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pelvic complex • Muscles designed for
movement and stability in a delicate balance • 肌肉在微小平衡中起到稳定作用 • Athletic acceleration, deceleration, & dynamic stability within the Core • Enhance Performance
• 网球、击剑、田径、篮球、武术、游泳、 皮艇等
核心稳定力量训练对射箭运动员固势-撒 放阶段稳定性影响的研究
• 以12名一级射箭运动员为实验对象,将核心力量训 练理论引入射箭项目力量训练实践中,结合射箭项 目专项技术特点对其进行为期8周的核心稳定力量 训练,对其训练前后积分肌电( IEMG) 、12支箭固 势-撒放时间以及黄心命中率等指标进行对比研究。
Origin Lower 6 ribs, TLF and the iliac crest, to the ASIS
Insertion Fibers run horizontally forward and insert into a broad aponeurosis which binds with that of the IO and EO about 2 inches from the midline.
• 内单位
– 连接于脊柱、骨盆、骶骨, 起到脊柱稳定性作用
– 通常不提供运动功能 – 稳定功能的关键
• 外单位
– 通常连接于胸廓和腿
Categorization Lumbar, Hip & Abdominal muscles=CORE
Bergmark 1989
• Local muscles • Global muscles
• Functional strength
– Core strength and stability together. – The ability to produce concentric acceleration force, isometric
stabilization force, and eccentric deceleration force in all three planes of movement during activity.
• Intertransversarii横突间肌
• Longissimus & Iliocostalis pars
• Interspinalis棘突间肌
thoracis pars lumborum
• Lumbar Longissimus腰最长肌 • Rectus abdominus腹直肌
• Iliocostalis lumborum髂肋肌 • Obliquus externus and internus
• 结果表明,核心稳定力量训练对射箭运动员肌肉协 调用力的能力,及其在固势-撒放阶段对弓的平衡 控制的能力方面,均在一定程度上优于传统力量训 练。
• 实验组射箭运动员在核心力量训练后持弓 臂三角肌、勾弦臂三角肌、勾弦侧斜方肌 的IEMG稳定性均会随着训练的持续而增加, 募集的运动单位数目也越多。
• Fatigue of the paraspinal muscles is more prevalent in low back pain patients.
• Elite and highly trained athletes common dysfunction of the multifidus
• 中枢神经系统为脊柱提供稳定性:以腹肌和多裂 肌收缩来预测肢体运动产生对应的力
• 无腰痛:腹横肌和腹内斜肌比肢体动作先激活 • 腰痛患者:未预先激活腹横肌和腹内斜肌
– 脊柱预备控制改变 – 躯干肌肉募集改变
• 骨盆肌先于肩部屈伸肌激活110ms
• 核心是腰、骨盆、髋 关节形成的一个整体
Abdominal Muscles Transverse Abd. & Rectus Local and Global
• Top relaxed abdominal muscles • Bottom Transverse Abdominus
• Top protruding abdominal area • Bottom Rectus Abdominus • Trans Abd. Weakness
• Function
– Multi-planar movement that involves acceleration, deceleration, and stabilization. To be mechanically efficient, an athlete must combine strength and stability training in their reconditioning programs.
• -41 athletes (139 tested) 29% sustained 48 back or LE injuries 35% females 22% males
• -Injuries correlated with hip abductor, external rotator weakness, and lower abdominal performance
• Multifidus多裂肌
• •
Quadratus lumborum腰方肌 Transverse Abdominis腹横肌

Hip Abductors/ Extensors/ Rotators髋外展肌伸肌旋转肌
Local and Global Muscles
• 局部肌肉为直接连接于 脊柱,主要控制腰椎姿 势和脊柱各节段间关系
Low Back Pain
• Delayed on set of muscle activity of the transverse abdominus with movement of a limb in all directions
• Change in transverse abdominus control occurs irrespective of the specific pathology (motor control not endurance or strength)
Core Stabilization
Control Systems
Passive System
Active System
• 被动亚系统:关 节、韧带,单独 韧带不能保持骨 盆稳定
• 主动亚系统:主 要为肌肉,韧带 依靠肌肉和神经 系统帮助
• 神经控制亚系统: 神经控制单位以 运动输入协调肌 肉稳定功能
• 核心肌
– 腹肌 – 髋肌 – 椎旁肌 – 骨盆肌 – 下肢近端肌
• 主要功能
– 维持脊柱和骨盆的稳定性 – 产生力量 – 传递力量 – 控制力量
The “Core” is the unit responsible
for proper posture and is the
structural beginning and ending point for all movement.
