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【牛刀小试】 1、阅读并点评下面一段新闻,要求:语句简明,见解深刻,是非分明,不超过20个
字。 2006年青年歌手大奖赛上,来自山西的原生态选手的“羊倌歌王”——石占明在综
合素质考试中,竟然说英国、澳大利亚国旗是中国、日本国旗,引起台上台下一片震惊。 点评:
近日,京剧表演艺术家、著名程派青衣张火丁在演出京剧《江姐》最后一幕“红梅赞” 一段中,突然咳嗽了几声,有两句唱腔没有完整唱下来。演出结束后,张火丁深深地向观 众鞠了一躬,哽咽着说:“我对不起大家了!请求大家原谅!”随后,她招呼准备离场的 乐队回座,坚持把没有唱完整的“红梅赞”再唱一遍。当张火丁“补唱”完这段长达8分 多钟的《红梅赞》后,观众全部起身站立,鼓掌声持续了5分钟之久。张火丁再次向台下 深深地鞠了一躬,含泪退场。
communist countries (most notably Cuba) for being subversive, these travels influenced his work. He won the National Book award for The Fall of America, and was awarded the Order of Arts and Letters by the French Cultural ministry. His poem “Howl” was (and is) the source of much controversy over what some consider to be obscene themes and words. It and other poems like it was responsible for the repeal of many anti-obscenity laws. It remains his most famous work. He was also a musician and appears on The Clash’s album “Combat Rock.” He wrote “A Supermarket in California” in 1955 while living in Berkley.
[新 新闻点评是新闻评论的一种,比短评更简短。它以新闻报道为依托,对具体事实进
行画龙点睛地评说,或褒或贬,旗帜鲜明地点明要害。大致可分两类:一类是常规型新 闻点评;另一类是争议型新闻(即新闻人物的做法或言论能引起读者争议的新闻)点评。
【金题回放】★★★★★ (06年北京卷)23.新闻点评就是用简约的文字对新闻进行评论,请点评下面的这则新
A Supermarket in California
What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whitman, for I walked down the sidestreets under the trees with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon. In my hungry fatigue, and shopping for images, I went into the neon fruit supermarket, dreaming of your enumerations! What peaches and what penumbras! Whole families shopping at night! Aisles full of husbands! Wives in the avocados, babies in the tomatoes!--and you, Garcia Lorca, what were you doing down by the watermelons? I saw you, Walt Whitman, childless, lonely old grubber, poking among the meats in the refrigerator and eyeing the grocery boys. I heard you asking questions of each: Who killed the pork chops? What price bananas? Are you my Angel? I wandered in and out of the brilliant stacks of cans following you, and followed in my imagination by the store detective. We strode down the open corridors together in our solitary fancy tasting artichokes, possessing every frozen delicacy, and never passing the cashier.
答案一:演唱中失声的著名京剧程派青衣张火丁坚持完整重唱,体现了她对艺术的 认真执著、良好的台风和艺德。
• 《优化方案》P.72 题组一 第1题
A Supermarket in California
By Allen Ginsberg
He was born in Newark in 1926 and died in 1997. His early life was troubled because of his mother’s battle with mental illness
and this informed his poems. He traveled extensively throughout the world and was expelled from many
2、点评下面一段新闻,要求:语句简明,见解深刻,是非分明,不超过20个字。 据报道,汉语正在崛起,逐渐跃升为新强势世界语言。目前,全球已有85个国家的 2300余所高校开设汉语课程,3000万外国人正在学习中文。国外有关专家预测,未来 10年,新的“必学”语言可能是中文;到2050年,在互联网上使用的语文将有30%至 40%是华文。 点评:
闻。要求:见解独到,是非分明,不超过30字(4分) 新学期初,某大学爱心社联合十多所高校,推出了为期3天的“爱心大巴”免费接
站活动,在北京站前接送同学。由于受到返校大学生的怀疑、猜测,乘客寥寥,而无 偿提供的矿泉水和小点心也因无人问津成了摆设。学子们的爱心变成了伤心。 点评:
参考答案: 答案一: “爱心大巴”遭怀疑,大学生不信任感拷问学校教育,折射社会现状。 答案二:“爱心大巴”免费接站遭受猜疑,折射社会信任危机。
1. 准确简洁概括新闻的中心事件;
2、鲜明地表达自己的观点、态度, 分析事件中反映出的问题实质 。
3、注意字数限制,不要超过字数, 也不要离限制的字数太远。离得太远, 意味着说的过于简单,或者要点不全, 点评不充分,不到位。
• 新闻点评 • (1)一事一议,观点明确。 • (2)立场鲜明,讲求时效。 • 答题规范:新闻事实+点评