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7. during the winter holidays 在寒假期间
8. have a good time 9. talk about 玩得高兴 谈论
10. start to do...
【操练场】 根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其 正确形式填空,补全句子。 make snowmen 1. Children like to__________ in winter.
句型导航 Sentence guide
Structure analysis长难句解析
1. Leaves turn brown, red or yellow and start falling from the trees. 叶子变成棕色、红色或者黄色,并且 开始从树上落下来。 【解析】start doing意为“开始做……” 与start to do意思相同,都表示“开始做 某事”。如:
Harbin -20~- Snowy 15℃
【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。
1. 我想要和汤姆一起踢球。 I want to _____ _____ ______ with kick a ball Tom. 2. 警察为了抓贼把门踢倒了。 The policeman ______ the door______ down kicks to catch the thief
【总结】spend用作动词,意为 度过;花费 “___________”,常构成以下用法: spend time/money on… 在……上花费 时间/金钱 spend time (in) doing... 花时间做…… spend...with... 和……度过……
【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。
2. In spring, the weather starts to get warm. 在春天,天气开始变暖和。
【解析】get + adj.意为“变得……”。如: Eat the food before it gets cold. 在食物变冷之前吃掉它。
【跟踪练习】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。
Structure imitation 句式仿写 1. Spring and autumn are the nicest seasons. 春天和秋天是最好的季节。 【解析】the nicest是形容词nice的最高 级形式,表示“最好的”,类似的还有 the best(最好的),the most(最多的) 等,如: Today, I get the nicest birthday cake from my parents. 今天,我从父母那得到最好的生日蛋糕。
spend time with 2. Lily wants to ______________ her parents in the park today.
3. I often go to other places with my at this time of year parents ___________________. 4. If you come to my home tonight, you have a good time can ________________.
听第二段对话,回答第2-3小题。 2. Which season does Lucy like best?
A. Spring.
B. Winter. C. Summer.
3. Why does Sam like winter?
A. Because he can fly kites in winter. B. Because he can go swimming in winter.
短语收藏夹 Phrase collection
Unit 4短语聚会
1. take a trip
2. go oபைடு நூலகம் a picnic 3. go to the beach
去野餐 去海边
4. at this time of year 在一年的这个时候
5. make snowmen
6. spend time with somebody 和某人一起度过
5. Let's __________ learn English. start to
6. --- Do you like the sea? go to the beach --- Yes, I do. I like to______________. take a trip 7. He would like to ______ this summer. 8. Mary wants to go to Hainan during the winter holidays ________________________, because at that time it is warm there.
1. 我觉得我的爷爷是世界上最好的人。 the _______ I think my grandfather is ___ best man in the world. 2. 秋天,天气开始变冷。 In autumn, the weather starts to get cold ______ ______.
C. Answer Miss Liu's questions.
Ⅱ. 听一段独白。请根据题目要求,从所 听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入 下面的信息采集表中。独白念两遍。 Tempera Weather Advice ture Cloudy Wear thick clothes
(A) -2~5℃ Beijing _______
everything 【展示】 1. It is too heavy to take everything you need. 把所有你需要的东西都带着,实在是太 沉了。 2. Everything in this building is new. 这栋楼里的一切都是新的。 【总结】everything用作代词,意为 所有事物,一切 “________________”。当其作主语时, 单数形式 谓语动词要用__________,如例2。
2. What will you do during the weekend? 周末你将会干什么?
【总结】during用作介词,意为 在……期间 “_______________”,如例1和例2。
根据汉语意思,完成句子。 10. 中秋节期间我打算回家。 during I plan to go home ______ the MidAutumn Day. 11. 在这学期期间我想加入校运动会。 I want to join in the school sports during meeting ______ this term.
C. Because he can make snowmen in winter.
听第三段对话,回答第4-5小题。 4. What's wrong with Tony?
A. He has a headache.
B. He has a fever. C. He has a stomachache.
5. What does Tony have to do before he goes to the hospital? A. Ask for leave. B. Call his parents.
【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。 3. 他生活中一切都发生了变化。 Everything ___________ in his life has changed.
4. 一切都还好吗? Is everything ______ ____________ all right?
【展示】 1. The sun starts to shine warmly. 太阳开始温暖地照耀着。 2. The sun is shining on the surface of the lake. 太阳照耀在湖面上。 【总结】shine用作动词,意为 照耀 “_______”,如例1。它常与介词 on ______ 搭配,意为“照在……上”,如 例2。
9. 她想花100元买一条新连衣裙。 spend She would like to ______ 100yuan ______ a new dress. on
during 【展示】
1. I want to meet many people during the trip. 我想在旅途期间遇到许多人。
Unit 4听力基础训练(一)
I. 听对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。 对话念两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第1小题。 1. What does Bob usually do in spring?
A. He usually goes climbing.
B. He usually takes a trip. C. He usually goes to the beach.
【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。 5. 星星在夜晚的天空中闪耀。 Stars ______ in the sky at night. shine 6. 房间的灯光照在我的脸上。 The light in the room ______ ______ shines on my face.
7. 我想要和父母度过这个暑假。 spend I want to ______ this summer holidays ______ my parents. with
8. 爱丽丝每天花两个小时弹钢琴。 spends Alice ______ two hours playing the ______ piano every day.
9. It is sunny today. We will take some go on a picnic delicious food to _____________ in the park. talk about 10. Let's __________ the Chinese history.
1. Where do you spend your free time? 你闲暇时间在哪里度过?
2. Mum spends two hours on housework. 妈妈花两小时做家务。
3. He spends all his life time (in) writing songs. 他花费他毕生的时间创作歌曲。 4. He always spends free time with his friends. 他常常和朋友一起度过闲暇时间。
词语点将台 Word power Unit 词语笔记 For Reading and Listening
【展示】 1. She kicks me under the table. 她在桌子下踢了我一下。
2. The little boy kicks the chair down. 小男孩踢倒了椅子。 【总结】kick用作动词,意为“______”, 踢 如例1。常与down形成搭配 “kick 踢倒 down”,意为 “______ ”,如例2。
I start to learn Japanese. 我开始学习日语。
After the long holiday, he starts studying hard. 长假结束以后,他开始努力学习。
2. Children love winter because they love to play in the snow. 孩子们喜欢冬天,因为他们喜欢在雪 里玩。 【解析】连词because引导一个原因状语 从句,表示“因为/由于……”,如: We'd better not go out because the weather is very hot today. 因为今天天气很热,所以我们最好不要 出去。