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1.And the nostalgia for this American is so strong that for those who have no genuine memory of it, we have created one.(Paragraph 9)

For those who have not experienced the good old days of the past, we have created an idealized picture of America.

2.Collectively they seem to exude the same relativism and insecurity about right and wrong as the rest of us.(Paragraph 9)

Generally the churches are no better than we are, because they are also ambivalent and uncertain about what is right and what is wrong.


1.The best any of them can hope for is the honor of being a district or county vice-chairman, a kind of separate-but-equal position which a woman is rewarded for years of faithful envelope stuffing and card-party organizing.(Paragraph 6)

After years of devoted service, the highest position a woman can expect to get is county vice-chairman ----an auxiliary and subordinate position which can be regarded as an extension of the “separate-but-equal” doctrine to the nation’s political life concerning sex differentiation.

2.The women of a nation mold its morals, its religion, and its politics by the lives they

live.(Paragraph 17)

The women of a nation strongly influence its morals, its religion, and its politics by their actions.


1.The insight gleaned from that experience is really as commonplace as was the experience itself: life's gifts are precious —but we are too heedless of them.(Paragraph 9)

The truth gathered from that experience is really very common or ordinary, just as the experience itself: Life’s gifts are precious, but we are often blind to them.

2.Put them all together, exalt them above their present imperfections, add to them the vision of humankind redeemed, forever free of need and strife and you have a future lighted with the radiant colors of hope.(Paragraph 17)

Put all these virtues together, glorify them despite the fact that they are still imperfect, add to them the wisdom of humankind that is saved from sins and no longer suffers from poverty and fighting, and then we will have a future glowing with hope.


1.The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigour from its vitality.(Paragraph 4)

The other thing one should avoid is being emotionally attached to young people, from whom one hopes to draw energy and vigor.

2. ... and it is in this sphere that the wisdom born of experience can be exercised without being oppressive.(Paragraph 5)

…and it is in this area of impersonal interests (such as academic and artist interests) that the wisdom you have accumulated in your life can be practiced without putting any pressure on your children and grandchildren.
