

this morning, tonight, this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately


for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till / until, up to now, in past years, always,


3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know.

过去时常用的非持续性动词有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。


I saw this film yesterday.


I have seen this film.


Why did you get up so early


Who hasn't handed in his paper


She has returned from Paris.


She returned yesterday.


He has been in the League for three years.


He has been a League member for three years.


He joined the League three years ago.

( 三年前入团,joined为短暂行为。)

I have finished my homework now.

---Will somebody go and get Dr. White

---He's already been sent for.

句子中如有过去时的时间副词(如 yesterday, last, week, in 1960)时,不能使用现在完成时,要用过去时。

(错)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night.

(对)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.


1)It is the first / second time…. that…结构中的从句部分,用现在完成时。

It is the first time that I have visited the city.

It was the third time that the boy had been late.

2)This is the… that…结构,that 从句要用现在完成时.

This is the best film that I've (ever) seen.


This is the first time (that) I've heard him sing.这是我第一次听他唱歌。典型例题

(1) ---Do you know our town at all

---No, this is the first time I ___ here.

A. was

B. have been

C. came

D. am coming

答案B. This is the first time 后面所加从句应为现在完成时,故选B。(2) ---Have you ____ been to our town before

---No, it's the first time I ___ here.

A. even, come

B. even, have come

C. ever, come

D. ever, have come

答案D. ever意为曾经或无论何时,反意词为never,此两词常用于完成时。 This is the largest fish I have ever seen. It is / was the first time

+that-clause 的句型中,从句要用完成时。


(错)I have received his letter for a month.

(对)I haven't received his letter for almost a month.


Since 用来说明动作起始时间,for用来说明动作延续时间长度。

I have lived here for more than twenty years.

I have lived here since I was born..

My aunt has worked in a clinic since 1949.

Some new oilfields have been opened up since 1976.

I have known Xiao Li since she was a little girl.

My brother has been in the Youth League for two years.

I have not heard from my uncle for a long time.

注意:并非有for 作为时间状语的句子都用现在完成时。

I worked here for more than twenty years.


I have worked here for many years.



1)(对) Tom has studied Russian for three years.

= Tom began to study Russian three years ago, and is still studying it now.

2)(错) Harry has got married for six years.

= Harry began to get married six years ago, and is still getting married now.

显然,第二句不对,它应改为 Harry got married six years ago.或 Harry has been married for six years.


1) since +过去一个时间点(如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、1980, last month, half past six)。

I have been here since 1989.

2) since +一段时间+ ago

I have been here since five months ago.

3) since +从句

Great changes have taken place since you left.

Considerable time has elapsed since we have been here.

4) It is +一段时间+ since从句

It is two years since I became a postgraduate student.


1) 用于完成时的区别


He has completed the work.他已完成了那项工作。 (表结果)

I've known him since then. 我从那时起就认识他了。(表经历)

2)用于till / until从句的差异

作为延续动词一般用于肯定句,表示"做……直到……" 作为瞬间动词一般用于否定句,表示"到……,才……"

He didn't come back until ten o'clock.

他到10 点才回来。

He slept tll ten o'clock.



1. You don't need to describe her. I ___ her several times.

A. had met

B. have met

C. met

D. meet

答案B. 首先本题后句强调对现在的影响,我知道她的模样,你不用描述。再次,several times告知为反复发生的动作,因此用现在完成时。

'm sorry to keep you waiting.

---Oh, not at all. I ___ here only a few minutes.

A. have been

B. had been

C. was

D. will be

答案A. 等待的动作由过去开始,持续到现在,应用现在完成时。


目录 1现在完成时的构成 (2) 2现在完成时的用法 (5) 3 使用现在完成时需注意事项 (7) 4过去完成时与现在完成时的比较 (12) 练习题 (13) 答案 (16)

现在完成时对于我们来讲是所有时态中最难掌握的一种。因为它并不是表示发生于某一时间的事情,而是既涉及过去,又联系现在的一种时态。请参见下列三个例句: 例:1.I live in Beijing. 我住在北京。 2.I lived in Beijing. 我住过北京。(我在北京住过。) 3.I have lived in Beijing. 我一直住在北京。 例1.的live是一般现在式,表示“我现在住在北京”这一事实。 例2.的lived是过去式。这句只是表示在过去的某一时期我在北京住过,至于现在住不住在北京则不清楚。 例3.的have lived是现在完成时,表示我在过去的某一时间开始住在北京,现在也住在北京。表示从过去到现在的一种继续状态。 1现在完成时的构成 现在完成时的形式是“have (has)+过去分词”,表示继续、完了、结果和经验等四种意思。 现在完成时的否定句是在have(has)的后面加上not,疑问句是将have(has)置于主语之前。 1现在完成时的肯定句 句型:

