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Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
二、缩窄性心包炎(constrictive CPC)
1、心包增厚粘连, 厚度> 3mm,重者可达 10~20mm;
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
第六节 心包疾病
心包炎是心包脏层和壁层的炎症。 1、急性心包炎: (1)湿性心包炎:心包积液,心包内液体> 50ml; (2)干性心包炎:纤维蛋白渗出。 2、慢性心包炎: 缩窄性心包炎。
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
〔临床表现〕 1、乏力、发烧、心前区疼痛; 2、心包填塞:呼吸困难、面色苍白、发绀、端坐呼
吸、颈静脉怒张等; 3、听诊心音遥远或消失。
〔X线表现〕 Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development. 1、积液<300ml:心影无明显改变;
4、搏动明显减弱或消失; 3、肋膈角呈锐角;
6、仰卧位:心影形态改变; 5、上腔静脉无明显增宽;
7、随诊:短期内可明显增大 6、仰卧位:心影形态无改
教学要求: 1、掌握心包积液的X线表现。 2、熟悉心包积液与扩张性心肌病的鉴别诊断。 3、了解缩窄性心包炎的X线表现。 4、熟悉主动脉瘤的X线表现。
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
2、积液> 300ml:
(1)心影向两侧普遍扩大(积液300毫升以上),大 量积液(大于1000毫升)时心影呈烧瓶状;
(2)心脏搏动弱或消失; (3)上腔静脉影增宽; (4)肺淤血或肺缺血; (5)肋膈角变钝。
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
一、心包积液(pericardial effusion,PE) 心包腔内液体量增加,超过50ml ,即为心
包积液。 〔病因〕 结核性、化脓性、病毒性、风湿性、创伤性等。
1、积液>50ml; 2、心包压力升高, 心室舒张受限,重者心包填塞; 3、肺循环或体循环淤血。
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
心包积液 Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.