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简单说完形填空就是选词填空,给 5 个单词填写在不同的位置

5 小题,每题 2 分,共 10 分.

以下完形填空题(百分百实考题)题目难度较低,根据预测考试出现几率总结18 篇,建议强记,可以直接看内容后背答案,确保完型的10 分不丢。

解题思路:短文中共包含 5 个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中空缺部分,请从A、B、C、D、E 五个选项中选出正确选项,注意,5 个小题中的 ABCDE 选项的单词都是一样的,分别填入不同位置。比如说一段话的结尾是句号,接着是空格,那么这个空格上要从下面的答案中找一个以大写字母开头的单词,因为句首需要大写,再比如说 the 后面需要跟的是名词,你就从答案中找名词属性的单词,确定一个少一个,剩余不会做的题目,可以填还没有选的选项,不要填重复的答案。





Without time to relex and have fine ,kids can suffer stress just like adults ,warn exports-who say as many as one in four youngsters have symptoms of burnout (过度劳累). More and more parents are pushing their kids to be busy in structured activities all the time. Many of these activities for children aren't recreational (娱乐的) 21involve competition. The kids are pushed to win, not just participate, and this can cause stress . Today's parents have the 22 that children who don't pursue a lot outside activities will be left behind .Parents are in a panic because they know it's a 23 world out there. They are running scared to be sure their kids can go into the marketplace and compete as adults, but 24 some cases they are missing the big picture.

Kids who are unhappy and depressed grow up to be unhappy, depressed adults who don't do well in their jobs or personal life. And these kids won't know as adults how to relax. Everyone needs time just to relax and refresh. When you're not stressed,

you can be 25 productive. That's why it's important to help your child find a balance.









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21. A. in B. idea C. but D. more E. tough

22. A. in B. idea C. but D. more E. tough

23. A. in B. idea C. but D. more E. tough

24. A. in B. idea C. but D. more E. tough

25. A. in B. idea C. but D. more E. Tough




A hot dog is one of the most popular American foods. It was, named after Frankfimer, a German


You may hear “hot dog” used in other ways. People sometimes say “hot dog”to express 21 For example, a friend may ask 22 you would like to go to the cinema.

You might say, “Great! I would love to go.”Or, you could say,“ Hot dog!

I would love to go.”People 23 use the expression to describe

someone who is a “show-off”, who tries to show everyone else how great

he is. You often hear such _ 24 called a “hot dog”. He may be

a baseball player for example, who catches the ball with one hand, making

a(n) 25 catch seem more difficult. You know he is a hot dog

because when he makes such a catch, he bows to the crowd, hoping to win

their cheers.

热狗是最受人欢迎的一种美国食物.它是根据法兰克福香肠(一种德国食品)命名的.你可能听到"hot dog"在其他方面的使用.为了表示高兴,人们也说"hot dog".例如, 朋友可能

问你是否愿意去看电影, 你可以说:"太棒了,我愿意去",或者, 你可以说:"Hot

dog! 我愿意去."人们也用"hot dog"来描述爱"表现"的人----设法在他人面前展示

自己多么伟大的人.你经常听到人们这样叫一个人,一只手接球, 把很容易的接球动

作变得很难.你可以知道,他是一个 "hot dog", 因为他做这样的接球动作, 向观


21. A. also B. a person C. if D. easy E. pleasure

22. A. also B. a person C. if D. easy E. pleasure

23. A. also B. a person C. if D. easy E. pleasure

24. A. also B. a person C. if D. easy E. pleasure

25. A. also B. a person C. if D. easy E. pleasure



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