We have lived in Beijing. 我们一直住在北京。 He has lived in Beijing. 他一直住在北京。 过去分词的三种用法 过去分词有下列三种用法(过去分词的构成详见第六章):1.构成现在(过去)完成时 have(has)+过去分词~ I have written the letter. 我写完这封信了。 2.被动语态:参见第十三章 be + 过去分词~ He was looked after.他受到照顾。 3.用于形容词 This is a broken chair. 这是一张坏的椅子。 2现在完成时的否定句 句型:主语+have(has)+not +过去分词~. I have not seen the movie yet.


现在完成时 1.现在完成时的构成: 现在完成时由助动词have\has + 过去分词构成,第三人称单数用has,其余用have。 I have been in Shenzhen for seven years. Lily hasn’t been to America before. 2.现在完成时的用法: 1)现在完成时通常表示在说话之前已经完成的动作或存在的状态。说话人强调的是该动作或状态对现在的结果或影响。 My daughter has just gone out. 我女儿刚出去。 I’m sure we’ve met before. 我肯定我们以前见过面。 She has arrived. 她到了。 2)表示持续到现在的动作或状态, for…, since…,yet等。如: I haven’t heard from her these days. 这些日子我没有收到她的信。 We haven’t seen you recently. 最近我们没有见到你。 They have been away for two years. 他们离开已经两年了。 She has been with us since Monday. 3.常和现在完成时连用的时间状语: already, yet, before, lately, recently, once, twice, ever, never,since,for等连用。例如:She has already come. 她已经来了。 I haven’t read it yet. 我还没读过这个。 They have never been to Yan’an. 他们从未去过延安。 I haven't seen him lately. 我近来没看到他。 She has been an independent girl since her father passed away. 自从父亲去世后,这女孩就变得独立了。 Jack has been a doctor for 10 years.杰克做医生已经10年了。 4.现在完成时的否定式和疑问句。 否定句:在have\has后加not 结构:主语+has\have+not+过去分词+其他 一般疑问句:Has\Have提到主语前,其他照写。结构:Have\Has+主语+过去分词+其他特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 注意:肯定句中如有some\and,在否定句或者一般疑问句中要变成any\or,即 some-any and-or


主要适用于下面的几种情况: 1)表示截止现在业已完成的动作 By now, I have collected all the data that I need .到现在为止,我已收集到了我所需的全部资料。 She has read 150 pages today .她今天已看了150页。 We haven't met for many years .我们已多年没见了。 They have developed a new product .他们研制成功了一种新产品。 2)表示发生在过去而对现在产生影响、带来结果的动作 Have you had your dinner? 你吃晚饭了吗? She has been to the United States. 她已去美国了。 You have grown much taller.你长高了许多。 3)表示过去发生的动作持续到现在,并可能还要延续 It has been five years since he joined the army .他参军五年了。 They have learned English for eight years .他们已学了八年的英语了。 So far we've only discussed the first five chapters.至今我们还只讨论了前五章。 几点注意 1)一个句子应该用什么时态只能取决于它需要表达的意思,以及它所处的语言环境。例如: He speaks English .(一般现在时,说明动作发生的经常性。) He spoke English when he was in New Zealand .(一般过去时,说明动作发生的时间。) He is speaking English.(现在进行时,说明动作正在进行。) He has spoken English for three years since he came to the USA.(现在完成时,这里说明动作的总和。) He has been speaking English since he came to the USA. (现在完成进行时,强调动作的连续性。) 2)在含有时间状语从句或条件状语从句的主从复合句中,如果主句的谓语动词是一般将来时,那么从句的谓语动词就只能用一般现在时来表示将来时;如果主句的谓语动词是过去将来时,那么从句的谓语动词就只能用一般过去时来表示过去将来时。


