canadian economy加拿大经济
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Canada's manufacturing products include paper, technological equipment, automobiles, food, clothing and other goods. In terms of research and development of advanced technology, Canada has had some notable successes.
Canada is a leading industrial nation with a highly developed economy.
: what
are the factors
that influence Canadian economy?
Three major influences
Despite the difficulties, agricultures remains important to the Canadian economy. The total production value of agriculture reached 10.619 billion CAD. The main corps of Canada are wheat, barley, oats, flax, rapeseed, corn and etc.
One such success was the adoption of nuclear technology for peaceful means with the development of the CANDU heavy water nuclear reactor, which has proved to be one of the safest and most reliable generators of nuclear electricity.
For America
• FTA was a small expression of big idea: it wanted to find more international support for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and thought if the FTA was successful, then more countries might be willing to follow the example and see freer international trade as beneficial.
• Canada’s physical geography • The United States • Federal governments
Big a dva nta ge — rich na tura l re source s C a na da wa s F irst a nd fore m ost, a produce r of sta ple com m oditie s It’s ha rd to cha nge the condition.
At the end of World War Ⅱ, the U nite d S ta te s be ca m e a n im porta nt role of C a na dia n e conom y.
Afte r 1966, the Am e rica n e conom y be ga n to founde r a nd affe cte d C a na da.
Service Industries :
The service sector of the Canadian economy includes things like banking, health care, construction, communications, education, tourism and government. As is the case iHale Waihona Puke Baidu other industrialized countries, more Canadians now provide services than make things: over 70% of working Canadians have jobs in the service sector.
Canada's Place in the World Economy
One area of Canada influence is the world economy. By actively building up a strong domestic economy, Canada policy-makers succeeded in creating a wealthy country which wields an amount of economic power in the international arena that is surprising for a country that is so small in terms of its population. Canada, along with the US, France, Italy, Great Britain, Germany and Japan, is a member of the Group of 7, the world's leading economies.
Manufacture Industries Service Industries
Agriculture :
Eighty-eight percent of the Canadian landmass is unsuitable for farming, and throughout the country, soil is poor, the growing season is short and the climate is harsh. Most farming takes place in a narrow band along the southern border of the country, within 500 kilometers of the United States.
Even in Ontario, the manufacturing heartland of the country, more workers are employed in hospitals than in the automobile industry; and more people work in universities than in colleges than in iron and steel mills.
The Canada-US Free Trade Agreement
Conservative leader Brian Mulroney changed direction and began negotiating with the US on dismantling tariff barriers.
For Canada
• Advantages: non-tariff barries, investment, technology and so on.
• Disadvantages: traditonal agriculture and industries face big challenges .
Canada has seen the export of service as being important to the world economy, and has actively pursued the liberalization of trade in services through forums like GATT and the Free Trade Agreement. However, the potential for Canada to export services is not very strong and the sector continues to be dominated by US firms.
Manufacture Industries :
Canada has a variety of industries, but it remains an exporter of raw resources and an importer of manufactured goods. Furthermore, Canada has probably the highest degree of foreign ownership of its industry of any industrialized country. Nevertheless, this has not negatively effected Canada's high standard of living overall.
GDP ( PPP ): 1.330 trillion USD Currency: Canadian Dollar (CAD) Human development index: 0.888 The Gini coefficient: 0.321
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Huang Rong 0113587 &
Li Xiaoxia 0124279
North America
Total area: 9,976, 139 square kilometers Population: 31.9 million Capital: Ottawa Official languages: French and English National tree: maple
Inte rve ntioni st gove rnm e nt
N ow a da ys , the da ys of such gove rnm e nt inte rve ntionism we re dra w ing to a close .
e m bra ce the principle s of fre e tra de a nd of a llow ing the m a rke t-pla ce to ma na ge the econo my, ra the r tha n the
• A m ultila te ra l a gre e m e nt re gula ting inte rna tiona l tra de • P urpose :substa ntia l re duction of ta riffs a nd othe r tra de ba rrie rs a nd the e lim ina tion of pre fe re nce s, on a re ciproca l a nd m utua lly a dva nta ge ous ba sis
Canada is one of the most agricultural mechanization countries in the world.
Area of an arable land area accounts for about 16% of the land area. And about 68000000 hectares has been cultivated, which accounts for 8% of the land area. The Agricultural population of Canada is of 339,500 people, which is about 2.16% of the employed population.