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7. Sid would want to see his poor, dear Granny before her time is up. 希德很想念他那可怜的奶奶,想在她临终前 见上一面 8. Not interested. 真没意思(我不感兴趣) 9. Guys? Where is everyone? 伙计 我家人去哪了

21. Seriously, that's embarrassing. 说真的 这是丢死人了 22. She's just upset, honey. 她正在气头上 亲爱的 23. Ellie, behind you! 艾丽, 小心身后 24. What's happening? 出什么事了

25. I'll meet you there! 我们在那见面 26. Get back! Get back! -后退 后退 27. Stay alive! 好好活着 28. This is all my fault. 都是我的错

29. He'll come back for us. That's a promise. 他为了我们会回来的 他答应过的 30. Oh, thank goodness. 谢天谢地 31.
19. Hey! No biting! 不许啃 20. What is the matter with you? 你吃错什么药了 21. I am not getting rid of my kids! 我不能抛弃我的孩子 22. Earthquakes strike? 地震来袭

6. A playground for the junior. 给宝宝的乐园 7. It is amazing. 这太不可思议了 8. I made it myself. -曼尼 -我做的 9. I don't believe it. 我不敢相信

10. That's ridiculous. 太荒唐了 11. This place is for kids. 这是孩子乐园 12. There you are. You missed the big surprise. 你在这啊 你错过了个大惊喜

10. I'll handle this. 让我来解决吧 11. Come out, come out wherever you are! 出来吧 快点出来吧 12. What if your dad finds out? 万一你老爸发现了怎么办 13. See? Fun, no danger. 看到了吗 有趣而且没危险

17. This hurts so much! 太疼了 18. You have a twin sister? 你有个双胞胎妹妹吗 19. you go left. - Just move back a bit. -你往左边点 -后退一点 20. You! Keep away from my daughter. 你 离我女儿远点
15. But now it's time to move on. 但是现在该分道扬镳了 16. I'm good at making friends. 我很擅长交朋友 17. Anybody here? Anyone? 有人吗 18. - Precisely! -正是如此

14. Isn't he perfect? 他是不是很完美 15. Perfect." It's such a strong word. "完美"这词用得有点过 Maybe "Adequate." 他最多也就是个"还行“ 16. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 笨蛋 笨蛋 笨蛋
23. nobody move a muscle. 都别乱动 24. ladies first. no pain, no gain. -女士优先 没有痛苦就没收获 25. they are sweet, round and fuzzy. -甜美多汁 圆圆的 还毛茸茸的
The ice age4
1. Peaches, are you all right? 小桃 你没事吧 2. Yes, there's my place, 好吧 那是我的地盘 3. We're going home where I can keep an eye on you. 我们回家去 我会盯紧你的
4. It's her feeding time. 该喂它了 5. will 源自文库 be allowed to hang out with boys? 我可以和男孩子出去玩吗? 6. That was fun. 刚才很有趣 7. This pumpkin's ripe for picking! 这南瓜熟了可以摘了
13. I'm sure everything is fine. 我看都挺好的 13. Guys don't talk to guys about guy problems. -男人之间可不谈心 14. We had a great run, 咱们一起很开心

The ice age3.4
B By Jane y
1. Wait up guys!等等我
2. I'm having a baby! 我要有宝宝啦 3. Alright, show‘s over. 好啦 演出结束 3. Wait a second... Where is Diego? 4. The baby is fine. 孩子很好 5. No peeking. 不许偷看