



1.Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America.

2.When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five

miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.

3.Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes.

4.As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape.

5.It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.

6.In the torchlight, he caught sight to a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.

7.The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.

8.The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times.

9.Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.

10.These days, people who do manual work often receive far more pay than people who work in offices.

11.People who work in offices are frequently referred to as “white-collar workers” for the

simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.

12.Such as human nature, that a great many people are willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.

13.Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit.

14.When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written.

15.However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president’s palace.

1.Pumas(subject主) are(linking ver系动) large, cat-like (attribute定) animals (predicative表) which are found in America. (定语从句)

a.定语从句:which (subject主) are found (predicate

谓) in America (状, adverbial of place).

2.When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London (时间状语从句), they(主) were not taken(谓) seriously(方式状语).

a. When(引导词) reports(subject)came into (predicate) London Zoo (object)that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London.(appositive clause).

b. That(引) a wild(attribute)puma(subject) had been spotted(predicate)forty-five miles south of London.(adverbial of place)

16.Paw prints(主subject) were seen (谓predicate)in a number of places(状adverbial) and(并列连词linking word) puma fur(主subject) was found(谓语predicate) clinging to bushes(主补subject complement).

17.As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country(原因状语attribute of cause), this one(subject) must have been(系动词linking verb) in the possession of a private collector(表, predicative)and(连词linking word) somehow(adverbial, 状语) managed(predicate, 谓语) to escape(object,宾语).

a.As(引导词) no pumas(主语, subject)had been

reported(谓语, predicate) missing from any zoo in

the country(主补, subject complement).

18.It(形式主语) is(系动词) disturbing(表语) to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.(真正的主语含宾语从句, real subject)

a.that a dangerous wild(定语) animal(主语) is(系动词)

still(状语) at large(表语) in the quiet countryside.(状


19.In the torchlight(adverbial), he(subject)caught sight of(predicate) a figure(object)whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. (attributive clause)

a.Whom(linking w.) he(subject) immediately(adverbial)

recognized(predicate)as Bill Wilkins(object

complement), our local grocer.(appositive)

20.The city(subject) at one time(adverbial)must have been(linking verb) prosperous(predicative), for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.(adverbial clause of cause)

a.for it(subject)enjoyed(predicate) a high level of

(attribute) civilization.(object)

21.The temple (subject) which the archaeologists explored(attributive clause) was used(predicate) as a place of worship(subject complement) from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. (adverbial of time)

22.Despite her great age(adverbial of concession), she(subject) was(l.v.) very(adverbial)graceful(predicative) indeed(adverbial),but(l.w.), so far(adverbial),the archaeologists(subject) have been unable to discover(predicate) her identity.(object).

23.These days(adverbial), people(subject) who do manual work (attributive clause) often(adverbial)receive(predicate)

far more(attribute)pay(object) than people (adverbial of comparison) who work in offices.(attribute)

24.People(subject) who work in offices(attributive clause) are frequently(adverbial)referred to as (predicate)“white-collar workers(subject complement)for the simple reason(adverbial of cause) that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.(appositive clause)

a.that they(subject)usually(adverbial) wear(predicate)

a collar and tie(object) to go to work.(adverbial of


25.Such(formal subject) is human nature, that a great many people are willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.

26.Every morning(adverbial of time), he(subject) left(predicate) home(object)dressed in a smart black suit.(subject complement)

27.When the journalist again failed to reply(adverbial), the editor(subject) reluctantly(adverbial) published(predicate) the article(object) as it had originally been written.(adverbial clause of manner)

a.When the journalist(subject)again(adverbial) failed

to reply(predicate)

