全新版 大学英语 综合教程 第三册u6

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Look the part 6. look the part
1. Have an appearance for a particular job, role, or position
Make a sentence: Eg. 1) Despite looking the part, Michael was not an artist at all.
2. vt) move quietly and cautiously in order to get near
Eg. When night falls, danger stalks the streets of the city.
Thinking a synonymy: . . . . . . 3. Synonymy: trail follow up on move in on
2. related phrases : an excess of 过度,过分 in excess of = more than
3. Synonymy : excessive
(Line 3, Para 1)
They had met at a café on Eighth Street and found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so much in tunes that the joint studio resulted.
(Line 65, Para 19)
She told him of Johny’s fancy, and how she feared she would, indeed, light and fragile as a leaf herself ,float away, when her slight hold upon the world grew weaker.
mock 3. Mock (vt, vi)
1. vt,vi) ridicule; make fun of Mock (at) sb./ sth Make a sentence: Eg. 1) They mocked him and called him a coward. 2) Don’t mock at him just because he keeps falling off his bike.
Eg.The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air.
He felt a kind of happiness mingled with regret
2. to move among people and talk to them,especially at a sociel event.
1. vt,vi) move in or produce a continuous flows of liquid stream (from sth) Stream (with sth)
Eg. 1) Blood was streaming from with blood. 2) Her head was streaming with blood.
两人在第八大街的一间咖啡馆相识,并且发现彼此在艺术、菊苣色拉 以及灯笼袖等方面志趣相投,于是就有了这间共同的画室。
(Line 65, Para 19) She told him of johnsy’s fancy , and how she feared she would, Indeed light and fragile as a leaf herself float away, when her slight hold upon the world grew weaker.
3. Cling –clung-clung
flutter flutter ( v,n)
1. V) to move lightly and quickly or to make sth move in this way.
Eg.He fluttered his hands around wildly.
In addition: 2)adj mock horror 假装恐惧 mock interview 模拟面试 3) noun make a mock of a practice exam 模拟考试
3. Synonymy: make fun of laugh at
stream 1. stream (vt, vi)
Thinking a synonymy: . . . . . . 3. Synonymy: up and down high and low all about
In a whisper 3. In a whisper
1. In a low voice
Eg. 1) He bent down and addressed her in a whisper. 2) I was awakened by hearing my own name spoken in a whisper.
2.(of people or things) People streamed across the bridge. 3. Synonymy: flow flood shed
In tune 1. In tune
1. harmonious(ly)
Translate: . . . . Be in tune with (sb/sth)
2. Synonymy: in whispers in a low voice
Hear of 4. Hear of
1. Be told about or have knowledge of Eg. 1)Three weeks passed, and nothing was heard of the missing boy.
Eg. If you’ll excuse me,I must go and mingle. .
3. Synonymy: comb百度文库ne
cling cling(v)
1. To hold on tightly to sth/sb
~ (on) to do sb/sth
Eg. She clung on to her baby.
related phrases : turn me loose 让我放松一下 turn sb loose 放任;放松;放松放任 turn loose on 对 Translate: "They turn junior people loose on it and don't coach them, " he said. “他们放任下属这样做而不指导他们,”他说。
2. n) a quick,light movement or a small bet.
Eg. Her sudden arrival caused quite a flutter.
Have a flutter
3. Synonymy: fan,float (vi) stream (vt) swing,bob (n)
Rachel : Of course, this is a fashion show, I have to look the part.
To excess 7. to excess
1. To an extreme degree Eg. 1) His father never smoked or drank to excess.
Eg. 1) Her character is quite out of tune with her beautiful looks. 3. Synonymy: in agreement
Here and there 2. Here and there
1. In various places Eg. 1) Toys were scattered here and there on the floor.
Difficulties (Line 3, Para 1)
They met at a café on Eighth Street and found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves
so much in tune that the joint studio resulted.
苏把约翰西的想法告诉了他,并且说约翰西自己就像一片叶子又瘦又弱, 要是她那本已脆弱的生存意志再脆弱 下去,她害怕她真的会掉落逝去。
mingle 1. mingle ( vt, vi)
1. to combine or make one thing combine with another.
Unit 6
By wandering zoe Arc
stalk 1. Stalk ( vt, vi)
1. vi) (of an evil force) move through (a place) in a threatening way
Eg. Stranger stalked about the district.
2. To stick to sth or to stay close to sb,especially because you’re emotionally dependent on them. ~ (to sth/sb)
Eg. After her mother’s death,sara clung to her aunt more than ever.
Eg. 1) When total taxes are subtracted from personal income, the remainder is called disposable income. 2) 6 subtracted from 9 is . 2. noun: subtraction make a subtraction
subtract 2. Subtract (vt)
1. vt) take (a number, quantity) away from
Eg. Passenger cars can be added or subtracted at either end of the subway train.
Subtract … sth (from sth)
For the rest
1.Apart from that or as far as other matter are concerned
2.Eg.It’s setting a course for the rest of your life. 3. Synonymy: as to the rest
Eg. 1) 这些建议与我们在这个问题上的想法完全一致 1) These proposals are perfectly in tune with our own thoughts on the subjects.. 2. The opposite: out of tune
Be out of tune with (sb/sth)
2. phrase: hear the news of 听取 hear the tell of 听说 hear nothing of 不知道
3. related phrases : hear about hear from
Turn loose 5. Turn loose
1. Allow (sth.) to be free of control Eg. 1)The sick whale will be taken of by scientists before being turned loose.