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拨冗出新、化繁为简Reject the useless procedure, simplify and better the production


Traditional water tanks are welded together, but no matter what form of welding, the subsequent intergranular corrosion can not always rule out the possibility of quality problems. And the common quality problems such as weld tearing, disconnected reinforcement, or even disintegration of the box Expansion deformation, are all caused by Weld corrosion. However, the production of assembly type water tank has avoided this problem with the application of standard units. At the same time it has simplified the on-site welding from welder, argon, and a lot of welding operations, and have put an end to the intergranular corrosion led by welding, while the use of stainless steel bolts and Harmless drug consumption silicone gaskets can make the finished tank dialysis-free, seamless, non-run gas or liquid;

经济实惠、款式新颖Cost-effective and style novel

利用较少的材耗,精密的成型模压,不锈钢板材经液压拉伸成单元矩形凹凸板块,规格为1.0 M *1.0M、1.0 M *0.5M、0.5M*0.5M,任意组装成如你所需的储水容积,产品优美的外形极具时代特征,与现代建筑,相得益彰; With less consumption of materials, precision forming molding, Stainless Steel Sheet is stretched into Rectangular plates bump units by Hydraulic. The specification of the unit are 1.0 M *1.0M、1.0 M *0.5M、0.5M*0.5M. With these standard units, the assembly of water tank with various water staorage cabability becomes possible. And the beautiful shape of the tanks are very fashionable, which complements the modern architecture;

经久耐用、防腐抗裂Durable and Anti-corrosion cracking


High-quality stainless steel materials are molded appropriately to achieve excellent stength, and the characteristics of Austenitic, ferritic, ultra-low carbon make it Corrosion-resistant, Quakeproof , anti-fissile. The product life as a whole is up to 30-50years;

拆装便捷、保值率高Easy dissembly and high value-preserving rate


The traditional water tanks are welded together, so it’s difficult to disassemble them, with the disintegrated plates usually set aside as goods abandon, while the assembly type water tanks are easily to assemble and disassemble, and can be delivered for reassembly. So it’s economic and cost-effective;

成型迅速、节约工期Fast Assembly, shorten the process


The traditional procedure of manufacturing water tank is all done by welding, whatever it is the frame steel structure, templates connection, hole position, accessories. While assemly water tank apply
