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Unit 1
TEACHER: Good morning, class.
老师: 同学们,早上好。

CLASS: Good morning, sir.
同学: 先生,早上好。

TEACHER: Welcome back to school!
老师: 欢迎回校!

CLASS: Thank you, sir.
同学: 谢谢,先生。

TEACHER: I'm your new teacher this term. My name is Wu Jun. This is our first lesson, so I don't know all your names. I have them on this piece of paper. Now let me call your names. OK?
老师: 这个学期我是你们的新老师。我叫吴军。这是我们第一次上课,所以我认不全你们的名字。我这张纸上有你们的名字。现在我来点名。好吗?

CLASS: Yes, Mr. Wu.
同学: 好的,吴先生。

TEACHER: OK. Who's first? (calling) Ma Lili!
老师: 好。第一个是谁?(点名)马莉莉!

MA LILI: (standing up) I'm here.
马莉莉: (起立)到。

TEACHER: Good! Thank you. Next, er ….
老师: 好!谢谢。下一个,呃……

JIM: Excuse me.
吉姆: 对不起。

老师: 噢?

JIM: May I come in, please? I'm sorry I'm late.
吉姆: 我可以进来吗?对不起,我迟到了。

TEACHER: It doesn't matter this time. Please come in and sit down. But come to school earlier next time.
老师: 不要紧。请进来坐下吧。但下次要早点到校。

JIM: Yes, Mr. Wu. Thank you.
吉姆: 好的,吴先生。谢谢您。

A: Excuse me. May I have a piece of paper, please?
A: 请问,我可以要一张纸吗?

B: Certainly! Here you are.
B: 当然可以!给你。

A: Thanks. Oh, this is too small. Do you have a big piece, please?
A: 谢谢。噢,这张太小了。请问你有一张大的吗?

B: Yes, I do.
B: 是的,我有。

TEACHER: Please listen to me, everyone. Who has a ruler?
老师: 大家听我说。谁有尺子?

LI LEI: I have one here, Mr. Wu.
李垒: 我这里有一把,吴先生。

TEACHER: May I borrow it, please?
老师: 我可以借用一下吗?

LI LEI: Certainly! Here you are.
李垒: 当然可以!给你。

TEACHER: Thanks.
老师: 谢谢。

LI LEI: Not at all.
李垒: 不客气。

TEACHER: Oh, it's a short ruler. Who has a long one?
老师: 噢,这是把短尺。谁有长尺?

LUCY: I have one, Mr. Wu. Here you are.
露茜: 我有一把,吴先生。给你。

TEACHER: Thank you, Lily.
老师: 谢谢你,莉莉。

LUCY: Please don't call me Lily. I'm Lucy. That's Lily over there!
露茜: 请别叫我莉莉,我是露茜。那边那个才是莉莉。

TEACHER: Sorry, Lucy. You look the same.
老师: 对不起,露茜。你们长得很像。

LUCY: Oh, it doesn't matter!
露茜: 噢,没关系!

Unit 2
A: How do you usually come to school?
A: 你平常怎样来上学?

B: I usually come by bus. What about you?
B: 我平常乘公共汽车。你呢?

A: Oh, I usually come by bus too.
A: 噢,我也常乘公共汽车。

A: Oh, I usually walk.
A: 噢,我常走着来。

A: Oh, I usually come on foot.
A: 噢,我常步行来。

MISS GAO: Morning, Mr. Wu! I see you're on foot today. Don't you usually come to school by bike?
高小姐: 早上好,吴先生!今天我看见您走路来的。你不是常骑自行车到学校吗?

MR. WU: Yes, I do. But I walk sometimes.
吴先生: 是的,我通常骑车。但有时我也步行。

MISS GAO: So where's your bike today?
高小姐: 那么今天您的自行车在哪里呢?

MR. WU: Oh, it's broken.
吴先生: 噢,它坏了。

MISS GAO: Broken? Oh dear!
高小姐: 坏了?天啊!

MR. WU: It doesn't matter. I like walking. Look at the sun! It's a fine day for a walk.
吴先生: 不要紧。我喜欢步行。瞧瞧太阳!这是步行的好天气。

MISS GAO: That's right. And the air today is nice and clean.
高小姐: 对。今天空气很清新。

Unit 3
HAN MEIMEI: Hi, Lucy! Are you free tomorrow night?
韩梅梅: 你好,露茜!明天晚上你有空吗?

LUCY: Yes. What day is it tomorrow?
露茜: 有。明天是什么日子?

HAN MEIMEI: It's Zhong Qiu Jie.
韩梅梅: 明天是中秋节。

LUCY: What's that?
露茜: 那是什么日子?

HAN MEIMEI: Oh, we can call it Mid-Autumn Day. We eat mooncakes on that day.
韩梅梅: 噢,我们管它叫中秋节。过节那天我们吃月饼。

LUCY: Oh? What are mooncakes?
露茜: 噢?月饼是什么?

HAN MEIMEI: You and Lily must come over to my house and see!I'd like you to meet my parents, too.
韩梅梅: 你和莉莉应该到我家来看看!我也想让你们见见我的父母。

LUCY: OK. Thanks.
露茜: 好吧。谢谢。

LUCY: Hi, Han Meimei!
露茜: 你好,韩梅梅!

HAN MEIMEI: Oh, good evening, Lucy. Come in. Nice to see you!
韩梅梅: 噢,晚上好,露茜。请进。见到你真高兴!

LUCY: Nice to see you, too!
露茜: 见到你我也很高兴!

HAN MEIMEI: Lucy, are you hungry?
韩梅梅: 露茜,你饿了吗?

LUCY: Yes, a little.
露茜: 是的,有点儿。

HAN MEIMEI: Would you like one of these mooncakes?
韩梅梅: 你要不要吃个月饼?

LUCY: Yes, please. But why do you call them mooncakes?
露茜: 行啊,请给我一个吧。但你们为什么叫它月饼?

HAN MEIMEI: Can't you see? They're round, like the moon. Have one, please.
韩梅梅: 你没看见吗?它们像月亮一样,圆圆的。请吃一个吧。

LUCY: Thank you very much.
露茜: 非常感谢。

LUCY: This mooncake is very nice.
露茜: 这个月饼很好。

HAN MEIMEI: Good! Would you like another one?
韩梅梅: 好!你想再要一个吗?