• -Isometric Hip strength (*external rotators) more accurate predictors of back and LE injury than trunk endurance.
• 腹横肌的激活先于髋关节屈肌、外展肌、伸肌 30ms
Core Strength Versus Stability
• Core strength
– The strength and endurance of the muscles of the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip complex.
• Core stability
– The ability to utilize strength and endurance in a functional manner.
– 活动中产生向心加速力量,等长稳定力量,离心减速 力量综合能力
• 核心稳定性训练主要是在非稳定下的力量 训练
• 核心力量训练可以是在稳定状态,也可以 在非稳定状态。
• 主要差别在于核心稳定性训练在非稳定状 态下动用了大脑、神经肌肉等感受性刺激, 而核心力量训练的感受性刺激却不够。
Dynamic Stabilizers – Control Movement
• 在竞技体育中的应用现状 • 解剖基础 • 核心稳定性评定 • 核心稳定性训练
• 几乎所有的运动项目都涉及到核心的稳定 性方面问题。目前已有的研究证实核心稳 定性训练能够有效地降低下肢运动损伤, 并开始研究稳定性训练对运动员运动成绩 的影响。
• 因此,近年来,在体能训练中越来越强调 核心稳定性训练。
– Clark MA, Russell AM. Low back pain: a functional perspective. Thousand Oaks, CA: National Academy of Sports Medicine; 2002.
– Clark MA. Rehabilitation: core competency underlies functional rehabilitation. Biomechanics. 2000;7(2):67-73.
Multifidus Thickest at L4, L5 – S1 where anterior shear forces are greatest. L4-5 contributes 67% of segmental stiffness generated by lumbar
• Generate small forces short length is ideal for controlling joint movements Strength training – Endurance =
Functional movement patterns
– Rotator cuff muscles act as dynamic ligaments to control humeral head position肩袖肌作为动态韧带控制肱骨头的位置
– Vastus medialis obliquus controls patella position股内侧头斜头控 制髌骨位置
– Gluteus medius controls the femoral head in the actebulum臀中 肌控制股骨头的位置
– Spine- Multifidus - Transverse Abdominus多裂肌和腹横肌控制脊 柱动态稳定
• 是人体的中间环节, 具体是肩关节以下髋 关节以上包括骨盆在 内的区域。
• Lumbar-Pelvic-Hip Complex • 腰-骨盆-髋复合体 • Location of the centre of
gravity • 重心所处的位置 • 35 Muscles that attach to the
• 大肌肉活动脊柱、在胸 廓和骨盆间传递负荷
• 大肌肉平衡作用于躯干 的外部负荷,剩余的力 被局部小肌肉吸收
- Transverse Abdominus Local Core Muscle
Drawn in the lower abdominal wall away from the elastics of the pants-contraction
• 强有力的核心肌群对射箭运动员开弓、固 势、伸展、撒放过程中的身体姿势、肌肉 用力起着稳定和支持的作用
• 合理有效的核心力量训练能改善运动员对 弓的控制力和维持力线平衡的能力,提高肢 体协调工作效率,同时还可预防运动损伤。
Leetun, Lloyd Ireland et al: Core Stability Measures as Risk Factors for LE in Athletes: Med Sci Sports Ex 04