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制作精巧skillful manufacture
工艺精良sophisticated technology
最新工艺latest technology
加工精细finely processed
设计精巧deft design
造型新颖modern design
造型优美beautiful design
设计合理professional design
造型富丽华贵luxuriant in design
结构合理rational construction
款式新颖attractive design
款式齐全various styles
式样优雅elegant shape
花色入时fashionable patterns
任君选择for your selection
******************************************************* 五彩缤纷colorful
色彩艳丽beautiful in colors
色泽光润color brilliancy
色泽素雅delicate colors
瑰丽多彩pretty and colorful
洁白透明pure white and translucence
洁白纯正pure whiteness
品质优良excellent quality(high quality)
质量上乘superior quality
质量稳定stable quality
质量可靠reliable quality
品种繁多wide varieties
规格齐全complete in specifications
保质保量quality and quantity assured
性能可靠dependable performance
操作简便easy and simple to handle
使用方便easy to use
经久耐用durable in use
以质优而闻名well-known for its fine quality
数量之首The king of quantity
质量最佳The queen of quality
信誉可靠reliable reputation
闻名世界world-wide renown
久负盛名to have a long standing reputation
誉满中外to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad 历史悠久to have a long history
畅销全球selling well all over the world
深受欢迎to win warm praise from customers
*********************************************************** 协定agreement
贸易协定trade agreement
贸易与支付协定trade and payment agreement
政府间贸易协定inter-governmental trade agreement
民间贸易协定non-governmental trade agreement
双边协定bilateral agreement
多边协定multilateral agreement
支付协定payment agreement
口头协定verbal agreement
书面协定written agreement
君子协定gentlemen’s agreement
销售合同sales contract
格式合同model contract
意向协议书agreement of intent
意向书letter of intent
空白格式blank form
授权书power of attorney
换文exchange of letter
合同条款contract terms
免责条款escape clause
原文original text
会签to counter-sign
违反合同breach of contract
修改合同amendment of contract
撤销合同cancellation of contract
合同的续订renewal of contract
合同的解释interpretation of contact 合同到期expiration of contract
起草合同to draft a contract
做出合同to work out a contract
谈妥合同to fix up a contract
签订合同to sign a contract
缔结合同to conclude a contract
草签合同to initial a contract
废除合同to annul a contract
执行合同to perform a contract
严格遵守合同条款to keep strictly to the terms of the contract
一式二份in duplicate
一式三份in triplicate
一式四份in quadruplicate
美观大方elegant appearance
美观耐用attractive and durable
品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome.
色彩鲜艳bright in colour
色泽光润bright luster
色泽艳丽beautiful in colour
深受顾客欢迎We have won praise from customers; to win warm praise from customers.
深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉to win a high admiration and is widely trusted at home and abroad.
供不应求in short supply; Demand exceeding supply
光洁度高highly polished
回味隽永pleasant in after-taste
货源充足ample supply and prompt delivery
技术先进modern techniques
技艺精湛exquisite craftsmanship; Fine craftsmanship
价格公道reasonable price; Street price; moderate price
价格适中moderate cost
价谦物美high quality and inexpensive; less expensive, high quality goods; high quality and low overhead
节日送礼之佳品ideal gift for all occasions
洁白纯正pure whiteness
洁白如玉jade white
洁白透明pure white and translucent
结构坚固sturdy construction; Firm in structure
经久耐用structural disabilities
精打细算be shrewd in money matters; Careful calculation and strict budgeting
居同类产品之魁首to rank first among similar products
具有传统风味特色distinctive for its traditional properties
具有中国风味possessing Chinese flavors
抗冲击强度高excellent in cushion effect
抗热耐磨strong resistance to heat and hard wearing
科学精制by scientific process
口味鲜美delicious in taste
买一送一buy one give one; buy one get one free
能多次翻新can be repeatedly remolded.
烹制简便convenient to cook
品质优良excellent (in) quality
清仓大拍卖clearance price
清货大减价big clearance sale
清香爽口pleasant to the palate
韧硬兼顾to have both the quality of tenacity and hardness 入口和醇mild and mellow
软硬适中neither too hard nor too soft
散热迅速rapid heat dissipation
色泽光洁,柔软防滑lustrous, soft and antislippery
色泽清澈limpid in sight
设计合理professional design
设计新颖modern design
生意兴隆driving a roaring trade
使用方便easy to use
使用极便utmost in convenience
使用寿命长久long performance life
岁末大减价year-end bargain sale
甜而不腻agreeable sweetness
外观色泽透明bright and translucent in appearance
外型永葆如新to ensure a like-new appearance indefinably 维修简易easy to repair
味道纯正good taste
味鲜可口agreeable to taste
物价稳定price remains stable
夏季特别大减价special summer sale
香浓可口aromatic character and agreeable taste
香气馥郁fragrant aroma
香气高雅elegant in smell
香味纯和pure and mild flavor
香味浓郁aromatic flavor; fragrant (in) flavor
性能可靠reliable performance
性能无与伦比unequal in performance
性能优越superior performance
选材精良superior materials
选料讲究high quality materials
选料考究choice materials
沿用传统的生产方式with traditional methods
易于润滑easy to lubricate
用料精选carefully selected materials
用料上乘selected material
优质西瓜,消暑解渴top watermelons, quell summer thirst
质量高,卫生严high standard in quality and hygiene
众所喜爱品尝之佳品delicacies loved by all
走时准确punctual timing