LUCY: May I? Thanks. Oh, this one is nicer than the other one. What's in it?

露茜: 可以吗?谢谢。噢,这个比那个更好点儿。里面放的是什么?

HAN MEIMEI: Can't you see? Look! It has an egg in it.
韩梅梅: 你没看见吗?瞧!里面有一只蛋。

LUCY: Mmm! It's great!
露茜: 唔!好极了!

HAN MEIMEI: Now have one of these. It has nuts in it.
韩梅梅: 现在吃个这种的。里面放有果仁。

LUCY: Nuts? Delicious! This is the nicest of all!
露茜: 有果仁?味道很好!这是所有月饼中最好的!

MEIMEI: Lucy, would you like another cake?
梅梅: 露茜,你想再要一块蛋糕吗?

LUCY: Another one? They're delicious -- but no, thank you very much.
露茜: 再吃一块?味道是很好,但我不要了,非常感谢。

MEIMEI: I'm hungry. I'm having another one.
梅梅: 我饿了。我再吃一块。

LUCY: I'm not hungry. I'm full!
露茜: 我不饿。我饱了!

Everyone in China likes Mid-Autumn Day. It usually comes in September or October. On that day everyone eats mooncakes. A mooncake is a delicious, round cake. It looks like the moon. There are many different kinds of mooncakes. Some have nuts in them, and some have meat or eggs. My friend Li Lei likes mooncakes with meat. But I think the ones with nuts in them are nicer. Han Meimei says the nicest cakes come from Guangdong.At night, families often stay in the open air near their houses. There they look at the moon, and eat the cakes.Mmmm! How delicious they are!

Unit 4
Sam and Lin Tao meet outside the school gate.

LIN TAO: Hi, Sam! How are you today?
林涛: 嗨,山姆!你今天好吗?

SAM: Oh, hello, Lin Tao. Fine, thanks. What about you?
山姆: 噢,你好,林涛。很好,谢谢。你好吗?

LIN TAO: I'm OK. Sam, what are you going to do tomorrow?
林涛: 我也很好。山姆,你打算明天做什么?

SAM: Nothing much. Why?
山姆: 没什么事。什么事?

LIN TAO: We're going to play football.
林涛: 我们打算踢足球。

SAM: Good idea! Can I come?
山姆: 好主意!我能来吗?

LIN TAO: Sure! Jim's coming, too.
林涛: 当然可以!吉姆也要来的。

SAM: Where are you going to meet?
山姆: 你们打算在哪里见面?

LIN TAO: We're going to meet here, outside the school gate, at two o'clock.
林涛: 我们打算两点钟在校门外见面。

SAM: OK. See you here at two.
山姆: 好的。


LIN TAO: Goodbye.
林涛: 再见。

Lucy and Wei Hua meet outside Lucy's house.)

LUCY: Hello, Wei Hua! Where are you going?
露茜: 你好,魏华!上哪儿去呀?

WEI HUA: I'm going to the shops.
魏华: 我到商店去。

LUCY: What are you going to buy?
露茜: 你打算买什么?

WEI HUA: I'm going to buy a few bananas.
魏华: 我打算买几个香蕉。

LUCY: Oh, could you get some for me, too?
露茜: 噢,你能给我也买一些吗?

WEI HUA: Sure! But why don't you come with me?
魏华: 当然可以!但你为什么不同我一起去呢?

LUCY: That's a good idea! Why not? Let's go.
露茜: 好主意!为什么不呢?我们走吧。

Jim and Li Lei meet on the road outside Li Lei's house.)

LI LEI: Oh, hi, Jim! What are you going to do next week?
李垒: 噢,你好,吉姆!你打算下星期做什么?

JIM: Nothing much. Only some school work. Why?
吉姆: 没什么事。只有一些作业。什么事?

LI LEI: We're not going to have any classes next week. We're going to work on a farm. Don't you know?
李垒: 下周我们不上课。我们打算去农场劳动,你不知道吗?

JIM: No. Why?
吉姆: 不知道。怎么回事?

LI LEI: We're going to help some farmers with their work.
李垒: 我们打算去帮助一些农民干活。

JIM: What work are you going to do?
吉姆: 我们打算干什么活?

LI LEI: We're going to pick apples.
李垒: 我们打算去摘苹果。

JIM: Good idea! It's much better than having classes! Can I go, too?
吉姆: 好主意!这比上课好得多!我也可以去吗?

LI LEI: Sure! You're welcome!
李垒: 当然!欢迎你!

JIM: Great! When are we going to leave?
吉姆: 太好了!我们打算什么时候出发?

LI LEI: We're going to leave at about seven thirty next Monday morning.
李垒: 我们打算下星期一早上7:30 左右出发。

JIM: Oh, that's quite early! Where are we going to meet?
吉姆: 噢,那很早!我们打算在哪儿会合?

LI LEI: On the road outside the school gate.
李垒: 校门外的路上。

JIM: Are we going there by bus?
吉姆: 我们要乘公共汽车去吗?

LI LEI: Sure. Don't be late -oh, and put on your old clothes.
李垒: 当然。不要迟到--噢,还有,穿上你的旧衣服。

JIM: OK. Listen, that's the bell.
吉姆: 好的。听,铃响了。

LI LEI: Yes. It's time for class. Let's go.
李垒: 是的。上课的时间到了。我们走吧。

Unit 5
LI LEI: Morning, Jim!
李垒: 早上好,吉姆。

JIM: Hi, Li Lei! Am I late?
吉姆: 你好,李垒!我迟到了没有?

LI LEI: No, you aren't. Oh, hello, Kate! Nice to see y

李垒: 不,你没迟到。噢,你好,凯特!很高兴见到你!

KATE: Hello, Li Lei!
凯特: 你好,李垒!

JIM: Where's the farm, Li Lei? Is it far?
吉姆: 农场在哪里,李垒?远吗?

LI LEI: No, it's quite near.
李垒: 不,很近。

JIM: How far is it?
吉姆: 有多远?

