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开 头 佳 句
extend available privileged
extend an invitation to you to 1. It is my pleasure to _____ join us on behalf of my school.
2. I am wondering whether you are ________ available and able to share the important moment with us.
makes a good composition
clear and complete content
varied sentence structures advanced words and expressions proper transitions beautiful handwriting
(一)文体。 ①“稳”,即文体基本局限于应用文中的书信体(含电子邮件)。 ②“变”,即可能会回避近年(特别是两三年内)考过的邀请信、 求助信、建议信、申请信、咨询信、约稿信。有可能倾向于近年未考 过的祝贺信、感谢信、求职信等书信体。 (二)话题。 ① 突出“中国优秀传统文化”。例如中国的四大艺术“琴棋书画”、 文房四宝、四大发明、四大名著、国粹京剧、唐诗宋词、古代建筑艺 术、文化遗址、中国武术、中医中药等等,与这些相关的话题均可能 是命题的重要素材。 ② 体现“社会主义核心价值观”,如“爱国”、“诚实”“守信” 等。实际上,这些也是中华优良的传统美德。
1.文体。基本为书信,涵盖了邀请信、求助信(请 求信)、建议信、申请信、咨询信、约稿信。其中 邀请信六年内考查了三次。同时,同一篇作文不一 定是单一目的的书信,可能是综合多种目的的普 通书信。 2.话题。话题基本围绕英语学习、活动举办、中西 文化交流等话题及相关情况进行设题。其中近三年 趋向突出“中国传统文化”这个方向。 3.国家教育部有关信息。考试大纲命题工作中注重 “四个加强”:加强社会主义核心价值观的考查; 加强依法治国理念的考查;加强中国优秀传统文 化的考查;加强创新能力的考查。
2. 活动内容
3. 活动意义
见证了 many great changes in our 60years has _______________ witnessed/seen school. It is high time that we should pay a visit back and share such a meaningful moment with our old friends.
Part 3 : 作总结,期待回复或参与 1. 作总结
2. 期待回复或参与
1. Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. 2. If you can participate in the visit, we will be more than glad.
为了庆祝 of A grand anniversary is to be held ________________ in celebration its 60th birthday of our high school. As 计划 __________, scheduled / 安排 the celebration will begin in May , _____________________ when / during which time our old classmates and schoolmates will get together and pay a visit to our school. To ensure a satisfying celebration, many activities are 等待我们参与 ___________________________. waiting for us to get involved in During the daytime, a representative, ___________ on 代表 behalf of all schoolmates present, will deliver a speech _______________________________ showing our deepest appreciation to our 表达我们最诚挚的感激 school and teachers. When the night falls, a party is to be held. Not only can we dance and sing happily, but we can also share happiness and sorrow with friends.
state your purpose
BegiBaidu Nhomakorabeaning
give detailed descriptions
express your expectation
Part 1 : 说明事由,发出邀请 1. 说明事由
2. 发出邀请
a wedding ceremony
privileged to invite you to 3. I feel honored /________ join in the party.
Part 2 : 介绍活动,陈述理由 1. 介绍活动(时间、地点、 内容、意义)
2. 陈述出席活动的理由
Our school’s 60th anniversary is coming…… 1. 活动时间、地点
假定你是李华,你校学生会将举办 “ 京 剧脸谱欣赏(Beijing Opera Facial Makeup Show)” 活动,你的外教 Lucy 对此很感兴趣, 请你给她写封邀请信邀请她前来参加。 内容包括: 1、活动的时间、地点; 2、活动的目的; 3 、希望 Lucy 能提前告知以便早作安排。