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Wide sea diving, the das of the birds to fl. Everone

arries a dream of their on. Hoever, hat is the dream? What is dream? Dream is looking forard to, and the dream is strong -

is fleeting dream ou insist on the ideal as their ourage and perseverane, are ou responsible for their on highest level.

But ask ourself, ho man of us to aplish his original dream in mind? Our dream is a simple belief, is a future and life of their on responsibilit. Perhaps, is the Youth grand ambitions; perhaps, is the adolesent onfusion and impulsive; mabe just a plain desire, desire applause, eager for suess. Countless "ma," innumerable "hope" beause of our outhful full of mirales, large and small dreams in our hearts, in ever orner

of life filled ith fragrane. Onl the ideal but no effort is useless. If ou ant to be a teaher, ou should to stud hard. If ou ant to be a plaer, ou should do more exerises. If ou ant

to bee a businessman, he should learn to get along ith people. For example, m ish is to be a famous riter gre up, beause I reall love riting, so from no on, I should read more, more aumulate knoledge, and strive to improve riting level. No pains, no gains, beause m efforts, so m artile as punished in man nespapers , and in man position ontest, I see the suess

I'm happ, so, struggle is the bridge to the ideal. Yes, m dream. to give m famli a arm, give m friend happ. Yes, m dream. The podium from the first station began his love this plae, started from the first published an artile looking forard to the orld of ords, deided to sta here from the beginning, stik to bottom of m heart desire. Years in our faes no matter ho man additional traes, no matter ho muh things to us aross the hest ounds, as long as e have the right to breathe, to have a passion for remodeling dreams! Oxgen to survive as long as e have to have the ourage to reate a passion!




in the ma 12, XX, in the huan enhuan, sine49 than have taken plae in tangshan earthquake also serious natural disasters -

7.8 earthquake. so far, after the disaster, our beloved premier en jiabao personall to the hardest hit earthquake relief mand, to visit people in disaster areas, a sentene of onern ords, the arm fort of a sentene, so immersed in grief of people get a glimmer of onsolation; our beloved the

president hu jintao immediatel deploed to save lives as soon as possible, arrangements for vitims of life. learl, our national leaders for this earthquake ver seriousl. it is not onl national leaders onerned about the disaster, the people of the hole ountr into the earthquake relief in the struggle, all provines have organized a resue team to disaster area transport relief supplies.. e have also ontributions to the shool teahers and students southest drought, our shool teahers and students have also donated ater. silent love, love and are no fore an stop us from the pae of progress, then there is no fore an stop us from the rise of ambition! some of the great vitor of the hinese nation! e on! toda, million-profile orld expo held in shanghai ,shanghai expo is the first prehensive orld expo held in a developing ountr. and it is also the first one that takes “the it” as its theme, hoping that it an push forard the it development and help bring about a better urban living environment, just like the theme: better it, better life. the onvening of the expo onept of environmental protetion and let us kno even more pervasive as the same time teahing and eduating teahers to teah our students is to have onepts, striving to be environmentall friendl small guard。 teahers are human

ultural and sientifi knoledge and soial ethis, ode of ondut
