research proposal范文

research proposal范文
research proposal范文

Research proposal

1. Title:

Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and American Modern Eschatology

Or Modern Eschatology of the 21st century America in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road

2. Introduction:

1).about the author:

a.Most Important achievements about Cormac McCarthy:

Cormac McCarthy is an American novelist and playwright, who was once described as “the best unknown novelist in America”. So far McCarthy has written ten novels, one published five-act play, and one filmed screenplay, among which, novels are considered his most conspicuous literary achievements.

On May 5th, 2009, Cormac McCarthy has won the biennial PEN/Saul Bellow award for lifetime achievement in American literature, for "a distinguished living American author of fiction whose body of work in English possesses qualities of excellence, ambition, and scale of achievement over a sustained career which places him or her in the highest rank of American literature".

He received the Pulitzer Prize in 2007 for The Road, and his 2005 novel No Country for Old Men was adapted as a 2007 film of the same name, which won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture. He received a National Book Award in 1992 for All the Pretty Horses.

His earlier Blood Meridian(1985) was among Time Magazine's poll of 100 best English-language books published between 1925 and 2005 and he placed joint runner-up for a similar title in a poll taken in 2006 by The New York Times of the best American fiction published in the last 25 years. Literary critic Harold Bloom named him as one of the four major American novelists of his time, along with Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo and Philip Roth. He is frequently compared by modern reviewers to William Faulkner.

b.His Life:

Cormac McCarthy was born in Rhode Island on July 20, 1933. Cormac was raised Roman Catholic. He attended Catholic High School in Knoxville, and then went to the University of Tennessee in 1951-52. He majored in Liberal arts. His college experience could be considered a rewarding one with his debut publications :A Drowning Incident and Wake for Susan in the student literary magazine, The Phoenix, which won him the “Ingram-Merrill Award for Creative Writing” respectively in 1959 and 1960. McCarthy joined the U.S. Air Force in 1953; he served four years, spending two of them stationed in Alaska, where he hosted a radio show.

Gradually his literary potential came into emergence and in 1960 he began to pursue his writing career in a small American town in Texas along the America-Mexico border.

c.His Novels:

Many of McCarthy’s works a re said to be based on his own experiences or actual events.

The Orchard Keeper (1965) and Outer Dark(1968) were completed after his trips to Europe. His first book The Orchard Keep (1965) was recognized with the William Faulkner Award. In the next year he was awarded a Rockefeller Foundation grant. In 1969, his second novel Outer Dark won him Guggenheim Fellowship for Creative Writing. Child of God was inspired by things that really happened in Sevier County, which garnered mixed reviews; some praised it as great, while others found it despicable. In 1979, McCarthy published Suttree, a book considered by some critics to be McCarthy’s best work to date. His fourth novel Suttree won him MacArthur Foundation Grant in 1979. The above four novels are called Appalachian novels.

Then McCarthy moved from Knoxville, Tennessee to El Paso, Texas, hence the shift of the geographical settings of his later novels. His fifth novel Blood Meridian(1986) caught the attention of the mainstream. But McCarthy didn’t finally re ceive widespread recognition until in 1992 with the publication of All the Pretty Horses, which won the National Book Award and was followed by The Crossing and Cities of the Plain, forming the so-called The Border Trilogy, as the events in the novels invariably happen round the American-Mexico Border. McCarthy's next book, 2005's No Country for Old Men, stayed with the western setting and themes yet moved to a more contemporary period. McCarthy's latest book, The Road,was published in 2006 and won international acclaim and the Pulitzer Prize for literature.

d.His views on Writing:

In one of his few interviews (with The New York Times), McCarthy is described as a "gregarious loner" and reveals that he is not a fan of authors who do not "deal with issues of life and death," citing Henry James and Marcel Proust as examples. "I don't understand them," he said. "To me, that's not literature. A lot of writers who are considered good I consider strange.” McCarthy remains active in the academic community of Santa Fe and spends much of his time at the Santa Fe Institute, which was founded by his friend, physicist Murray Gell-Mann. On June 5, 2007, in McCarthy’s only TV interview invited by Talk show host Oprah Winfrey; McCarthy told Winfrey that he does not know any writers and much prefers the company of scientists.

e.Writing features:

McCarthy’s works focus on the life experiences and human feelings of the common people in the south and the west of America. These touching epics are full of cruel violence, nightmarish murders as well as the beautiful eclogue and the gentle requiem. They are admittedly called “symphony of hell and heavy”.

The wilderness is a repeating image in his works. As a fan of outdoor life, McCarthy put most of his stories in Tennessee and Mexico. The tall timber, darkly fierce plots, simple but powerful language are the main features of his works.

McCarthy’s works are also enriched with an imaginative power. Nature, as the greatest being in his works, watches every human deeds, whether stupid, evil, cruel, or good, honest, virtuous.

The climax of the plots is often accompanied with signs from God, which categorizes his some works into post-apocalyptic genres.

2)The Road

According to the PEN, McCarthy is “a distinguished American writer whose critical ly acclaimed work helped readers understand the human condition in original and powerful ways”. As the climax of McCarthy’s writing career, The Road received so many encomium and awards.

The Road is a post-apocalyptic tale of a journey taken by a father and his young son across a landscape blasted by an unnamed cataclysm that destroyed all civilization and, apparently, most life on earth.

