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第一,Flora, 古希腊神话中的花神。她的丈夫西风之神Zephyr 送给她一座花园。春天,他们手挽手在园子里散步,走过的地方百花齐放。Flora 作为词根,相当于植物plant .同源的单词有floral(花的,植物的), florist(种花人), flourish(繁荣,茂盛)。

Flora is the Roman Goddess of flowering plants,Flora was married to Favonius,

the wind god,

Her function was to make the grain, vegetables and trees bloom so that autumn's harvest would be good

第二,Pan是希腊神话里的一位山林之神,他人身羊足,头上有角。因长相怪异,被母亲一出生就抛弃。他喜欢在山林里游荡,用自己古怪的声音和怪相吓路人,人们对此很恐惧 .恐惧来自于Pan, 因此恐惧就是panic.the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. a lecherous god Pan's angry shout inspired panic ( panikon deima ) in lonely places he had frightened the attackers.

四,Psyche是一位美貌绝伦的公主,许多人为之倾倒。这引起爱与美之神Aphrodite的嫉妒。她指使儿子小爱神Eros 惩罚Psyche爱上一个丑陋的人,但Eros 却对Psyche一见钟情,把爱情的箭射向自己。Aphrodite 知道后使Psyche备受折磨,但还是没能拆散他们。Psyche 后来成为人的灵魂的化身。Psyche作为词根,意为灵魂,精神。同源词还有psychoanalyst(精神分析家);psychology(心理学);psychodrama(心理剧)。

the Titans were a primeval race of powerful deities , descendants of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven), that ruled during the legendary Golden Age .They were giants of incredible strength and were also the first pantheon of Greek gods and goddesses.
