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I、选择你听到的单词(listen and choose the words your hear)

( )1. A.bag B.cat C.mat D.hat

( )2. A.blue B.red C.green D.gray

( )3. A.leg B.egg C.bag D.girl

( )4. A.ruler B.radio C.red D.rabbit

II.听和连线(listen and draw lines) III听写单词(listen and write the words) May yellow clock 1. 2.

Frank green bike 3. 4.

Ted pink umbrella 5. 6.

IV.听句子,选择最佳答案(listen sentences,choose the best answer)

( ) 1.A. I’m Ann B.I’m ten C.I’m pink

( ) 2.A. I like yellow B.No. I don’t C.Yes.it is

( ) 3.A.She has got a bike B.Yes. she has C.Yes. he has

( )4. A. It’s a duck B.No. it isn’t C.Yes.it is.

( )5. A.Yes. I do B.It’s a clock C.No. it isn’t



1.boy ________

2.sheep ________

3.apple ________

4.butterfly ________

5.dog ________

6.orange ________

7.box ________ 8.cake ________ 9.family ________

10.fish ________ 11.brush ________ 12.cat ________

II. 请写出缩写和意思(10分)

I am=______________ You are = ____________

He is =_____________ She is =_____________

It is =______________ We are =___________

They are =__________ I would like = he has got = can not =


( ) 1. What’s your name ? ___________

A. I’m 10

B. Thank you !

C. I’m Sam.

( ) 2. Nice to meet you ! ___________

A.Fine , thank you !

B. Hello !

C.Nice to meet you , too ! ( ) 3. What’s this ? It’s an ______


B. duck

C. elephant

( ) 4. What’s in my b ag ? _________

A.I love it

B. It’s a book

C. I like apples.

( ) 5. What would you like ? _______________

A. Yes, please.

B. No, thanks !

C. I want some apples. ( ) 6. Would you like an apple ? _______________

A. Yes, please.

B. I’d like one

C. I like bananas.

( ) 7. How many ducks are there ? There are _______

A. four

B. duck

C. ducks

( ) 8. What’s on the table ? _________________

A. Yes, it is .

B. No, thanks

C. A turtle ( ) 9. What can you see ? -----I can __________

A. touch a book

B. hear a car

C. see a bird ( ) 10. We can hear with our _____

A. eyes

B. ears

C. mouth


1.__________ umbrella

2. __________ fish

3. __________ apple

4. __________banana

5. ________ English book

6. __________ orange


1. 什么

2. 哪里

3. 谁

4. 谁的

5. 什么时候

6. 怎样

7. 哪一

8. 几点

9. 什么颜色 10. 多大 11. 什么班

12. 星期几 13. 为什么 14. 多少

15. 多少钱 16 什么语言


1. We can with our eyes.

2. We can with our nose.

3. We can with our ears.

4. We can with our hands.

5. We can with our tongue.

6. We can with our feet. VII.句型转换10’

1. I can see a book.





2. They want to get some bananas.




