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as many/much as...多达 as long as 只要;和……一样长 as far as 远至,和……一样远
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①Jasper is a great painter.He is
Picas s o .
A.as a great painter as
B.as great painter as
pleased with my progress as she is now.
A .s o
B.s u ch
提示:句意:我很少见到妈妈对于我的进步像现在这么高兴。考查同级比较结构 as...as,在否定意义
句子中,此结构第一个 as 可改为 so。 答案:A
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2.I came across an interesting name story when I visited my cousin in Henan Province.(Page 8) 我 在 看 望 河 南省的 表兄时 听到了 一个关 于人名 的有趣 的故事 。 come across 偶然遇见;穿过;被理解;给人以印象 She came across some old photos in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。
come about 发生 come true 实现,变为现实 come out 出版;被公开 when it comes to 当涉及……时 come up with 想出 come up 升起;被提出
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①(2011 天津,8)She
an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department
being laughed at.
答 案 :① stands for ② stand for
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4.She’s also named after a Sui Dynasty engineer,Li Chun.(Page 8) 她 也 是 以 一 个隋朝 工匠李 春的名 字来命 名的。 name...after 以……的名字给某人/某物命名 This student is named after a purple flower. 这位同学是以一种紫色的花的名字命 名的。 Were they named after anybody in particular? 他们是特地以某人的名字命名的吗? This street was named after a hero in particular. 这条街道是特地以一个英雄的名字命 名的。
I’m not standing for it any longer. 我再也不能容忍这种事了。
stand out 显眼,突出 stand by 支持;袖手旁观
①USA 代表美利坚合众国。
the United States of America.
② 我 不 能 容 忍被嘲 笑。
I can’t
Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Name Stories
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1.This student has parents who wanted their daughter to be as strong as any boy.(Page 8) 这 个 学 生 的 父母希 望他们 的女儿 和任何 男孩一 样强壮 。 as ...as ...和……一样 同级比较结构:as +a d j./a d v.+as ... Her hair is as long as mine.她的头发和我的一样长。 He drove as fast as he could. 他尽可能快地开车。
C.as great a painter as
D.so great a painter as 提示:题干是肯定句,所以用 as...as 表同级比较。as...as 中出现冠词、形容词、名词时,其排列顺序 是 as+adj.+a/an+n.+as。
②I have seldom seen my mother
They came across the street to gHale Waihona Puke Baidueet us. 他们穿过街道来迎接我们。
He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across. 他讲了很久,但没有人真正明白他的 意思。 She came across well in the interview. 她在面试中给人留下了很好的印象。
故选 D 项。
答案:D ②It’s already 10 o’clock.I wonder how it
that she was two hours late on such a short trip.
A.came over
B.came out
C.came about
D.came up
提 示 :第 二 句句 意:我 想知 道,这 么短 的旅程 她怎么 会迟到 了两个 小时。 答案:C ③Most of us know we should cut down on fat,but knowing such things isn’t much help when it
s to re.
A.turned down
B.dealt with
C.took after
D.came across
提示:考查动词短语。turn down“拒绝,把音量等调低”;deal with“对付,处理,涉及”;take after“像, 与……相似”;come across“偶然遇到”。由空后的 an old friend of hers 和 while she was shopping 可 知此处用 came across 表示“偶然遇到”。句意:昨天她在百货商店购物时遇到了她的一个老朋友。
3.The “Chun” part of Li Shichun stands for spring.(Page 8) 李 诗 春 中 的 “春 ”代 表春天 。 stand for 代表;主张;容忍 What does UN stand for? UN 代表什么? We stand for self-reliance. 我们主张自力更生。
shopping and eating.
A.refers to
B.speaks of
C.focuses on
D.comes to
提示:when it comes to 意为“当涉及……时”。refer to “参考,提到”;speak of “说起”;focus on “集中
于”。 答案:D