初中现在完成时态讲 解带练习

一.现在完成时的含义及用法 1.现在完成时表示过去发生的动作,并对现在有影响。 2.现在完成时表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作或状态。 现在完成时的基本句型: 肯定式: 主语 + 助动词have/has + 动词的过去分词. 否定式: 主语 + 助动词have/has + not + 动词的过去分词. 疑问式: 助动词Have/Has + 主语 + 动词的过去分词? 用法①现在完成时表示过去发生的动作,并对现在有影响。 Someone has broken the window. (窗户现在是坏的) I have already lost the key. (我现在没有钥匙) I haven’t read that book yet . (不了解书的内容) I have just cleaned my hands. (手是干净的) 此时,现在完成时常与already(已经), yet(已经), just(刚刚),ever(曾经)等词连用,通常放在助动词之后,过去分词之前。 already: 常用于肯定句中. yet: 用于否定句,翻译为还没。疑问句尾.翻译为已经 1.你已经找到你的书了吗? 2.他们在这个城市建了许多房子. 3.Judy还没到达.

4.你吃过早饭了吗? 用法② 现在完成时表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作或状态。 She has learned English for 5 years. He has lived in Beijing since ( 自从)he was born . Have you stayed here since ( 自从) 3 o’clock? for+ 时间段 since+时间点 , since+ 句子 ①Mr. Brown has had his TV _____15 years. ②I’ve taken driving lessons _______last month. ③My sister has had her cell phone _____a month . ④My friends haven’t visited me _______ my birthday. ⑤We haven’t used our car _____a long ti me . ⑥She hasn’t had a good cup of coffee ____ years. ⑦Tom has worn glasses _______he was 7 years old. 二.have been 与have gone 的用法比较 have been to “到过,去过”,表示曾经到过某处,但现在人不在那儿。 have gone to“去了”,表示已经去了某地,现在人可能在去的途中或已在那儿了。 have been in“呆在某处一段时间了” 三.实义动词分为: 瞬间动词、延续动词


现在完成时 (1)构成:现在完成时由助动词have + 过去分词构成,助动词have 有人称和数的变化。第三人称单数用has,其余用have. 现在完成时的否定式直接在助动词后面加上not、疑问式是把助动词提到主语之前。以study 为例,其否定式、 1)现在完成时通常表示在说话之前已经完成的动作或存在的状态。说话人强调的是该动作或状态对现在的结果或影响。 My daughter has just gone out. 我女儿刚出去。I’m sure we’ve met before. 我肯定我们以前见过面。 She has arrived. 她到了。 2)表示持续到现在的动作或状态,往往和包括现在在内的表示一段时间的状语连用,如recently, already, just, lately, for…, since…,yet等。如: I haven’t heard from her these days. 这些日子我没有收到她的信。 We haven’t seen you recently. 最近我们没有见到你。 They have been away for two years. 他们离开已经两年了。She has been with us since Monday. ★注意: 1)since和for的区别 since后接时间点,如1993,last term, yesterday, the time I got there for后接一段时间,表示“长达多久”,如ten years, a while, two days等。 Exercise: 用since和for填空 1. Jim has been in Ireland ______ Monday. 2. Jill has been in Ireland ______ three days. 3. His aunt has lived in Australia ______15 days. 4. Mary is in her office. She has been there ______ 7 o'clock. 5. India has been an independent country ______1974. 6. The bus is late. They've been waiting ______ 20 minutes. 7. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty ______ many years. 8. Mike has been ill ______a long time. He has been in hospital ______ October. 2)表示短暂意义的动词如arrive, leave, borrow, buy, begin, start, die等,在完成时当中不能和表示一段时间的状语连用,因为它们表示的动作不可能持续。因此,不能说: He has come here for 2 weeks. × The old man has died for 4 months. × They have left only for 5 minutes. × 以上三句话可以改为: He has been here for 2 weeks. The old man has ______ _______ for 4 months. They have _____ _____ only for 5 minutes. 3)have (has) been 和have (has) gone的区别:表示“曾到过某地”要用“have (has) been”; 表示“已经去某地”要用“have (has) gone”。试比较: Where has he been? 他刚才到哪里去了?(已经回来了) Where has he gone? 他上哪儿去了?(人不在) They have been to Canada. 他们到过加拿大。(现在已经不在加拿大) They have gone to Canada. 他们到加拿大去了。(可能在路上和已经到加拿大). 4)现在完成时不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last year, in 1976, two days ago, just now, when I came in,但可以和already, yet, sometimes, always, often, before, lately, recently, once, twice, ever, never等连用。例如:She has already come. 她已经来了。 I haven’t read it yet. 我还没读过这个。I have met him before. 我从前曾见过他。 Ma Hong has always been a good student. 马红一直是个好学生。I have often seen him in the street. 我经常在街上看见他。