McCarthy's inspiration for The Road came during a 2003 visit to El Paso, Texas, with his young son. Imagining what the city might look like in the future, he pictured "fires on the hill" and thought about his son. He took some initial notes but did not return to the idea until a few years later, while in Ireland. Then, the novel came to him quickly, and he dedicated it to his son, John Francis McCarthy.

The Road follows a man and a boy, father and son, journeying together towards the sea for many months across a post-apocalyptic landscape, some years after a great, unexplained cataclysm. The boy's mother has committed suicide as an escape from the harsh landscape. The man, himself, has a pistol with two bullets meant for suicide. Civilization has been destroyed, and most species have become extinct. The sun is obscured by dark clouds, and the climate has been altered radically with cold "hard enough to crack stones." Plants do not grow. As the two travel across the landscape, they encounter horrific scenes that show the state of humanity. The scenes include an army of roving cannibals and their catamites and slaves; an infant roasting on a spit; and a basement where slaves, whose limbs are being harvested slowly for food, are kept, groaning and in terrible pain. As the journey progresses, the father begins to cough up blood and he knows that he is going to die, but he holds on only due to his love for the boy. Finally, after the two reach the sea, the man dies, and the boy goes on without him. The boy soon encounters a family of people who take him in and take care of him.

The sight of the end of the human world is finely depicted by McCarthy, which reveals the writer’s concern on the human future and becomes the post-911 fable.

The book, McCarthy's 10th, has been hailed by critics as a masterpiece but it has also achieved commercial success, having been featured by Oprah Winfrey's television book club. Talk show host Oprah Winfrey chose The Road as the April 2007 selection for her Book Club. The sales reached up to 10 million copies in a month.

A film based on the novel was announced to be in development on April 2, 2007. John Hillcoat is set to direct and the adaptation will be handled by Joe Penhall. The lead role of the father will be played by Viggo Mortensen. Also joining the cast is Charlize Theron as the wife and

Robert Duvall as the old man. The film is set to open on October 16, 2009.

3. Proposed researched topic

Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and American Modern Eschatology

Or Modern Eschatology of the 21st century America in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road

4. Literature review:

As Cormac McCarthy is a newly-rising writer, we can not see so many tremendous academic studies of him as of other classical writers.

1)In USA, Cormac McCarthy didn’t receive critical attention until the 1990s.So far the American critics and postgraduates have conducted studies of him in the following aspects with a few achievements. In spite of his numerous awards and prizes, McCarthy is frequently considered as the successor of William Faulkner; however, with the popularity of No Country for Old Men and the great success of The Road, more mainstream critics and media keep an eye on this unknown famous writer.

a.Monologues, dialogues, sentence structures inspire scholars to explore autotextuality in McCarthy’s works. Christine Chollier brings forward the idea that the writer is a master in binding and interweaving different voices together to generate and enhance an impression of reality. It is the writer’s talent in picking and arranging words that renders his works an organic unity rarely found in other western novels.

Another thing that keeps attract ing scholar’s attention is protagonists’ dreams, which, Edwin T. Arnold thinks, represent McCarthy’s “unique way of sharing world experience with readers”. Other themes, like wars, ethics, and modern technology, have all become the focuses of study.

So me scholars ponder over another important theme in McCarthy’s works: human-nature relations. George Guillemin raises the idea that the writer is advocating a biocentric concept in all his books, which runs in contrast to the anthropocentric stance many western novels have assumed before. Guillemin points out that people’s hope to get closer to nature has been ruined by modern civilization. Barcley Owens, too, expresses the same concern over human’s attitudes towards nature and argues eloquently that McCarthy reveals his worry through the depiction of wilderness in his Border Trilogy.

In The Lay of the Land in Cormac McCarthy’s Appalachia, K. Wesley Berry shows his interest in examining the geological changes in McCarthy’s Appalachia. A lot of data are broug ht in for a conclusion that human’s activities have already caused damages to natural environment, and if not stopped, will continue to harm the planet people are living on. In another essay by Sara Spurgeon, the idea that nature deserves to be explored and used by human is totally undermined through a closer examination of the message McCarthy tries to pass on to us in his works. The

World on Fire deals with the same topic, but in a different way. Jacqueline Scoones finds McCarthy’s interest in portraying products of modern civilization and putting them in a setting of nature. Scoones insists that McCarthy intends to generate an odd contrast between civilization and nature, and to arouse a spontaneous hatred against people’s invasion into nature.

Researchers also notice the animal images in his works. Major analysis include George Guillemin’s Some Site Where Life had not Succeeded, in which he mentions that John Grady’s attitude changes toward horses represent the wakening of his goodwill to nature. Western Myths in All the Pretty Horses and The Crossing by Barcley Owens explicitly affirms wolves as a “spokesman” of nature. And everything people could see from the animal and its relations with human may serve as the evidence that McCarthy hopes for a harmonious coexistence between human and nature.

b)The Road has received numerous positive reviews and honors since its September 26, 2006 release. The review aggregator Metacritic reported the book had an average score of 90 out of 100, based on 31 reviews. Critics have deemed it "heartbreaking," "haunting," and "emotionally shattering. The Village Voice referred to it as "McCarthy's purest fable yet." In a New York Review of Books article, author Michael Chabon heralded the novel. Discussing the novel's relation to established genres, Chabon insists The Road is not science fiction: although "the adventure story in both its modern and epic forms… structures the narrative," Chabon says, "ultimately it is as a lyrical epic of horror that The Road is best understood." Entertainment Weekly in June 2008 named The Road the best book, fiction or non-fiction, of the past 25 years, ahead of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Toni Morrison's Beloved.

