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需要全套设计的联系qq 945846125 多功能医用护理床是一种针对危重病人和瘫痪病人的特殊需要而设计的,能随意调节床的背部和脚部的角度。即使不能自理者,护理人员也可通过床边的控制器进行操作,减少照顾病、残患者的劳动强度。本文针对上述情况,提出了一种新型的多功能医用护理床,采用三维数字化设计软件soliderworks对其进行建模和装配,然后导出到CAD进行修改。利用机械分析软件ADAMS对其进行运动学及动力学分析,研究了床板在各种运动状况下的角加速度对患者舒适度的影响及线性推杆在各姿态下的受力状况,并利用ADAMS提供的优化功能对其分别进行了运动学和动力学优化;以角加速度最大值的最小化作为优化目标函数进行运动学优化,以线性推杆受力的最大值最小化作为动力学优化目标函数,得到满足设计要求的机构参数。采用力学理论分别对多功能医用护理床的主要零件进行力学计算,保证了机构运动的安全性及稳定性。控制系统采用单片机控制,通过单片机控制,实现各个机构的运动,安装传感器来控制机构所转过的角度。利用单片机为主的控制系统,达到控制要求。



Multifunction Nursing-bed is designed for those critically ill patients and the special needs of paralyzed patients designed bed is able to adjust the angle of the back and feet. Even if we can not take care of themselves, the nursing staff can also be operated bedside controller to reduce the care of sick and disabled patients with the labor intensity. In this paper, the above situation, a new type of multi-functional medical care beds, the use of digital three-dimensional design software for modeling and soliderworks its assembly, then export to CAD and correct it. the mechanical analysis software ADAMS kinematics and dynamics of its analysis, research of the bed board in the under a wide variety of sports on the angular acceleration of the impact of patient comfort and linear putter in the posture of the force, and provided the use of optimization ADAMS conducted its kinematic and dynamic optimization; to angular acceleration The minimum value of objective function as for kinematic optimization, linear putting maximum stress as a dynamic optimization to minimize the objective function. Have to meet the design requirements of the body parameters. Finite calibration methods of mechanics of materials, respectively, of multi-bed medical care for the mechanical parts of the main check to ensure the safety of the movement and stability. Control system adopts microcomputer control, through MCU control, to achieve the movement of various agencies, to install sensors to control the body turn angle. Use of microcomputer-based control system to control demand.

Key words:Multifunction Nursing-bed, interfere check, kinematics optimization, dynamics optimization, control system


1 绪论 (1)

1.1课题的目的及意义 (1)

1.2 国内外研究状况及发展趋势 (1)

1.3 本文主要研究内容 (6)

1.4 本章小结 (6)

2 护理床结构的整体方案 (7)

2.1 护理要求 (7)

2.2 护理床的总体方案构思 (7)

2.3 本章小结 (9)

3 护理床的结构设计 (10)

3.1 引言 (10)

3.2 侧翻机构 (10)

3.3 抬背机构 (11)

3.4 曲腿机构 (13)

3.5护理床的三维建模 (14)

3.6 本章小结 (16)

4 护理床运动学优化 (17)

4.1 引言 (17)

4.2侧翻机构的运动学分析 (17)

4.3抬背机构的运动学分析 (23)

4.4曲腿机构的运动学分析 (26)

4.5本章小结 (29)

5 护理床动力学优化 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

5.1引言................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.2侧翻机构动力学分析....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.3抬背机构动力学分析....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.4曲腿机构动力学分析....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.5本章小结........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
