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1868年出生于马萨诸塞州的大巴灵顿,毕业于菲斯克大学,获哈佛 大学哲学博士学位,他也是第一个获得哈佛大学博士学位的非裔美 国人。
From 1890s, Dubois devoted himself to the United States of America and Africa Black Liberation movement. He is the founder of the PanAfrican movement, but also is one of the founders of the United States colored association and served as the official organ of the " crisis " of the editor for 24 years. In the black liberation movement, he has consistently adhered to the active struggle, opposed compromise and capitulation. The CPUSA leader William Jebrang Foster once called him " black is one of the greatest spokesman", " black is the new leader ". Dubois sympathized and supported of the Chinese people's liberation and socialist construction. 从19世纪90年代起,杜波依斯投身于美国和 非洲黑人的解放运动。他是泛非运动的创始 人,也是美国有色人种协会的创建者之一, 并任协会的机关刊物《危机》的编辑达24年 之久。在黑人解放运动中,他一贯坚持进行 积极斗争,反对妥协投降。美共领袖威 廉〃泽布朗〃福斯特曾称他是“黑人的一个 最伟大的代言人”,是“黑人的新的杰出领 袖”。 杜波依斯同情和支持中国人民的解 放事业和社会主义建设。
佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿(Zora Neale Hurston, 1891-1960),是20世纪美国文学的重要人物 之一。她是小说家、黑人民间传说收集研究 家、人类学家。她也生在美国南方,是哈莱 姆文艺复兴时期的活跃分子。她毕生为保持 黑人文化传统而奋斗。
She devoted his life to the traditional cultural heritage of the nation to collect, collate and protection. She is very proud of her own African-American identity and pride, denies that they have both the Americans and blacks "double consciousness" confusion. She refused to blacks as "problem" of American society, refused to deformed children described as a system of racial discrimination. Her works profoundly reveal the corrosion of black soul of the black community memory in contempt of his black skin black racist ideas, try to wake blacks affirmation of their own identity and love.
1903年诞生了其最著名的著作《黑人的灵魂》(The Souls of Black Folk),在本书中杜 波伊斯准确地预言道:“二十世纪的问题是种族歧视下的肤色界线问题。” 在1903年发表的《黑人问题》中,杜波伊斯批判了布克〃托利弗〃华盛顿对黑人 进行工艺教育的主张。问题的分歧在于什么样的教育才能最有效地使黑人从贫困中摆 脱出来,获得平等。杜波伊斯主张,黑人中“有才能的十分之一”应接受大学教育, 使他们成为整个黑人种族的领袖。他还用“面纱”来比喻黑白人种间的隔阂,用“双 重意识”来解释白人带给美国黑人内心的冲突。
小说揉合了realism现实主义和surrealism超现实主义的风格, 运用satire讽刺、irony反语和analogy比喻,追溯了一位无名 黑人的“隐形”历史,因为他觉得自己在美wenku.baidu.com社会缺少个 人认同感。主人公的经历不仅象征着埃利森的黑人同胞们 的困境,也代表着所有人都在无法理解的现代社会中在寻 找自我。 《影子与行动》(Shadow and Act)(1964年)和《步入 文学界》(Going to the Territory)(1986年)是两卷文集。 1999年,《六月庆典》(Juneteenth)出版,这是埃利森生 前耗费42年完成的一份文稿。
在中国抗日战争期间,他曾在美国为中国福利会筹募基金。中华人民共和 国成立之后,他写信给宋庆龄,引中国为“真正的兄弟”,并为中国在世 界上“升到应有的地位”而“满心欢喜”。1961年,杜波依斯参加美国共 产党;同年应加纳总统克瓦米〃恩克鲁玛的邀请,迁居加纳,加入加纳国 籍,主持编纂《非洲大百科全书》。1963年8月27日病逝。他的妻子雪 莉〃格雷厄姆〃杜波依斯也是一个著名的黑人活动家。
拉尔夫〃埃利森(Ralph Ellison,1914 -1994)出生在俄克拉荷马州的俄克拉荷马 城。1933-36年,他在塔斯提吉学院(Tuskegee Institute )学习音乐,之后来 到纽约,开始为联邦政府的作家项目工作。二战之后,他曾在美国的几所大 学任教。
Ralph Ellison as a modern American writers in the literary world, is generally believed that the "Invisible Man" marks the advent of black literature from the writing style of realism and naturalism, and entered the hall of modern literature, However, it is worth noting that the Afro-American literature, Ralph Ellison landmark contribution is far from this. Ralph Ellison is the most important black literary writers since the United States in the 1950s, at the same time is an effective literary critic, one of the pioneers of an important 20th century American culture studies. He has made ​a landmark contribution to AfricanAmerican literature and American literature, played a transitional role in the evolution of the development of the Afro-American literary creation and literary theory.