现在完成时的构成 一)肯定式 主语+助动词have /has +过去分词+其它 说明:这里的have /has是助动词,没有什么具体意义。当主语是第三人称单数时助动词 用has,其余人称一律用have。has,have的缩略式分别为's或've。规则动词过去分词的构 成与过去式的构成方式一样,不规则动词可参看不规则动词表。实例: 1)I've just copied all the new words .我刚抄写了所有的生词。(表示不要再抄了) 2)She has lost her books .她丢失了她的书。(表示到目前为止还没有找到) (如果用过去时:She lost her books . 则强调书是过去丢的这一动作,而不知现在有没有找到) 3)We've just cleaned the classroom .我们刚好打扫了教室。(表明现在教室是干净的) 二)否定式 主语+助动词have /has+not+过去分词+其它 说明:现在完成时构成否定句时,只需在助动词have /has后面加not就行。have not,has not的缩略式分别为haven't ,hasn't。另外,肯定句中有some,already时,改为否定时要分 别改成any,yet。实例: 1)I haven't finished my homework yet.我还没有完成我的作业。 2)She hasn't travelled on a train .她没有坐火车旅行过。 3)We have never spoken to a foreigner.我们从来没有和外国人说过话。 注:有时not可以用never代替,表示“从来没有”的意思。又如: 4)I have never seen him before.以前我从来没有见过他。 三)一般疑问式 助动词Have /Has +主语+过去分词+其它? 说明:把陈述句中的have或has放到句首,句末打问号,同时把句中的some ,already改为any ,ye t就构成了一般疑问句。肯定回答用“Yes ,主语+have/has.否定回答用“No,主语+haven't/hasn't.”有时也可以用“No,not yet./No ,never./No,not even once.”等。实例:


现在完成时的构成: 陈述句:S(主语)+ have/ has + 动词过去分词 I have had dinner. 否定形式:S(主语)+ hasn't/haven't + 动词的过去分词 I haven’t had dinner. 疑问形式:Have/has + S(主语) +动词过去分词 Have you had dinner 肯定回答:Yes, S(主语)+ have/ has. 否定回答:No, S(主语)+ have/ has+ not. 现在完成时适用范围: 1、谈论过去发生的事情,但是发生的时间不重要. . She has broken her arm. 她伤了她的胳膊. 2、谈论过去发生的某事,但对现在造成了影响 . She has broken her arm, so she can’t play basketball. 她伤了她的胳膊, 所以她不能打篮球了. 3、过去开始的某事,现在还在继续. . He has lived in China for 20 years. 他已经在中国住了20年了. He has lived in China since 1993. 4. 刚刚发生的事情. . They have just arrived at the airport. 他们刚刚到达了机场. 5. 经历或取得的成就. . He has passed his math exam with a high mark. 他以高分通过了他的数学考试. 现在完成时态中的重要标志词 already, yet, just, never, ever用法区别

1、already意思是“已经” A、通常用于陈述句中(放在have和has的后面) B、也可用于疑问句,表示期望得到肯定的回答或表示惊异,此时 already常放在句末。 She has already found her bike. Has she found her bike already她已经找到自行车了 2、yet用法 A、yet可用于否定句,此时译为“还”; I haven’t found my ruler yet. B、也可以用于疑问句,译为“已经”(放在have和has的后面也可放在句末) Have you found your ruler yet你已经找到尺子了吗 3、just只用于陈述句意思是“刚才”(放在have和has的后面) I have just received a letter. 4、never用于否定句译为“从不”(放在have和has的后面) I’ve never been to Beijing. 5、ever用于疑问句译为“曾经”(放在have和has的后面) Have you ever been to Beijing 规则动词过去分词和过去式变法一样


现在完成时 一、现在完成时构成 构成:现在完成时由助动词have + 过去分词构成,助动词have 有人称和数的变化。第三人称单数用has,其余用have. 现在完成时的否定式直接在助动词后面加上not、疑问式是把助动词提到主语之前。以study 为例,其否定式、疑问式和简单回答形式如下: 1、现在完成时通常表示在说话之前已经完成的动作或存在的状态。说话人强调的是该动作或状态对现在的结果或影响。 My daughter has just gone out. 我女儿刚出去。 I’m sure we’ve met before. 我肯定我们以前见过面。 She has arrived. 她到了。 2、表示持续到现在的动作或状态,往往和包括现在在内的表示一段时间的状语连用,如recently, already, just, lately, for…, since…,yet等。如: I haven’t heard from her these days. 这些日子我没有收到她的信。 We haven’t seen you recently. 最近我们没有见到你。 They have been away for two years. 他们离开已经两年了。 She has been with us since Monday.

