高考英语一轮总复习 专题十一 状语从句活页练习(含解

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1.We shouldn't drink ________ we drive and we mustn't drive if we've drunk. A.unless B.before C.until D.while


2.Please remind me to watch the TV program Growing tomorrow ________ I forget. A.so that B.though

C.in case D.until

答案C[考查状语从句。句意:请提醒我明天看电视节目Growing,以防我忘了。in case“以防(万一)”,符合句意。]

3.House prices vary from place to place and are usually high________ there are famous schools.

A.when B.since C.where D.whether


4.________a man's age,he can reduce it by several years by wearing a confident smile.

A.Whichever B.Whatever

C.Whenever D.However

答案B[考查让步状语从句。句意:无论一个人的年龄有多大,只要自信地微笑就可以年轻几岁。前半句补充完整是“Whatever a man's age is”,故选B。]

5.________I couldn't fully understand what he wanted to show in his paintings,I thought his works were quite impressive.

A.As B.Since C.I f D.While

答案D[考查状语从句。句意:尽管我不能充分理解在他的画里他想要展现什么,但我觉得他的作品给人的印象很深刻。While在此处表示“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。] 6.Although Hurricane Sandy has gone,it will be months ________ the damage is cleared up.

A.since B.that C.when D.before

答案D[考查状语从句。句意:虽然飓风“桑迪”已经过去了,但是还要花几个月的时间才能把它造成的破坏清理干净。此处考查固定句型“It will be+一段时间+before ...”,意思是“要过多久才……”,故选D。]

7.There is no point advocating banning smoking in public________ the law is


A.when B.unless C.since D.because


8.By 6 pm,________ it was almost closing time,all the cars had been sold out.

A.which B.when

C.what D.that


9.________ it is,the boy never seems to be able to finish it off. A.However interesting a book

B.Whatever interesting a book

C.How interesting a book

D.What an interesting book


10.________you are unable to deal with it,perhaps we should ask someone else for help.

A.Although B.While

C.Since D.Unless


11.You seem to have a ready­made answer ________ I ask you a question. A.whenever B.whatever

C.whichever D.whoever


12.—Was it 11 o'clock ________ your father came back last night? —Yes,he is always coming back so late.

A.that B.while C.when D.until