British environmental campaigner George Monbiot was so impressed by The Road that he declared McCarthy to be one of the "50 people who could save the planet" in an article published in January 2008. Monbiot wrote, "It could be the most important environmental book ever. It is a thought experiment that imagines a world without a biosphere, and shows that everything we value depends on the ecosystem.” This nomination echoes the review Monbiot had written some months earlier for the Guardian in which he wrote, "A few weeks ago I read what I believe is the most important environmental book ever written. It is not Silent Spring, Small Is Beautiful or even Walden. It contains no graphs, no tables, no facts, figures, warnings, predictions or even arguments. Nor does it carry a single dreary sentence, which, sadly, distinguishes it from most environmental literature. It is a novel, first published a year ago, and it will change the way you see the world."

Academic essays on The Road are out of steps with its high praises. In Life of War, Death of the Rest, Tim Blackmore considers the way new nuclear technologies are inherently determinist, and reflects on the threat of the apocalyptic world as seen in The Road. In Cormac McCarthy and the Myth of American Exceptionalism published in 2008, John Cant studies the intertextuality between The Road and McCarthy’s former works, and suggests the novel “declares the

inevitability of cultural entropy, but is itself an example of cultural vitality”.

2) Cormac McCarthy’s works are still far from familiar to China’s literary circle.

From the data from CNKI, it is clear that Cormac McCarthy has gained Chinese Critics’ attention only in recent years, especially after the release of the movie No country for Old Men. Before 2007, there are only two essays on Cormac McCarthy, while since 2007, 5 essays and 5 graduate theses have chosen this writer and his works, two of which are based on The Road. However, those two just introduce the plots of the novel and some relevant information.

3) About Eschatology

Eschatology (from the Greek , Eschatos meaning "last" and -logy meaning "the study of") is a part of theology and philosophy concerned with what is believed to be the final events in the history of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humanity, commonly referred to as the end of the world. While in mysticism the phrase refers metaphorically to the end of ordinary reality and reunion with the Divine, in many traditional religions it is taught as an actual future event prophesied in sacred texts or folklore. More broadly, eschatology may encompass related concepts such as the Messiah or Messianic Age, the end time, and the end of days.

Most modern eschatology and apocalypticism, both religious and secular, involves the violent disruption or destruction of the world, whereas Christian and Jewish eschatologies view the end times as the consummation or perfection of God's creation of the world.

Eschatology concerns the things hoped for, yet to be revealed. The return of Jesus Christ is the most important eschatological event. With the coming of Christ, Christians anticipate a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. The last enemy, death, will be vanquished. When Jesus Christ comes, the dead in Christ are going to be raised from the dead and they will be changed into heavenly bodies (immortal bodies) and they will be taken (rapture). But the wicked dead will be raised and will not be changed but they will be in their state when they died (mortal bodies).

The eschatological summary which speaks of the "four last things" (death, judgment, heaven, and hell) is popular rather than scientific. For systematic treatment it is best to distinguish between (A) individual and (B) universal and cosmic eschatology:

4)Historical background: the post 9/11 effect on the development of American literature

The first signs of the period after 911 in U.S were those of bewilderment. The situation which U.S entered had not been experienced before. On September11, 2001, the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon dramatically altered American society and culture in ways few would have predicted. The tragic event has raised an awareness of collective dangers. Although postmodernism contains such categories as apocalyptic or catastrophe theory or prophetic pessimism, broadly undertaken by many American authors such as Kurt Vonnegut, Don Delillo, Philip Roth and many others, the 9/11 with its physical and moral consequences was nothing that could have been predicted. It was and is still the long-lasting trauma that the country has exper ienced but has not recovered from yet. The country has fallen into the trap of “the destructive seventeenth-century Puritan extreme binary thinking of God versus Satan, Good versus Evil, Success versus Failure and US versus Them”. Mainly, these cardinal po ints appear in American literature of the 21st century. Researchers point out that American literature in the 21st century is influenced by the events of that terrible day and by the ways that the U.S. government responded.

The earlier and later novels of this post 9/11 period demonstrates both fear and interest of the public. Critics point out the symbolism of the attack on the heart of the financial center of the western world and the strike on the Pentagon, the heart of the military might of America. Postmodernism lay buried in the rubble on that fateful day. On the other hand, 9/11 is the day the new century began in many ways: the tragic event initiated many irreversible changes in the American society and culture. Immediately after the event the country was starting on the devastating road of estrangement.

American authors explore the individual self, describing the search for spiritual meaning and moral values. The burdens of modern life and the torments of the soul, depicting the psychological trauma and a strange sense of unreality that individuals experience in the face of human cruelty, brutality and incomprehensible evil. The authors turn to experimentation with the possibilities of fiction such as intertextuality, narrative techniques and the structure of the novel. They search for the answers to the questions: who is guilty for the tragic events? Who or what makes people, like the characters in novels, commit crimes?

Cormac McCarthy’s The Road is a typical example of these experimentations after 9/11. The journey of father and son after a catastrophe is the symbol of a spiritual journey which may have different interpretations.