28.However(adverbial), he(subject)had at last(adverbial) been allowed(predicate) to send a fax(subject complement) in which he informed the editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president’s palace.(attributive clause)

a.in which(l.w.) he(subject)informed(predicate) the

editor(indirect object) that he had been arrested while

counting the 1084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot

wall which surrounded the president’s palace.(direct

object clause)

b.that he(subject) had been arrested while counting the

1084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which

surroun ded the president’s palace.(adverbial)

c.while counting(predicate) the 1084 steps(object)

leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the

president’s palace.(present participle as attributive)

d.leading to(predicate) the fifteen-foot(attribute)

wall(object)which surrounded the president’s

palace.(attributive clause)

e.which surrounded(predicate)the president’s


29.It (formal subject) has now(adverbial)been proved(predicate) to the admiration of the world and of our friends in the United States (adverbial of manner) that this form of blackmail and murder and terrorism, so far from the weakening the spirit of the British nation, has only roused it to a more intense and universal flame than was ever seen before in any modern community. (subject clause)

a.that this form of blackmail and murder and

terrorism(subject), so far from the weakening the

spirit of the British nation(adverbial), has only

roused(predicate) it(object)to a more intense and

universal flame(object complement宾补,补充说明

it) than was ever seen before in any modern

community.(attributive clause)

b.than(准关系代词subject) was ever seen(predicate)

before(adverbial of time) in any modern(attribute)

community.(adverbial of place)


英语语法大全 句子成分分析

句子成分分析 在句中起着不同语法作用的成分,叫做句子成分。英语的句子成分有九种: 1、主语(subject)表示句子描述的是“谁”或“什么”,是谓语的陈述对象; 通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等担任: The sun rises in the east. 日出东方。(名词) He hated to see any bird killed.他讨厌看到鸟儿被杀。(代词) To see is to believe.眼见为实。(动词不定式) Seeing is believing.眼见为实。(动名词) Where we shall hold the party is not decided yet.我们还没有决定在何处举行晚会。(主语从句) It’s human to want something better.精益求精是人类的特性。(不定式) 2、谓语动词(predicate verb)说明主语的动作或状态,由动词或动词短语担任: We study English.我们学习英语。(动词) The car broke down on the way.车在路上抛锚了。(动词短语) Do be quiet,children.孩子们,务必安静点。(助动词+连系动词) We are having a meeting now.我们现在正在开会。(助动词+实义动词) Soldiers must obey orders.军人必须服从命令。(情态动词+实义动词) 3、表语(predicative)说明主语的性质、特征、状态或身份,与连系动词一起构成复合谓语,通常由名词、代词、形容词、数词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、动名词、分词或从句等担任: The next stop is the zoo.下一站是动物园。(名词) The game is yours.你(们)胜了。(代词) I was first! 我第一名!(数词) I feel terrible.我难受的厉害。(形容词) Is your mother in?你妈妈在家吗?(副词) I’m with you.我站在你这一边。(介词短语) Mary’s task is to set the table.玛丽的任务是摆桌子。(动词不定式) Her hobby is growing roses.她的爱好是种植玫瑰。(动名词) The situation is puzzling.形式令人迷惑不解。(现在分词) Do you feel satisfied with the arrangement?你对这安排满意吗?(过去分词) The fact is that they are cross with each other.事实是他们生彼此的气。(表语从句) That’s where you are wrong.这就是你错的地方(表语从句) He is no longer what he was.他已经不是以前的他了。(表语从句) 4、宾语(object)表示及物动词或及物动词短语的对象或内容,或用于介词后构成介词短语;通常由名词、代词、数词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等担任: May I have your attention ,please.请大家注意。(名词) I want a little.我要一点。(代词) I need two.我需要两个。(数词) Hope to see you soon.希望能很快见到你。(动词不定式) They risk losing everything.他们冒着失去一切的危险。(动名词) He insisted on seeing her home.他坚持送她回家。(动名词作介词的宾语) I’ll do what I can.我将尽力而为。(从句)



句子成分 ? 1.汉语的句子成分 ?1.什么是句子 ?句子是由词或词组构成的,是具有一定语调并表达一个完整意思的语言运用单位。根据用途和语气,句子可以分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。根据结构可分为单句和复句。 ? 2.什么是句子成分? ?组成句子的各个部分叫做句子的成分。

?汉语中句子成分的名称及符号 ?名称:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语。 ?符号:主语=谓语-宾语~ ?定语()状语[ ]补语< > ?句子的基本成分是:主语、谓语、宾语。 ?补充成分是:定语、状语、补语。 ?英语中的句子成分 英语的基本成分有七种:主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、表语(predicative)、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)、状语(adverbial) 和补语(complement)。 句子主体部分:主语和谓语(在英文中一般的句子必须有主语和谓语)。 表语、宾语和宾语补足语是谓语里的组成部分。 句子的次要部分:定语和状语。