LI LEI: Only a few kilometres. I think it's about seven. OK. We're all here, now. Let's get on the bus.
李垒: 只有几公里。我想大约7公里。好。我们都到齐了。我们上车吧。

JIM: Right.
吉姆: 好的。

MEIMEI: Are you holding the ladder, Jim?
梅梅: 你扶住了梯子吗,吉姆?

JIM: Yes, I am. Please be careful, Meimei. Don't go too high.
吉姆: 是的,我扶着呢,小心点儿,梅梅。不要上得太高!

MEIMEI: Don't worry. I'm OK.
梅梅: 别担心。我没事。

JIM: There are some good apples over there.
吉姆: 那边有些好苹果。

MEIMEI: Where?
梅梅: 在哪儿?

JIM: Behind you. Can you reach them?
吉姆: 在你后面!你够得着吗?

MEIMEI: Oh, yes, I can see them. But I can't reach them.
梅梅: 噢,是的,我能看见它们。但我够不着。

JIM: Be careful. It's dangerous. You're too high.
吉姆: 小心。危险!你上得太高了!

MEIMEI: No, I'm not. Good! I can reach them now. Catch!
梅梅: 不,不高。好!现在我够得着了。接住!

Working on a farm

It's a fine day today, and everyone is busy. They are working hard on the farm. The children are picking apples. Look! There's Meimei! She's very strong. She's lifting that ladder. Now she's holding it for Jim. Jim is climbing up the ladder. He's picking the apples on that tree. He's putting them in a basket. Some of the apples are hard to reach. They are too high. Be careful, Jim! It's dangerous. Oh, good! He's coming down the ladder, now.

You don't have many apples, Jim, says Li Lei. "I have more than you." "Do I have fewer apples than you? Let me see!"says Jim.

Jim looks at Li Lei's apples. "Oh!" he says. "Yes, you have more than me. But mine are better than yours. Look! Yours are green, and quite small. Mine are red, and they're much bigger!"


Unit 6
ANN: Meimei, are you free next Tuesday evening?
安: 梅梅,你下星期二晚上有空吗?

MEIMEI: I think so. Why?
梅梅: 我想有的。干吗?

ANN: Would you like to come to supper?
安: 你愿意来吃晚饭吗?

MEIMEI: Oh, thank you. I would love to. But I must ask my parents first. What time shall I come?
梅梅: 噢,谢谢你!我很乐意!不过我必须先问问父母。我几点钟来呢?

ANN: We have our evening meal at about a quarter past six. Why don't you come a little earlier? About a quarter to.OK?
安: 我们6:15分左右吃晚饭。你早点儿来怎么样?5:45分左右来,好吗?

MEIMEI: I have quite a lot of homework to do. I must finish that first. But I think I can be free at six. May I come then?
梅梅: 我有很多家庭作业要做。我得先完成作业。不过我想6:00可能有空。我那时来可以吗?

ANN: Sure! Work must come first!
安: 当然啦!工作必须先做嘛!

JIM: Hi, Lin Tao! What are you going to do on Sunday?
吉姆: 嗨,林涛!星期天你打算干啥?

LIN TAO: I've no idea. What do you think?
林涛: 我不知道。你想干啥?

JIM: Shall we go to the park?
吉姆: 我们去公园玩好吗?

LIN TAO: Good idea! When shall we meet?
林涛: 好主意!我们什么时候会面?

JIM: What about a quarter past two?
吉姆: 2:15怎样!

LIN TAO: Let's make it a little earlier. There's a zoo in the park. We can go and have a look at the animals.
林涛: 咱们安排早一点儿吧。公园里有个动物园哩。我们可以去看看动物。

JIM: Great! Let's make it half past one.
吉姆: 好极啦!咱们就定在1:30 会面吧。

LIN TAO: OK. Where shall we meet?
林涛: 好的。我们在什么地方会面呢?

JIM: Let's meet outside the park gate.
吉姆: 咱们在公园的大门外碰头吧。

LIN TAO: Look at those people in the boats.
林涛: 瞧船里的那些人!

JIM: Yes! They're having a good time.
吉姆: 是呀!他们玩得很痛快。

LIN TAO: Do English people like boating?
林涛: 英国人喜欢划船吗?

JIM: Yes, a lot of people like it. Some are very good at it.
吉姆: 对,许多人喜欢。有些人划得很好。

LIN TAO: Look! What does that boat look like?
林涛: 瞧!那艘船看起来像什么呀?

JIM: It looks like a chicken. But I don't think chickens can swim.
吉姆: 看起来像只小鸡。不过我认为小鸡不会游泳啊!

LIN TAO: No, it's a duck, not a chicken. Oh, can you hear some animals?
林涛: 不对,是只鸭,不是鸡。噢,你听到一些动物的叫声没有?

JIM: Yes, I can. Where are they?
吉姆: 是的,我能听到。它们在哪儿?

Lin Tao: In the Zoo. Let's go and see them.

涛: 在动物园里。咱们去看看。

LIN TAO: Look at those monkeys. What're they eating?
林涛: 瞧那些猴子。它们在吃什么?

JIM: Nuts. How many monkeys can you see?
吉姆: 坚果。你能看见多少只猴子?

LIN TAO: Well, let's count them. One, two, three, four, … Oh, it's too hard. I can't count them.
林涛: 嗯,咱们来数数。1,2,3,4……噢,太难数了。我数不了。

JIM: Right. They're running and jumping all the time.
吉姆: 对,他们老是跑啊跳的。

LIN TAO: Let's go and see the pandas. I hear one of them has a baby.
林涛: 咱们去看看熊猫吧。我听说有一只熊猫生了只小熊猫。

JIM: A baby panda? Great! Let's go.
吉姆: 一只小熊猫?好极了。咱们走吧。

Unit 7
Football is a very popular game in China. Many young people like it.

Li lei is very good at football. Read these dialogues and find out about another kind of football.

LI LEI: Sam, what are you going to do tomorrow?
李雷: 山姆,你明天打算干啥?

SAM: Nothing much. Why?
山姆: 没啥事。怎么啦?

LI LEI: We're going to watch a football game. Would you like to come too?
李雷: 我们打算看一场足球赛。你也来好吗?

SAM: I'd love to. What kind of football, American or soccer?
山姆: 我很乐意去!什么样的足球赛,美式的还是英式的?