From what has been mentioned above, the readers may have the impression that intensive study has already been carri ed out on McCarthy’s novels, among which nature and the relation of human and nature animals have already occupied a lot of space. However, if examining it more closely, people may find many of the existing findings on the topics are more like a side dish to

mainstream research, especially as for McCarthy’s masterpiece, academic attention is far from satisfied. What’s more, the tendency to withdraw attention from the belletristic study to more realistic aspects is worth mentioning.

Therefore, this thesis’ discussion will be carried out through the perspective of Eschatology. All the contentions may open a new possibility for readers to understand McCarthy’s works in a more thorough way.

5. The Main Argument (and three sub-arguments):

This thesis will be carried out through the perspective of Modern Eschatology, especially in the views of the end days appeared after 911.

1. The destruction of the world in the novel and its metaphorical truth

2. The final judgments administered by the writer in the fictitious world and the crytic trial to the human civilization

3. The Post-Doomsday Vista portrayed in The Road and the suggested attitude of the writer to the human future.

6. Purpose and Significance of Study:

First, this thesis introduces Cormac McCarthy into China, who claims certain fame in the USA but is little known in China. Surely, McCarthy will get his familiarity and fame in China gradually in which this thesis will play an incentive role.

Second, social sciences see great initiation with the development of the modern nature sciences. The melting trend of different branches of sciences becomes more and more conspicuous. Many critics tend to analyze literary works from the point of philosophy, psychology, sociology, aesthetics, anthropology, etc. This thesis offers an example of such a trend.

Third, this thesis claims its enlightening function. It presents us a new angle of view into the contemporary American culture after the 911 effect.

7. A Detailed Sentence Outline:


The part includes an introduction to Cormac McCarthy and The Road and literature reviews of existing findings. The origins, development and main thoughts of eschatology will be introduced as an important term for the thesis. Aside from those, a special attention will be given to how the 911 event effects the American culture and American literature.

Chapter One the violent destruction of the world in The Road

1.1 The ruins on the American Land

1.2 The wasteland of the human spirit

This part will analyze the destruction of the world in the novel and its metaphorical truth.

Chapter Two the final judgment of the righteous and the wicked in The Road

2.1 The bad guys on the road

2.2 The good guys on the road

This part will discuss the final judgments administered by the writer in the fictitious world and the crytic trial to the human civilization

Chapter Three:the Post-Doomsday Vista in The Road

3.1 The allegoric meaning of the journey

3.2 The symbolic image of the son

The Post-Doomsday Vista portrayed in The Road and the suggested attitude of the writer to the human future will be presented in the third chapter.


The total destruction presents readers the picture in the end of the world, but also deprives them of the endless horror about the uncertain future. In the end is the beginning. The author proclaims the resurrection for modern humans. What matters in the novel is the great humanity of the individual.

8. A short bibliography/statement as to the major sources you will use.(database, website, interview)

Cant, John. Cormac McCarthy and the Myth of American Exceptionalism[M].New York& London: Routledge,2008.

The theme of “the American Waste Land” is also a most important theme in M’s works. Also, he traces lines of development of McCar thy’s writing. He believes that M’s works are marked by the major events and changes of U.S.A.

The saving value of work well done—of the mastery of a craft, the virtue of hospitality, often offered by the poor to the penniless “man on the road” and the the me of conflict between father and son are consistently described in the latest work.

9. The Schedule for the Present Study

2008.9-2009.1 Collect and read related literature

2009.2-2009.4 prepare proposal

2009.4-2009.5 complete literature review

2009.5 presentations with guide teachers

2009.6 complete the proposal report

2009. 6.27 presentation

2009.7-2009.8Write the first draft

2009. 9 Revise the first draft

2009. 10-2009.12Finish the thesis and defend it.

10. References

1) On Cormac McCarthy

Blackmore., Tim. Life of War, Death of the Rest[J]. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, V ol. 29, No. 1, 18-36 (2009)

Cant, John. Cormac McCarthy and the Myth of American Exceptionalism [M].New York& London: Routledge, 2008.

Edwin T. Arnold& Dianne C. Luce. Perspectives on Cormac McCarthy [M].University Press of Mississippi, 1999.

Holloway, D. The Late Modernism of Cormac McCarthy [M].Greenwood Press, 2002.

Ellis, Jay. No Place For Home: Spatial Constraint and Character Flight in the Novels of Cormac McCarthy [M]. New York& London: Routledge, 2006.

Lilley, D. J.Cormac McCarthy: New Directions [M]. The University of New Mexico Press, 2002. Guillemin, G. The Pastoral Vision of Cormac McCarthy [M]. Texas A&M University Press, 2004. Wallach, R. Myth, Legend, Dust: Critical Response to Cormac McCarthy [M].Manchester University Press, 2000.

Owens, B. Cormac McCarthy’s Western Novels [M]. The University of Arizona Press, 2000.

2) On Literature and Theory

Wolfreys, J. Introducing Criticism at the 21st Century [M].Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd, 2002.

Brooks, Cl. & Warren, R.P. Understanding Fiction [M]. 外语教学与研究出版社,2004. Bradbury, Malcolm. The Modern American Novel [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction [M]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983.

Pizer, Donald, (Ed.). The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism [M]. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995

Zhu, Gang.20th Century Western Literary Theories[M],上海外语教育出版,2001。

Millard, K. Contemporary American Fiction [M]. Oxford University Press, 2000.

Selden, R, Widdowson,P. & Brooker, P. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory (fourth Edition) [M]. 外语教学与研究出版社,2004.



Hume,K. American Dream, American Nightmare: Fiction since 1960[M]. 外语教学与研究出版社,2006.

