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(1)概况age, sex, birth-place, background
* 语法,句法高分tips
1.A. 概况 :
译:钟南山1941年出生在广州,他是中国最 伟大的医生之一.
1)Zhong Nanshan ,born in Guangzhou in 1941, is one of the greatest doctors in China.
2. 她各科成绩都很好,喜欢体育运动,又能 歌善舞。
Being good at all subjects, ,she has a good command of singing, dancing as well as sports. Not only does she do extremely well in every subject, but also she is good at sports, singing and dancing .
5. 严于律己,乐于助人,是大家的好榜样, 她的父母以她为自豪。
She is self-disciplined and willing to help others, so she is a good model for us and a pride of her parents. Being strict with herself and wiling to help others, she sets us a good example and her parents are proud of her.
2)Zhong Nanshan, one of the greatest doctors in China, was born in Guangzhou in 1941.
译:他的语文老师是个漂亮女人,她长着 两只大眼睛,留着长发 His Chinese teacher is a beautiful woman with two big eyes and long hair.
4. 但她不怕苦,不怕难,努力把英语学好。 However she wasn’t afraid of the ___________, hardships, and made every effort/efət/ to learn English well. However, instead of giving in to hardships, she made every effort to overcome them.
C. 教育经历: 可以用非谓语动词, 使文章精炼 1.在中山大学英语系毕业后,她继续学习, 获得了博士学位.
Having graduated from English department of Zhongshan University, she went on further education and received a doctor's degree.
• D.生平: 可以用复合句倒装,非限定定语从句等,润色文章 1.他对科学极有兴趣,也有音乐天赋. 1)Not only is he interested in science, but also he has a gift for music. 2. 他创了一个新的游泳记录,为中国队赢得了一 块金牌.
2)He set a new world record of swimming, which won a gold medal for China Team.
E.评估: 注意运用一些动词、形容词等短语、词组 1. 雷锋给我们树立了一个良好的榜样,我们都 很敬重他. Leifeng set us a good example ,so all the people speak highly of him and all respect him . 2. 李时珍为医学做出了巨大的贡献. Lishizhen makes great contributions to Medical literature.
LiMin, a tall and active girl in good condition, performs excellently in all the subjects. She not only loves sports but also has a good command of singing and dancing. At the very beginning, she met great difficulty in learning English, but with perseverance, she did everything in her power to learn English well. Because she is self-disciplined and ready to help others, it’s worthwhile for us to model after her. what’s more, her parents think highly of her and treat her as their pride.
1. 李敏,个子高,身体好,很活跃,是我们 的班长。 LiMin, who is a tall, healthy and active girl, is our monitor.
LiMin, our monitor, is a tall, healthy and active girl. LiMin, a tall and active girl in good condition, is our monitor.
人物简介的一般步骤: 概,貌,育,平,估 Give the right order
(3)教育:education (2)外貌/性格appearance ,character ( 4 )生平big events in his or her life ( in order of time ) (5)评估evaluation
3. 她刚进学校时,在英语学习上遇到不少困 wk.baidu.com。
At the beginning of her entrance to our school, she had /met with great difficulty in learning English. When first coming to the school, she had great difficulty in learning English.