句子成分的划分(汉语) ?.(1)划分句子成分,首先要研究主语、谓语、宾语。 ?主语:是谓语陈述的对象,指明说的是“什么人”或“什么事物”。?谓语:是陈述主语,说明主语的,说明主语“是什么”或“怎么样”。?宾语:在动词后面,表示动作、行为所涉及的人或事物,回答“谁” 或“什么”一类问题。 ?句子一般有两种情况:写人、写物(写事、写物)。分析句子时,首先判断是“写人”还是“写物”。 ?①.写人格式:“谁”+“干什么” ?(主语)(谓语)(宾语) ?例:杨亚‖写字 ?主谓宾 ?注意:处理复杂的单句时,要抓主干。 ?例:一中的杨亚║在课桌上写着毛笔字。 ?主谓宾 ?


英语句子成分 The students of Class Two are seriously reading the book written by Lu Xun. 按句子成分划分,此句为: The students of Class Two are seriously reading the book written by Lu Xun. (主语) (定语) (谓语)(状语) (谓语) (宾语) (定语) 按意群划分,此句为: The students of Class Two are seriously reading the book written by Lu Xun. 一、英语各种成分的基本含义及用法 (一)、主语 主语是全句谈论的中心话题。我们在说一句话的时候,首先要明确我们讲的是“哪个人”?或者是一件“什么事”?或者是一件“什么物体”,等。这些代表“哪个人”、“什么事”、“什么物体”等的部分就是句子的主语。 主语是指句子的某个部分,它可能是一个词,也可能是一个词组,还有可能是一个从句,甚至一句话中会有几个并列的主语等等。所以,英语中很多词类(或词组、从句)都可以做主语。另外,英语中还有一种特殊的主语形式叫“形式主语”,例如:It .... that ...句式等。 1. Peter is a well-known pianist. (名词作主语) 2. Two-thirds of the students are boys in our school. ( 数词词组作主语) 3. He likes reading storybooks. (代词作主语) 4. To swim in Kunming Lake is a great pleasure. (不定式短语作主语) 5. What we shall do next is not yet decided. (从句作主语) 6. It took us two hours to travel around the city by subway. (It 是形式主语, to travel...部分是真正的主语) 请指出下列句中主语的中心词。 1. The teacher with two of her students is walking into the classroom. 2. There is a bird flying in the sky. 3. The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year. 4. It is very difficult to do today's homework without your help. (二)、谓语


划分句子成分练习 练习1.分析下列句子成分,在下面标明属于五种基本句型中的哪一种。 1)Tree s turns green when spring comes. 2)The old man was feeling very tired. 3)His job is to train swimmers. 4)Where he was buried remained unknown. 5)What he said proved true. 6)We must keep quiet. 7)The shop stayed open until eleven. 8)She appeared younger than she really was. 9)His face went red. 10)He fell ill last week. 11)The cake I ate yesterday taste delicious. 从上面我们可以看出,常见的系动词有,_____、_____、______、______、______、_____、_______、________等,它们下面一般跟________词作表语。 练习 2.分析下列句子成分,在下面标明属于五种基本句型中的哪一种。口译,体会it的替代性用法。 1)It is very plain to me that he is round and tall like a tree. 2)It is a fact that English is being accepted as an

international language. 3)It worried her a bit than her hair was turning grey. 4)The chairman thought it necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting. 5)She made it her duty to look after all the other people’s affaires in that town. 6)I don’t think it possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. 7)He made it known to his friends that he didn’t want to enter politics. 8)I leave it to your own judgment whether you should do it. 从上面我们可以看出,作形式主语和宾语一般用代词______,真正的主语或宾语通常是________或__________,放在下面。 练习 3. 分析下列句子成分,在下面标明属于五种基本句型中的哪一种。口译,留意定语是什么词性或结构充当,并留意定语的位置。 1)Comrades in her group often help her with grammar. 2)The women on the left are making shirts for the neighbors. 3)The letter on the desk is for Mr. Wu.