Millard,K. Contemporary American Fiction: the Introduction to American Fiction since 1970[M]. 外语教学与研究出版社,2006.

史志康。《美国文学背景概观》[M]. 上海外语教育出版,1998.

曾艳兵。《西方现代主义文学概论》[M]. 北京大学出版社,2006.



Other Relevant References:



3). Important websites:,/works/Default.htm Cormac McCarthy唯一官方网站,/article/oprahsbookclub/road/road_author_bio/1欧普拉官方网站2007力推《路》,/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/article3199615.ece Times online :Ten things that make Cormac McCarthy special,/top/reference/timestopics/people/m/cormac_mccarthy/index.html

Research Proposal 的模板、写作建议以及样本 计算机

Research Proposal N.Mavaddat Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering The University of Western Australia Crawley,W.A.6009 navid@,.au April2002 A.Proposed Study 1.Title Automatic Determination of Vanishing Points and Geometric Cues for Single View Recti?cation and Metrology. 2.Contribution From a single two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional object or scene it is possible to extract substantial information about the original object or even partially reconstruct the image of the object from a di?erent viewing angle.[4]This has many applications in the?elds of architecture, archaeology,forensic science and many others.This analysis can provide,in the case of metrology, measurement of the original scene,and in the case of recti?cation,the necessary information to construct a virtual model of the scene.A critical part of the analysis process is to accurately identify attributes of interest. One such attribute of interest are the‘vanishing points’of a scene.These are de?ned as points at which the extensions of parallel lines appear to converge in the perspective view of the image. In practice the detection of the vanishing points is made by visual inspection of the image and is both cumbersome and not very accurate.An automatic method of the vanishing point detection would eliminate the subjective inspection of the image and expedite the process. In my Honours project I was able to advance a method for automatic detection of the vanish-ing points through the combination of image analysis techniques and projective geometry.The method was successfully applied to the detection of the vanishing points for several images and reconstruction of images from di?erent perspectives.However,the above method can only be readily implemented when there are su?cient straight lines in the image that can be detected by computational methods and their convergence point determined.In general the two-dimensional images may contain none or a very few straight lines.Hence the proposed method has to be much improved and augmented to be a useful tool for practical applications.The attributes of interest are not con?ned to vanishing points.Other attributes such a horizon lines are also useful for single view image analysis.These attributes have yet to be explored and their detection processes automated.Further work includes the development of prototypes for proposed applications of single view metrology and recti?cation. In addition to vanishing points,other geometrical cues can greatly assist the accuracy and feasi-bility of single view metrology.These geometrical cues include determination of right angles and


设计服务承诺书 范文一 尊敬的客户: 您好! 我是九木堂装饰公司设计师,很高兴为您为服务。 家庭装修是一个复杂的过程,我们和您一样,都为了打造您温馨美好的家居生活而努力着。 感谢您对我们公司和我个人的信任,为了让您享受到更优质的服务,享受到美好的装修结果和快乐的装修旅程,我们郑重承诺: 1、在您时间允许的情况下,我们将为您做详细的家庭装修知识讲解,让您全面地了解家庭装修的风格、材料、工艺、流程。 2、在我们现场量房的过程中,我们承诺:测量做到精确完整,绘图做到迅速优质,对您的详细要求我们会一一记录,确保准确无误。量房完成以后,我们承诺在三天内为您做好户型解读、平面设计方案初稿(简易手绘稿)。 3、我们承诺:您与我们签订设计协议后,一周内保证将全套设计效果图出炉。 4、如果您对设计方案有任何不满意的地方,我们承诺做到无限次调整,直到您对设计方案完全认可为止。 5、在我们签订家装合同前,我们将为您详细解释《装修施工合同》,直到您完全理解为止,以确保我们的合作真正达到公正、公平、合理,充分保障您的利益,让您明明白白消费。

6、签订合同后,我们将为您提供完整的《家居装饰解决方案》,包括全套平面图、效果图、施工图、装修说明、装修工期预排表、家居配套材料品牌商家推荐表、主材采购预算(建议版)等,让您一册在手,轻松装修。 7、开工当日,我们将去您新居现场与您及工程监理进行现场交底,以保障设计方案及您的要求准确执行无误,使工程顺利开工。 8、施工过程中,我们承诺做到:陪同您进行工程验收、解决设计异议和施工难题。 9、如果您需要我们陪同采购相关主材,我们愿意无条件全力配合,并提前做好时间安排,为您当好地板、洁具、家具、家电、灯饰、窗饰及室内饰品的采购参谋,让您购物时省钱、省心、放心。 10、如果您对我或我们公司有任何其它要求,我们都会全力以赴为您提供周到、满意的服务。 我们的服务是无限的,以上承诺的内容还很有限,完成上述的承诺,需要我们的专业的知识、良好的态度和高效的服务,我们会全力以赴,请您相信我及我们公司! 祝您身体健康,合家快乐! 范文二 一、设计师主导制设计师制定设计方案,并在方案的进程中起主导作用。 二、设计师对客户负责设计师制定的设计方案必须结合客户意见,根据客户所需进行个性化设计服务,最后达到客户满意。 三、严格的流程工作根据工程流程(详见工程流程单),每一个流程开始需要设计师向客户详细讲解工程及设计说明,客户需认同签字后方可开工。每一流程的结束,设计师需要对工程工艺及装饰效果进行严格把关,需客户签字认同方可结束。

