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Figures of resemblance or relationship
• Euphemism委婉语 the substitution of 委婉语: 委婉语 an inoffensive expression for one that may be disagreeable. • Pass away: die • Misinform: lie • Remains: corpse遗体 • Visiting the necessary: going to the toilet
• 5) the concrete for the abstract • It was the circumstances that developed the poet in him. • I had the muscle, and they made money out it.
Two things compared must be dissimilar and the basis of resemblance is usually an abstract quality.
• • • • 1. My heart is like a singing bird. 2. I wondered lonely as a cloud. 3. He is as cunning as a fox. 4. The pen is to a writer what the gun to a fighter. • 5. He had no more idea of money than a cow. • 6. Love and cough cannot be hidden.
Figures of resemblance or relationship
• Personification拟人 is a figure of 拟人: 拟人 speech that attributes a personal nature and human characteristics to something non-human, or the presentation of an abstract quality in human form. • This figure is frequently used in literature, especially in poetry,to add beauty and vividness to description.
Figures of resemblance or relationship
• Metonymy转喻 is a figure of speech 转喻: 转喻 that means the change of name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely related. • Its function is to express an idea briefly and effectively by compressing much into a single word or a short noun phrase.
Figures of resemblance or relationship
• Simile(明喻): is a figure of speech (明喻) involving the comparison of one thing with another of a different kind by using the words: as, like, as…as, etc.
• 1) the container for the thing in it • The mother did her best to look after the cradle(摇篮). • 2) instrument, etc for the thing or person • The pen is mightier than the sword. • 3) cause and effect for each other • All the pavement streamed with massacre(大屠杀). • The fish desperately takes the death.
写作; 写作;修辞学
• It can be dated back to 400 B.C., the Aristotle time. • Oral skill / argumentation • Stress oratory 演讲术
Figures of speech
• A word or phrase used in a nonliteral sense to add rhetorical force or interest to a spoken or written passage. (narrow)
Types of Figures of speech
• Figures of speech exist in almost endless variety and many are closely related or intricately overlap(杂乱的重 叠), hence no completely satisfactory system of classification has ever been devised. The following may be considered one of the serviceable(耐 用的) classification of the present day.
修辞; 修辞;修Baidu Nhomakorabea格
Functions of Figures of speech
• In everyday speech and writing and in literature the chief functions of figures of speech are probably to embellish(润色), to emphasize or to clarify. • They are used to give tone or atmosphere to discourse(演讲), to provide vivid(鲜明的, 生动的) examples, to stimulate thought by startling the reader or listener, to give life to inanimate objects, to amuse, or to ornament (修饰).
• 6) the symbol of a person or an object for the person or object • He succeeded to the crown. • Red tape(official routine) • 7) the thing made by the person for the person himself • I have never read Li Bai.
Figures of resemblance or relationship • Metaphor暗喻 is a figure of 暗喻: 暗喻 speech in which two different things are compared without the use of words “as, like, as…as, etc.”. • An implied not stated simile.
• • • • • • • He is an old fox. All the world is a stage. His clothes are loud. Her answers were cold. Let’s go to see the mouth of the volcano. There was a storm of applause. The Mississippi River was the main artery(干道) of transportation in the young nation’s heart.
• 1) the part for the whole • How to earn the daily bread is the problem. • Great minds think alike. • 2) the whole for the part • China beat Japan at basketball. • All the plants in this cold place become green in the smiling year.
• 3 chief kinds: 1) That produced by the use of adj.: • The smiling moon; the blushing rose; the thirsty ground 2) That produced by the use of verbs: • The kettle sings; the waves danced 3) That produced by the use of nouns: • The smiles of spring; the whisper of leaves
• The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. (broad)
Figures of resemblance or relationship • Synecdoche提喻 is a figure of 提喻: 提喻 speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or the vice versa.
• 4) Distinctive feature for its owner • The grey hair should be respected. • 5) a proper term for a common name or vice versa • Uncle Sam: American • Solomen: smart person • John Bull: British people • Romeo: lover Judas: traitor
• • • • 3) individual for the whole He is the Newton of the century. 4) the abstract for the concrete It was not only writers, it was a thoroughly representatives gathering– science, politics, business, art. • Life was a weariness(疲倦) to him.
Types of Figures of speech • 1. Figures of resemblance or relationship. • 2. Figures of emphasis or understatement. • 3. Figures of sound. • 4. Verbal games and gymnastics.