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dear mr. benas an exhange student. i hope to appl for the russesu sholarship.

firstl, i ould like to make a brief introdution of m stud of japan and the japanese language.

speak of m major, ou ma be surprised beause i major in interpreting beteen hiou should provide a summar of the

results and onlusions of reent ork in the tehnologialsientifi area overed b our researh proposal. please also outline the speifi expertise of the appliants in this subjet area, and

the expertise available at the uk and hina host organisations.

in the proposed researh and its ontext setion ou should inlude information on the bakground, programme and methodolog, relevane to benefiiaries, and dissemination. in partiular ou shoul


? introdue the topi of researh and explain its XXdemi and industrial

ontext, demonstrating ho it relates to leading researh in the uk, in hina and orldide;

? identif the overall aims of the projet and the individual measurable

objetives against hih ou ould ish the oute of the ork to be




? detail the methodolog to be used in pursuit of the researh, and justif this hoie; explain h the proposed projet is of suffiient timeliness and novelt to arrant onsideration for funding; desribe the programme of ork, indiating the researh to be undertaken,

and the milestones that ill be used to measure its progress. ou should desribe the roles of eah member of the researh teams in the uk and


? detail ho the proposed projet ill be managed aross the to ountries,

ith partiular demonstration of the added benefits to eah part due to the ollaboration;


? identif the potential impats of the projet and sho ho ill be the likel benefiiaries of the proposed researh;

indiate the proposed dissemination and tehnolog transfer routes that ill

be used, and explain ho the transfer of knoledge ill take plae to

benefiiaries and the general publi.

? identif hat mehanisms ill be in plae to identif, protet and eventuall

exploit an exploitable results hih ma arise from the researh for named researhers, visiting researhers and researher o-investigators, and letters of support from an projet partners .

for more information on doumentation please refer to the epsr ebsite, at .



appliation letter for admission

dear sir or madam,

m name is _______, a senior from the no.59 junior high shool. i am riting this letter in the purpose of appling for admission into the no. 1 high shool.

if i ere to hoose to ords to desribe mself, it ould have to be prudent and persistent. ith m teahers’ gu idane and the
