a certain object has, or what type it belongs to. Expressed by:
▫ Attribute—the quality, Carrier—the entity ▫ E.g. Today’s weather is going to be warm. ▫ Carrier process Attribute
Identifying expresses the identical properties of two entities, which means one entity is being used to identify another. And usually are reversible.. • Expressed by Identified and Identifier.(or token and value) • E.g. John is our monitor. Identified process Identifier Token process Value
▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Material process 物质过程 Mental process 心理过程 Relational process 关系过程 Verbal process 言语过程 Behavioral process 行为过程 Existential process 存在过程
Material process 物质过程
▫ Only one participant: whether the activity concerned is physiological or psychological. ▫ Two participants, take it as material process.
• E.g. He • Behaver
Ideational Function (概念功能)
• The ideational function(“experiential” and “logical”) is to convey new information, to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer. • The ideational function is a meaning potential, because whatever specific use one is making of language he has to refer a categories of his experience of the world.