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()1.high A. English B. night C. milk

()2.die A. make B. cake C. lie

()3.girl A. shirt B. retired C. fire

()4.library A. find B. bring C. this

()5.card A. warm B. quarter C. party


()1. a. sausage b. traditional c. hamburger

()2. a. danced b. cook c. learnt

()3. a. breakfast b. tonight c. lunch

()4. a. London b. English c. Chinese

()5. a. bring b. easy c. take

()6. a. shelf b. library card c. have

()7. a. buy b. taught c. ate

()8. a. find b. information c. use

()9. a. easy b. light c. email

()10. a. driver b. teacher c. write

三、从右栏中找出与左栏相对应的翻译,将序号填在括号内。(15分)()1. many years ago A.足够的事物

()2. lots of buses and cars B.电视节目

()3. TV programme C. 一座小房子

()4. a small house D. 许多公共汽车和小轿车

()5. enough food E. 带回,拿回

()6. make an ecard F. 擅长()7. in the library G. 在C架上

()8. bring back H. 很多年前

()9. on shelf C I. 在图书馆

()10. be good at J. 做一张电子贺卡

四、单项选择 (14分)

()1. He _______TV yesterday evening.

A. watch

B. watched

C. watching

()2.Thank you for ______ to my sister.

A. talking

B. taking

C. talk

()3.---Where were you three days ago?


A. At 7:00

B. At the zoo.

C. Sam.

()4. There wasn’t ______ water in the river two years ago.

A. many

B. any

C. some

() 5.--- Did she learn any foreign languages?


A. Yes, she does.

B. No, she didn’t.

C. No, she doesn’t.

()6.--- Is this your grandma? ----_________.

A. Yes, she does,

B. Yes, it is.

C. Yes, it does.

()7. What did she have ____ lunch?

A. at

B. of

C. for

()8. What did you _____ last night?

A. drank

B. drink

C. drinks

()9. She is going to come back from England in two ______ time.

A. week

B. weeks’

C. week’s

()10. It’s easy______ a computer.

A. with

B. for

C. on

( ) 11. He is ______ English teacher.

A a

B one

C an

( ) 12. She couldn't read_____write.

A or

B and

C to

( ) 13. -----________not watch TV?

----Because she didn't have a TV.

A Where

B What

C Why

( ) 14. _______eggs did Sam eat?

A how much

B How many

C How nice


()1. 你打算买走某个东西时,你会说:

A.I’ll take it. B. Here you are.

( ) 2. 如果你是售货员,遇到顾客时,你应该说:

A.Can I help you? B. How do you do?

( )3. 当别人说谢谢你时,你应该说:

A. Don’t thank me.

B. That’s all right.

( )4.妈妈让你来吃午饭,你那边走边说:

A. I’ll comes.

B.I’m coming.

( )5.如果你建议别人试穿某件衣服,你应该说:

A.Try this one, please.

B.Why not this one.

( )6. 让我们去图书馆吧。

A.Let’s go to the library.

B.Excuse me. Where is the library?

( )7. 他不擅长语文。

A.He doesn’t good at English. B. He isn’t good at Chinese. ( )8. 我能看一看你的借书卡么?

A.Can I have your library card, please?

B.Can I borrow your library card, please?

( )9.明天你要起图书馆读书,你把计划告诉大家时说:

A.I’m reading books in the library.

B.I’m going to read books in the libarary. ( )10.爷爷想起多年前食物极其缺乏时讲:

A.We have got lots of food..

B.We didn’t have enough food.


()1. ---______are you going to do next week?

----I’m going to swim with my cousins.

()2. --- ______are you from?

--- I’m from Now York.

()3. ---______did you get there?

--- I got there by train.

()4. ---______is that man next to your parents? --- That is my uncle.

()5. ---____did you go tp the airport?

--- At half past nine.


1.do, yesterday, what, you, did (?)


2.cooked, years, she, on, fire, a, many, ago (.)