英语句子成分 定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分; 主要成分:主语和谓语 次要成分:表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语、同位语 I met my best friend Tom at the station yesterday. 主语:句子的主体 Students study English. Smoking is bad for health. What he has said is true. 从句做主语(主语从句) It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree.(It是形式主语,从句that...tree才是真正主语)(主语从句) 练习:划出句中主语 The sun rises in the east. Twenty years is a short time in history. The poor are now living in the shelter. Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. What he needs is a book. 谓语:动词或者动词词组 1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:Students study English

2、复合谓语: (1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。 如:He can speak English. He has caught a bad cold. (2)由系动词加表语构成。 如:We are students. 练习:选出下列句子中的谓语 I don't like the picture on the wall. I usually go to school by bus. Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast? Tom didn't do his homework yesterday. What I want to tell you is this. We had better send for a doctor. He is interested in music. He can speak English well. 表语:系动词后面的成分 名词作表语I am a student. My father is a teacher. 形容词作表语This table is long. You look young. It gets cold. It sounds interesting. 副词作表语Everyone is here. 介词短语作表语They are in the park. 不定式作表语My job is to teach them English. 动名词作表语Her job is training the nurses. 从句作表语(表语从句)That is why he didn’t come to school yesterday. 系动词: (1) 状态: be 动词 (2) 持续:表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep,remain,stay,rest,lie,stand.


Grammar of Unit 1 Different parts of a sentence 概念 句子是由词按照一定的语法结构组成的。组成句子的各个部分叫做句子的成分。句子的成分包括:主语、谓语、表语、宾语(直接和间接宾语)、宾语补足语、定语和状语。主语和谓语是句子的主体部分(在英语中,一般句子必须有主语和谓语),表语、宾语和宾语的补足语是谓语里的组成部分。其他成份如定语和状语是句子的次要成分。 ▲句子成分分类 1.主语 主语是谓语讲述的对象,表示所说的“是什么”或“是谁”。一般由名词、代词、不定代词或相当于名词的单词或短语来充当,也有从句充当的现象。大多数主语都在句首。如: 讲述“谁” We work in a big factory. 讲述“什么” The classroom is very big. 数词作主语 Three are enough.三个人就够了 不定式作主语 To operate on the blind is one of the ORBIS Doctor’s job. 从句作主语 What we need is food.我们最需要的是食物. ▲在“There be …”句型中,主语的位置在中间。如:There are some bottles of milk in the box. ▲在个别句型中,主语在整个句子后面,这时前面用it作形式主语。如: It is very interesting to play the game called “treat or trick”.

It took two workers about three months to build the house. 2.谓语 谓语时用来说明主语“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”, 3 表语说明主语“是什么”或“怎么样”,由名词、形容词、介词、副词、不定式及相当于名词的词或短语来充当,它的位置在系动词后面。 形容词作表语 You look younger than before. 名词作表语 My father is a teacher. 副词作表语 Everyone is here. 介词短语作表语 They are at the theatre. 不定式作表语 My job is to teach them English. 动名词作表语 Her job is training the nurses. 从句作表语 That is why he didn’t come to school yesterday. 4.宾语 ▲宾语是动作、行为的对象,由名词、代词、不定式、或相当于名词的词或短语或从句来充当,它和谓语动词一起


人教版新目标初中英语语法知识-词类、句子成分和构词法 一)词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词 ( n.) :表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。 如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词 ( pron.) :主要用来代替名词。 如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词 ( adj..) :表示人或事物的性质或特征。 如:good, right, white, orange. 4、数词 ( num.) :表示数目或事物的顺序。 如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词 ( v.) :表示动作或状态。 如:am, is,are,have,see . 6、副词 ( adv.) :修饰动词、形容词或其他副词, 说明时间、地点、程度等。 如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 6、冠词 ( art. .) :用在名词前 , 帮助说明名词。 如:a, an, the. 7、介词 ( prep.) :表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。

