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The One 1 he World Depends On.
1.Room Key(客房卡)
2.Special Room Key (特殊功能房卡)
3.Connection Room Key(CONN.连通房卡)
4.Limit Use Key(限次卡)
5.Failsafe Key(备用卡)
6.Floor Key(楼层卡)
7.Housekeeping Key(HSKPG 管家卡)
8.Inhibit Key(取缔卡)
9.Section Key(区域卡)
tch/Unlatch(常开/ 常关卡)
11.Grand Latch/Unlatch Key(主常开/ 常关卡)
12.Grand Master Key(G.M 主管卡)
13.Emergency Key(EM 紧急卡)
14.Electronic Lockout Key (E.L.O 反锁卡)
1.Room Key(客房卡)
These keycards can ope n only one lock and are issued to guest at check-i n.
2.Special Room (特殊功能房卡)
These keycards can ope n only the corresp onding lock.
3.Connection Room Key(CONN.连通房卡)
These keycards can ope n two or more conn ector rooms.
4.Limit Use Key(限次使用卡)
These keycards fun cti ons to ope n certa in rooms on ce, but set valid duri ng a period
of time(default:1 hour).
5.Failsafe Key(备用卡)
l he One The Wbrld Depends On.
Every hotel is expected to make several sets of failsafe keys for emerge ncy use,
such as the system breaks down,the frontdesk can give out These keycards to the guest to ope n a certa in room. 该级别为客人级别备用钥匙,酒店的每个客房将提前做多套留做备用,每套房卡都能开启所
6.Floor Key(楼层卡)
These keycards can ope n the rooms on the corresp onding floor.
7.Housekeeping Key(HSKPG 管家卡)
These keycards can ope n the rooms on the corresp onding floor level.
8.1 nhibit Key(取缔卡)
The inhibit keycard is used to prevent the current Guest, Alternate Guest or Failsafe
keycards from entering a room. When this keycard is used in the lock and removed, the current keys of these types will not activate the locking mechanism. This feature preve nts guests who have checked out of a room from later reen teri ng the room, and is no rmally used by housekeep ing after the room has bee n clea ned.
9.Section Key(区域卡)
These keycards can ope n the rooms in the corresp onding sect ion.
tch/Unlatch(常开/ 常关卡)
These keycards are valid for only the corresp onding lock.
A lock can be programmed to allow a keycard to latch and /or uniatch the lock. When a lock is uni atched, a keycard is not required to ope n the door. If a keycard is
used, the lock will display the no rmal lights and will function no rmally. When the
lock is once aga in latched, a valid keycard is required to release the lock ing mecha ni sm.