LI LEI: Soccer. But we don't call it soccer in China. We call it football.
李雷: 英式足球。不过在中国我们不叫它英式足球。我们称之为足球。

SAM: How many players are there in a team?
山姆: 一个队里有多少名队员?

LI LEI: Eleven. And we play the game with a ball like this. Is the game popular in the USA?
李雷: 11名。而且我们用这样的球比赛。这种比赛在美国受欢迎吗?

SAM: Not very popular. We play American football in the USA. In our game we also have eleven players in a team, but our ball is like this.
山姆: 不很受欢迎。在美国我们踢美式足球。比赛中,我们一个队也有11名队员,不过我们的球是像这样的!

LI LEI: Oh! Is that a ball? Aren't all balls round?
李雷: 噢,那是个球吗?难道所有的球不都是圆的吗?

SAM: Not in the USA.
山姆: 在美国不全是!

Unit 8
A: Where does the teacher stand?A:

B: On the left.B:

A: Where does Li Lei sit?A:

B: At the front of the classrooom.B:

A: Where do the twins sit?A:

B: In the middle of the classroom.B:

A: Where does Bill sit in the classrooom?A:


B: In the back row.B:

Who has the eraser?

Children often love to play this game. They play it like this: six students stand in a row in front of the class. They put their hands behind their backs, so you can't see their hands. The teacher gives one of them an eraser. The eraser goes from one student to another---first one way, then another. They must keep their hands behind their backs. The other students in the class keep their eyes closed. They mustn't look.

Then the teacher says:"Stop and put your hands in front of you now." The six students put their closed hands in front of them. Now the other stuents open their eyes, and guess who has the eraser. They ask question like "Li Lei, is it in your right hand?" They can have only five guesses.

Unit 9
A:Excuse me.Where's the nearest post office, please?
A: 请问。最近的邮局在哪里?

B:It's over there on the right.
B: 右边那儿就是。

A:Thank you very much.
A: 非常感谢。

B:Not at all.
B: 没关系。

A:Excuse me.Where's the nearest bus stop, please?
A: 请问,最近的公共汽车站在哪儿?

B:I'm sorry,I'm don't know.
B: 很抱歉,我不知道。

A:Thank you all the same.
A: 谢谢。

Mr. Fang is in London. He's looking for different places. He needs some help.

Practice dialogues like these.

A: Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?
A: 请问,附近有邮局吗?

B: Yes, there is. Walk along this road, and take the fourth turning on the left. It's about a hundred metres along on the right.
是的,有。沿这条道走,然后在第四个路口向左拐。再沿右边/ 左边走大约100米。

A: Thank you very much.
A: 非常感谢。

B: Not at all /You are welcome.
B: 没关系。/ 不客气。

A: Excuse me. Is there a police-station near here?
A: 请问,附近有警察局吗?

B: No, there isn't. The nearest is about 4 kilometres away. You'd better catch a bus.
B: 不,附近没有。最近的离这大约4公里。你最好乘公共汽车去。

A: Which number do I need, please?
A: 请问我需乘哪路车?


: I think you need a number 47. The bus stop is along that road, on the right.
B: 我想你需乘47路车。

A: Excuse me. Is there a station near here?
A: 请问,附近有车站吗?

B: I'm sorry I don't know. You'd better ask that policeman over there.
B: 对不起,我不知道。你最好问问那边的警察。

A: Thank you all the same.
A: 我还是要谢谢你。

A: Excuse me. Is there a bookshop near here?
A: 请问,附近有书店吗?

B: Yes. Go along this road, and take the first turning on the left, and the second turning on the right.
B: 有。沿这条路往前走,然后在第一个拐角处向左转,接着在第二个拐角处向右转。

It's next to the factory.

A: First left, and second right. Thank you!
A: 先在第一个拐角向左拐,然后在第二个拐角向右拐。谢谢你!

B: Not at all.
B: 不客气。

A: Excuse me. Where's the nearest post office, please?
A: 请问,最近的邮局在哪儿?

B: I'm sorry, I don't know. You'd better ask that policeman.
B: 对不起,我不知道。你最好问问那位警察。

A: Thank you all the same.
A: 我还是要谢谢你。

Unit 10
LI LEI: Where do you live in the USA?
李磊: 你住在美国什么地方?

BILL: Let me show you on the map. We live in a place called Gum Tree. Can you see Gum Tree? It's only a small village.
比尔: 让我在地图上指给你看。我们住在一个叫桉树的地方。你能找到它吗?它只是个小村庄。

LI LEI: Gum Tree? Is it here --near the town of Ashland?
李磊: 桉树?是在这儿--靠近阿什兰德镇吧?

BILL: Yes. Ashland is a small town about eight kilometres from the city of Richmond. What about you? Where do you live?
比尔: 对。阿什兰德是一个距里士满市大约8公里的小镇。你呢?你住在哪儿呢?

LI LEI: I live in a tall building in the city of Beijing.
李磊: 我住在北京市的一幢高楼里。

John's day

John is a Canadian. He lives in a tall building in the city of Toronto. There are eighteen floors in the building, and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He uses a lift to go up and down.

John works very hard. He goes to work early. Every day he leaves his home and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It takes him down to the first floor.

He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to a bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred metres from his home.


Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes by train. John works in a factory about ten kilometres from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home at a quarter past five. He gets into the lift, and goes up to the twelfth floor. Then he gets out of the lift and climbs up to the fifteenth floor on foot.
通常他乘11路公共汽车去上班,不过他有时乘火车去。约翰在一家距离他家大约 10公里远的工厂工作。他8:30开始工作,4:45下班。他5:15回到家。他进入电梯,然后升至第12层。接着他走出电梯并徒步登上第15层。

Every day he does the same thing. Why doesn't he use the lift for the last three floors?

A: Where do you live?
A: 你住哪儿?

B: I live in a tall building in the middle of the city.What about you?
B: 我住在这个城市中心的一幢高楼里。你呢?

A: Oh, I live in a small village outside the city.
A: 噢,我住在城外一个小村的一幢房子里。

B: How far is it from here?
B: 离这儿多远?