①for+时段 ②since+过去一个时间点(译为:自从……以来) ③since+时段+ago ④since+从句(过去时) ⑤It is+时段+since+从句(过去时) Mary has been ill?for three days. I have lived here?since 1998. 注意: since和for的区别 since后接时间点,如1993,last term, yesterday, the time I got there for后接一段时间,表示“长达多久”,如ten years, a while, two days等。3、表示短暂意义的动词如arrive, leave, borrow, buy, begin, start, die等,在完成时当中不能和表示一段时间的状语连用,因为它们表示的动作不可能持续。因此,不能说: He has come here for 2 weeks. × The old man has died for 4 months. × They have left only for 5 minutes. × 4、has gone (to),has been (to), has been (in)?的区别 Have/Has gone(to) :去了(现在不在说话现场,可能在路上和已经到) Where is your father?He has gone to Shanghai. Have/Has been (to) :去过(已不在去过的地方) My father has been to Shanghai. Have/has been in:呆了多久(还在所呆的地方) My father has been in Shanghai?for two months. /since two months ago. 5、现在完成时不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last year, in 1976, two days ago, just now, when I came in,但可以和already, yet, sometimes, always, often, before, lately, recently, once, twice, ever, never等连用。不能与when连用。


英语语法现在完成时的 基本例句 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

现在完成时的基本例句: 1.I have worked here since 1970. 自1970 年以来我就在这儿工作。 2.He has been to the Great Wall twice. 他已经去过两次长城了。 3.Mike has just finished his homework. 迈克刚做完他的作业。 现在完成时是描述过去发生的而与现在情况有关的事或状态(例2, 例3),或是从过去某时到现在为止这一段时间中发生的情况(例1),换言之,现在完成时是表现从过去到现在的事情。2 现在完成时的用法现在完成时的形式皆以“ have(has)+过去分词”来表示,有“继续”、“完了”、“结果”、“经验”等用法。 继续 I have studied English for three years. 我已经学习英语三年了。 She has been sick since last month. 她从上个月就生病了。 经验 I have visited Beijing many times. 我访问过北京好多次了。 Have you ever been to Hawaii 你曾经去夏威夷吗 完成 I have just finished my homework. 我刚刚完成我的家庭作业。 Has he finished his work yet 他作好工作了吗 结果 My brother has become a teacher. 我哥哥已经成为一名教师了。 I have lost my watch. 我手表弄丢了。(我现在仍旧没有表)


肯定句:主语+have/has+过去分词 否定句:主语+have/has not +过去分词 疑问句:Have/Has+主语+过去分词 7. 现在完成时 (1) 现在完成时的句型结构 ①肯定句:主语+ have/has+ 过去分词 ②否定句:主语+ have/has+ not+过去分词 ③疑问句:Have/Has +主语+过去分词 (2) 现在完成时的用法 ①表示到目前为止曾经有过的或未曾有过的经历和体验。常和never, ever, several times等连用。 如: I’ve never bee n to Africa. Have you ever been to Tokyo? I’ve been there three times. ②. 表示某动作从过去开始,现在刚刚完成,对现在有一定的影响。常与just, already, yet, so far等词语连用。 如: He has just finished his new book. 注意:just now用于过去时。 ③.表示某动作从过去开始,一直持续到现在,可能还会持续下去。通常与 for或since连用。 如:I have lived in Qingdao for 6 years. /since 6 years ago/since 2003/ since I came to this city. It is/has been …+ since…. It’s been seven years since we last saw each other. It’s six years since he was a teacher. 注意:for+一段时间,since后接一个过去的时间点或一般过去时的句子。 ④ 在表将来的时间状语和条件状语从句中代替将来完成时。 如: You can go home when you have finished your work. 比较:You can go home when you finish your work. (3) 过去分词的构成 ① 一般情况下在动词词尾后直接加-ed。 如: listen-listened, talk-talked ② 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直接加-d。


