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PEP 小学英语总复习一一选择题专项训练题

A. cook

B. cooks

C. cook ing

1.You Can Play ___ the CIea n dog after class.


B. in

C. at

2.ls your mother _____ Huizhou? Yes, She is.


B. goes to

C. ViSit ing

3. Where ___ you this morning? I _____ at a meeti ng.

A.were, WaS

B.are, am

C.do, am

4. Her brother is a policema n. He works in a ___

A.post OffiCe

B.police StatiO n


5. What ' S the Weather like today? It ' S ___________


B.wi ndy

C.s Un

6. Were you ___ Can ada duri ng the SUmmer holiday?


B. on

C. at

7. Are you _____ a good time ?



C. hav ing

8. What do you have ___ lunch?


B. for


9. Tom and Mary have bread and milk the morni ng. A.in B. on C. at

10.Does it in GUan gzhou?

A. raining

B.rai ns

C.rai n 11.The bank is

my UnCle S home. A. n ext to


C.to 12.How ma ny

are there Un der the tree? A. man B. wome n C .


13」S you r bag big __ small? A. and B. or C. an

14. ____ does Ben go to school?

By bus.

A. How



15. ____ is that? That ' S my cousin. A.Who B. What C.Whose

16. I usually ride the bike after school _____ Mon days.


B. in


17. IS your mother StrOng ___ weak?

A. and

B. or

C. but

18. I get UP ___ 7:00 every morning.

A. in

B. on


19. My friend likes _____

A.r Unning and SWimmi ng

B. cook and Si ng

C.run and dance

20. Tom is ____ than Ben.

A. heavy

B. heavyer


21. To ny is 14, Jim is 15.To ny is ___ than Jim.

A.y oun ger

B. bigger

C. older

22. ____ is your birthday?

A. Where

B. When

C. What

23. ____ is that? That ' S Tom' S mother.


B. Whose

C. Who

24. IS your mother _____ ? Yes, She is.

A. on

B. at

C. in

25. ThiS is peter. He ' S _________

A. tall and short

B. tall and young

C.young and OId

26. Where ____ y our SiSter last mon th? She __ in china.

A. WaS ,was

B. Were , WaS

C.were , is

27. Look, some ChiIdre n ____ our school!

A. ViSitS

B. ViSit

C. are ViSit ing

28. Are you in china ____ Janu ary?

Yes, I usually in china ____ JanU ary. A.i n, on B.i n,i n C.at ,i n

29. Was it _____ y esterday? Yes, it was.

A.s now

B. cloudy

C. rai ns

30. My friend Peter __ Very well.


B.r Unning

C. SingS

31. The red bag is _ ,but it ' S __________ than the green one.

A.big, small

B. heavier ,light

C.cheap , ni Cer

32. ______ PenS do you have ? I have nine.

A.How many

B. How much

C. How old

33. Mr Guo usually ___ ShOrtS in July.


B. WearS

C. Weari ng

34. I ___ at a gree n light .

A.mustn ' t walk

B. Can walk

C. must stopping

35. Let ' S _____ W ith the COmPUter,Tom.

A. play


C. playi ng

36. Do n ' t talk _____ class.



C. on

37. Li Lei ___ like fish, but his SiSter _____ .

A.don ' t

B. doesn ' t

C. aren ' t

38. My SiSterS ____ play basketball after school.

A. don ' t

B. doesn ' t

C. aren ' t

39. _ your gran dma and gran dpa come from china? Yes,they ___

Does,does C. Do, do

40. Don ' t _____ i n class. Let ' S ________ to the teacher.

A.talki ng, Iiste ning 41.Is She ___________ TV now? A. WatCh

B. WaSh ing

42. ___ C an I SPeak to Ann, please? _____

A.Ca n , no

B. May, of COUrSe

C. Must, ok

43. I ___ to the tape yesterday eve ning.

44. I have a ____coat, my brother has an ___ acket.

A.new ,old

B.clea n, dirty

C. big , small

45. Mrs WU is a doctor, She works in a ___


B. farm


46. ____you go shopp ing? No, I _____

A.Are, aren ' t

B.Did, didn ' t

C. Does, doesn ' t

47. L ook!Who __in the PIaygrOU nd?

A.plays football

B. is playi ng football

C.played football

48. We don ' t go to school _______ M onday _____ S atUrday .

A. from, to

B. i n , on

C. on, on

49. Does joh n USUally WatCh TV _____ Friday eve ning?

A. look

B. IiSten


ned A. Do, does B. B.talks, liste ns

C. WatCh ing C.talk , IiSten
