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Detection, and Protection • 4. Nanoscale Instrumentation, and Metrology • 5. Nano-Electronics, -Photonics, and -Magnetics • 6. Healthcare, Therapeutics, and Diagnostics • 7. Efficient Energy Conversion and Storage • 8. Microcraft and Robotics • 9. Nanoscale Processes for Environmental
Introduction to Nanomaterials: Properties, Synthesis and Applications
• 2001年3月,美国国家科学技术顾问委员会 (NSTC)在《纳米科技的社会影响-- SOCIETAL IMPLICATIONS OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY》 的报告中对纳米技术在全球的市场容量进行了 预测,在今后10—15年内,每年纳米技术的市 场容量超过一万亿美元。其中,纳米材料和加 工为3400亿美元/年;纳米电子和集成电路为 6000亿美元/年;纳米药物为1800亿美元/年; 纳米催化剂为1000亿美元/年;交通运输(包括 汽车、飞机、铁路、桥梁等)为700亿美元/年。 这些数据显示,纳米材料拥有巨大的市场。
Five R&D categories in nanotechnology: · Nanostructure properties(纳米结构的性能): Investigate biological, chemical, electronic, magnetic, optical, and structural properties in nanostructures. · Synthesis and processing(合成与加工): Enable atomic and molecular control of material building blocks to provide the means to assemble and utilize these tailored building blocks for new processes and devices in a wide variety of applications. Extend the traditional approaches to patterning and microfabrication to include parallel processing with proximal probes, stamping, and embossing. Give particular attention to the interface with bionanostructures and bioinspired structures, to multifunctional and adaptive nanostructures, to scaling approaches, and to affordability at commercial scales.
第一章 绪论
纳米材料的 基本概念
☺基本定义 ☺自然界中的纳米结构
☺发展历史 ☺本门课程的基本思考问题
11.. 基基本本定定义义
X 10 -1
• 纳米技术是指在l-100nm(nanometer,简称纳 米) 尺度上操纵和研究原子、分子,对材料进 行加工、制造具有特定功能的产品、或对物质 进行研究、掌握其原子和分子的运动规律和特 征的高新技术。它是基础科学(现代物理、化 学、分子生物学)和先进工程技术(计算机、 微电子等)相结合的产物。纳米原本是长度单 位,随着科学技术的发展却完全具有更深层次 的涵义,它不仅意味着空间尺度,而且提供了 崭新的思维方式:
☺ Richard P. Feynman, Plenty of Room at the Bottom, December 1959. (/%7Efeynman/plenty.html)
☺ Nanostructure Science and Technology, A Worldwide Study. National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
第四阶段:分子纳米系统 总成技术(跨领域集成技术)
Timeline for the beginning of industrial prototyping and nanotechnology commercialization: introduction of new generations of products and productive processes in 2010–2020.
· Characterization and manipulation(表征与操控): Develop new experimental tools to broaden the capability to measure and control nanostructured matter, including developing new standards of measurement. Pay particular attention to tools capable of measuring and/or manipulating single macro- and supra-molecules of biological interest. · Modeling and simulation(模型化与模拟): Accelerate the application of novel concepts and high-performance computation to the prediction of nanostructured properties, phenomena,and processes. · Device and system concepts(器件与系统): Stimulate the innovative application of nanostructure properties to new technologies.
Nanomaterials as components of the next generation of electric cars.
1 第一章 纳米材料的基本概念 2 第二章 纳米材料的基本特性与表征方法 3 第三章 纳米材料的制备原理与方法 4 第四章 纳米材料的典型应用
• While many definitions for nanotechnology exist, the NNI calls it "nanotechnology" only if it involves all of the following:
• 1. Research and technology development at the atomic, molecular or macromolecular levels, in the length scale of approximately 1 - 100 nanometer range.
and outcomes in 2009. The R&D focus evolves from fundamental discoveries to nanosystem
integration in 2000-2010.
Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020
Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020

生产与转换 效率与循环
储存与捕获 运输与后勤
Nanotechnology and nanomaterials can impact all areas of the energy sustainability cycle.
• Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020, National Science Foundation, September 30, 2010, (/nano2)
☺ 检索关键词:纳米、纳米颗粒、纳米材料;nano, nanoparticles, nanomaterials, nanocomposites, nanostructure
Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020
电池与超级电容 制备燃料的高性能催化剂
硅和薄膜智能太阳能帆板 轻质、柔性照明系统 加热和冷却用热电材料
动力电子 低转动阻力的绿色轮胎
车用传感器和电子仪表 轻质复合材料
• 即人类将利用越来越小、越来越精 确的物质和越来越精细的技术生产 成品来满足更高层次的要求。纳米 技术将极大地改变人类的生产和生 活模式。
• 纳米技术包括纳米电子学、纳米光学、 纳米生物学、纳米化学、纳米材料学、 纳米工程、纳米医学等技术。
What is Nanotechnology?
新 领 域
材电 料子

运制 输造
安仪 全器
2540亿美元 (美国占920亿)
3万亿美元 (美国占1.2万亿)
Nano 1
Nano 2
Market of final products incorporating nanotechnology: the long-term vision for 2000-2020
Creating a new field and community in two foundational phases between 2000 and 2020 (“NS&E” is nanoscale science and engineering.)
第一阶段:“被动”纳米结构 第二阶段:“主动”纳米结构
• 2010年9月,美国国家自然科学基金委员会(NSF)在《2020年纳米技 术研究方向的社会需求-- Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020》的报告中对纳米技术在全球的市场容量进 行如下评估:
☺ Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, NSF Report, March 2001
☺ The Social and Economic Challenges of Nanotechnology, Economic & Social Research Council (UK). (/html/res/pubs.html)
• 2. Creating and using structures, devices and systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or intermediate size.
• 3. Ability to control or manipulate on the atomic scale.
Bottom-Up由下而上 Top-Down自上而下
Materials devices systems
The Nine Grand Challenges
• 1. Nanostructured Materials by Design • 2. Manufacturing at the Nanoscale • 3. Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Explosive