In China during the war of resistance against Japan, he worked in the United States for China welfare fund raising. The People's Republic of China was founded, he wrote to Song Qingling, cited China for " true brother ", and for China in the world " rise to the due position " and " full of joy ". In 1961, Dubois participated in the American Communist Party; the same year, because of President Garner Kwame Nkrumah's invitation,he moved to Garner, joined the Garner nationality, compiled and presided over the African encyclopedia. He died in August 27, 1963. His wife Shirley Graham Dubois is a famous black activist.
He devoted all his life to research the United States of Am erica and Africa history and society.
《黑人的灵魂》(The Souls of Black Folk) 《约翰·布朗》(1909) 《黑人的重建》(1935) 《黑人的过去和现在》(1939) 《世界与非洲》(1947)等书
拉尔夫·埃利森 Ralph Ellison (1914 -1994)
Ralph Ellison (1914 -1994 ) was born Oklahoma City. In 1933-36, he studied music at Tuskegee Institute, then came to New York, began as a Federal Writers project work. After the war, he served in the United States of America several university.
威廉〃爱得华〃伯格哈特〃杜波依斯 William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
The most influential black intellectuals of the 20th century
Born:1868 Great Barrington Massachusetts He graduated from Fisker University and got Ph.D. Degree from Harvard University. He is also the first African American who get Doctoral from Harvard University.
佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿 Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960)
Zora Neale Hurston is one of the important figures in American literature of the twentieth Century. She is a novelist, Negro folklore collection anthropologists. She was born in the southern United States, is the activists of the Harlem Renaissance. Her lifelong struggle to keep negritude.
小说《隐形人》(Invisible Man)(1952年)赢得广泛的 好评。
注:其花费七年多(有的认为长达八年)时间精心创作的第一部长篇小说、也是其在 世期间问世的唯一一部长篇小说《看不见的人》(又名《隐形人》)于1952年出版后, 便立即在美国文学界和美国社会引起了巨大反响,在1953年相继获得美国国家图书奖 和普利策奖,1965年又被评为美国二战以来最重要、最有影响的小说,从而一举奠定 了他在美国文学史上的地位。直到今天,这部小说仍被列为世界文坛的“现代经典作 品”。他本人也因此获得了美国自由勋章等荣誉,并被接纳为美国科学院院士。这部
拉尔夫〃埃利森以美国现代作家的身份出现在世界文坛,文学界普遍认为,其 《无形人》的问世标志着黑人文学脱离现实主义和自然主义文风,迈入了现代文学 的殿堂,但值得注意的是,拉尔夫〃埃利森对美国非裔文学的里程碑式贡献还远不 在此。 拉尔夫〃埃利森是美国二十世纪五十年代以来最重要的黑人文学作家,同时 是一个卓有成效的美国文学评论家,还是20世纪美国文化研究的重要开拓者之一。 他对美国黑人文学和美国文学作出了里程碑式的贡献,在整个美国非裔文学创作及 文学理论的发展演变过程中起到了承前启后的作用。