A: About twelve Kilometers.
A: 大约12公里。

Unit 11
MR. WU: Yes, I remember. You were not here yesterday. What was wrong? Were you ill?
吴先生: 是的,我记得。你昨天没有来。怎么啦?你病了吗?

JIM: Yes. I was a little ill.
吉姆: 是的,我有点不舒服。

MR.WU: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're better now.
吴先生: 听说你病 了,我心里很不好受。我希望你现在好些了。

JIM: Yes, I am, thank you.
吉姆: 是的,好些了,谢谢您。

MR. WU: You'd better finish the work today, and bring it tomorrow.
吴先生: 你最好今天完成这作业,明天把它带来。

JIM: Certainly!
吉姆: 一定。

JIM: Good morning, Mr. WU:?Here's my homework. I was ill on Monday, so it's late.
吉姆: 吴先生,早上好!这是我的英语家庭作业。我星期一病了,所以迟交。

MR. WU: That's OK. Jim, you must look after yourself and keep healthy.
吴先生: 行。吉姆,你要照顾好自己,保持身体健康。

JIM: Yes, Mr. Wu. Thank you.
吉姆: 是的,吴先生。谢谢您。

Unit 12
A: Which is your favourite month?
A: 你最喜欢哪个月份?

B: I think May is the best month.
B: 我认为5月最好。

A: And the worst?
A: 那么最不喜欢的呢?

B: January.
B: 1月。

A: No! I think February is worse than January.
A: 不!我认为2月比1月更糟。

A: What day was it yesterday?
A: 昨天是星期几?

B: It was Wednesday.
B: 昨天是星期三。

A: What was the date?
A: (昨天)是几月几日?

B: It was November 25th.
B: 昨天是11月25日。

A: Was it cold yesterday?


B: Yes, it was. But it's much colder today.
B: 是的,昨天冷。但是今天更冷。

A: When did you have a meeting?
A: 你们什么时候开的会?

B: Three days ago.
B: 3天前。

A: Was that the 21st?
A: 21号吗?

B: No, the 22nd.
B: 不是,是22号。

A: What time did you have it?
A: 你们什么时候开的会?

B: We had it after school.
B: 我们放学后开的。

A: When did you go home then?
A: 那么你什么时候才回家呢?

B: I went home at half past five.
B: 我5:30回家的。

Unit 13
LI LEI: Hello, Jim! May I ask you some questions?
李磊: 你好,吉姆!我可以问一问题吗?

JIM: Certainly!
吉姆: 当然可以!

LI LEI: When were you born?
李磊: 你什么时候出生的?

JIM: I was born on Febuary 18, 1981.
吉姆: 我是1981年2月18日生的。

LI LEI: Where were you born?
李磊: 你在什么地方出生的?

JIM: I was born in England -- in a small town near London.
吉姆: 我生于英格兰--伦敦城附近的一个小镇。

LI LEI: How long did you live there?
李磊: 你在那儿生活了多长时间?

JIM: We lived there for about five years.
吉姆: 我们在那儿生活了大约5年。

LI LEI: Only five years?
李磊: 仅仅5 年?

JIM: Yes. Then my family moved to France.
吉姆: 是的。然后我们搬到法国。

LI LEI: Why did you move there?
李磊: 为什么搬到那里去?

JIM: Because my father found work in Paris.
吉姆: 因为我父亲在巴黎找到了工作。

LI LEI: When did you come to China?
李磊: 你什么时候来到中国?

JIM: We came here about two years ago.
吉姆: 我们大约两处前来到这儿。

LI LEI: Why did you come here?
李磊: 你为什么来这儿呢?

JIM: Because my father wanted to work in China.
吉姆: 因为我父亲想要在中国工作。

LI LEI: Are you enjoying living here?
李磊: 你喜欢这儿的生活吗?

JIM: Yes, we are. Very much.
吉姆: 是的,我们喜欢。非常喜欢。

Wei Hua's busy day

Wei Hua had a busy day yesterday. She got up before 7 o'clock in the morning, and quickly washed her hands and face. She got to school early. She had a little rest after lunch, but she worked hard in class all day. She played basketball after school, and then walked home.
昨天魏华很忙。 她早上7:00以前起床,快快地洗手洗 脸。她早早来到了学校。午饭后她小休一会儿,但一整天她在课堂上都很用功。放学后她打了篮球,然后步行回家。

Wei Hua's pen was broken, so she needed a new one. On her way home she bought a new pen at a shop. When she reached home, she had a short rest and a glass of water. After that she helped her parents. She quickly cooked the supper, and cl

eaned the house.
魏华的钢笔坏了,所以她需要一支新笔。 回家路上,她在一家商店买了一支新钢笔。到家后她休息了一阵子,喝了一杯水。之后她给父母帮忙。她很快煮好了晚餐,并把房子打扫干净。

She watched TV for half an hour after supper. Then she started her homework. She finished it at half past nine. She went to bed before a quarter to ten.
晚饭后她看了半小时电视。然后她开始做家庭作业。9:30 她完成了作业。她9:45之前上床睡觉。

I asked Wei Hua this question: "Do you enjoy work?" "Yes, I do," she answered. "I like to keep busy!"
我问魏华这样一个问题:"你喜欢劳动吗?" "是的,我喜欢,"她回答,"我喜欢忙个不停!"

Unit 14
A: I think we must buy some meat for supper.
A: 我想我必须买一些晚饭吃的肉。

B: I bought some this morning. It's in the fridge.
B: 我今天早晨买了一些。在冰箱里。

A: Good. But we need some more. Uncle Wang is coming to supper.
A: 好的。但我还要更多点。王伯伯今天来吃晚饭。

B: OK. Let's buy some more this afternoon.
B: 好吧,我们下午再多买点。

A: Where did you put the oranges?
A: 你把橘子放在哪了?

B: I can't remember. Did I put them under the table?
B: 我想不起来了。 放在桌子下面了吗?

A: I can't see them there. Did you buy any this morning?
A: 桌子下面没有。你今天早晨买了吗?

B: Sorry! I think we had them for lunch. We must get some more tomorrow.
B: 对不起!我想我们中午吃掉了。我们明天得再买一些。

(The Turners are going on a train. The conductor is coming round.)

