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Sincere Value
Create Our Common Value
吴旭,男,汉族,MBA,1963年10月出生,重庆协信 控股(集团)有限公司董事长、总裁。现任重庆市政协 常委、重庆市工商联副主席、重庆市民营企业家联合会 副会长、重庆市商业联合副会长等职。
Sincere Holding Group Co.,Ltd Sincere Vision Sincere Mission Sincere Value Enterprise Philosophy Brand Honor Lists Corporate Citizenship Care From Leader Top Cooperation Alliance
而“品位生活”的意义则是无形的,主要体现于居住阶段业主对楼盘的整体感觉和综合评价。这需要具有 极强的社区凝聚力和归属感,有较高的社区居民素质和文明程度,社区内管理有序、服务完善、环境优美、 人际关系和谐。
“品质地产”和“品位生活”相辅相成,只有给客户提供有品质的建筑产品,才能营造真正的品位生活。协 信的梦想就是让城市中这样具有生命的建筑越来越多,城市也就越发精彩,焕发多彩生命,展现魅力质感!
集团自创立以来,一直不断开拓创新,锐意进取,取得了良好的市场效益和社会效益。经 过十六年的努力,累计开发量逾300多万平方米,截止2010年6月底开工在建面积162多万 平方米,战略土地储备逾690万平方米。
协信集团牢固树立“让建造具有生命”的企业经营宗旨,倡导“严谨而和谐”的文化氛 围,协力实现人生信念的企业使命,与股东共同赢得卓越企业的优越与尊崇,帮助客户实现 有价值的生活梦想,协同员工成就事业,完美生活,与社会共同推动人居和谐及健康持久的 文明。
Sincere Group believe that the city is alive. Every city has a unique characteristic which multiply and grow. Also the architecture as life on Earth, the city's various building impact the urban environment, and in turn the environment affect the Darwinian evolutionary process of construction, the two co-evolutions.
The group insists the “value from quality” as business concept and “create our common value” as management tenet. The group advocates “rigorous and harmony” cultural atmosphere to realize personal beliefs, to win the outstanding business excellence and respect jointly with shareholders, to help customers to achieve the dream of their life value, to help all staff achieve success in their career with satisfied life, to promote health living environments and long-lasting civilization.

地球似乎确实是一个“巨生命系统 (Mega-life System)”。当然,这里所谓 “生命”,决不仅仅指通常意义上的代谢和 繁殖,而是指一个能够无意识自我完善调节 的生命有机体。James Lovelock说过:「地球 是活著的!」。
而协信认为,城市也是活着的。每一个 城市都有着自我独特的生命特征,繁衍并壮 大。而建筑如同地球上的生物,城市里的各 种建筑影响城市环境,而环境又反过来影响 达尔文式的建筑进化过程,两者共同进化。
The group achieved remarkable market and social benefits through continued innovation and creation with more than 300 million square meters development after 16 years efforts. The group has around 1.62 millions square meters construction projects in july,2010 with more than 6.9 million strategic land reserves.
》产品研发设计能力 》运营管理能力 》资本运作能力
大渝至美 战略蓝海
》Professional Strengths
Products R&D Capability Operation & Management Capability Capital Operation Capability
Endue architecture with vitality, tribute to the city.
》协信控股集团有限公司 》协信愿景 》协信使命 》协信价值观 》企业理念 》品牌荣誉榜 》企业公民 》领导关怀 》高端合作战略联盟
The Quality Life Leader Of City
Chongqing Since Holding (Group)Co.,Ltd
Chairman And CEO : Mr.Wuxu
Mr.Wuxu, male, MBA, was born in October, 1963. The chairman & CEO of Chongqing Since holding (group) co., ltd. He is the committee of CPPCC Chongqing, vice chairman of Chongqing federation of industry & commerce, vice president of Chongqing private entrepreneurs union, vice president of Chongqing commercial union
Earth does seem to be a “Mega-life System". Of course, here the so-Biblioteka Baidualled "life", not only the usual sense that the metabolism and reproduction, but rather an unconscious self-improvement to regulate the lives of organisms. James Lovelock said: "The Earth is alive!."
Sincere Mission
Creating achievement and excellence together
成为深受股东信赖,客户喜爱,员工热爱,社会尊重,具有重要社会影响力的卓越房地产公众企业。 协信集团将成为西部最具综合实力的房地产企业,中国房地产行业具有重要影响力,深受员工热爱和深 受社会尊重的诚信企业。
》Strategy Map
Enterprise Target Map
》附 协信16年精品重庆版图 Enclose: 16 Years Sincere Collection In Chongqing Map
城市品质营造商 The Quality Life Leader Of City
Sincere Vision
Be trusted by shareholders, be favored by customers, be loved by employee, be respected by community, be an important social influence and an outstanding public real estate company. Sincere group will become an important influenced real estate enterprise which will deeply loved by employee and highly respected by community. Be the most general strength and integrity real estate development enterprise in western China.
让建筑具有生命 品质地产 品位生活 永不制造建造垃圾 简单 专注 持久 严谨而和谐 创造我们共同的价值
Endue Architecture With Vitality Better Quality For Better Life Never Creating Unqualified Construction Simpleness Concentration Permanence Working Together Strictly And Harmoniously Create Our Common Value
— 中国房地产五十强企业,重庆房企前三甲实力品牌 —
协信集团,创建于1994年6月,总部设于重庆,是一家以房地产开发为主导产业的大型 企业集团。下辖城建、长信、阿卡迪亚、远都、远创、远润、远汇、置尚、润鼎等九家房地 产开发公司,天骄物业、购物中心、商厦物业等住宅和商业的物业管理、经营公司,以及七 家非地产行业的全资、控股、参股公司。注册资本1.5亿元,总资产规模逾60亿,现有员工 1500多人。
Chongqing sincere holding (group)co.,Ltd
Top fifty china real estate enterprise, top three brands chongqing real estate
Chongqing sincere holding (group) co., ltd was founded in June 1994, is a large enterprise group focus on real estate development. The registered capital is 150 million RMB; current total asset is more than 1.5 hundred million RMB and nearly 6 billion RMB net assets. The group has more than 1500 employees.
让建造具有生命 品质地产 品位生活
简单 专注 持久
Sincere Philosophy Endue architecture with vitality Better Quality For Better Life Simpleness Concentration Permanence
所谓“品质地产”,不止是有形的房屋物理品质。除了建筑施工环节中的工程质量问题,还包括精神层面 的东西,即把人文的、历史的、科技的……等等元素融入到建筑中去,让协信的产品成为有生命的、有灵魂 的建筑。