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I don’t like chicken______ !
He likes smoking and I like it____.
He likes white coffee. She wants a pound of mince. My father goes to work by car every day. My mother always gets up at seven every day. Jack watches TV at nine every night. Mary has breakfast at home every day.
1. I goes to school by bike every day. goes — go 2. He walk to park every morning. walk — walks 3. I goes to school by bike every day. goes — go 4. She don’t watch TV at night. don’t — doesn’t 5. Does you like chicken? Does — Do 6. She doesn’t makes the bed. makes — make 7. Do she want any beef? Do — Does 8. Does Mary likes steak? likes — like 9. Jack don’t have a football. don’t — doesn’t 10. Would you like any tea? any — some
I want a pound of mince. Because I want to make some dumplings .
chicken 鸡(可数名词) 鸡肉(不可数名词)
cock [kɔk]公鸡
chick [tʃik]小鸡 hen [hen] 母鸡
husband (丈夫)
wife (妻子)
lamb, but my husband doesn’t like lamb. 用but 连接的并列句,在后一半句中可以省略与前半
S2:Do you want beef↑ or lamb↓?
or “或者”表选择 选择疑问句↑ or ↓ ?
S3: What about some steak?
Mrs. Bird
What does Mrs. Bird want? She wants some beef, a piece of steak and a pound of mince.
S1: I like lamb, but my husband doesn’t.
1) but 表示转折,意为“但,然而,尽管如此” e.g.他不喜欢音乐,可他的妻子却很喜欢。 He doesn’t like music, but his wife does. 2) 句中的doesn’t 后面省略了like lamb. 整句应为I like
doesn’t like steak.
butcher 卖肉的
Eg: The old man is a butcher.
at the butcher’s 在肉店
Eg: The boy is at the butcher's . He wants to buy some meat .
beef 牛肉(不可数)
S4: To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird,
I don’t like chicken either!
to tell you the truth 实话跟你说
1)tell v. 告诉

tell sb sth 告诉某人某事
At the butcher's
Lesson 49
Lesson 49
At the butcher’s
1 What did Mrs. Bird buy? 2.What does Mr. Bird like?
Listen to the tape, and then judge the sentences. If it is right, please say yes. If it is wrong, please say no.
too, also, either都是表示 “也,同样”
too: 用于肯定句和一般疑问句中,位于句末 also: 用于肯定句中,位于居中 either: 用于否定句中,位于句末
Eg: My husband likes steak. I like steak, too. I also like steak. Do you like steak, too? My husband doesn't like chicken. I don't like chicken either.
1、变否定句在动词前加doesn’t 2、动词要变回原形
1、变疑问句把Does提到句首 2、动词要变回原形
She likes black coffee.(改成否定和一般疑问句) She doesn’t like black coffee. Does she like black coffee? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. He wants some beef.(改成否定和一般疑问句) He doesn’t want any beef. Does he want any beef? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. Jack goes to school by bike every day. Jack doesn’t go to school by bike every day. Does Jack go to school by bike every day? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Thank you!
Thank you !
当主语是第三人称单数He, She, It或 某一个人时,谓语动词末尾要加 s 或 es
1、一般情况下直接在动词末尾加s 2、以o, s, x, ch, sh结尾的动词加es 3、以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先把y改成i,
再加es (特殊变化:have — has)
climb run type eat clean cook drink walk fly go sleep
Eg: Do you want any beef ?
steak 牛排
a piece of steak
lamb 羊羔肉(不可数)
Eg: Do you want beef or lamb ? Beef , please . Lamb , please .
a lovely lamb 一只可爱的小羊羔
mince 肉馅,绞肉(不可数)
1.Mrs. Bird like lamb.
2.Mrs. Bird’s husband
like lamb too.
3. Mrs. Bird like chicken. No
4.Mrs. Bird doesn’t like chicken.Yes 5. Mrs. Bird’s husband
tell /tel/ 告诉 tell a story 讲故事
Eg: My mother tells me a story every night. truth /truːθ/ 实情,事实 To tell you the truth 说老实话
To tell you the truth, I don’t like black coffee.
climb来自百度文库 runs types eats cleans cooks drinks walks flies goes sleeps
cry wash wait jump swim read work do listen take teach
cries washes waits jumps swims reads works does listens takes teaches
一、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空; 1. She often _g_o_e_s_ (go) swimming on Sunday. 2. My daughter __w_a_t_c_h_e_s_ (watch) TV every day. 3. Li Wei ___h_a_s___ (have) a daughter. 4. Her mother _te_a_c_h_e_s_ (teach) English at a school. 5. Jack often ___l_is_t_e_n_s___ (listen) to the radio. 6. He _s_a_y_s____ (say) that Li Lei is tired. 7. My father works (work) in Town hospital. 8. He usually washes (wash) his face first. 9. My mother tells (tell) me a story every night. 10. Mike gets (get) up at seven every day.

tell sb to do sth. 告诉某人做某事
~ the time in English 用英语报时
~ a lie撒谎
~ the truth说实话
2)truth n.实情 true adj.真实的
3)either“也” 用于否定的情况,位于句末
too “也”用于肯定的情况,位于句末
What about…? …怎么样?
What about…?=How about…?
What about sth.? 某物怎么样?

What about doing sth.?做某事怎么样?
练习:1. 来杯咖啡怎么样?

2. 打篮球怎么样?