初中英语现在完成时专题训练答案 一、初中英语现在完成时 1.He has studied in our school __________. A. since five years B. for five years C. for five years ago D. in five years 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:他已经在我们学校学习五年了。has studied是现在完成时,和for+段时间连用,since+过去时间和现在完成时连用,in+段时间和一般将来时连用,故选B。 【点评】考查时间状语。根据句意选出正确的时间状语。 2.—How do you like Beijing, Miss Read? —I've no idea. I _____ there. A. have gone B. have been C. haven't been D. haven't gone 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:---你觉得北京怎么样,瑞得小姐?---我不知道,我没有去过那儿。短语:have been to去过某地(已经返回);have gone to去了某地(尚未返回),根据句意,故答案为C。 【点评】考查短语辨析,区分have been to与have gone to,理解句子,根据语境判断答案。 3.I scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old. A. will be B. was C. have been D. would be 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】由since引导的从句可知主句应用现在完成时,故答案为C。句意是:自从我五岁时被狗伤过之后我就一直怕狗。 【点评】本题考查现在完成时的用法。 4.—How do you like Treasure Island,Lucy? —It's so exciting that I _______ it twice. A. am reading B. have read C. was reading D. had read 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:——露西,你认为《金银岛》怎么样?——它是如此令人激动以至于我读了两次。根据twice可知已经发生了,故此处用现在完成时,故为have read,故选B。 【点评】此题考查现在完成时的用法。 5.—They say there is a new restaurant near here.


现在完成时的构成 have∕ has + P.P. 现在完成时的用法 1完成表示过去的动作对现在的影响。Already .yet ever just before He has lost his key. 2还完成从过去一直持续到现在,是否持续下去不知道。 ⑴一次性动作完成的 与just连用,表示刚刚完成的动作或状态(just放在have∕has与P.P.之间)。 I have just had lunch. He has just finished his homework. ①already 已经肯定句中或句尾例: I have already found my pen. = I have found my pen already. ②yet已经否定句和疑问句句尾例:I have not finished the work yet. Have you bought a computer yet? I have already bought the computer. 例:Have you ever seen pandas? never从不句中例:I have never been to Beijing. before以前句尾

例:I have never been there before. how many times多少次three times How many times has he been to Beijing? havegone to去了某地 例:He has gone to Beijing (去了北京) havebeen to去过某地 例:He has been to Beijing. (去过北京) ⑵表示动作发生在过去,持续到现在,有可能延续到将来,常与since“自从…”(后面跟一点时间)for(后面跟一段时间)连用。 I have learned English since 2000. He has lived there for 10 years. 例:He has bought the book for 3 years. 1)He has bought the book 2)He bought the book 3 years ago 3)It’s 3 years since he bought the book..It is three hours since he got here . ( ④He has not bought the book for 3 years. (改为否定句) 5) He has had the book for 3 years. ①come/arrive/get to/reach → be here 例:I have come here for 3 years.(错)改为:I have been here for 3 years. ②leave/go →be away 例:He has left for 3 hours.(错)改为:He has been away for 3 hours. ③begin/start →be on 例:The film has begun for 3 minutes.(错)


