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Unit 5 Rhythm
根据提示写出英语单词或汉语意思。 1.__________ [fEuk] adj.民间的 folk 2.__________ [i5fekt] n.效果,作用 effect 3.__________ disappoint [7disE5pCint] vt.使失望 4.__________ [E5wC:d] n.奖,奖品 award 5.__________ [beis] n.基地,基础 base audience 6.__________ [5C:djEns] n.听众,观众 7.__________ [im5pres] vt.使(人)印象深刻 impress 8.__________ instrument [5instrumEnt] n.乐器;工 具 female 9.__________ [5fi:meil] adj.女性的
32. rediscover[5ri:dis5kQvE]__________ 33. shave [Feiv] __________ 重新发现 34. transform[trAns5fC:m]__________ 剃,刮 35. break dance__________ 转换,转化 36. 霹雳舞 encyclopedia[en7saiklEu5pi:diE]____ 百科全书 ______ 类型,种类 37. type [taip]______________ 跳,蹦 38. skip [skip]__________ 独特的 39. unique[ju:5ni:k]__________ 移民的,移居的 40. immigrant[5imi^rEnt]___________________
performance appearance talented skilled anger hunger movement management unbearable
reaction combination powerful beautiful permission admission creative impressive extremely
23. 非凡的,特别的 extraordinary[iks5trC:dnri ]________________ __ 唱片,相册,集邮册 系统 24. album[5AlbEm]_______________________ 遍及,贯穿 25. system[5sIstEm]__________ 面具,面罩 26. throughout [Wru(:)5aut ]_______________ 服装 27. mask [mB:sk]_________________ 28. costume[5kCstju:m 将军 ]__________ 29. general[5dVenErEl全世界的 ]__________ 30. worldwide [5w\:ldwaId 身份,特性 ]__________ 31. identity[ai5dentiti]__________
Fra Baidu bibliotek
12.__________________ 在……起作用(扮演角色) play a part in 13.__________________ 举办音乐会 give a concert 14.__________________ 与……联合起来 15.__________________ 因……出名 be famous for 16.__________________ 以……为根据 be based on 17.__________________ 对……反应 react to 18.__________________ 有时,不时 at times 19.__________________ 在某些方面 in some ways 20. __________________ back and forth 往返,来回 21. __________________ 出版,发行,印刷 22. __________________ experiment with 用……做试验 23. __________________ 习惯于 be used to
10.__________ carriage 11.__________ treasure represent 12.__________ pianist 13.__________ 14.__________ musician quit 15.__________ hairstyle 16.__________ root 17.__________ 18.__________ ordinary generation 19.__________ 20.__________ noble 21.__________ sword 22.__________ responsible
1. ____________________________ from one generation to another 一代又一代 2. ______________________ 增添,增加 add to 3. _______________________ 设法做到 manage to do 4. _______________________ be full of / be filled with充满,富有 5. _______________________ 在……尽头/末 at the end of 6. _______________________ 拾起,开车接,学会 pick up 7. _______________________ 注意 pay attention to 8. _______________________ 换句话说 in other words 9. _______________________ give a performance 表演,演出 10. ______________________ 随着……一起唱 sing to 11. ______________________ 对……印象深刻 be impressed by
[5kAridV] n.马车 [5treVE] n.财宝,财富 [7ri:pri5zent] vt.代表 [5piEnist] n.钢琴家 [mju:5ziFEn] n.音乐家 [kwit] v.停止;辞职 [5heEstaIl] n.发型 [ru:t] n.根 [5C:dinEri] adj.平常的,普通 [7dVenE5reiFEn] n.代, ['nEubl] adj.贵族的;高贵的 [sC:d] n.剑 [ris5pCnsEbl] adj.应负责任的