如:in, on, from, above, behind. 8、连词 ( conj.) :用来连接词、短语或句子。 如:and, but, before . 9、感叹词 ( interj..) 表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。 如:oh, well, hi, hello. 二)、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物, 回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。 如: I ’mMiss Green.( 我是格林小姐 ) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态 , 回答“做 ( 什么 ) ”。主要由动词担任。 如:Jack cleans the room every day.( 杰克每天打扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后, 说明主语的身份或特征, 回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。 如:My name is Ping ping .( 我的名字叫萍萍) 3、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果, 回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。 如:He can spell the word.( 他能拼这个词) 4、有些及物动词带有两个宾语, 一个指物 , 一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语, 指人的叫间接宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . ( 他给我写了一封信 )


英语语法——英语句子成分分析 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义。一个句子一般由两部分构成,即主语部分和谓语部分,这两部分也叫做句子的主要成分。句子的次要成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语等。句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分。 1)主语:是一句的主体,是全句述说的对象,常用名词,数词或代词担任,一般放于句首。如: Students study. (学生学习。) We are friends.(我们是朋友) 这两句话中单词students是个名词,we是代词,它们在句中做主语。 2)谓语:是对主语加以陈述,表示主语的行为或状态,常用动词或者动词词组担任,放在主语的后面。如: Students study. (学生学习。) We are friends. (我们是朋友) 这两句话中单词study和are都是动词,study叫做实意动词,are叫做be 动词,它们在句中作谓语。 3)宾语:表示行为的对象,常由名词或者代词担任。放在及物动词或者介词之后。如: They are teachers. ( 他们是老师。) I play with him. (我和他一起玩。) 这两句话中单词teachers是名词,单词him是带词,它们在句中作宾语。4)定语:是用来说明或者限制名词的成分,常用形容词或者相当于形容词的短语或从句担任。形容词放在名词之前,相当于形容词的短语或从句放在名词的后面。如: This is a red sun.(这是个红太阳.) He is a tall boy.(他是个高个子男孩。) 这两句话中单词red和tall都是形容词,它们作定语。 5)状语是用来说明动词,形容词,副词或整个句子的成分。常由副词担任。修饰动词时可以放在动词之前,也可以放在动词之后;修饰形容词或副词时放在它们之前。如: The students study hard. (这些学生学习努力。) I often write to him. (我常给他写信。) The bag is too heavy. (这个书包太重了。) 这三句话中单词hard 和often修饰的都是动词,第三句话中单词too修饰的是形容词,它们都作状语。 6)表语:用来说明主语的性质或状态。一般由名词或者形容词担任。如:This table is long. (这个桌子是长的。) 通常情况下,主语和宾语前的成分是定语,谓语前的成分是状语,时间词作状语


一、句子成分的定义 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个清晰完整的意思。一个句子一般由两部分构成,即主语部分和谓语部分,这两部分也叫做句子的主要成分。句子的次要成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语和补语。句子成分是在句子中起一定功用的组成部分,包括主、谓、宾、定、状、补、表等。句子本身的结构是很简单的,只不过是结构套结构。 二、句子成分划分的种类 句子成分划分主要是对句子中的词、短语和从句进行划分。 1.词的划分: 如:1)Xiao Ming bought a beautiful flower. 主谓定 定宾 2)What I said is that you are kind. 主从系表从 从句再分: what I said 宾主谓 that you are kind 连接词主系表

一般来说,根据词性来划分词在句子中充当的成分是比较容易的,如:名词可以在句子中充当主语,宾语,表语等。动词只能表示 谓语的各种形式;形容词多作定语和表语,用来描述人或事物的性质、 特征、状态等等。 2.短语划分: 划分词组在句子中充当的成分较词稍难,因为词组在句子中的位置不确定,单个词作定语的时候,一般放在所修饰词的前面,如cle ar water,而短语作定语时位置正相反,一定要放到所修饰词的后面 作后置定语,如the boy under the tree ( 树下的男孩),其中非 谓语动词短语作定语,其本身又表示一定的意义: 如:doing sth. 表示主动,进行的意思。 dong 表示被动完成的意思。 to do 放于句首表目的,作定语表示将来。 例:1)With the workers working in the factory, I paid a visit to it. 2) With the problem settled, I can go out to play. 3) To be energetic tomorrow, I’ll go to bed earlier tonigh t. 4) With the problem to solve, the newly elected Mayor will have a hard time. 句子1)中 working表示主动意义,其逻辑主语是workers,同时,根据句子的意思也表示进行的意义;句子2)中根据句意我们应