英文Proposal 范文

To: College of Business Administration Dean’s Office From: Zihao Fu Subject: A Proposal for setting up a food truck beside the new business building Introduction As the construction began in September, the new business building is finally coming to us. Taking up 140,00 square feet of space the building will have one 250-person lecture hall, three tiered 80-person classrooms, thirteen 50-person classrooms, three 50-station computer labs and many other features. This is definitely exciting for students, as they will be enjoying the business education in a fresh environment with brand new facilities. Faculties should also be pleased with bigger and brighter offices. The new business building can also work as an attraction that appeals to potential future K-State students. Since this is still a very early stage of the construction, it is still feasible for us to add more practical features to the building to better dealing with potential problems. Meanwhile the proposal can also increase the overall attractiveness of College of Business. Problem Description In the blueprint of the new business building we could see that a coffee shop is included. However, having only one coffee shop may not be sufficient. At a round 11 o’clock to 1 o’clock is the “peak hours” f or lunch. Long-winded lines are very common in Union’ food court, Einstein Bros Bagels as well as Derby Dining Center. It is hard to imagine a coffee shop with limited capacity can serve the whole business school, which has the biggest amount of undergraduate students in the university, efficiently. Taking a close look at the campus map I could not help but notice that the new business building is located at the Southeast side of the campus and seems to be alienated from other major buildings. With only one dining facility near the building can result in students who are taking classes at noon in the building has very limited choice for lunch. In addition, they will have to walk a long way to other dining facilities around the campus. Some other students might decide not to have lunch due to the intense schedule and the tiring long way. However, the lacking of essential nutrition and energy intake can cause really negative impact on students’ brain function. The lacking of concentration and reduce students’ attention in class, which ultimately affects their academic performance. Hence, I am proposing a solution to the problem.

Research_proposal 格式

How to write a research proposal You are to write a research proposal of about 2000 words, maximum 8 type-written pages (including figures and tables), double-spaced. Fonts should be set at 12-point. Objectives The idea behind this research proposal is I would like to see whether you are able to identify outstanding issues that more research could help to clarify. Writing the proposal will then help you achieve four important objectives: (1) to expand your knowledge of cognitive neuroscience by focusing on two areas that are of particular interest to you, (2) to further develop your skills as a critical reader of psychological research, and (3) to develop your scientific writing skills. General Requirements In this research proposal, you are asked to demonstrate your ability to integrate information across topics covered in the course. In the proposal, you should critically review two areas of cognitive neuroscience and then propose an experiment that would help to address an integrative question or issue. Choose any two sections from the course outline, such as Attention and Memory, and discuss how they are (or might be) related. For example, you might want to discuss the role of attention in memory. Alternatively, you might wish to discuss some general principles of cortical organization, such as modularity and central processing, and how they apply to two different areas you have studied. I guess you will find that there are a great number of potential topics you could pick. The best way would be to take something that interests you. You should then try to define what you picked narrowly. You need not deal with the entire topic area (e.g., all of language, all of perception), but choose smaller, more manageable topic (e.g., perception of living things and spatial attention; the function of the hippocampus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex). If you define your topic too generally there will simply be too much relevant research, making it very difficult to decide which the most relevant papers are. Required sections of the proposal The proposal must contain the following sections: Title page – Abstract – Introduction – Methods – Predicted Results – References. ? Title page ? Abstract: One (1) paragraph that briefly describes the area of interest and the research question that will be addressed in the proposal. Put the abstract on a separate page, immediately following the title page. ? Introduction: This section should describe the research area and findings from previous studies. Write in a goal-directed manner. By this I mean you will eventually be proposing some experiment in your proposal. Therefore, the literature review should be designed so that it discusses an issue or question that needs to be addressed in that area and provides a rationale for your proposed study. Moreover, you should structure your Introduction so that the motivation for your proposal becomes clear. To achieve that you should begin with a relatively big issue and then focus down to the specific issue you are interested in, highlighting the aspects of previous research (e.g. some methodological flaw in previous approaches) that your proposal is meant to address. By the end of the Introduction the reader should have a very good idea of what the central issue of your proposal will be. Your Introduction should reference at least three research articles (see the section about references). (Maximum length of the Introduction: 3 double-spaced pages).


基本服务承诺、额外服务承诺书 篇一:服务承诺书 服务承诺书 致:中国移动通信集团广东有限公司: 为提高企业知名度,树立企业形象,本着“一流的产品、一流的质量、一流的信誉、一流的服务”的宗旨,以“最优惠的价格、最周到的服务、最可靠的产品质量”的原则,郑重承诺: 一、基本服务承诺 1、严格按照招标文件、有关规定及合同认真履行我们的责任和义务。 2、配备优秀的项目人员:项目主管李革胜,硕士学位,担任公司总经理职务,具有丰富的促销品项目经验,曾出色完成武警总医院急救抗灾物品项目。 3、在广东省内设有分公司或办事处并且拥有成熟的仓储、物流配送体系。能够根据订单按照指定时间配送到指定地点,15个工作日内到达各地市公司仓库。 4、负责承担促销品在入库前的理货、搬运、卸货。实时监控促销品的库存情况,及时补货,以确保需求。 5、我公司在本次投标中所投的所有产品均严格按照厂家提供质保期进行质保。促销品故障率不超过1‰。

