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试卷类型:A 博伦职校西丽部2012-2013学年第一学期










阅读下列简短对话;从A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案, 将对话补全。

例:M: How is everything going?

W: Fine, thanks. How are you doing?

M: .

A.I’m 16 B.Yes, it is good

C.See you then D.Oh, not too bad


1.W:We bought a new house. It is beautiful and comfortable.

M: ?

W: Well, it’s large with 5 rooms and 4 miles from the city centre.

A.How far is it B.How much is it

C.Will you tell me about it D.How do you like it

2.W: Hello, Kevin, come in. Shall I take your coat?

M: Thank you very much. What a lovely room!

W: .

A.I am glad you like it B.Yes, it is

C.Yes, I like it D.Yes, take a seat please

3.W: Do you drink and smoke?

M: ___________.

W: Well, I advise you to cut both out.

A.Yes, I will B.Yes, I am afraid I do

C.No, I don’t D.No, sometimes

4. W: I am going to hand in my book report for history on Monday. I don’t have much time.

M: ___________?

W: I’ll get zero.

A.What if you hand it in late B.Why not do it in a hurry

C.What will you get D.How much will you get

5.W : Waiter! The food on the menu looks nice.

M : Thanks.

W : Fried fish, fried chicken and orange juice, please.

A.What can I do for you? B.Shall I take your order?

C.At your service. D.Oh, what?



例:We had enough time to do the work.


6.The “Go West” policy has brought about fast growth in Chongq ing’s industries.

A. 制度

B. 政策

C. 改革

D. 举措7.This horse is domestic and it can’t run as fast as that wild one.

A. 野生的

B. 驯养的

C. 健康的

D. 国内的8.People like to compare children to flowers.

A. 看守

B. 对比

C. 比作

D. 赠送9.The principal and his staff are having a meeting on the 16th floor.

A. 全体职工

B. 秘书

C. 行政人员

D. 助手10.I rang you several times but wasn’t able to get through.

A. 穿过

B. 得到

C. 拨通

D. 完成

11.It is forecasted that the housing prices in China will be likely to drop further as a result of the new cooling measures.

A. 观察

B. 预测

C. 认为

D. 报道12.Sometimes I go to work on foot instead of by bus.

A. 重要的

B. 考虑周到的

C. 相当大的

D. 遥远的14.That event came about when we went to France last year.

A. 出版

B. 发生

C. 发行

D. 流行

15.I used to get up early and take an hour’s walk before breakfast.

A. 习惯于

B. 过去常常

C. 经常

D. 用于


例:It me a long time to finish my homework last night.

A.take B.took C.has taken D.had taken 答案是B。

16.Have you heard ______ news? ______ price of petrol is going up again!

A. the; The

B. /; The

C. the; /

D. a; /

17.He was made _____ several part time jobs because of life pressure.

A. to do

B. do

C. doing

D. did

18.The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than ______ in the newspaper.

A. it

B. those

C. that

D. one

19.Do you know the man ______ under the tree?

A. lay

B. lain

C. laying

D. lying

20.The number of the students in our school ______ more than three______.

A. is; thousand

B. are; thousand

C. is; thousands

D. are; thousands 21.Everything was perfect for the picnic ______ the weather.

A. as well as

B. in case of

C. except for

D. instead of 22.The problem was difficult, ______, he worked it out himself.

A. but

B. however

C. so

D. for

23.Send my regards to your parents when you ______ home.

A. got

B. will get

C. have gotten

D. get

24.This is the first English novel ______ I have read this term.

A. which

B. that

C. where

D. what 25.—Peter, I’ll have an English contest tomorrow.