句子成分 不同词类的单词,按照一定的语法规则组合在一起,能够表达一个完整意思的语言单位叫句子,一个句子由各种功能不同的部分组成,这些部分叫做句子成分。英语的句子成分有7种,主语,谓语,表语,宾语,定语,状语,补语。它的构成方法与中文很象,中文分:主,谓,宾,定,状,补,六类,再加上表语就形成了英文的形式。 下面主要是从词类的角度来分析句子成分: 一.主语 句子所要说明的人或者事物,是句子的主体,通常放与句首,一般不省略,可以担当主语的有名词,代词,数词,动词不定式,动名词和主语从句。下面依次举例: Walls have ears. He will take you to the hospital. Three plus four equals seven. To see is to believe. Smoking is not allowed in public places. Whether or not they will come depends on the weather. 二.谓语动词 说明主语动作或者状态的句子成分,一般又实义动词或者系动词担任,助动词和情态动词加其他动词的适当形式也可以构成谓语动词 Actions speak louder than words The chance may never come again. Tom was very sick at heart. Mary has been working at the dress store since 1994. 注意:英语中最基本的原则就是:一句话,只能有一个谓语动词 三.表语(现代某些语法书直接把表语归类到了补语当中) 是用来说明主语的身份,特征和状态,它的位置在系动词之后。可作表语的有名词,代词,形容词与分词,数词,动词不定式与动名词,介词短语,副词以及表语从句。下面依次举例:My father is a professor. Who’ that? It’s me. Everything here is dear to her. The match became very exciting. The story of my life may be of help to others. Three times five is fifteen. His plan is to seek work in the city. My first idea was that you should hid your feelings. 四.宾语 宾语表示动作的对象,是动作的承受者。宾语一般放在及物动词之后。英语介词后也会跟宾


一、句子成分(Members of a Sentence) 英语的句子成分主要有六种:即主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语。(可以熟记为:主谓宾,定状补)除了这六种主要成分之外,还有“表语”、“同位语”和“独立成分”的说法。但表语和系动词一起作谓语,因此划分成分时,划分在谓语上。同位语分为主语同位语和宾语同位语,属于主语或宾语的一部分。独立成分与句子的其他成分没有语法上的联系,能用作独立成分的有:感叹词、呼语和插入语。 1.主语:主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首,通常由名词性的词来充当。可以作主语的词性或语法结构有:①名词②代词③数词④名词化的形容词(如the rich)⑤不定式⑥动名词⑦主语从句等表示。例如:Tom is a clever boy.(专有名词人名作主语) 画出句子的主语,并说明其构成方式: ①During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular. ②We often speak English in class. ③One-third of the students in this class are girls. ④To swim in the river is a great pleasure. ⑤Smoking does harm to the health. ⑥The rich should help the poor. ⑦When we are going to have an English test has not been decided. ⑧It is necessary to master a foreign language. ⑨That he isn’t a t home is not true. 正确运用主语的各种形式


句子成分(Members of a Sentence) 什么叫句子成分呢?句子的组成成分叫句子成分。在句子中,词与词之间有一定的组合关系,按照不同的关系,可以把句子分为不同的组成成分。句子成分由词或词组充当。现代汉语里一般的句子成分有六种,即主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语。英语的基本成分有七种:主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、表语(predicative)、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)、状语(adverbial) 和补语(complement)。 英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 一:SV(主+谓) 二:SVP(主+系+表) 三:SVO(主+谓+宾) 四:SVoO(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 五:SVOC(主+谓+宾+宾补) 基本句型一:SV(主+谓) 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy),主格代词(如you),动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。注意名词单数形式常和冠词不分家! 谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态、语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。不及物动词(vi.)没有宾语,形成主谓结构,如:We come. 此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。 S│V(不及物动词) 1. The sun │was shining. 太阳在照耀着。 2. The moon │rose. 月亮升起了。 3. The universe │remains. 宇宙长存。 4. We all │breathe, eat, and drink. 我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。 5. Who │cares? 管它呢? 6. What he said │does not matter. 他所讲的没有什么关系。 7. They │talked for half an hour. 他们谈了半个小时。 8. The pen │writes smoothly 这支笔书写流利。 基本句型二:SVP(主+系+表) 此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一