6、对本次项目所采购的货物如因质量问题,“三包”承诺如下:①七日内免费退货、换货、修理;②八至十五日免费换货、修理。以下情况也可退换货:VIP客户提出退换货要求。重大、升级、重复或客户强烈(有可能变为升级投诉或影响企业形象)要求。 7、保证所提供的货物均为厂家正规渠道全新原装货物,完全符合合同规定的质量、规格和性能要求。 8、想客户所想,急客户所急,在服务上做到态度温馨,文明礼 貌,认真细致。 二、额外服务承诺 我公司有完备的方案咨询、策划、售后服务等团队,为客户提供更全面的服务: 1、提供方案策划、促销品选择、制作配送、市场信息统计服务。 2、对于客户在促销品运营中所产生的问题和不足提出调整建议书。 3、客服面向最终用户的服务时间为7×24小时,并提供绿色通道。 篇二:服务承诺书1 服务承诺书 致:中国移动通信集团湖南有限公司永州分公司

bec proposal范文

May 21,2013 Dear Mr.Michael James, Re:Application for Most Improved Organisation Award I am writing to apply for the Most Improved Award which I have seen advertised in "China Daily" of Monday 14th April 2013. We are LDs Car Ltd Company.Our headquarter is located in No.569,Yuelu Road,Yuelu District,Changsha,Hunan,China.And we have 40 branches,13 in China and the other 27 branches in US,UK,Australia and Canada respectively.We are specialize in producing user-friendly cars in the world.Although our company has 50 years long history,being considered as traditional car brand,we never stop the step by developing new technologies and updating our products in coincide with up-to-date technology.Innovation and Low-Carbon Concept are new corporate philosophy. Last year,our research and development department designed a new model car which is called "Solar Powered Auto".This new model car has a attractive appearance and comfortable interior layout.The most breaking point is that we use solar energy rather than traditional petrol to power car itself.Thus we have built a important landmark in the car field. Through our promotion we have tried in the Chinese market ,we can easily find that the district economy has considerably improved due to the fact that our new products had increased the domestic consumption.Also,the feedback of field surveys from our customers shows that most of them satisfied with the environment-friendly cars. If we can win this award,we will make full use of the prize money to benefit our staff.Basically,the cash gifts will be given to those highly hardworking employees.We will also offer sticky rewards ,such as an all-expense-paid trip for an employee and his or her spouse,physical health check-ups,memberships or discounts on membership fees at health clubs and fitness centers and so on. With this great improvement our business has made,I believe that our company is totally qualified for this award. In the meantime,if you require any further information about our company,please do not hesitate to call me.My phone number is 342566658.I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely,

Project Proposal 项目建议书 英文 模板

Proposal for Junior Achievement Project Yanqin Fu Xiaoping Hu South Westfalia University of Applied Science

Table of Contents Executive Summary (1) Statement of Need (2) Project Description (4) Project Evaluation (7) Budget (8) Organization Profile (12) Timeline (13) Conclusion (14) Appendices (15)

Executive Summary With the fast growth of college graduate population, it is more and more difficult for students to find a job. Under this circumstance, setting up new businesses is becoming an effective way out. The government of China is laying great effort to encourage students to start up businesses. “Booming private capital is key to overall economic development”, says Prime Ministry Wen Jiabao. However, the lack of knowledge and experience is setting obstacles for the students. Therefore, we need urgently to strengthen students’ability in doing business. This proposal aims at introducing how the organization “Brilliant” plans to carry out the project of fostering entrepreneurship of college students in Hangzhou, and asking for a fund of 833,000 yuan to support the project.


工程设计服务承诺书 关,确保设计图纸质量;多与业主和相关职能部门沟通,多作现场调研工作,使设计能与职能部门的要求和实际相符,协助业主在合理的情况下节省投资、缩短工期。 (2) 配备理论知识扎实、经验丰富的设计人员。我院承诺:除征得业主同意外,不得更换设计人员。 2. 本设计中的质量保证措施 针对本设计的特点,我们实施严格的设计全过程控制,制定了一系列的质量控制体系程序文件,并明确质量体系控制流程图。 ——实施全过程控制 全过程质量控制的步骤如下: (1)设计总进度控制计划编制; (2) 各单位、各专业设计原则编制与会审; (3) 各单位、各专业接口的实施管理; (4) 总体方案和专业方案的评审与优化; (5) 各单位、各专业设计文件的校审与专业之间的会签; (6) 设计文件总体审定与建设方对设计文件意见反馈与处置。 ——质量体系程序文件 根据质量保证体系的二十个要素,结合本设计的特点,分别制定相应的程序文件,对各项质量活动所采取的方法进行具体描述,明确

责任、目的和范围,以及何人、何地、何时、如何做,对质量要素进行控制并记录,共二十二个程序,分别是: (1) 管理评审程序; (2) 质量计划编制与控制程序; (3) 合同评审程序; (4) 设计策划程序; (5) 组织和技术接口控制程序; (6) 设计输入控制程序; (7) 设计输出控制程序; (8) 设计评审、设计验证和设计确认控制程序; (9) 设计更改控制程序; (10) 文件和资料控制程序; (11) 设计文件、图纸、资料控制程序; (12) 质量体系文件编写程序; (13) 分承包方评定和控制程序; (14) 顾客提供产品的控制程序; (15) 产品标识和可追溯性程序; (16) 纠正和预防措施控制程序; (17) 设计文件、图纸印制和交付控制程序; (18) 质量记录控制程序; (19) 内部质量审核程序; (20) 培训程序;