CONDUCTOR: Tickets, please! Tickets, please!
列车员: 请出示车票!请出示车票!

MR. TURNER: Oh, there's the conductor. Do you have your ticket?
特纳先生: 啊,列车员来了。票在你那儿吗?

MRS. TURNER: Yes, it's here, in my bag. What about yours?
特纳夫人: 有,在这儿,在我的提包里。你的票呢?

MR. TURNER: It's er … oh, I can't find it!
特纳先生: 票,嗯……啊,找不到了!

MRS. TURNER: Where did you put it?
特纳夫人: 你把它放哪儿啦?

MR. TURNER: I thought I put it in my coat, but it isn't here!
特纳先生: 我想我把它放在大衣里,可现在不见了!

MRS. TURNER: You'd better find it quickly. Oh, too late.
特纳夫人: 你最好赶快找到它。啊,太迟了。

CONDUCTOR: Tickets, please. May I see your ticket please, madam?
列车员: 请出示车票。夫人,请问我可以看看你的车票吗?

MRS. TURNER: Certainly. Here it is.

CONDUCTOR: Thank you, madam. Now, may I see yours, sir?
列车员: 谢谢,夫人。现在,可以看看你的车票吗


MR. TURNER: I'm sorry, I can't find it. I thought it was in my coat.

CONDUCTOR: Did you buy one, sir?
列车员: 你买了票吗,先生?

MR. TURNER: Oh, yes, I bought one, but I can't find it now.
特纳先生: 噢,是,我买了票的,但现在找不见了!

CONDUCTOR: I hope you can find it. I'm coming back in a minute.
列车员: 我希望你能找到它。我很快就回来。

GIRL: Excuse me. What's that over there?
女孩: 请问,那边是什么东西?

MR. TURNER: Where?
特纳先生: 哪里?

GIRL: There, on the floor. Is it your ticket?
女孩: 那儿,地板上!是你的票吗?

MR. TURNER: Oh, yes. It is mine.
特纳先生: 啊,是的!是我的!

GIRL: Let me pick it up for you.
女孩: 我替你捡起来吧。

MR. TURNER: Thank goodness!
特纳先生: 谢天谢地!

MRS. TURNER: Don't thank goodness! Thank this good girl!
特纳夫人: 不要谢天谢地!要谢这位好姑娘!

CONDUCTOR: Did you find your ticket, sir?
列车员: 你找到你的票了吗,先生?

MR. TURNER: Yes, here it is.
特纳先生: 是的,在这儿。

CONDUCTOR: Where was it?
列车员: 在哪里找到的?

MR. TURNER: I found it on the floor.
特纳先生: 在地板上找到的。

CONDUCTOR: Better late than never.
列车员: 迟一点找到总比找不到好嘛。

MR. TURNER: I'll be more careful next time.
特纳先生: 我下次要更小心一些。

Unit 15
MOTHER: Kate, could you answer the telephone, please? I'm busy.

KATE: OK, Mum. I'll get it.

KATE:Hello.7-5-4-double 6-2.

LI LEI: Oh, hello. Could I speak to Jim, please?

KATE:I'm afraid he's out at the moment. He's at the cinema. Can I take a message?

LI LEI:Yes. Could you ask him to call me, please?

KATE:Sure! What's your name, please?
凯特:当然可以。你叫什么名字 ?

LI LEI: Li Lei.

KATE: How do you spell that, please?

LI LEI:L-I,Li. L-E-I,Lei. My telephone number is 6-7-doulble 8-3-4.
李磊:L-I, 李。L-E-I,磊。我的电话号码是6-7,两个8,3-4。

KATE:6-7-double 8-3-4.Right.

LI LEI:Thanks a lot. Bye.

KATE:It's a pleasure. Bye.

JIM: Hello, everyone!

KATE: Hello, Jim! Did you have a good time at the cinema?


JIM: Yes, thanks.

KATE: Oh, by the way, there was a telephone call for you.

JIM: Who was it?

KATE: I'm afraid I can't remember.

JIM: Was it Su Lin?

KATE: I don't think so. Ah! It was Li Lei.

JIM: Was there a message?

KATE: Yes. He wanted you to ring him.

JIM: I don't know his number. Did you write it down?

KATE: Yes. I wrote it down on a piece of paper. Here it is!

JIM: Thanks.

LI LEI: Hello. 6-7-double 8-3-4-1.
李磊: 喂,这是678834。

JIM: Hello. Is that Li Lei?
吉姆: 喂。你是李雷吗?

LI LEI: Yes, it is. Hi, Jim!
李磊: 是的,我是。你好,吉姆!

JIM: Hi! I'm sorry I was out when you rang.
吉姆: 你好!我很抱歉,你打电话时我出去了。

LI LEI: It doesn't matter! Jim, do you remember we went to work on a farm last October?
李磊: 没关系!吉姆,你还记得我们去年10月份去一个农场劳动的事吗?

JIM: Sure! We picked lots of apples.
吉姆: 当然记得了!我们摘了很多苹果。

LI LEI: That's right! A friend gave me a photo. I wanted to show it to you.
李磊: 对!一位朋友给了我一张照片。我要拿给你看看。

JIM: Great! Could you bring it to school tomorrow?
吉姆: 好极了!你明天能把它带到学校来吗?

LI LEI: Sure. See you tomorrow. Goodbye!
李磊: 当然。明天见。再见!

JIM: Bye!
吉姆: 再见!

Unit 16
A: Oh dear! It's very cold today, isn't it?
A: 天哪,天真冷,不是吗?

B: Yes, it is. You need to wear warmer clothes.
B: 是啊,你应该穿得更暖和些。

A: Oh dear! It's very warm in this clasroom, isn't?
A: 天哪,这屋里真暖和,不是吗?

B: Yes, it is. Why don't you take off your sweater?
B: 是啊,你何不脱了羊毛衫呢?

JIM: Where are you from?
吉姆: 你是哪儿的人?

BRUCE: Can you guess?
布鲁斯: 你能猜出来吗?

JIM: You're from Australia, aren't you?
吉姆: 你是澳大利亚人,对吗?

BRUCE: Yes, I am. How did you guess?
布鲁斯: 是。你怎么猜到的?

