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Module1 Unit1

1. attend assembly

She didn’t attend to what I was saying.(注意倾听)

be present at be absent from

attend a lecture/speech/concert

attend to 1) 照顾,照料= look after I have to attend to my dog.

2) 处理= deal with I have many things to attend to 2. achieve goals /success/ nothing/aim/purpose

make great achievements in sth.

make progress in

3. an article of clothing/furniture

4. in our daily life

5. report sth. to sb.

6. notice sb. doing/do sth.

He was noticed leaving/to leave the room hurriedly/in hurry.

take notice of 注意到

take no notice of 不理睬

7. at one’s ease 轻松、舒适、自在

ease sb. of sth. 解除sb.的…使其舒适

8. earn one’s respect= earn respect from sb.

earn one’s living by doing sth.

9. respect v. respectable a.值得尊重的respectful a. 对sb. 充满敬意的Respect sb. = look up to sb. = have respect for sb. =show respect for/to sb.

10. above /below (the) average

On (the/an) average

Up to (the) average 达到平均地

11. challenge sb. to sth. 就…向sb.挑战

12. send e-mails to sb.

Receive one’s e-mails = receive e-mails from sb.

13. for free= free of charge = without payment

14. prepare for sth.

Prepare sth. for sb. 给某人做…

Be prepared for sth. 为…做好了准备(强调状态或心理)

15. drop = give up

a drop of water

drop out of school 辍学

drop in on sb; drop in at a place 顺便拜访sb./ sp.

16. on the sports field = on the playground

In the field of 在…领域

17. have much experience in = be experienced in

18. introduce sth./ sb. to sb.

Be introduced into 被引入

An introduction to sth. …的序言

19. first of all = above all 首先(重要性)

20. what fun it is!

Make fun of sb. 取笑sb.

For fun = for pleasure 为了好玩

Have fun in doing 玩的开心

21. make a choice of

22. sometimes= at times = now and then

23. way of life = life style

24. someday= in future =one day(过去或将来)

25. around/ about/ some 50 students 大约

Move around 四处走动

26. mean to do 打算

Mean doing 意味着

27. tell sb. about / of sth.

28. be under the rule of = be ruled by sb.

As a rule 通常来说

29. be at lunch/ table 在吃饭

At the table 在…旁边

30. at/over / on the weekend

31. be interested in doing = have an interest in

32. surf (on) the Internet = search the Internet/ go online

33. mention = speak of = refer to

Refer to 谈到,查找

Refer to the dictionary= look up a word in a dictionary

At the mention/ thought /sight of 一…就…

34. talk to/ with sb. about sth.

35. learn about= know about 了解

36. travel around the world

travel to

37. think of /about= consider

be lost in thought 陷入沉思

38. come into power 上台执政

be in power 正在执政

39. give sb. a ring/ call = ring sb. up

40. at the entrance to

41. give a lecture/ speech/ talk on / about sth.

42. walk towards 朝…走去

walk through 从中间穿过

walk past 从旁边绕过

walk across 一边到一边

43. make an appointment for sth. with sb. 因sth. 和sb. 约见

be appointed monitor of our class 被任命为我们班的班长

44. expect to do sth. unexpectedly 出乎意料

45. be available for sth./sb. 适用于sb./sth.
