河南中考英语 专题十二 选择正确句子

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3.(2017河南,35)Which of the following sentences is correct? A.He came in and sat down. B.We all like 《Harry Potter》. C.When we met. He didn't say hello. D.He went out, headed for the bus stop. 答案 A 句意:下列哪个句子是正确的?本题考查英语的综合素养。英语中没有书名号,故排除B项。由 when引导的时间状语从句放于句首时,从句后应该使用逗号,而不是句号,故排除C项。D项中应用动词的现 在分词作伴随状语,而不是动词的过去分词,故排除D项。故选A。
3.(2019河南驻马店一模,35)Which of the following sentences is correct? A.Don't throw the paper and reusing it. B.Where did you buy this storybook? C.Anna is singing happily when her mom got home. D.Lisa always work hard on math, although she doesn't like it. 答案 B 句意:下列哪个句子是正确的?本题考查英语的正确表达法。A项后半句是祈使句,应该用动词 原形reuse;C项主句应该使用过去进行时而不是一般现在时;D项是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词 work应该加-s。故选B项。
答案 C 句意:你也许认识右边的所有单词,但是下面的选项中,哪个表达有意义?本题考查简单句。A friend is a second self.是正确的,意为:朋友乃另一个自我。“不定冠词+序数词”不表示次序,表示:又一,再 一。
2.(2018河南,35)Which of the following public signs is correct in English?
B.will have to work in the afternoon next week
C.won't be able to do afternoon activities next Friday
D.won't be able to choose their afternoon activities next week
6.(2018河南新乡模拟,35)Which of the following is right? A.Could you tell me where he comes from? B.As the saying goes:“No pain, no gain.” C.Neither he nor his sisters has left the town. D.I don't eat much ice cream. Because I don't want to get fat. 答案 A 句意:下面哪一个是正确的?本题考查选择正确句子。B中冒号应改成逗号;C项有neither...nor..., 谓语动词的数应遵循“就近原则”,所以has应该改成have;D项中Because前的句点应该改为逗号,Because 的首字母小写。A项无论标点还是语法,都是正确的。
答案 A 句意:下面的句子哪个是正确的?本题考查选择正确句子。B项中“向某人解释某事”是explain to sb.;C项冒号应改成逗号;D项教师节的正确写法是Teachers' Day,故选A项。 易错警示 1.这类题目大致包括:标点错误和语(词)法错误;2.本题中B、D两项属于语(词)法错误,C项属于 标点错误。
7.(2018河南驻马店泌阳一模,35)Which of the following sentences is correct? A.One American family decides to find out what will happen if a family is without the Internet for a month. B.He explained me the reason why he was late for school. C.As the saying goes:“Where there is a will, there is a way.” D.I'll go back to my school to see my teachers on Teacher's Day this year.
8分钟 11分
1.(2019河南郑州一模,35)Which of the following public signs is correct in English?
答案 B 句意:下列哪一个公共标志的英文表达是正确的?本题考查英语的正确表达法。A应该是No Littering(禁止乱扔垃圾); C应该是No Stepping on Lawn或Keep off the Grass;D应该是Baby Changing Station。
4.(2019河南安阳一模,35)Which of the following public signs is correct in English?
答案 D 句意:下列哪一个公共标志的英文表达是正确的?本题考查英语的正确表达法。A项WIFI误写成 WIFE,B项正确写法应是Danger:Deep Water, C项应写成NO SMOKING。所以D是正确选项。 5.(2019河南许昌一模,35)Which of the following sentences is correct? A.Seeing the presents on her desk, she smiled. B.We had eggs、porridge and fruit for breakfast. C.Miss Green teaches our English this term. D.How many population is there in China? 答案 A 句意:下列哪一个句子是正确的?本题考查英文的正确表达法。B项中顿号改为逗号;teach后接 双宾语,故C项中应是teach us English;询问人口数量应该用What is the population of China?
3.(2017甘肃兰州,40)Which of the following is the same as “I saw him reading a book” in pattern(结构)? A.You have a very nice sister. B.He likes playing the piano. C.They are good at math. D.We call her Ms Liu. 答案 D 句意:以下哪个选项和“I saw him reading a book”在结构上是一样的?本题考查复合宾语结 构。him为宾语,reading a book为宾语补足语,选项D中her为宾语,Ms Liu为宾语补足语,故选D项。
B组 2015—2019年全国中考题组
1.(2018江苏南京,1)—Look at the text in the notice. What does it say?
—The students who do not sign up before Friday lunchtime
A.will have to work at lunchtime next Friday
8.(2018河南南阳方城一模,35)Which of the following sentences is correct? A.You can sing in English, and so does he. B.Could you guess where did I put the ball? C.Is there anything new in today's newspaper? D.We went into the room, found nothing inside. 答案 C 句意:下面的句子哪个是正确的?本题考查选择正确句子。A项中根据“so+助动词+主语”和前 后一致的原则,应把so does he改为so can he。B项宾语从句应该使用陈述句语序,应改为Could you guess where I put the ball?D项中应该用finding替换found,是现在分词作伴随状语的用法。故选C项。
2.(2019河南许昌禹州一模,35)Which of the following public signs is correct in English?
答案 D 句意:下列哪个公共标志的英文表述是正确的?本题考查英语的正确表达法。根据“禁止做某 事”的正确表达法No+v.-ing可知,A应是No Taking Pets;B项Smocking拼写错误,应是Smoking; C项正确说法 为No Swimming。故选D项。
己不能再进行选择了,故选D项。 解题思路 本题以单项选择的形式命题,实则考查了考生理解多样化(题干+图表)信息并做出合理推断的
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
2.(2017江苏南京,14)How should you add the correct punctuation marks to the following sentence? A.Amy said“If it rains tomorrow, we'll stay at home.” B.Amy said“if it rains tomorrow, we'll stay at home.” C.Amy said, if it rains tomorrow, we'll stay at home. D.Amy said, “If it rains tomorrow, we'll stay at home.” 答案 D 句意:你应该如何给以下句子添加正确的标点符号呢?本题考查直接引语的标点符号。根据英 语标点符号用法规则,引号用于直接引语,直接引语第一个单词首字母大写,直接引语与前面用逗号隔开。 故选D项。
答案 D 句意:——看通知中的文字。它说了什么?——在周五午餐时间前没有报名的学生将不能选择
下周下午的活动。本题根据多重信息考查综合理解。根据notice中的最后一句If you don't do this, we will
choose activities for you.可知,如果你自己不在规定时间之内报名的话,他们将会替你选择活动,这意味着自
A组 2015—2019年河南中考题组
1.(2019河南,35)You may know all the words on the right, but which of the following carries meaning?
A.A friend self is a second. B.A second is self a friend. C.A friend is a second self. D.Self a second is a friend.
答案 D 句意:下列用英语写的公共标识,哪一个是正确的?本题考查常识。本题属于常见标识翻译。A 选项中wate拼写错误,应为water;B选项是中式英语,八一大桥应为Bayi Bridge;C选项也属于中式英语,在英 语里 Carefully Fall Down翻译为“小心地滑倒”,和标识意义截然相反;D项 ticket有“票”的意思,所以 Ticket office是“售票处”的意思,故选D项。 试题分析 本题中列举的这四种情况除了第一种属于单词拼写错误以外,其他三种都是含有英语的词法及 英汉思维习惯差异的内容。这就要求考生平时要养成用英语进行思维的习惯。