JIM: The way you speak! Which part of Australia do you come from?
吉姆: 从你讲话的方式!你从澳大利亚哪个地方来?

BRUCE: Plumtree-that's a small village not far from Sydney. What about you? You're from England, aren't you?
布鲁斯: 普拉姆特里--那是个离悉尼


JIM: That's right.
吉姆: 对。

BRUCE: Which part of England do you come from?
布鲁斯: 你从英国的什么地方来?

JIM: I was born in a town near London. But we live in London now.
吉姆: 我出生于牛津附近的一个小镇。不过我们现在住在伦敦。

WEI FANG: Bruce, when did you come to China?
魏芳: 布鲁斯,你什么时候来到中国?

BRUCE: I came here last month.
布鲁斯: 我上个月到这儿。

WEI FANG: Really? You came at a bad time of year, I'm afraid!
魏芳: 真的?恐怕你来的不是时候。

BRUCE: Why do you say that?
布鲁斯: 你为什么这样说?

WEI FANG: Because it's winter now. The weather here is very cold in winter, isn't it?
魏芳: 因为现在是冬天。这儿的冬天天气非常冷,对吗?

BRUCE: Yes. It's very different from Australia at this time of year.
布鲁斯: 对。这个时节这儿的天气与澳大利亚的大不相同。

WEI FANG: Really? What's the weather like in Australia now?
魏芳: 真的吗?澳大利亚现在天气怎样?

BRUCE: It's very hot. It's summer in Australia now!
布鲁斯: 很热。澳大利亚现在正值夏天!

Look at this letter from Wang Wei to her penfriend in Australia. What did Wang Wei write about in her letter? Answer the questions on page 63 of the workbook.

15 Wensan Road

Hangzhou, 310012

Zhejiang, China

Feburuary 5, 1994

Dear Robert:

I hope you are well. Thank you for your last letter.

You asked me about the weather here in China. There are four seasons in the year here--spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Spring is the best season of the year. The weather gets warmer, and the days get longer. On the farm, everything begins to grow.The trees turn green, and the flowers start to come out.

Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest season. It often rains,sometimes quite heavily. Everything grows very quickly. Young people love this time of year, because it is good for sports. I often go-swimming, sometimes in a lake near my home, and sometimes in the river. I enjoy it very much.

Autumn is a busy season. The days get shorter and the nights get longer. It is harvest time, and all the farmers are very busy. Often, we help them with the harvest. Last year we helped them with the orange-picking.We really enjoyed working on the farm. This year we are going to help them with the rice harvest.

The coldest season of the year is winter. Some people don't like winter, but I quite like it. Sometimes it snows, and the land is all white. Then we go skating. The farmers are all busy, getting ready for the next year.


Wang Wei

Unit 17
A: Look at the rain! It's heavy, isn't it?
A: 瞧这雨!下这么大,是吧?

B: Look at the snow! It's quite light.
B: 瞧这雪!这么小。

A: Look at the sun! It's very bright.
A: 瞧,阳光灿烂!

B: Look at the ice! Be careful! It's thin.
B: 瞧那冰!当心!冰很薄。

A: Look at the snow! It's thick, isn't it?
A: 瞧这雪!雪很厚,是吧?

B: What a strong wind! It's blowing strongly.
B: 好大的风啊!风刮的好大。

(Bruce rings up his father on the telephone.)

FATHER: Hello! Sydney 7654392.

BRUCE: Hello! Dad?

FATHER: On, hello, Bruce! How are you?

BRUCE: Fine, thanks, Dad. What about you?

FATHER: Fine. What's the weather like in Beijing?

BRUCE: Not very good at the moment, I'm afraid. It's quite windy, and there's a lot of snow.

FATHER: Are you doing much sport?

BRUCE: Not at the moment.There's too much ice. But I'm learning to skate. What's the weather like in Australia?

FATHER: Oh, we have beautiful sunshine everyday! It's very warm. Sometimes it's too hot.

Different countries, different weather

In much of China, spring is usually very short. It usually comes in February or March. Summer is often very hot. It lasts from May to July. The hottest month is July. Autumn starts in August, and goes on to October. The weather c

an be quite warm in autumn.Winter lasts from November to January and is very cold. You need to wear lots of warm clothes. The best time to come to China is in spring or autumn. In summer it is often too hot, and in winter it is too cold.

The seasons of the year in England and the USA are nearly the same.But unlike much of China and the USA, the weather in England never gets too hot, or too cold. In England, too, spring is longer.Spring in England can last from late March to May.

The Australian seasons are the opposite: summer is from December to February, and winter is in June, July and August.So when it's spring in China, it is autumn in Australia.
澳大利亚的季节正好相反:夏天从12月到2月,冬天是在6月、7月和8月。 因此,当中国是春天的时候,澳大利亚则是秋天。

Unit 18
ANN: Hello, Bruce. What a beautiful day!
安: 你好,布鲁斯。天气多么好啊!

BRUCE: Yes, it's beautiful, isn't it?
布鲁斯: 是的,今天的天气真好!

ANN: I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.
安: 我希望你能参加我下星期天的聚会。

BRUCE: Party? What party?
布鲁斯: 聚会?什么聚会?

ANN: It's my birthday, and I'm going to have a party. Didn't you know?
安: 我的生日聚会,我计划举办一个聚会。你不知道吗?

BRUCE: No, I didn't.
布鲁斯: 不,我不知道。

ANN: Oh, dear. I forgot to tell you. Would you like to come?
安: 哎唷。我忘了告诉你。你愿意来吗?

BRUCE: Sure. I would love to come. Thanks a lot.
布鲁斯: 当然。我愿意来。非常感谢。

KATE: Hi, Ann!
凯特: 你好,安!

ANN: Hi, Kate.Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?
安: 你好,凯特。星期天是我的生日。你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?

KATE: Oh, thanks very much. I'd love to. What time is it going to start?
凯特: 噢,非常感谢。我当然想去。聚会什么时候开始?

ANN: Half past four. Don't forget to tell Jim. I hope he can come too.
安: 4:30。别忘记告诉吉姆。我希望他也能来。

KATE: OK. I'm sure he would love to come.
凯特: 好的。我相信他会来的。

MRS READ: Hello. 8906214.
里德夫人: 喂,这是890621。


, good evening. May I speak to Ann, please?
吉姆: 噢,晚上好!我想跟安讲话,行吗?

