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1. Germany, __________European country, is famous for its high-quality industrial products.

A. a

B. an


D. the

2. __________20 July 1969, Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.

A. In

B. At

C. To

D. On

3. See what you have done! Don't you have a ______of right and wrong?

A. sense

B. feeling

C. thought

D. knowledge

4. _______ scientists have learned a lot about the world, there is much we still don't know.

A. If

B. Though

C. Since

D. Unless

5. "An early bird catches the worm" means that you have to do something ahead of others


A. achieving

B. achieve

C. to achieve

D. to achieving

6. George is _______ in traditional ways too, by donating money to causes he believes in.

A. patient

B. attractive

C. generous

D. powerful

7. Romantic comedies have not received a lot of love at the box office lately, ____ that could change last weekend with "Crazy Rich Asians".

A. if

B. when

C. unless

D. but

8. 一I'm afraid that you look a bit fatter than before.

一Yeah. I need to start exercising and get back in ____________ .

A. size

B. height

C. style

D. shape

9. 一I hear we'll take a trip to the Slender West Lake.

一That's great. But I wonder _________.

A. when and where shall we meet

B. what shall we get ready for it

C. if there will be heavy rain that day

D. that we'll go there by bus or on foot

10. 一Dad, would you please walk a little more _____?

一Sorry, I thought you could follow me.

A. closely

B. slowly

C. quietly

D. quickly

11. With the help of the Internet, news can __________every corner of the world.

A. get

B. arrive

C. reach

D. return

12. In Britain, a lady usually doesn't like to be asked __________.

A. whether has she got married

B. how old is she

C. where was she from

D. how much she weighs

13. A display of music and fireworks ______at the 3rd Yangzhou International Lighting Festival on July 20, 2018.

A. was held

B. were held

C. has held

D. will be held

14. 一Look at the girl with a pair of glasses over there. Do you know __________?

一She is a nurse.

A. who is she

B. who she is

C. what is she

D. what she is

15. 一I don't think keeping pet dogs is a good idea. Dogs create a lot of trouble.

一__________. In my opinion, it can help you become a person full of love.

A. Not really

B. You are right

C. That's a good idea

D. Believe it or not