英语句子成分划分详解 主语:就是一个句子陈述的对象,或是动作的执行者。它回答的是“谁”“什么”的问题。 如:我看书。谁看书?“我”。“我”就是这句子的主语。主语由名词或相当于名词的词充当。(如动词不定式,动名词,代词都可作主语,主语从句)主语(subject):句子说明的人或事物。 The sun (rises)in the east. (名词) He likes (dance). (代词) Twenty years is a short time in history. (数词) (See) is believing. (动名词) To see is to believe. (不定式) What he needs is a book.(主语从句) is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree. (形式主语,主语从句是真正主语) 谓语:说明主语是什么,干什么,怎么样。它回答的是主语“干什么,是什么”的问题。如上句中主语“我”干什么?“看书”。“看书”就是谓语。 一个句子,一般都可分成主、谓两大部分(祈使句是省主语)。再细分又可分成谓语(动词)、宾语,表语,补语(包括宾补和主补),定语,状语,同位语等。如第一例中谓语部分可划分成谓语(看)和宾语(书)。谓语部分中心词一定要是一个动词,要么是行为动词,要么是系动词,不同的动词构成不同的句子类型。句子的各种时态、人称和数的变化都在谓语动词上变。谓语(predicate):说明主语的动作、状态和特征。 We study English. He is asleep. 宾语:指谓语动词所涉及的对象,由名、代、数,宾语从句等相当于名词的词句充当,但人称代词要用宾格。如:还说上例。谓语动词是“看”,看什么?看“书”,“书”是动词“看”所涉及的对象,是“看”的宾语。需要说明的是:只有及物动词和介词或相当于及物动词和介词的短语才可带宾语。 宾语:1)动作的承受者-----动宾 I like China.(名词) He hates (she).(代词) How do you need? We need two.(数词) We should help the old and the poor. I enjoy (work)with you. (动名词) I hope to see you again. (不定式) Did you write down what he said?(宾语从句) 2)介词后的名词、代词和动名词-----介宾 Are you afraid of the snake? Under the snow, there are many rocks. 3)双宾语-----间宾(指人)和直宾(指物) He gave me a book yesterday. Give the poor man some money. 表语:是和系动词紧密相连的。在陈述句中系动词后面的就是表语,这就是“主系表”


概念 句子是由词按照一定的语法结构组成的。组成句子的各个部分叫做句子的成分。句子的成分包括:主语、谓语、表语、宾语(直接和间接宾语)、宾语补足语、定语和状语。主语和谓语是句子的主体部分(在英语中,一般句子必须有主语和谓语),表语、宾语和宾语的补足语是谓语里的组成部分。其他成份如定语和状语是句子的次要成分。 句子成分分类 1.主语 主语是谓语讲述的对象,表示所说的“是什么”或“是谁”。一般由名词、代词、不定代词或相当于名词的单词或短语来充当,也有从句充当的现象。大多数主语都在句首。如: 讲述“谁”-----人 We work in a big factory. 讲述“什么”----物 The classroom is very big. 数词作主语----人或物 Three are enough. 三个人就够了 不定式作主语-----事《相当于语文中的短语:争取冠军是有可能的》 To operate on the blind is one of the ORBIS Doctor ’s job. 从句作主语------一件事(句子)《例:张三打人是不对的》 What we need is food. 我们最需要的是食物. ▲ 在“There be …”句型中,主语的位置在中间。如: There are some bottles of milk in the box.《some bottles of milk are in the box.》 ▲ 在个别句型中,主语在整个句子后面,这时前面用it 作形式主语。如: It is very interesting to play the game called “treat or trick ”. It took two workers about three months to build the house. 2.谓语 谓语时用来说明主语“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”,谓语必须是动词,谓语和主语在“人称”和“数”两方面必须一致。如: He is very generous. She looks very smart and cool We have finished the job. 没有区别嘛 it 也是代表的一件事