Introduction This proposal sets out to examine options for the successful globalization of our ‘Borders’ brand. The initial market under consideration is Continental Europe. For the purposes of this proposal, we will be considering three aspects of the brand, namely our logo, the ‘Borders’ concept and finally, the product itself, ‘Borders’ wellington boots. Findings The following points summarise our key findings. ?It was found that our existing logo, a pair of wellington boots encircled by the word ‘Borders’, is visual enough to be used in markets where English is not widely spoken. ?Attitudes to outerwear differ throughout Europe and our boots are likely to appeal to different market sectors in different countries. This has serious implications for the benefits we wish to publicise. Although Danish farmers would be willing to purchase such a high quality, product, farmers in some countries would be unlikely to choose a British brand over a domestic product. However, the very Britishness of the product would appeal to the style-conscious elements of the French and Italian markets, summoning up images of the English upper classes and country houses. ?Our current product is multi-purpose and as such would not need adapting to suit different sectors of the European market.


Project Title Team Leader: Members: Project Time In troducti on: Stateme nt of Problem Project Objectives Project Plan s(Acti ons &Man ageme nt) Feasibility(Capability&Cost) Schedule Example 1: (Note: It ' s only an example. There are three rows in the table,

but defi nitely, you may add more lines to it. And duri ng the same period, differe nt people may work on differe nt tasks in stead of all the people doing the same thing. Please refer to the 2 nd table.) Example 2: Con clusi on Refere nces Prepari ng Stage for a Proposal Project scope -A developme nt(bike,car,airpla ne,ship,robot) -A mecha ni cal desig n(tool,system,toy) -An improveme nt of a mecha ni cal product -A prototype of an inven ti on -An engin eeri ng research Choose model


XXX装饰设计师服务承诺书 尊敬的客户: 您好! 我是XXX装饰公司设计师,很高兴为您为服务。 家装是一个复杂的工程,我和您一样,都是为了打造您温馨美好的家居生活而工作。 感谢您对我们公司和我个人的信任,为了让您享受到更优质的服务,享受到美好的装修结果和快乐 的装修旅程,我谨做出如下承诺: 1、在您时间允许的情况下,我将为您做详细的家装知识普及讲解,让您全面地了解家装的材料、 工艺、流程、设计风格和相关的法规常识。 2、在我们现场量房的过程中,我承诺:测量做到精确完整,绘图做到迅速优质,对您的详细要求 我会一一记录,确保准确无误。量房完成以后,我承诺在24小时内为您做好户型解读、平面图纸、 装修预算和设计方案初稿 (简易手绘稿)。 3、在您与我们签订设计协议后,我承诺:72小时内出全套设计图。 4、如果您对设计方案有任何不满意的地方,我承诺做到无限次调整,直到您对设计方案认可并全 部满意为止。 5、在我们签订家装合同前,我将为您详细解说《装修施工合同》,直到您完全理解为止,确保我 们的协议做到公正、公平、合理。

6、签订合同后,我将为您提供完整的《家居装饰解决方案》,包括全套平面图、效果图、施工图、 装修说明、装修工期预排表、家居配套材料品牌商家推荐表、主材采购预算(建议版)等,让您一 册在手,轻松打理家庭装修。 7、开工当日,我将去您新居现场与您及施工工人进行现场交底,我承诺做到准时到场、交底详细 全面,以使我们的工程能够顺利开工。 8、施工过程中,我承诺做到:全程陪同您进行工程验收、解决设计疑义和施工难题。 9、如果你需要我陪同采购相关主材,我愿意全力配合,并提前做好时间安排,为您当好地板、洁 具、家具、家电、灯饰、窗饰及室内饰品的采购参谋,让您购物时更省心更放心。 10、如果您对我或我们公司有任何其它需要帮助的要求,我都会尽力而为,为您提供周到、满意 的服务。 服务是无限的,以上承诺的内容还很有限,完成上述的承诺,需要我有专业的知识、良好的态度和 高效的服务品质,我会全力以付,请您相信我! 祝您身体健康,合家快乐! 让我们共同打造一个全程无忧、轻松快乐的装修旅程吧! XXX装饰公司设计师:(签字) 年月日


每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是的写作。它大致对应中文里的“开题报告”、“选题报告”、“研究报告”,是一项研究开始之前的提纲、规划和陈述;既是为了帮助自己梳理文献、整理思路、廓清方向,也常常是写给相关他人的说明:研究动机和意义 何在?可能有何成果?为什么它值得你的资助/认可/支持/批准?不知道是否可以说, 好的是研究成功的一半。但实际而功利的说,如果你的很烂,可能根本就不会有开始 研究的机会。 a ? 能否写出漂亮的,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。但形式也很重要。 英文的自有一套“八股”。程式化和结构化的好处就在于,可以让读者直接集中注意到 最本质的内容上,而不是为形式分神。对于非英语的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作之前必备的背景知识。下面这篇流传甚广的写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。[点击这里,查看更多关于以及、写作的网上资源] 文章作者 T. P. , ., . ( , . , , ). 题为: a . 全文转载如下: a , . , ’s a ’s . . A , , , a . A a . , a . , : , . , a , . , . A . , , . . : . , , “ . . .” . a , . , , . ’s , . : a 300 . , , ( ), . , , . : . . a , , . , a , . , . A , . , a “” , . , a . , . , “ ” . , .

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