MRS READ: Certainly. One moment, please.
里德夫人: 当然。请稍等

ANN: Hello. Ann here.
安: 喂。我是安。

JIM: Oh, hello, Ann. This is Jim-Jim Green.
吉姆: 噢,你好,安。我是吉姆--吉姆·格林。

ANN: Oh, hi, Jim!
安: 噢,你好,吉姆!

JIM: Ann, thanks a lot for asking me to your party. I'd love to come.
吉姆: 安,非常感谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。我很乐意去。

ANN: Great!
安: 好极了!

JIM: It starts at four thirty, doesn't it?
吉姆: 聚会4:30开始,是吧?

ANN: Yes, that's right.
安: 是,很对。

JIM: OK. But I'm afraid I may be a little late.
吉姆: 好。不过我恐怕会稍晚一点到。

ANN: That's OK. It doesn't matter.
安: 好的。不要紧。

JIM: Right. See you.
吉姆: 好吧。再见。

ANN: See you. Bye.
安: 到时候见。再见。

MRS READ: Hello. 8906214.
里德夫人: 喂,这是890621。

BILL: Oh, hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?
比尔: 噢,喂。请安接电话好吗?

MRS READ: I'm afraid not. She isn't here at the moment. Can I take a message?
里德夫人: 恐怕不行。她这会儿不在。有话要我转告吗?

BILL: Yes, please. This is Bill here. Is that Mrs Read?
比尔: 是的,劳驾了。我是比尔。你是里德夫人吗?

MRS READ: Oh, hello, Bill. Yes, this is Ann's mother.
里德夫人: 噢,你好,比尔。对,我就是安的母亲。

BILL: Thank you very much for asking me to Ann's party on Sunday. I'm very sorry, but I can't come.
比尔: 非常感谢你邀请我参加星期天安的聚会。但很抱歉,我不能来。

MRS READ: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
里德夫人: 噢,真遗憾。

BILL: I'm afraid we're going to be in Shanghai that day. I hope you all have a good time.
比尔: 恐怕到那天我们将在上海了。我祝你们玩得痛快。

MRS READ: Thank you. I'll give her the message.
里德夫人: 谢谢。我会把这个口信转告她的。

BILL: Thank you. Goodbye.
比尔: 谢谢。

MRS READ: Goodbye.

It was half past four. Everything was ready. All the food was on the table. The sandwiches were on the plates, and the candles were on the cake. Ann felt very happy.
4:30, 一切都准备好。食品已全上桌。三明治在碟子里,蜡烛插在蛋糕上。安觉得很愉快。

"We're ready!" she said. "Where is everyone?"

"That's the doorbell," said Ann's mother. "They're here!"

Ann ran to the door, and found Li Lei outside.

"Happy birthday!" he said. "Here's your present."


"Oh, thank you!" said Ann. "Look at the nice paper. Can I open it now, or later?"

"There's no time!" laughed Mother."Here are the twins."

"Happy birthday!" said the twins, and gave her a big red box.

"What's in the box?" Ann thought. Was it some clothes?

But there was no time to think.All her other friends were now outside the door.

"Happy birthday!" they said.

"Thank you, everyone. Please come in," said Ann.

"Is everyone here?" asked Mother.

"No. Where's Jim?" asked Ann.

"I'm here!" said Jim. "And so is Polly!"

"Happy birthday!" said Polly, and gave Ann her present---a red feather.

"Thank you, Polly!" laughed Ann."What a beautiful present! I can wear it in my new hat."

(After the party. Ann feels very happy.)

ANN: What a great party! I really enjoyed it. Thank you, Mum, for my party, and for my beautiful presents!
安: 聚会好极了!我真喜欢。妈,谢谢你为我举办聚会,谢谢你送给我美丽的礼物!

MOTHER: Not at all, dear. It was a pleasure.
母亲: 不必客气,亲爱的。这样我很高兴。

Unit 19
A:What bad weather! I don't like the snow/rain/cold.

B: Yes. It's bad now.

A: Will it last long?

B: No, it won't. I think it'll get better soon.

A: How do you know?

B: The radio says the snow will stop later in the day.
B:无线电广播说 今天晚些时候雪会停的。

The weather will get warmer later.

The sun will come out later.

The rain will stop later on.

The cloud will lift quite quickly.

A: Really? I think I'll go out later, then.

WEI HUA: Hello, Ann!

ANN: Oh, hi, Wei Hua!

WEI HUA: Thanks for the party last Sunday. I enjoye

d it very much.

ANN: Thank you for the beautiful present!

WEI HUA: Not at all. It was a pleasure!

ANN: By the way, where are you going now?

WEI HUA: I'm going to see Uncle Wang. Our TV set was broken last week. He mended it for us. I'm going to get it back.

Ann: May I go with you?

WEI HUA: Why not? His home isn't far from here. Let's go.

UNCLE WANG: Come in and sit down. Wei Hua!

WEI HUA: Thank you!

UNCLE WANG: Oh, who is this?

WEI HUA: This is my friend, Ann. Ann, this is Uncle Wang.

ANN: Hello, Uncle Wang. Nice to meet you.

UNCLE WANG: I know why you came, Wei Hua. You want to get your TV set back, don't you?

WEI HUA: Yes, I do. Is it ready now?

UNCLE WANG: Come and look.

WEI HUA: Oh! It looks much better now.

UNCLE WANG: Don't say that before you look at the picture. Turn it on.

WEI HUA: Oh, look! It's like new again! Thank you very much, Uncle Wang.

UNCLE WANG: It's a pleasure.

A: Are you free tomorrow?

B: Yes, I think so.

A: What shall we do then?

B: I don't know. Let's go for a walk.

A: Good idea! Shall we ask Jim?

B: OK! What time shall we leave?

A: Well, I can't leave before nine. I have a lot of work to do.

B: Don't worry! We won't leave before nine. We'll wait for you outside the school gate!

A Radio Report

Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day. It will be cloudy at times. There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River. The day after tomorrow will be sunny. In the Northeast