句子成分:主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语和同位语 主要成分:主语和谓语 1、主语 是动作或状态的主语。主语的位置:一般位于句首 由名词、代词、数词、动词不定式、动名词和从句充当。 The school is far from here. 名词做主语 She goes to school by bike. 代词做主语 Eight is a lucky number. 数词做主语 Predicting the future is interesting.动名词做主语 To be a doctor is my dream.不定式短语做主语 What we shall do next is not yet decided. 从句充当主要 2、谓语 表示主语的动作或状态. 动词由动词或动词短语充当 谓语动词有人称、数、时态、语态的变化。 分析句子的主语和谓语 His parents are teachers. 系动词和表语构成谓语 Mr. Li teaches English. 行为动词做谓语 He can play the piano. 情态动词和行为动词构成谓语 We have finished reading the book. 助动词和实义动词构成谓语 3、宾语 是动作的对象或承受者。及物动词必须跟宾语. 对谓语对的进一步解释说明及物动词:直接接宾语的谓语动词. 不及物动词:不能直接带宾语的谓语动词. 宾语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、从句构成. I saw a plane in the sky just now.名词做宾语 We often help him. 代词做宾语 He likes to play basketb all. 不定式做宾语 I want three.数词做宾语 I enjoy going shopping.动名词做宾语 He said that he felt sick.从句做宾语


初中英语句子成分分析与讲解 英语句子与汉语句子一样,都是由单词按照一定的规则所组成的。不同的词类在句中所起的作用是不同的。因此,只有搞清不同词类在句中可充当哪些成分,才能正确分析、理解句子的含义,并能准确地遣词造句,逐渐达到流利地说出地道的英语。 【问】什么是句子成分?英语句子包含哪些成分? 【答】组成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。它包括:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语等。 1.主语:是句子要说明的人或事物,是句子的主体,一般由名词、代词、数词、不定式或动动词之前位于名词等充当.The car is running fast.(名词) We are students.(代词) One of my classmates is from Shanghai.(数词) It's bad manners to spit in public.(不定式) Eating too much is bad for your health.(动名词) 【注意】若不定式短语作主语常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语(不定式短语)放在句后。 动词充当。动词分为实义2.谓语:说明主语的动作或状态,也是句子的主体部分,一般由动词、连系动词、情态动词和助动词。实义动词单独作谓语,连系动词与表语一起构成谓语,情态动词与省略to的不定式构成合成谓语,助动词与动词原形共同构成谓语部分。如: He works in a factory.(实义动词) I felt cold.(系动词+表语) How can I get to the station?(情态动词+实义动词) Do you speak English?(助动词+实义动词) They are working in a field.(助动词+实义动词) 【注意】谓语与主语在人称与数方面要相互照应。 及物动词所涉及的对象什么谁。如:问3.宾语:是 He is doing his homework.(名词) They did nothing this morning.(代词) She wants to go home.(不定式) We enjoy playing football.(动名词) 【注意】①有的动词可接双宾语,间接宾语指人,直接宾语指物。这类动词常见的有:give,buy,lend,pass,tell,leave等。如: He bought me a book. Pass me the ball,will you?(间宾+直宾) 直接宾语一般放在间接宾语之后,但若把直接宾语放在前面,则要在间接宾语前加适当的介词如to或for等。如: Han Chen lent some money to Li Hai.(直宾+间宾) Xiao Liu bought a dictionary for Tom.(直宾+间宾) 4.定语:用于修饰名词或代词,一般由形容词、名词、数词、不定式等充当。如: What a beautiful kite it is!(形容词) She is a chemistry teacher.(名词)


句子成分练习题( 一) (一). 指出下列句中主语的中心词(4分,4分钟) ① The teacher with two of his students is walking into the classroom. ② There is an old man coming here. ③ The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year. ④ To do today's homework without the teacher's help is very difficult. (二) 选出句中谓语的中心词(10分,10分钟) ① I don't like the picture on the wall. A. don't B. like C. picture D. wall ② The days get longer and longer when summer comes. A. get B. longer C. days D. summer ③ Do you usually go to school by bus? A. Do B. usually C.go D. bus ④ There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon. A. will be B. meeting C. the library D. afternoon ⑤ Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast? A.Did B. twins C. have D. breakfast ⑥ Tom didn't do his homework yesterday. A. Tom B. didn't C. do D. his homework ⑦ What I want to tell you is this. A. want B. to tell C. you D. is
