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(Meiguo heiren minquan yundong)20世纪50年代中期至60年代中期美国黑人反对种族歧视和种族压迫,争取政治经济和社会平等权利的大规模斗争运动。美国黑人是美国人数最多的少数民族,长期受到种族歧视,处于社会最底层。第二次世界大战后亚非国家有色人种争取民族独立斗争的胜利的鼓舞以及由于工业化的进展,大批黑人流入城市,使黑人地位问题成为全国性问题,是运动兴起的重要原因。1955年,阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市黑人为反对公共汽车上的种族隔离制度,坚持抵制公共汽车运动达一年之久,使美国最高法院判决公共汽车上的种族隔离违宪。此事件表明,黑人运动由合法斗争发展到非暴力直接行动的新阶段,是黑人民权运动开始的标志。运动以非暴力主义为指导方针,采取抵制、静坐、游行、和平进军等方式。1957年,南部基督教领袖会议组成,作为民权运动最有影响的组织,负责协调各有关组织的行动,马丁·路德·金任主席。1960年,南部各州普遍开展在公共场所的静坐示威,显示出运动范围已越出某一城市的局限,主动冲击种族隔离制。1961年和1962年,民权运动的重点分别是反对长途汽车上的种族隔离制和争取南部黑人的选举权。1963年运动达到高潮。4月,在种族隔离最严重的阿拉巴马州伯明翰市,爆发黑人抗议示威斗争,迫使当局接受黑人要求。8月,在华盛顿举行该市有史以来规模最大的示威游行,25万黑人和白人同情者举行争取就业和自由的“自由进军”。在民权运动的巨大压力下,美国国会于1964年通过《公民权利法案》,1965年通过《选举权利法》,正式以立法形式结束美国黑人受到的在选举权方面的限制和各种公共设施方面的种族歧视和种族隔离制度。1964年以后,黑人运动走上武装抗暴斗争的道路。

The Civil Rights Movement is that African Americans against racial discrimination and oppression, political, economic and social equality for the rights of the mass struggles in the mid-20th century, 50 to 60 mid-race.African Americans ,the largest minority in the United States, were suffering from long-term racial discrimination .Colored Asian and African countries'victory in the struggle for national independence after World War II, the progress of industrialization and large numbers of blacks coming into the cities caused the development of movement.

Main Events
In 1954, U.S. Supreme Court claimed that schools in the Board of Education which insisted racial discrimination were illegal.
In 1955, in Alabama, Montgomery, black citizens took full strike against the bus segregation of black and white .
In 1963 twenty fifty thousand people got together to fight against apartheid and the U.S. civil rights leader Martin Luth

er King delivered the famous speech "I Have a Dream" as the peak of the civil rights movement in Lincoln Memorial Square in Washington.
In 1960, people generally carried out sitting in public places in southern states, showing that the range of motion is beyond the limits of a city .
In 1961 and 1962, the focus of the civil rights movement were opposed to the apartheid system and the coach for Southern blacks to vote.
Movement culminated in 1963. April, in the most segregated Birmingham, Alabama, protests broke out the black struggle, forcing the authorities to accept blacks requirements. August, held in Washington, the city's largest demonstration ever, 25 million black and white sympathizers held jobs and freedom for "free to enter."
Great pressure in the civil rights movement, the U.S. Congress in 1964 through the "Civil Rights Act," passed in 1965, "Election Rights Act," officially through legislation by the end of African Americans in the voting restrictions and various public facilities in racial discrimination and apartheid. After 1964, the black movement took to the road of armed struggle uprising.