a t i t h e i r 现在完成时练习题一,完成句子 1. I have done my homework. 否定句: I ________ _________ my homework.一般疑问:_________ you ________ your homework? Yes, I ________. No, I _________. 2,She has seen the movie before. 否定句: She ________ _________ the movie.一般疑问:________ she _______ the movie? Yes, she ________. No, she ________.2.用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.I ________ already ________ the book. (read) 2. He _____ just ______ (finish )his homework. 3. She _____ ______(not play) soccer yet. 4. Mom _____ ever ______(visit )Jinan before.5 They ____never ____ (be) to Jinan. 6 So far we __________(learn)1000 words. 7 In the past five years my hometown________(change)a lot.8 Tom ______(seen )the movie twice. 三,用has/have been to 和 has/have gone to 填空 Have/has been to--- 曾经去过某地(已回) Have/has gone to---去了某地 ( 至今未回 ) 有ever 、 never 和表示次数的词时用have been to 1. I like the Great Wall. I _________________ three times. 2.He ______ ever ______ _____ Beijing. 3. He doesn’t like the place. He _____ nerer ______ there. 4.---Where’s your father? –He _______ Jinan. 5 Jim isn’t at school.She is ill. He ________ the hospital.四,用since 和for 填空 ______ two years _______ two years ago _______ last month ______ 1999 _______ yesterday _______ 4 o’clock ______ 4 hours _______ an hour ago _______ we were children 1. I have kept the book _______ a week , I must return it on time . 2. We have learned English ______ 5 years ago, so we have learned it ______ 5 years. 3. Miss Li has taught maths ________ she came to this school .. 4. I have had a cold _______ yesterday. 5. The workers have worked _______ 10 hours . They are very tired. 6. Great changes have taken place in China ______ it was founded. 7. Our teacher has studied Japanese ______ three years. 8. She has been away from the city ______ about ten years. 9.It’s about ten years __________ she left the city.五,单项选择1、(2016?永州)-___you ever ___to the Great Wall ?-Yes ,Three times .( ) A .Has ,been B .Have ,been C .Have ,gone


现在完成时(1) 基本结构: 肯定句: have/has+过去分词(done)+其他 否定句:have+not/haven’t +过去分词(done) +其他 has+not/ hasn’t+过去分词(done) +其他 一般疑问句及回答:Have/Has+主语+过去分词+其他 Yes, 主语+have/has.(肯定) No, 主语+haven't/hasn't.(否定) 一、表示在过去不确定的时间里发生的对现在造成影响的动作或结果。 I have already spent all of my money.(含义是:现在我没有钱花了) Guo zijun has just come. (含义:郭子君现在在这儿) My father has gone to work.(含义是:我爸爸现在不在这儿) 过去分词 1 、规则动词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规 则相同。四点变化规则: (1)、一般动词,在词尾直接加“ ed ”。 work---worked---worked ,visit---visited---visited (2)、以“ e ”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“ d ”。 live---lived---lived , (3)、以“辅音字母+ y ”结尾的动词,将 "y" 变为 "i" ,再加“ ed ”。 study---studied---studied ,cry---cried---cried (4)、重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ ed ”。 stop---stopped---stopped , drop---dropped--dropped 2、不规则动词: do---did---done go---went---gone come---came---come have---had---had see---saw---seen be---was/were---been


现在完成时 1. Kate’s never seen Chinese films,____ ? A. hasn’t she B. has she C. isn’t she D. is she 2. -Ann has gone to Shanghai. -So ______her parents. A. has B. had C. did D. have 3. -Mum, may I go out and play basketball? ______you______ your homework yet? A. Do;finish B. Are;finishing C. Did;finish D. Have;finished 4. -______ you ______anywhere before? -Yes, but I can’t remember where I______ A. Did;surf;surfed B. Have;surfed;surfed C. Did;surf;have surfed D. Have;surfed;have surfed 5. His brother has been to Stone Forest twice______he came to Yunnan. A. after B. before C. since D. for 6. Tom______the CD player for two weeks. A. has lent B. has borrowed C. has bought D. has had 7. I______a letter from him since he left. A. didn’t receive B. haven’t got C. didn’t have D. haven’t heard 8. -Have you ever______Beijing to see the Forbidden City? -Yes, I have. A. went to B. gone to C. been in D. been to 9. My parents ______ Shangdong for ten years. A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been 10. I won’t go to the concert because I ____my ticket. A. lost B. don’t lose C. have lost D. is coming 11. – Where is Mr Liu? - He________ the library. A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been in D.has went 12. The cleaners have cleaned the streets, ________? A. so they B. don’t they C. have they D. haven’t they 13. I like Beijing. I________ there three times. A. went B. go C. have been D. have gone 14.We came to Shanghai three years ago, so we_______here for two years. A. have been to B. have been in C. have been D. have gone 15.- How long_______you _______your exam paper? - About three months. A. did;buy B. have;get C. have;had D. have;bought 16. He tells me he ________China for over eight years. A. has been B. has been in C. has been to D. has gone to 17.____has Mr. Brown been a member of the party since he_____to China? A. How soon;comes B. How often;got C. How long;came D. How far;arrived 18. His parents________ for more than 3 years. A. have come here B. have started to work C. have lived there D. have left the university 答案:1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.C 6. D 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.D 13. C 14.C15 C16.B 17.C 18.C
